Forum:Your Control Preference?
So, I know that most veterans will probably use a gamecube controller, but i'm still curious about what you guys use. Just post your controller and any alterations to the default controls. Mine is the Wiichuk with D-Pad set to smashes and the 1 button set to grabs. T.testLP! The Page|The Communicator|The...WhateverGanondorf da bess! 09:32, 2 December 2010 (EST)
I use the old GCN controller with the DACUS setup; tap jump off and L set to attack. Omega Tyrant 09:53, 2 December 2010 (EST)
Regular old GCN setting.--MegaTron1XD 10:02, 2 December 2010 (EST)
Gamecube control,tap jump on and X set to guard and Y set to grab,i only jump with tap jump,makes it difficult to short hop but id rather have an easier time grabing and guarding than being able to short hop,since grabing is one of the most essential parts of an offensive fighting style with pretty much every non tether grab characters for me,and its just easier to guard on reaction with X,i really just hate all the buttons on the top of the gamecube controll,theyre all too clunky and just feel strange to meGig (talk) 12:46, 2 December 2010 (EST)
I prefer the Wiichuk due to my GCN controller messing up all the time (since when does "up b" do "down air fast fall" at complete random times?), with the up and down arrow keys set to their respective smash attacks, left/right for grabbing, no tap jumping. havoC-- 15:33, 2 December 2010 (EST)