
From SmashWiki, the Super Smash Bros. wiki
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An icon used in notice templates. NOTE: For the time being, I am semi-active on SmashWiki. I may still show up every now and then, but do not expect anything significant out of me. All that being said, if you want to find me anywhere else on the internet these days, I'm active on Twitter, Wattpad, FictionPress, and Quotev.

Best of luck to this Wiki, and all the users who remain on it!

Character info
Smash 64 main Mario
Melee main Dr. Mario
Brawl mains Mario, Kirby
Smash 4 mains Mii Brawler, Dr. Mario
Ultimate main Mii Brawler
Other Ultimate character Dr. Mario
Project M main Mario
Personal and other info
Real name Cameron Lockhart
Birth date (age 26)
Location Missouri/Florida United States
Miscellaneous info
Skill Super Smash Bros. Novice
Super Smash Bros. Melee Novice
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Better than the average casual
Super Smash Bros. 4 Better than the average casual
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Better than the average casual
Project M Novice
NNID CheddarBrat789
3DS code 5129-1155-4414


I originally joined this Wiki in November of 2012, where I had a rather rough start, though I would quickly improve and get accustomed to this community, eventually becoming an experienced and acknowledged user who spent several hours a day here. Most veterans here will most likely remember me as that quirky but optimistic guy with a passion for food and a consistent streak of failed policy proposals. However, around 2016 my activity and presence around here dwindled as I started preparing for college and taking up some new hobbies. As of 2019, I'm only semi-active on this site at best, so I'm probably not the best person to ask if you have any questions about this place. I also do not peruse the Discord server, so don't bother asking me about that.

My first introduction to the SSB series was through Super Smash Bros. Brawl, which was the first Wii game I bought after I first got the system on Christmas 2007. Afterwards, I would later gain access to its predecessors (as well as Project M) via the Smash Bros. Club at my high school, where I was regarded as the best Mario player in the group for all the games. I ended up buying the Nintendo 3DS version of Super Smash Bros. 4 as a Day 1 purchase, and got the Wii U version alongside the console itself on Christmas of 2014. Despite not pre-ordering Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, I was somehow able to buy it on Day 1 with no issues whatsoever. Ignoring the mods, my ranking of the Smash series from weakest to best would be: Melee -> 64 -> Brawl -> Smash 4 -> Ultimate. In case you couldn't tell from that order, I'm a strict casual gamer.

Who's Online:

Who's online: Meester Tweester, Smash Myth, Voqéo, IcyKeswick, Wintermelon43, CanvasK, Anthony1996

Current Smash Arena Round:

BayonettaSymbol.svg LADIES & GENTS! Come to the Smash Arena and vote on Round 132: Bayonetta vs. Sora! KingdomHeartsSymbol.svg


The ones where the link is in bold can be edited by people other than me. Otherwise, no touchie!

  • Click here to see a list of Non-Smash games that I've played.
  • Click here to see what I would do if I were Sakurai.
  • Click here to see a list of unique buffs that I would add to characters' movesets.
  • Click here ONLY if you want to play me.
  • Click here for my talk-page signature.
  • Click here for a little something to remember me by!


Smash-Related Ones:

MarioIcon(SSBU).png This user primarily plays Nintendo games.
LuigiIcon(SSBU).png This user has no brothers.
DrMarioIcon(SSBU).png This user is a progressive, and supports single-payer healthcare.
PeachIcon(SSBU).png This user is a feminist.
DaisyIcon(SSBU).png This user has young parents.
RosalinaIcon(SSBU).png This user is 6'2".
BowserIcon(SSBU).png This user fears that he might intimidate others due to his voice and size.
BowserJrIcon(SSBU).png This user looks way more like his mom than his dad.
PiranhaPlantIcon(SSBU).png This user hates the outdoors.
DonkeyKongIcon(SSBU).png This user won't wear a tie unless the situation requires it.
DiddyKongIcon(SSBU).png This user always looks for peanut sauce whenever he orders Asian food.
KingKRoolIcon(SSBU).png This user probably doesn't apply as much lotion as he should.
YoshiIcon(SSBU).png This user is a master at making omelets.
WarioIcon(SSBU).png This user's preferred deodorant is Old Spice Swagger.
LinkIcon(SSBU).png This user is left-handed.
YoungLinkIcon(SSBU).png This user doesn't drink milk a whole lot, but he cooks with it often.
ToonLinkIcon(SSBU).png This user greatly despises the DS Zelda games.
ZeldaIcon(SSBU).png This user is polite around strangers.
SheikIcon(SSBU).png This user is shy and soft-spoken.
GanondorfIcon(SSBU).png This user is black.
SamusIcon(SSBU).png This user's favorite Metroid game is Other M, and he's not afraid to admit it.
DarkSamusIcon(SSBU).png This user loathes first-person shooters.
ZeroSuitSamusIcon(SSBU).png This user's first video game crush was Zero Suit Samus.
RidleyIcon(SSBU).png This user was often the biggest person in his class.
KirbyIcon(SSBU).png This user has a massive appetite.
MetaKnightIcon(SSBU).png This user is an avid Batman fan, and keeps up with all media except the comics.
KingDededeIcon(SSBU).png This user prefers the hammer over the sword.
FoxIcon(SSBU).png This user does not like to play with finesse characters.
FalcoIcon(SSBU).png This user aspires to try every single type of edible bird.
WolfIcon(SSBU).png This user has a tendency to talk to himself at night until he falls asleep.
PikachuIcon(SSBU).png This user likes ketchup fine, but loves BBQ sauce.
JigglypuffIcon(SSBU).png This user can't sing worth shit, but he doesn't care at all.
PichuIcon(SSBU).png This user believes that Pikachu should be replaced with Raichu in Smash.
MewtwoIcon(SSBU).png This user enjoys dimly-lit settings.
PokémonTrainerIcon(SSBU).png This user enjoys watching the action from the sidelines.
SquirtleIcon(SSBU).png This user's favorite drink is Dr. Pepper.
IvysaurIcon(SSBU).png This user prefers the taste of fruit, but also prefers the texture of vegetables.
CharizardIcon(SSBU).png This user has a very high spice tolerance.
LucarioIcon(SSBU).png This user's favorite Pokémon is Lucario.
GreninjaIcon(SSBU).png This user takes great interest in marine biology.
IncineroarIcon(SSBU).png This user thinks cats are boring as hell.
CaptainFalconIcon(SSBU).png This user started Driver's Ed a year later than normal.
NessIcon(SSBU).png This user doesn't like hats.
LucasIcon(SSBU).png This user doesn't like getting his hair cut.
IceClimbersIcon(SSBU).png This user will eat ice cream no matter the time of year.
MarthIcon(SSBU).png This user has a large vocabulary, but won't use it unless he's writing.
LucinaIcon(SSBU).png This user just doesn't understand why so many fictional characters have blue hair.
RoyIcon(SSBU).png This user is attracted to redheads.
ChromIcon(SSBU).png This user takes after his father personality-wise.
IkeIcon(SSBU).png This user shows sympathy, but only to those who don't repeatedly push his patience.
RobinIcon(SSBU).png This user wants to become a published author someday.
CorrinIcon(SSBU).png This user wishes that Camilla joined Smash instead of this guy.
MrGame&WatchIcon(SSBU).png This user expects every character to have some kind of personality, even if it's unrelatable or obnoxious.
PitIcon(SSBU).png This user likes Red Bull.
DarkPitIcon(SSBU).png This user doesn't mind clones, so long as they're not just separate forms of the same character.
PalutenaIcon(SSBU).png This user is an atheist.
OlimarIcon(SSBU).png This user is a loner.
ROBIcon(SSBU).png This user refuses to buy any gaming hardware not made by Nintendo.
LittleMacIcon(SSBU).png This user did Cross Country in elementary school.
VillagerIcon(SSBU).png This user has a habit of carrying small, worthless items in his pockets.
IsabelleIcon(SSBU).png This user prefers colorful, lighthearted media.
WiiFitTrainerIcon(SSBU).png This user hates working out, but he does it for the sake of his health.
ShulkIcon(SSBU).png This user dislikes JRPGs.
DuckHuntIcon(SSBU).png This user is a proud dog owner.
InklingIcon(SSBU).png This user loves seafood, and would eat it more often if it were cheaper.
SonicIcon(SSBU).png This user bases his judgements of a game solely on his own experience.
SnakeIcon(SSBU).png This user thinks outside the box.
MegaManIcon(SSBU).png This user prefers Mega Man X over the Classic series.
Pac-ManIcon(SSBU).png This user's favorite color is yellow.
RyuIcon(SSBU).png This user once picked up a traditional fighting game after playing Smash, and didn't like it.
KenIcon(SSBU).png This user avoids physical confrontations.
CloudIcon(SSBU).png This user loves anime visuals, but hates anime tropes.
BayonettaIcon(SSBU).png This user is among the few who enjoys Seth MacFarlane's brand of humor.
SimonIcon(SSBU).png This user isn't the biggest fan of games released prior to the sixth generation.
RichterIcon(SSBU).png This user hates the toned look on women.
JokerIcon(SSBU).png This user has a lanky build.
MiiBrawlerIcon(SSBU).png This user is probably one of very few who wanted to see these guys in Smash.
MiiSwordfighterIcon(SSBU).png This user is skilled with the chef's knife.
MiiGunnerIcon(SSBU).png This user despises playing against people who camp.

Community-Related Ones:

PokemonMayNotAmused.png This user trusts and is a friend of Disaster Flare.
Friendlist.jpg This user trusts and is a friend of Aidanzapunk.
PichuIcon(SSBM).png This user is a friend of ThePikaPlayer.
SerpKing sig.png This user knows and kind of likes that one Serpent King guy. He kind of smells of old broccoli though...

HalloweenBlack.png This user trusts and is a friend of that rollbacker named INoMed.
PitIcon(SSB4-U).png This user trusts and is a friend of BeepYou, the always perseverant warrior from Skyworld.
GanondorfIcon(SSB4-U).png This user trusts and is a friend of Ganonmew.
NeoIconSSBD.png This user kinda likes that user known as Drill Blaster Mark 2.
AidanzapunkUserboxImage.png This user is among the users Aidanzapunk trusts most.