Co-Op Event 5: The Yoshi Team of 50

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Co-op Event (SSBB) Event 5
Yoshi Squad 50
Character(s) used The Player Characters are: Meta-Knight and Pit
Opponent(s) a Series of Yoshi with low difficulty intelligence, and extremely light bodies
Stage(s) Rainbow Cruise
Music {{{music}}}


In this Co-op event in Super Smash Bros. Brawl two-players controlling Meta-Knight and Pit must dispatch 50 easily KO'd Yoshi before one 'lap' of Rainbow Cruise is complete.


On the easy and medium levels of difficulty, the event is not all that difficult. However, when playing on hard the two players have exactly two minutes, twelve seconds, and twenty-five milliseconds to defeat the Yoshi squad, and thus, in order to do so, a systematic approach is required. Meta Knight should theoretically act as the offensive arm during the boat phase, for example, as standing at the peak of the crow's nest whilst continually engaging his Up+A upward single sword stab will allow the duo to quickly dispatch the first 16 Yoshi. After this stage, things become more difficult, as Yoshi seemingly spawn randomly throughout, and obstacles can get in the way of the players' attempts to KO them quickly. In all, the event at the hardest difficulty requires a good deal of memorization and a sytematic understanding of when and where the Yoshi will spawn-- though their spawns admittedly appear to be somewhat random in the second 'flying carpet' section of the scenario.

Item Use Strategies

Generally, the use of items is subjective in this scenario. Due to the upward moving level, on the hard difficulty, the use of any hammers or other items that hinder jumping capabilities is inadvisable. That said, the strategic use of a well placed Pokeball is invaluable, and, in the later stages of the lap, the cracker launcher can be incredibly useful. These two items, along with many others, however, can hinder the quick KO'ing of the Yoshi team as well. The emergence of a firebreathing Pokemon, the use of a B-bomb, and the appearance of Ressetti, Devil, or the Nintendog from the Assist Trophy item only serve to make one's efforts all the more difficult. In conclusion, although they can be helpful, items should be used, at most, extremely sparingly with a strategic plan in mind, as the random nature of many items may only result in the defeat of the players if they are used carelessly.