Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Thrust Uppercut

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Thrust Uppercut
The Mii Brawler using Thrust Uppercut on Olimar.
User Mii Brawler
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Rises into the air with an uppercut, and then unleashes a powerful punch at the end.
—Description from Ultimate's Move List

Thrust Uppercut (突き上げアッパーカット , Thrust Uppercut) is one of three up special moves usable by Mii Brawlers in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.


When used, the Mii Brawler performs a jumping uppercut that deals five hits in total, with the last hit dealing weak vertical knockback. The Brawler switches its hands for the final hit.


The move originates from the Super Smash Bros. universe and games. The move is likely based on Uppercut.



  • In the trailer for the Mii Fighters, Thrust Uppercut was shown to have flame and explosion effects. In the final game, however, these effects appear to be absent.
Mii Brawler's special moves
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Neutral special Shot Put Flashing Mach Punch Exploding Side Kick
Side special Onslaught Burning Dropkick Suplex
Up special Soaring Axe Kick Helicopter Kick Thrust Uppercut
Down special Head-On Assault Feint Jump Counter Throw
Final Smash Omega Blitz