Super Smash Bros. Brawl


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Universe Clu Clu Land
Appears in SSBB
Item class Throwing/Trapping

An Unira (ウニラ, unira) is an item that appears in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, acting as an item. In Brawl, it appears that when thrown, it can extend its spikes and can be enlarged. It also has a subtle vacuum effect on nearby opponents.


File:Unira Trophy.jpg
The Unira trophy in Brawl

In Clu Clu Land, the Unira hid gold ingots in an underwater maze, then tried to stop Bubbles from getting them. In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, you can attack an Unira to send it bouncing away. Any fighter it hits will go sprawling. If it hits a wall, it'll bounce back, and if you hit it with a powerful attack, it will transfer the attack to whomever it hits and launch them.



  • In Brawl when a player makes a triangle out of 2 45o soft platform (side by side making a small triangle) and 2 platforms that holds the triangle (they can be any platform as long they're straight) and if a Unira is placed inside, the opponent will begin to shake when above the triangle, even when he/she is sleeping. This is caused by Unira's vacuum move the opposing player left, then right, then left, and so on, in a rapid-like motion. Look at the picture below. You'll see how this Urina thingy works.
How it works

External links
