Super Smash Bros. 4

Alternate costume (SSB4)/Mii Fighter

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This article is about the Mii Fighters' alternate costumes in Super Smash Bros. 4. For other characters' alternate costumes in Super Smash Bros. 4, see Alternate costume (SSB4).

The Mii Fighters' various costume options are distinct from how other characters' alternate costumes work.


Many of the hats that were in the original game were based off of hats present in the Streetpass Mii Plaza.

Image Name Series Availability Note
1-UpMushroomHat.jpg 1-Up Mushroom Hat Mario (universe)Mario Resembles a 1-Up Mushroom, an item from the Super Mario series.
AkiraWig.jpg Akira Wig SpecialStagesSymbol.svgVirtua Fighter DLC Resembles the hairstyle of Akira, mascot of the Virtua Fighter series, as it appeared in the original Virtua Fighter.
AshleyHat.jpg Ashley Hat Wario (universe)Wario DLC Resembles the hairstyle of Ashley, a character from the WarioWare series.
BarbaraTheBatWig.jpg Barbara the Bat Wig SpecialStagesSymbol.svgJam with the Band Resembles the head of Barbara the Bat, mascot of the Jam With the Band series.
BearHat.jpg Bear Hat StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza
BearHat2.jpg Bear Hat Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. DLC
BeehiveWig.jpg Beehive Wig StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza
BionicHelmet.jpg Bionic Helmet Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. DLC
BlackKnightHelm.jpg Black Knight Helm Fire Emblem (universe)Fire Emblem DLC Resembles the helmet of the Black Knight, a character from the Fire Emblem series.
CaptainFalconHelmet.jpg Captain Falcon Helmet F-Zero (universe)F-Zero Challenge reward or DLC Resembles the helmet of Captain Falcon, mascot of the F-Zero series.
CatEars.jpg Cat Ears StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza Default
CatHat.jpg Cat Hat Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. DLC Resembles a tabby cat for males and a calico for females.
ChefHat.jpg Chef Hat StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza
ChickenHat.jpg Chicken Hat StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza
ChocoboHat.jpg Chocobo Hat Final Fantasy (universe)Final Fantasy DLC Resembles a Chocobo, a species from the Final Fantasy series, specifically the one from the Chocobo series of spin-offs.
ChompHat.jpg Chomp Hat Mario (universe)Mario Challenge reward Resembles a Chain Chomp, an enemy from the Super Mario series.
ChromWig.jpg Chrom Wig Fire Emblem (universe)Fire Emblem DLC Resembles the hairstyle of Chrom, a main character in the Fire Emblem series.
CowboyHat.jpg Cowboy Hat Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. Default
CowSkullHat.jpg Cow Skull Hat NTSC
Bovine Skull Hat PAL
StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza
Daisy'sCrown.jpg Daisy's Crown Mario (universe)Mario Resembles the hairstyle and crown of Princess Daisy, a character from the Super Mario series.
DevilHorns.jpg Devil Horns StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza Default
DogEars.jpg Dog Ears StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza
DragonHelmet.jpg Dragon Helmet Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros.
DunbanWig.jpg Dunban Wig Xenoblade Chronicles (universe)Xenoblade Chronicles DLC Resembles the hairstyle of Dunban, a character from the Xenoblade series.
FancyPirateHat.jpg Fancy Pirate Hat Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros.
FloralHat.jpg Floral Hat StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza
FlyingManHat.jpg Flying Man Hat EarthBound (universe)EarthBound DLC Resembles the head of the Flying Men, characters from the EarthBound series.
FootballHelmet.jpg Football Helmet StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza Challenge reward
FoxHat.jpg Fox Hat Star Fox (universe)Star Fox DLC Resembles the head and headpiece of Fox, a main character in the Star Fox series.
FrogHat.jpg Frog Hat StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza
GenoHat.jpg Geno Hat Mario (universe)Mario DLC Resembles the hat of Geno, a character from Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.
Gil'sHelmet.jpg Gil's Helmet SpecialStagesSymbol.svgBabylonian Castle Saga DLC Resembles the helmet of Gil, a main character in the The Tower of Druaga series.
HeihachiWig.jpg Heihachi Wig SpecialStagesSymbol.svgTekken DLC Resembles the hairstyle of Heihachi, the antagonist from the Tekken series.
Hibiscus.jpg Hibiscus StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza Default
HockeyMask.jpg Hockey Mask StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza
Hunter'sHelm.jpg Hunter's Helm SpecialStagesSymbol.svgMonster Hunter DLC Resembles the helmet of the Hunter's Blademaster Armor from the Monster Hunter series.
InklingSquidHat.jpg Inkling Squid Hat Splatoon (universe)Splatoon DLC Resembles a green Inkling, from the Splatoon series, in squid form. This is also the color of the original Squid amiibo.
InklingWig.jpg Inkling Wig Splatoon (universe)Splatoon DLC Resembles the male and female hairstyles, depending on the gender of the Mii, from the original Splatoon. The colors used are the ones that were used in most promotional material for Splatoon.
IsabelleHat.jpg Isabelle Hat Animal Crossing (universe)Animal Crossing DLC Resembles the head of Isabelle, a character from the Animal Crossing series.
JackyWig.jpg Jacky Wig SpecialStagesSymbol.svgVirtua Fighter DLC Resembles the hairstyle of Jacky, a recurring character in the Virtua Fighter series.
K.K.SliderHat.jpg K.K. Slider Hat Animal Crossing (universe)Animal Crossing DLC[1] Resembles the head of K.K. Slider, a character from the Animal Crossing series.
KingK.RoolHat.jpg King K. Rool Hat Donkey Kong (universe)Donkey Kong DLC Resembles the head of King K. Rool, an antagonist from the Donkey Kong series.
KnucklesHat.jpg Knuckles Hat Sonic the Hedgehog (universe)Sonic DLC Resembles the head of Knuckles, a character from the Sonic series.
LacyHeadband.jpg Lacy Headband StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza
LinkCap.jpg Link Cap The Legend of Zelda (universe)The Legend of Zelda DLC Resembles the hairstyle of Link, the main character in The Legend of Zelda series, and his traditional green cap.
LionHat.jpg Lion Hat StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza Challenge reward
LloydWig.jpg Lloyd Wig SpecialStagesSymbol.svgTales DLC Resembles the hairstyle of Lloyd, a character from the Tales series.
Luigi'sCap.jpg Luigi's Cap Mario (universe)Mario Challenge reward Resembles the cap of Luigi, a main character in the Super Mario series.
MagicHat.jpg Magic Hat StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza
Majora'sMask.jpg Majora's Mask The Legend of Zelda (universe)The Legend of Zelda DLC Resembles Majora's Mask, an item from The Legend of Zelda series.
Mario'sCap.jpg Mario's Cap Mario (universe)Mario Resembles the cap of Mario, the main character in the Super Mario series.
MasterGardener'sCrown.jpg Master Gardener's Crown StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza Resembles the crown one receives after becoming a Master Gardener in Flower Town, a mini-game in the Streetpass Mii Plaza.
MegaMan.EXE'sHelmet.jpg MegaMan.EXE's Helmet Mega Man (universe)Mega Man DLC Resembles the helmet of MegaMan.EXE, the main character of the Mega Man Battle Network sub-series, which is part of the entire Mega Man series.
MetaKnightMask.jpg Meta Knight Mask Kirby (universe)Kirby Resembles the mask of Meta Knight, a main character in the Kirby series.
MiiForceHelmet.jpg Mii Force Helmet StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza Resembles the helmet worn by the player Mii as the main character of Mii Force, a mini-game in the Streetpass Mii Plaza.
MiniTopHat.jpg Mini Top Hat Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros.
MonkeyHat.jpg Monkey Hat Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. DLC
NinjaHeadband.jpg Ninja Headband Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. Default
PandaHat.jpg Panda Hat StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza
Peach'sCrown.jpg Peach's Crown Mario (universe)Mario Resembles the hairstyle and crown of Princess Peach, a main character in the Super Mario series.
PirateHat.jpg Pirate Hat Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros.
Prince'sCrown.jpg Prince's Crown StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza Challenge reward
Princess'sCrown.jpg Princess's Crown StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza Challenge reward
PrincessZeldaWig.jpg Princess Zelda Wig The Legend of Zelda (universe)The Legend of Zelda Challenge reward Resembles the hairstyle and headpiece of Princess Zelda, a main character in The Legend of Zelda series, as she appeared in Twilight Princess.
ProtoMan'sHelmet.jpg Proto Man's Helmet Mega Man (universe)Mega Man DLC Resembles the helmet of Proto Man, a character from the Mega Man series.
RathalosHelm.jpg Rathalos Helm SpecialStagesSymbol.svgMonster Hunter DLC Resembles the helmet of the Rathalos Blademaster Armor from the Monster Hunter series.
RedRibbon.jpg Red Ribbon StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza
RedShellHat.jpg Red Shell Hat Mario (universe)Mario Resembles the shell of a red Koopa Troopa, a main enemy from the Super Mario series.
RegalCrown.jpg Regal Crown StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza Challenge reward
SamuraiHelmet.jpg Samurai Helmet Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros.
Samus'sHelmet.jpg Samus's Helmet Metroid (universe)Metroid Challenge reward or DLC Resembles the helmet of the Varia Suit, worn by Samus in the Metroid series.
SantaHat.jpg Santa Hat StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza
SheikMask.jpg Sheik Mask The Legend of Zelda (universe)The Legend of Zelda Resembles the hairstyle and wrapping of Sheik, a character from The Legend of Zelda series, as she appeared in Twilight Princess.
ShyGuyMask.jpg Shy Guy Mask Mario (universe)Mario Resembles the cap and mask of a Shy Guy, an enemy from the Super Mario series.
SpartanHelmet.jpg Spartan Helmet StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza Challenge reward
SpinyHat.jpg Spiny Hat Mario (universe)Mario Challenge reward Resembles the shell of a Spiny, an enemy from the Super Mario series.
StrawHat.jpg Straw Hat Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. Default
SuperMushroomHat.jpg Super Mushroom Hat Mario (universe)Mario Challenge reward Resembles a Super Mushroom, an item from the Super Mario series.
SwimmingCap.jpg Swimming Cap StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza
TailsHat.jpg Tails Hat Sonic the Hedgehog (universe)Sonic DLC Resemble the head of Tails, a character from the Sonic series.
TakamaruWig.jpg Takamaru Wig SpecialStagesSymbol.svgThe Mysterious Murasame Castle DLC Resembles the hairstyle of Takamaru, protagonist of The Mysterious Murasame Castle.
ToadHat.jpg Toad Hat Mario (universe)Mario DLC Resembles the head of a Toad, a main character in the Super Mario series.
TopHat.jpg Top Hat StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza Challenge reward
ViridiWig.jpg Viridi Wig Kid Icarus (universe)Kid Icarus DLC Resembles the hairstyle of Viridi, a character from the Kid Icarus series.
Waluigi'sCap.jpg Waluigi's Cap Mario (universe)Mario Resembles the cap of Waluigi, a character from the Super Mario series.
Wario'sCap.jpg Wario's Cap Wario (universe)Wario Resembles the cap of Wario, as he appears within the Super Mario series.
WeddingVeil.jpg Wedding Veil StreetPass Mii Plaza (universe)StreetPass Mii Plaza
WesternHat.jpg Western Hat NTSC
Wild West Hat PAL
Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. Default
X'sHelmet.jpg X's Helmet Mega Man (universe)Mega Man DLC Resembles the helmet of X, protagonist of the Mega Man X sub-series, which is a part of the entire Mega Man series.
Zero'sHelmet.jpg Zero's Helmet Mega Man (universe)Mega Man DLC Resembles the hairstyle and helmet of Zero, protagonist of the Mega Man X sub-series, which are part of the entire Mega Man series.
  1. ^ This costume was available for free as part of a promotion with 7-Eleven from June 19, 2015 to July 11, 2015. It was released for free worldwide on July 31, 2015.


Mii Brawler Costumes

Image Name Series Availability Note
AkiraOutfit.jpg[1] Akira Outfit SpecialStagesSymbol.svgVirtua Fighter DLC Resembles the outfit of Akira, the mascot of the Virtua Fighter series, as it appeared in the original Virtua Fighter.
BikerGear.jpg[2] Biker Gear Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros.
BionicArmor.jpg Bionic Armor Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. DLC
BusinessSuitBrawler.jpg[2] Business Suit Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. DLC
CaptainFalcon'sOutfit.jpg Captain Falcon's Outfit F-Zero (universe)F-Zero DLC Resembles the outfit worn by Captain Falcon, the mascot of the F-Zero series.
CatSuit.jpg Cat Suit Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. DLC Resembles a tabby cat for males and a calico cat for females.
FighterUniform.jpg[2] Fighter Uniform Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros.
FlyingManOutfit.jpg Flying Man Outfit EarthBound (universe)EarthBound DLC Resembles the Flying Men, characters from the EarthBound series.
HeihachiOutfit.jpg[1] Heihachi Outfit SpecialStagesSymbol.svgTekken DLC Resembles the outfit worn by Heihachi, an antagonist of the Tekken series.
HoodieBrawler.jpg Hoodie Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. DLC
JackyOutfit.jpg[1] Jacky Outfit SpecialStagesSymbol.svgVirtua Fighter DLC Resembles the outfit worn by Jacky, a character from the Virtua Fighter series.
KingK.RoolOutfit.jpg King K. Rool Outfit Donkey Kong (universe)Donkey Kong DLC Resembles King K. Rool, an antagonist from the Donkey Kong series.
KnucklesOutfit.jpg Knuckles Outfit Sonic the Hedgehog (universe)Sonic DLC Resembles Knuckles, a character from the Sonic series.
MechaSuit.jpg[2] Mecha Suit Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros.
ProtectiveGear.jpg[2] Protective Gear Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. Challenge reward
SSBT-shirtBrawler.jpg SSB T-shirt Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. DLC
StandardOutfitBrawler.jpg[2] Standard Outfit Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. Default
ToadOutfit.jpg[1][2] Toad Outfit Mario (universe)Mario DLC Resembles the outfit worn by Toads, a species of character from the Super Mario series.
Tracksuit.jpg[2] TrackSuit Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. Default
VampireGarb.jpg[2] Vampire Garb NTSC
Vampire Outfit PAL
Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. Default
  1. ^ a b c d These costumes change their skin tone to match that of the base Mii.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i These costumes change parts of the outfit to match the favorite color of the base Mii.

Mii Swordfighter Costumes

Image Name Series Availability Note
AshleyOutfit.jpg Ashley Outfit Wario (universe)Wario DLC Resembles the outfit worn by Ashley, a character from the WarioWare series.
BlackKnight'sArmor.jpg Black Knight's Armor Fire Emblem (universe)Fire Emblem DLC Resembles the armor worn by the Black Knight, an antagonist from the Fire Emblem series.
BusinessSuitSwordfighter.jpg[1] Business Suit Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. DLC
CyberneticSuit.jpg[1] Cybernetic Suit Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. Default
ChromOutfit.jpg[2] Chrom Outfit Fire Emblem (universe)Fire Emblem DLC Resembles the outfit worn by Chrom, a character from the Fire Emblem series.
DunbanOutfit.jpg[2] Dunban Outfit Xenoblade Chronicles (universe)Xenoblade Chronicles DLC Resembles the outfit worn by Dunban, a character from the Xenoblade series.
Gil'sArmor.jpg Gil's Armor SpecialStagesSymbol.svgBabylonian Castle Saga DLC Resembles the armor worn by Gil, a main character in The Tower of Druaga series.
HoodieSwordfighter.jpg Hoodie Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. DLC
Hunter'sMail.jpg[2] Hunter's Mail SpecialStagesSymbol.svgMonster Hunter DLC Resembles the Hunter's Blademaster Armor and the Hunter's Knife shield and sword set from the Monster Hunter series.
LinkOutfit.jpg[2] Link Outfit The Legend of Zelda (universe)The Legend of Zelda DLC Resembles the classic green outfit worn by Link, the main character of The Legend of Zelda series.
LloydOutfit.jpg Lloyd Outfit SpecialStagesSymbol.svgTales DLC Resembles the outfit worn by Lloyd, a character from the Tales series.
MonkeySuit.jpg Monkey Suit Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. DLC
NeonSuit.jpg[1] Neon Suit Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros.
NinjaSuit.jpg[1] Ninja Suit NTSC
Ninja Outfit PAL
Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. Default
PirateOutfit.jpg[1] Pirate Outfit Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros.
PlateArmor.jpg[1] Plate Armor Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. Challenge reward
RathalosMail.jpg[2] Rathalos Mail SpecialStagesSymbol.svgMonster Hunter DLC Resembles the Rathalos Blademaster Armor and the Blazing Falchion shield and sword set from the Monster Hunter series.
SamuraiArmor.jpg[1] Samurai Armor Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros.
SSBT-shirtSwordfighter.jpg SSB T-shirt Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. DLC
StandardOutfitSwordfighter.jpg[1] Standard Outfit Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. Default
TakamaruOutfit.jpg[2] Takamaru Outfit SpecialStagesSymbol.svgThe Mysterious Murasame Castle DLC Resembles the outfit worn by Takamaru, protagonist of The Mysterious Murasame Castle.
ViridiOutfit.jpg[2] Viridi Outfit Kid Icarus (universe)Kid Icarus DLC Resembles the outfit worn by Viridi, a character from the Kid Icarus series.
Zero'sArmor.jpg Zero's Armor Mega Man (universe)Mega Man DLC Resembles the armor worn by Zero, protagonist of the Mega Man X sub-series, which are part of the entire Mega Man series.
  1. ^ a b c d e f g h These costumes change parts of the outfit to match the favorite color of the base Mii.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g These costumes change their skin tone to match that of the base Mii.

Mii Gunner Costumes

Image Name Series Availability Note
BearSuit.jpg Bear Suit Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. DLC
BusinessSuitGunner.jpg[1] Business Suit Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. DLC
DragonArmor.jpg[1] Dragon Armor Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros.
FancySuit.jpg[1] Fancy Suit Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros.
FoxOutfit.jpg Fox Outfit Star Fox (universe)Star Fox DLC Resembles the outfit worn by Fox, the main character in the Star Fox series.
GenoOutfit.jpg Geno Outfit Mario (universe)Mario DLC Resembles the outfit worn by Geno, a character from Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.
High-TechArmor.jpg[1] High-Tech Armor Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. Default
HoodieGunner.jpg Hoodie Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. DLC
InklingOutfit.jpg[2] Inkling Outfit Splatoon (universe)Splatoon DLC Resembles a Zink Layered LS and some Purple Hi-Horses for males and a White Tee and some Pink Trainers for females. All four clothing items appear as gear in the Splatoon series. Additionally, the arm cannon looks like a Splattershot.
IsabelleOutfit.jpg Isabelle Outfit Animal Crossing (universe)Animal Crossing DLC Resembles the spring outfit worn by Isabelle, a character in the Animal Crossing series. Additionally, the arm cannon looks like a party popper.
K.K.SliderOutfit.jpg K.K. Slider Outfit Animal Crossing (universe)Animal Crossing DLC[3] Resembles K.K. Slider, a character from Animal Crossing.
MageRobe.jpg[1] Mage Robe Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros.
MegaMan.EXE'sArmor.jpg MegaMan.EXE's Armor Mega Man (universe)Mega Man DLC Resembles the armor worn by MegaMan.EXE, the main character of the Mega Man Battle Network sub-series, which is part of the entire Mega Man series.
ProtoMan'sArmor.jpg Proto Man's Armor Mega Man (universe)Mega Man DLC Resembles the armor worn by Proto Man, a character from the Mega Man series.
Samus'sArmor.jpg Samus's Armor Metroid (universe)Metroid DLC Resembles the Varia Suit worn by Samus, the main character of the Metroid series.
SSBT-shirtGunner.jpg SSB T-shirt Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. DLC
StandardOutfitGunner.jpg[1] Standard Outfit Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. Default
SteampunkGetup.jpg[1] Steampunk Getup Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. Challenge reward
TailsOutfit.jpg Tails Outfit Sonic the Hedgehog (universe)Sonic DLC Resembles Tails, a character from the Sonic series.
WildWestWear.jpg[1] Wild West Wear NTSC
Wild West Outfit PAL
Super Smash Bros. (universe)Super Smash Bros. Default
X'sArmor.jpg X's Armor Mega Man (universe)Mega Man DLC Resembles the armor worn by X, protagonist of the Mega Man X sub-series, which is a part of the entire Mega Man series.
  1. ^ a b c d e f g h These costumes change parts of the outfit to match the favorite color of the base Mii.
  2. ^ These costumes change their skin tone to match that of the base Mii.
  3. ^ This costume was available for free as part of a promotion with 7-Eleven from June 19, 2015 to July 11, 2015. It was released for free worldwide on July 31, 2015.

DLC Shop Info

Individual Costumes

All Mii Fighter Costumes are $0.75 when bought for a single device, and $1.15 when bought in the bundle of both 3DS and Wii U. The exceptions to this are the K.K. Slider Set, which is available to download for free, and the Inkling Set and Inkling Squid Hat, as both were previously available for free to those who pre-ordered or purchased Splatoon at GameStop between May 8 and June 13, 2015.

Image Name Official Description Outfit Type Included Headgear Included Outfit Release Date
DLC Costume X's Armour.jpg X Set An outfit for Mii Gunners that also come with headgear for all types. You could join the 17th Elite Unit looking like this! Mii Gunner (SSB4) X's Helmet X's Armor April 15, 2015
DLC Costume Proto Man.jpg Proto Man Set An outfit for Mii Gunners that also comes with headgear for all types. It’s up to you to provide the whistling, though. Mii Gunner (SSB4) Proto Man's Helmet Proto Man's Armor April 15, 2015
DLC Costume Dunban Outfit.jpg Dunban Set The Dunban Set from Xenoblade Chronicles! A classy black cape and red vest—perfect attire for a true hero! Mii Swordfighter (SSB4) Dunban Wig Dunban Outfit April 15, 2015
DLC Costume Majora's Mask.jpg Majora's Mask Wear this Legend of Zelda mask to look like Skull Kid! …Moon not included. Majora's Mask April 15, 2015
DLC Costume Link Outfit.jpg Link Set An outfit for Mii Swordfighters that comes with headgear for all types. Turn your Mii into a hero of Hyrule! Mii Swordfighter (SSB4) Link Cap Link Outfit April 15, 2015
DLC Costume Monkey Suit.jpg Monkey Suit Set An outfit for Mii Swordfighters that comes with its own headgear. Time to get monkeying around! Mii Swordfighter (SSB4) Monkey Hat Monkey Suit April 15, 2015
DLC Costume Cat Suit.jpg Cat Suit Set An outfit for Mii Brawlers that comes with its own headgear. Unleash your cat-titude with an orange tabby for guys and a calico cat for ladies! Mii Brawler (SSB4) Cat Hat Cat Suit April 15, 2015
DLC Costume SSB T-Shirt.jpg SSB T-shirt A T-shirt with the Super Smash Bros. logo on it! This outfit can be worn by all three Mii Fighter types. Mii Brawler (SSB4)Mii Swordfighter (SSB4)Mii Gunner (SSB4) SSB T-shirt April 15, 2015
DLC Costume Inkling Squid Hat.jpg Inkling Squid Hat This squid from Splatoon may look like it’s trying to eat your head, but it’s totally just a hat. We squid you not. Inkling Squid Hat June 14, 2015
DLC Costume Inkling Outfit.jpg Inkling Set Get your squid on with this fresh Inkling costume from Splatoon! The costume changes depending on the gender of your Mii. Mii Gunner (SSB4) Inkling Wig Inkling Outfit June 14, 2015
DLC Costume MegaMan.EXE Armor.jpg MegaMan.EXE Set Jack in to Smash with this costume from the Mega Man Battle Network series! Your Mii will feel like a genuine cyberspace hero! Mii Gunner (SSB4) MegaMan.EXE's Helmet MegaMan.EXE's Armor June 14, 2015
DLC Costume Zero's Armor.jpg Zero Set Don the gear of Zero from the Mega Man X series, and slice away with your blue Beam Saber! You too can be a part of the 17th Elite Unit! Mii Swordfighter (SSB4) Zero's Helmet Zero's Armor June 14, 2015
DLC Costume Jacky Outfit.jpg Jacky Set Don the signature jacket and super-slick hairstyle of Jack from the Virtua Fighter series! Your Mii will feel faster than lightning! Mii Brawler (SSB4) Jacky Wig Jacky Outfit June 14, 2015
DLC Costume Akira Outfit.jpg Akira Set Go back to the old school with this polygonal costume from the first Virtua Fighter game! It looks a bit more painful when you’re punching with blocks instead of fists! Mii Brawler (SSB4) Akira Wig Akira Outfit June 14, 2015
DLC Costume Heihachi Outfit.jpg Heihachi Set Take on the imposing physique and *ahem* symbolic hairdo of Heihachi from the Tekken series, and rule Smash with an iron fist! Mii Brawler (SSB4) Heihachi Wig Heihachi Outfit June 14, 2015
DLC Costume Isabelle Outfit.jpg Isabelle Set This Isabelle set comes straight from Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Get out of Town Hall and join the fight! Mii Gunner (SSB4) Isabelle Hat Isabelle Outfit June 14, 2015
DLC Costume K.K. Slider Outfit.jpg K.K. Slider Set The K.K. Slider Set from the Animal Crossing series is now available! Update to the latest version to get it for free. Mii Gunner (SSB4) K.K. Slider Hat K.K. Slider Outfit June 19, 2015[1]
DLC Costume Samus's Armor.jpg Samus's Armor We’re not saying anybody can be a galactic bounty hunter, but your Mii will definitely feel like one with Samus’s distinctive armor (and helmet if you haven’t unlocked it yet)! Mii Gunner (SSB4) Samus's Helmet[2] Samus's Armor July 31, 2015
DLC Costume Lloyd Outfit.jpg Lloyd Set Tales of Symphonia comes to Smash—now you can kit out your Mii in the style of Lloyd Irving! (You’ll have to find your own Exsphere.) Mii Swordfighter (SSB4) Lloyd Wig Lloyd Outfit July 31, 2015
DLC Costume Black Knight Helm.jpg Black Knight Set This outfit for Mii Swordfighters comes with a black helm and an equally black suit of armor. It’s perfect for when you don’t think your Mii looks intimidating enough. Mii Swordfighter (SSB4) Black Knight Helm Black Knight's Armor July 31, 2015
DLC Costume Chrom Outfit.jpg Chrom Set Don the mantle of Ylissean royalty with this outfit from Fire Emblem: Awakening. Arm yourself with the divine Falchion, and become a force to be reckoned with! Mii Swordfighter (SSB4) Chrom Wig Chrom Outfit July 31, 2015
DLC Costume Flying Man Outfit.jpg Flying Man Set Give your Mii this eye-catching red and yellow outfit straight from the EarthBound series! The only ones in grave danger now are your opponents! Mii Brawler (SSB4) Flying Man Hat Flying Man Outfit July 31, 2015
DLC Costume King K. Rool Outfit.jpg King K. Rool Set Has your Mii Fighter always dreamed of being king of the Kremlings? Now your Mii Fighters can realize their true destiny with this King K. Rool costume! Mii Brawler (SSB4) King K. Rool Hat King K. Rool Outfit July 31, 2015
DLC Costume Bear Suit.jpg Bear Suit Set A Super Smash Bros. exclusive costume for Mii Fighters. We know, we know—the wait has been unbearable. Mii Gunner (SSB4) Bear Hat Bear Suit July 31, 2015
DLC Costume Hoodie Outfit.jpg Hoodie A hoodie printed with the SSB logo. For use with all Mii Fighter types! Mii Brawler (SSB4)Mii Swordfighter (SSB4)Mii Gunner (SSB4) Hoodie July 31, 2015
DLC Costume Captain Falcon's Outfit.jpg Captain Falcon's Outfit Show off your moves with Captain Falcon’s suit! (You’ll also receive his headgear if you haven’t already unlocked it!) Mii Brawler (SSB4) Captain Falcon Helmet[2] Captain Falcon's Outfit September 30, 2015
DLC Costume Fox Outfit.jpg Fox Set Authentic right down to the tail! Try pairing your Mii up with Fox to make the perfect fighting team! Mii Gunner (SSB4) Fox Hat Fox Outfit September 30, 2015
DLC Costume Rathalos Mail.jpg Rathalos Set Get kitted out in this armor based on designs from Monster Hunter 4, and start working on your hunter rank! Mii Swordfighter (SSB4) Rathalos Helm Rathalos Mail September 30, 2015
DLC Costume Hunter's Mail.jpg Hunter Set Go on the hunt with this Mii Swordfighter costume based on armor found in Monster Hunter 4! Mii Swordfighter (SSB4) Hunter's Helm Hunter's Mail September 30, 2015
DLC Costume Viridi Outfit.jpg Viridi Set Take command of the Forces of Nature in style with the outfit, hair, and staff of the goddess Viridi from Kid Icarus: Uprising! Mii Swordfighter (SSB4) Viridi Wig Viridi Outfit September 30, 2015
DLC Costume Toad Outfit.jpg Toad Set Dress your Mii up as Princess Peach’s adorable attendant with this Mii Brawler costume. The vest color even changes to match the favorite color of your Mii! Mii Brawler (SSB4) Toad Hat Toad Outfit September 30, 2015
DLC Costume Business Suit.jpg Business Suit A new original outfit for Mii Fighters. Let everyone know you mean business! Mii Brawler (SSB4)Mii Swordfighter (SSB4)Mii Gunner (SSB4) Business Suit September 30, 2015
DLC Costume Geno.jpg Geno Set There aren’t any Star Pieces to collect here, but you can make an epic journey of your very own with Geno’s costume from Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars! Mii Gunner (SSB4) Geno Hat Geno Outfit December 16, 2015
DLC Costume Chocobo Hat.png Chocobo Hat We can’t guarantee that wearing this hat will make you as cute as those lovable birds from the Final Fantasy series, but there’s no harm in trying. Kweh! Chocobo Hat December 16, 2015
DLC Costume Knuckles Costume.jpg Knuckles Set You can be just like Knuckles from the Sonic series. The Knuckles Outfit is for Brawlers only. With this outfit, it’s the perfect opportunity to challenge Sonic! Mii Brawler (SSB4) Kunckles Hat Knuckles Outfit February 3, 2016
DLC Costume Tails Costume.jpg Tails Set Now you can dress your Mii as everyone’s favorite two-tailed mechanic! In the Sonic series, Tails can actually fly, but the only kind of flying you’ll do here is being launched, and you don’t want that. Mii Gunner (SSB4) Tails Hat Tails Outfit February 3, 2016
DLC Costume Gil Armor.jpg Gil Set From The Tower of Druaga, the Gil Set is now available. Use your courage to empower yourself in the golden armor and blue-horned helmet! Mii Swordfighter (SSB4) Gil's Helmet Gil's Armor February 3, 2016
DLC Costume Ashley costume.jpg Ashley Set The Ashely Set from WarioWare is now available! Dress up just like her with her pigtails and red dress! Maybe you can become cute like her too! Mii Swordfighter (SSB4) Ashley Hat Ashley Outfit February 3, 2016
DLC Costume Takamaru Outfit.jpg Takamaru Set From the Mysterious Murasame Castle comes a Takamaru outfit for your Mii! Try customizing your Mii to use Shuriken of Light to complete your look! Mii Swordfighter (SSB4) Takamaru Wig Takamaru Outfit February 3, 2016
DLC Costume Bionic Armor.jpg Bionic Set This Smash Bros. exclusive costume glows with cool designs! The super-futuristic armor is for a Brawler only, but the helmet can bring any Mii into the space age! Mii Brawler (SSB4) Bionic Helmet Bionic Armor February 3, 2016
  1. ^ This costume was available for free as part of a promotion with 7-Eleven from June 19, 2015 to July 11, 2015. It was released for free worldwide on July 31, 2015.
  2. ^ a b These headgear pieces were available in the vanilla game; however, they will be unlocked immediately upon purchase if they have not been unlocked already.

Costume Bundles

Image Name Official Description Price (Solo) Price (Bundle) Release Date
Costume Bundle 1.jpg Mii Fighter Costume Bundle #1 The entire first collection of Mii Fighter costumes, together in one bundle! Mix and match and create your new favorite character! This downloadable content contains the following:
- SSB T-shirt
- Link Cap, Link Outfit
- Majora's Mask
- X's Helmet, X's Armor
- Proto Man's Helmet, Proto Man's Armor
- Dunban Wig, Dunban Outfit
- Cat Hat, Cat Suit
- Monkey Hat, Monkey Suit
$6.00 $9.20 April 15, 2015
Costume Bundle 2.jpg Mii Fighter Costume Bundle #2 The entire second collection of Mii Fighter costumes, together in one bundle! This downloadable content contains the following:
- Isabelle Hat
- Heihachi Wig
- Akira Wig
- Jacky Wig
- Zero's Helmet
- MegaMan.EXE's Helmet
- Inkling Wig
- Inkling Squid Hat
- Isabelle Outfit (Gunner)
- Heihachi Outfit (Brawler)
- Akira Outfit (Brawler)
- Jacky Outfit (Brawler)
- Zero's Armor (Swordfighter)
- MegaMan.EXE's Armor (Gunner)
- Inkling Outfit (Gunner)
$6.00 $9.20 June 14, 2015
Costume Bundle 3.jpg Mii Fighter Costume Bundle #3 The entire third collection of costumes, together in one bundle! This downloadable content contains the following:
- Bear Hat
- King K. Rool Hat
- Flying Man Hat
- Chrom Wig
- Black Knight Helm
- Lloyd Wig
- Samus's Helmet[1]
- Hoodie (All)
- Bear Suit (Gunner)
- King K. Rool Outfit (Brawler)
- Flying Man Outfit (Brawler)
- Chrom Outfit (Swordfighter)
- Black Knight's Armor (Swordfighter)
- Lloyd Outfit (Sword Fighter)
- Samus's Armor (Gunner)
$6.00 $9.20 July 31, 2015
Costume Bundle 4.jpg Mii Fighter Costume Bundle #4 The entire fourth collection of Mii Fighter costumes!
- Toad Hat
- Viridi Wig
- Hunter's Helm
- Rathalos Helm
- Fox Hat
- Captain Falcon Helmet[1]
- Business Suit (All)
- Toad Outfit (Brawler)
- Viridi Outfit (Swordfighter)
- Hunter's Mail (Swordfighter)
- Rathalos Mail (Swordfighter)
- Fox Outfit (Gunner)
- Captain Falcon's Outfit (Brawler)
$5.25 $8.05 September 30, 2015
Costume Bundle 5.jpg Mii Fighter Bundle #5 The entire fifth collection of Mii Fighter costumes! This downloadable content contains the following:
- Chocobo Hat
- Geno Hat
- Geno Outfit (Gunner)
$1.50 $2.30 December 15, 2015
Costume Bundle 6.jpg Mii Fighter Bundle #6 The entire sixth collection of costumes, together in one bundle! Become just like your favorite characters! This downloadable content contains:
- Bionic Helmet
- Takamaru Wig
- Ashley Hat
- Gil's Helmet
- Tails Hat
- Knuckles Hat
- Bionic Armor (Brawler)
- Takamaru Outfit (Swordfighter)
- Ashley Outfit (Swordfighter)
- Gil's Armor (Swordfighter)
- Tails Outfit (Gunner)
- Knuckles Outfit (Brawler)
$4.50 $6.90 February 3, 2016
  1. ^ a b These headgear pieces were available in the vanilla game; however, they will be unlocked immediately upon purchase if they have not been unlocked already.

The Mii Fighter costumes are also available as part of other DLC bundles; for more information, see this page.

QR Codes

The official Smash 4 page has released several of the Miis used in promotional images as QR codes.