Diddy Kong (SSBB)

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This article is about Diddy Kong's appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. For other uses, see Diddy Kong.
Diddy Kong
Diddy Kong
Universe Donkey Kong
Appears in SSBB
Availability Starter

Diddy Kong (ディディーコング, Dīdī Kongu) is a character for Super Smash Bros. Brawl. He is armed with the Peanut Popgun and Rocketbarrel Boost from Donkey Kong 64.

Pros and Cons


  • Good speed.
  • Many quick attacks with a fair bit of power
  • Very solid Down-Air Spike.
  • Two kinds of projectiles.
  • Banana Peels limit opponent's maneuverability and provide a great Glide Toss option.
  • Can string together combos well.
  • Can Wall cling.
  • Can Crawl.
  • Good aerial game.
  • If used before his second jump, his Side Special Move can be preceded by his second jump and allow him to use his Up Special Move. This works somewhat as a "fourth jump".
  • When Rocketbarrel Boost is fully charged, it covers a great distance.
  • Strong Dash attack canceling with Up-smash.
  • Peanut Popgun goes very fast and far when sufficiently charged.
  • Rocketbarrel Boost has spike potential when opponent is located at the bottom of the barrels.
  • Can Diddycide.
  • Along with powerful throws, his grab range is great for a small target.
  • Has nearly no lag after dash attack.
  • Glide tossing offer great option like down smash and forward smash while the opponents is stunned by the banana
  • Changes direction quite fast.


  • Easily knocked around.
  • Bad air speed
  • Peanut Popgun peanuts are weak, may arc straight over opponents and is slow if not charged.
  • Opponents can catch flying peanuts from Peanut Popgun and can use them against Diddy as items.
  • If hit during his Rocketbarrel Boost recovery, he is incapable of using it again immediately.
  • Over-reliant on spikes to gain early kills.
  • His bananas can be used against him.
  • If Rocketbarrel Boost hits a wall or ceiling the Rocketbarrels explode which causes Diddy to bounce off the object, deals 5% damage to him and puts him in the helpless state.
  • Peanut Popgun can cause recoil if held too long.
  • Charging for maximum height of Rocketbarrel Boost will lose vertical height and get yourself KO'd if make it to blast line while charging.

Standard Moveset

Ground Attacks


  • Neutral Attack - Slaps twice, then turns around. Lifts a foot and repeatedly hits spins his tail for damage.
  • Dash Attack - Does a cartwheel spin, resembling the one from the Donkey Kong Country games.
  • Strong Side- Places both arms together above his head. Stands on one foot, leaning to the side and punching with both fists together above his head.
  • Strong Down- While crouching, slaps forward. His hand appears to grow for the duration of this attack. Appears to have a set knockback.
  • Strong Up - Sticks one hand above his head and hops a little. Quick, and a good combo starter.


  • Side Smash - Spins, slapping forward twice, the first hit just leaving them there and the second hit having large knockback.
  • Up Smash - Hops a little and does a sort of cartwheel, hitting three to four times.
  • Down Smash - Breakdancing sweep kick, similar to Mario's


  • Ledge Attack -
  • 100% Ledge Attack -
  • Floor Attack -

Aerial Attacks

  • Neutral Aerial - Sticks out hands and feet and spins, similar to Kirby, but slower-spinning. Appears to hit only once, and with a decent amount of knockback, making this a sex-kick like move. The sex-kick deals no less damage or knockback.
  • Forward Aerial - Kicks both feet forward, similar to Mario's back Aerial. Good knockback. 14% damage.
  • Back Aerial - Sticks leg out and spins it behind him. Similar to Samus's back Aerial, but with less knockback. 9% damage.
  • Up Aerial - Overhead Flip Kick. Decent knockback, fairly fast.
  • Down Aerial - Punches both arms down, spiking.

Grabs & Throws

  • Pummel - Headbutts them, angled from the side of his body.
  • Forward Throw - Tosses opponent forward.
  • Back Throw - Tosses opponent backward.
  • Up Throw - Throws opponent up and kicks them.
  • Down Throw - Performs a leap-frog-like maneuver and throws the opponent underneath him. Has fairly powerful backwards knockback.

Special Moves


Strategies & Tips

  • Diddy Kong is very good at racking up damage on an opponent. He doesn't have many moves that can KO at low percents except for his spikes, so it is important to learn how to combo well to build up damage so not having to rely on spikes for KOs.
  • Monkey Flip is a very useful move when approaching. The ability to grab or attack with this move opens up considerable possibilities when approaching an opponent who is either attacking or defending. The kick of the move also has incredible priority and can negate almost any projectile attack without Diddy losing his momentum.
  • Rocketbarrel Boost should not be underestimated as an attacking option. It can follow up any attack of Diddy Kong's that has vertical knockback, and has enough knockback to knock most opponents away far enough to avoid having your helpless state abused. If Diddy is hit after executing the attack, the barrels will still rocket away and, if they hit, are an incredibly powerful attack.
  • Banana Peels should be used cautiously. Though they can help severely limit opponent's movements, opponents can also pick up the bananas and use them back, severely limiting the player's movements.
  • It is important to learn to use the Peanut Popgun against recovering opponents. The peanuts can severely limit an opponent's recovery options if aimed well. This is most noticeable against Pit, who will not be able to recover anymore if successfully hit during Wings of Icarus, but this can also push other opponents out of the range of their recovery move if the shots are well aimed.
  • Good use of his low lag after his dash attack should be made- performing a dash attack, then an up-smash for a easy guaranteed combo at low percentage is a useful starting combo.
  • Diddy's Peanut Popgun reaches it's maximum power and speed at about the same time as Diddy puts his hand on his head to steady his hat. Use this as a guide to know when to release the Special Button.

Role in the Subspace Emissary

When Donkey Kong has three Bullet Bills fired at him by the vehicle escaping with his banana horde, Diddy Kong leaps from behind Donkey Kong and unleashes his Peanut Popguns onto the Bullet Bills, destroying them. He then joins Donkey Kong in pursuit of their stolen bananas. At one point, after getting their bananas, they encounter Bowser, who aims the Dark Cannon at the two. Donkey Kong, realizing what is about to happen, then Giant punches Diddy Kong, sending him flying away as Donkey Kong is shot and captured. [1]

Later, Diddy Kong comes out of the forest to a lake. When he gets to the lake where a crashed Arwing is seen, Rayquaza comes out of the water and grabs Diddy Kong. Then Fox jumps out of the Arwing which is now on fire due to an attack from Rayquaza. He uses his Fox Illusion and his Reflector to send Rayquaza back into the lake and save Diddy Kong. Fox then makes a hand signal for Diddy to come with him to fight Rayquaza until it faints.

Later, Diddy gets hit by Bowser's Dark Cannon and is cloned by Shadowbugs, Falco though arrives just in time and destroys the Dark Cannon, Bowser gets away in his Koopa Clown Car while the Shadowbug Diddy grows twice it's normal size. Fox revives Diddy who is shocked at what has happened. Diddy Kong and the two Star Fox pilots then fight the Giant Shadowbug Diddy Kong Clone. After the fight, Falco joins Diddy and Fox as they continue through the jungle. Eventually they see Donkey Kong's trophy on a ship in chains. Diddy is mad at this as he, Fox and Falco board the Great Fox.

Later, Diddy meets up with Captain Falcon and Olimar who rescue Donkey Kong from his trophy form. Diddy Kong is ejected out of Falco's Arwing and shoots peanuts at the Primids on the skiff. He lands on the skiff while Captain Falcon and Olimar jump to the little chimp. Diddy Kong, Donkey Kong, and both Captains then fight a horde of Primids on the little platform. After they have defeated them, Diddy and Donkey Kong do a little dance as Falcon and Olimar watch. As Falco gives a thumbs-up to Diddy, he makes a "thank-you" screech. They four then head into the Subspace Bomb Factory.

Diddy Kong tries to stop the R.O.Bs that set off Subspace Bombs. Captain Falcon calls his Falcon Flyer to escape the doomed factory. They all pile into the ship while Meta Ridley appears. Diddy can be chosen to fight this boss. After Meta Ridley is defeated, Diddy helps the heroes as the continue their journey into Subspace.

At the entrance to Subspace all the characters (except Wario, Dedede, Luigi, Ness, Ganondorf, Wolf, Toon Link, Jigglypuff, and Sonic) are all preparing to invade the subspace. After Ganondorf is defeated by Tabuu, Diddy and the rest of the heroes catch a glimpse of the evil power among them. In a single blow Tabuu captures all of the characters and turned them into trophies. He is later revived by Kirby, Ness, King Dedede and Luigi and joins them to defeat Tabuu.


  • When playing as Diddy Kong on light mode, charging his Rocketbarrel Boost in the air causes him to float up, as if the gravity was reversed.

Special Movements


Up: Throws his hat into the air and catches it on his head.

Side: Makes an odd martial arts pose and screeches threateningly.

Down: Dances and claps his hands above his head.

On-Screen Appearance

Breaks out of a DK barrel.

Victory Pose

Victory Theme: Donkey Kong Country Theme

  • Shoots the air with his Peanut Popguns
  • Spins with his Rocket Barrels then faces the screen, dancing with hands on his head and chin
  • Does a small dance, then holds still in a breakdance-like pose, clapping his feet together

Wii Remote Choice

A sound like the Peanut Popgun shooting is heard, and Diddy makes a monkey noise.

Credits Music

  • King K. Rool / Ship Deck 2

External Links