Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Diddy Kong (SSBU)

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This article is about Diddy Kong's appearance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. For the character in other contexts, see Diddy Kong.
Diddy Kong
in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Diddy Kong SSBU.png
Universe Donkey Kong
Other playable appearances in Brawl
in SSB4

Availability Unlockable
Final Smash Hyper Rocketbarrel
Diddy Kong (SSBU)
Donkey Kong's trusty partner Diddy Kong uses his light weight and agility to get around quickly! For his Final Smash, Diddy takes to the air with his Rocketbarrel while firing his popguns. The final hit is seriously powerful!
Super Smash Blog, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Official Site

Diddy Kong (ディディーコング, Diddy Kong) is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, officially confirmed on June 12th, 2018. Unlike his previous appearances in the Super Smash Bros. series, Diddy Kong is now an unlockable character instead of a starter character. Diddy Kong is classified as fighter #36.

Diddy Kong's voice is once again comprised of his realistic chimpanzee screeches and growls that were used in both Brawl and Smash 4.

How to unlock

Complete one of the following:

With the exception of the third method, Diddy Kong must then be defeated on Kongo Falls.

Changes from Super Smash Bros. 4

Having been one of the most notorious top tier fighters in early Super Smash Bros. 4 and remaining a dominant top-tier character throughout the game's lifespan, Diddy Kong was significantly nerfed from his SSB4 iteration. His Monkey Flip most notably travels a shorter distance, which worsens his overall movement and neutral. Banana also has more startup lag, making it harder for him to instantly grab bananas after he pulls one out. Down tilt was also nerfed which prevents Diddy from being able to combo into up smash and combo off of the move reliably. His up aerial, which was a notorious move in Smash 4, now has a smaller hitbox. His grab game was also toned down, as his grab now has more startup, endlag, and his combo throws have either more endlag or more knockback, which significantly hinders their combo potential. His up special also travels a shorter distance, which nerfs his recovery. Diddy Kong also suffers from having less weight.

He did get some notable buffs, however. Diddy's already impressive mobility was improved as his initial dash, run speed, walk speed, and airspeed are significantly better. Diddy also slightly benefits from the game's mechanics as his aerials have less ending lag.

Diddy Kong's nerfs seem to outweigh his buffs, making him worse than his iteration in Smash 4, but to what extent is currently unknown due to his below-average results in Ultimate's Early Metagame. His overall perception has been negative, as players such as ZeRo consider him way worse than he was in Smash 4, and that he’s on the weaker side of mid tier at best. ZeRo only uses him as a counterpick and MVD, Zinoto and Nietono have dropped him in favor of other characters.


  • Change As with all veterans returning from SSB4, Diddy Kong's model features a more subdued color scheme. Like Donkey Kong, his fur is less detailed than the previous installment.
  • Change Diddy Kong is more expressive. His hat also appears to be "looser" around his head, popping off slightly while performing many actions.
  • Change Diddy Kong's chest now faces the screen, regardless of whether it is facing left or right.
  • Change Up taunt has an altered ending animation. Diddy Kong now fixes his hat as it lands crooked on his head.


  • Buff Like all characters, Diddy Kong's jumpsquat animation now takes three frames to complete (down from 4).
  • Buff Diddy Kong runs faster (1.824 → 2.006).
    • Buff Diddy Kong's initial dash is significantly faster (1.7 → 2.09).
  • Buff Diddy Kong walks faster (1.25 → 1.313).
  • Buff Diddy Kong's air speed is higher (0.88 → 0.924).
  • Change Diddy Kong is lighter (93 → 90). This makes him less susceptible to combos at the expense of worse endurance.

Ground attacks

  • Neutral attack:
    • Buff Neutral attack no longer has a multi-jab and instead finishes with a quick side kick. This makes the move much more consistent.
      • Nerf The loss of the multi-jab hurts its overall damage potential.
    • Buff The first hit can now be held for a consecutive jab.
    • Buff The third hit of neutral attack has less startup (frame 9 → 5).
      • Nerf However, its duration remains unchanged, increasing its endlag overall.
  • Forward tilt
    • Nerf Forward tilt deals less knockback, diminishing its KO potential.
  • Up tilt
    • Buff Up tilt has less ending lag (FAF 33 → 30).
  • Down tilt:
    • Nerf Down tilt has greater knockback, reducing its combo potential at higher percents while still failing to KO at realistic percentages.
  • Dash attack:
    • Buff Dash attack has less ending lag (FAF 46 → 43).
    • Buff Since opponents can no longer run each other, dash attack can no longer accidentally whiff at extremely close ranges.
  • Down smash:
    • Nerf Down smash has more startup lag (frame 6 → 9).
    • Buff The first hit deals more knockback.

Aerial Attacks

  • Buff All aerials have less landing lag (Neutral: 13 frames → 8, Forward: 26 → 16, Back: 12 → 7, Up: 21 → 13, Down: 30 → 17).
  • Neutral aerial:
    • Buff Neutral aerial auto-cancels significantly earlier (frame 59 → 27).
  • Forward aerial:
    • Change Forward aerial has an altered animation where Diddy Kong does not spin as much.
  • Up aerial:
    • Nerf Up aerial has less range in front of Diddy Kong.
    • Buff Up aerial has less ending lag (FAF 39 → 37).

Throws/other attacks

  • Change Diddy Kong now uses one hand to grab instead of both.
  • Change Diddy Kong now has a surprised/shocked expression if he misses his grab.
  • Change Pummel has an altered animation. Diddy Kong no longer hops off the ground while pummeling.
  • Nerf Pummel deals less damage (2% → 1%).
  • Nerf All grabs have increased start-up (6 → 7 frames (standing), 8 → 10 frames (dash), 9 → 11 frames (pivot)) and increased endlag (FAF 32 → 37 (standing), FAF 39 → 45 (dash), FAF 37 → 40 (pivot)).
  • Nerf Up throw deals slightly more knockback, which reduces its combo potential.
  • Buff Down throw has less endlag (12 frames → 9).

Special Moves

  • Peanut Popgun:
    • Change Diddy Kong's animation for Peanut Popgun is now mirrored, and can now fire with both his left and right hand.
    • Buff Peanut Popgun has less startup (frame 18 → 16).
    • Change Peanuts will now bounce once upon hitting the ground, and float upwards before exploding if it hits an opponent. These animations are aesthetic.
  • Monkey Flip:
    • Buff Monkey Flip's grab "pummel" now has him scratch his opponent quickly instead of simply latching on and doing damage. The scratches are faster than the previous pummel while doing the same amount of damage, increasing its damage output.
    • Buff Monkey Flip's throw has significantly more knockback growth, now being capable of KOing at reasonable percents onstage.
    • Buff Monkey Flip has reduced start-up (frame 20 → 18).
    • Nerf Monkey Flip has increased endlag (FAF 44 → 48).
    • Nerf Monkey Flip travels a shorter distance.
  • Rocketbarrel Boost:
    • Buff Grounded Rocketbarrel Boost now gains weak heavy armor. It is only sufficient for tanking extremely weak hits, such as the first two hits of most neutral attacks.
    • Buff When knocked off of Diddy Kong, the Rocketbarrel Pack's trajectory can now be somewhat controlled by the player. Depending on the held direction, the pack will move in that direction, though it is still very random and inconsistent.
    • Nerf The effect of charging Rocketbarrel Boost for vertical distance has been significantly reduced, to the point where fully charging the move while falling results in gaining less height overall than using the move uncharged.
  • Banana Peel:
    • Change Banana Peel has a snappier animation.
    • Change Diddy Kong appears to throw the Banana Peel much higher than before.
    • Change If the Banana Peel is thrown at an opponent once with the respective peel, it no longer disappears until thrown at again, allowing Diddy Kong to quickly pick it up again and reuse it. However, this also means his opponents can do the same when it is out.
      • Buff This change indirectly allows Diddy Kong to setup infinite combos on most characters on platforms.
  • Final Smash:
    • Buff Hyper Rocketbarrel, Diddy Kong's new Final Smash, functions differently from Rocketbarrel Barrage. Diddy Kong now flies through the stage in an erratic fashion to punch his trapped opponents. The final hit is where Diddy Kong does a delayed, aimed punch, dealing heavy knockback. Diddy Kong then lands and deactivates his Rocketbarrel Pack at the spot where he first used the move.

Update history

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 2.0.0

  • Buff Neutral air autocancels earlier (frame 50 → 27). It is now early enough to buffer short hop and fastfall with no landing lag.
  • Bug fix Monkey Flip release glitch has been fixed.


Note: All numbers are listed as base damage, without the 1v1 multiplier.

  Name Damage Description
Neutral attack   2% Diddy Kong does two alternating inward slaps, followed by an outward side kick. Holding the attack button will have Diddy Kong repeat the first hit. The first 2 hits can lock.
Forward tilt   10% Diddy Kong leans to the side and thrusts both of his arms forward in a double punch. Can be angled upwards or downwards.
Up tilt   6% Diddy Kong swats in the air above him with a slap in a similar fashion to an uppercut. Hits quite quickly and can combo into most of Diddy Kong's aerial attacks at low to mid percent ranges.
Down tilt Hand Clap 5.5% Diddy Kong claps in front of himself while crouching.
Dash attack   2% (hits 1 and 2), 3% (hit 3) Diddy Kong performs his signature Cartwheel attack from Donkey Kong Country, concluding with a double-handed ground-slap. The final hit has largely vertical knockback and can combo into aerials at low to mid percent ranges.
Forward smash   5% (hit 1), 11% (hit 2) Diddy Kong jumps forward while spinning, and performs an open-handed slap followed by a spinning back fist with his opposite arm. The first hit combos into the second, which has good knockback and killing power. However, it is easily punished if missed. Often only used in combination with his banana peel.
Up smash   2.5% (hits 1 and 2), 6% (hit 3) Diddy Kong leaps upward and performs a stationary cartwheel, attacking upwards with an open-handed slap, a reverse heel kick, and an uppercut.
Down smash   12% (hit 1), 15% (hit 2) Diddy Kong performs a flare, kicking in front and then behind himself.
Neutral aerial   6% Diddy Kong does an aerial cartwheel similar to his dash attack. Very high ending lag, so much so that Diddy Kong should avoid using this move offstage. However, it deals a low amount of vertical knockback, which can lead to potential footstools or aerial follow ups (though due to changes regarding footstooling, it is no longer an always-guaranteed option), giving it usage as a combo extender.
Forward aerial Screw Kick 10% (clean), 8% (late) Diddy Kong does a dropkick while spinning.
Back aerial   9% Diddy Kong does a reverse spin kick behind himself.
Up aerial   6% Diddy Kong performs an overhead kick in an arc.
Down aerial   13% (fists), 10% (arms) Diddy Kong swings both arms downward in a double axe-handle punch. A strong meteor smash and Diddy Kong's strongest aerial overall, though it is also his slowest. It has a large auto-cancel window at the beginning of the attack before the hitbox starts, which makes it a good tool for landing provided that you input the move shortly before touching the ground. It can also jab lock opponents at low percent ranges.
Grab   Diddy Kong reaches out in front of himself.
Pummel   1% A headbutt.
Forward throw 9% Diddy Kong tosses his opponent forwards. The throw is based on Diddy Kong's barrel toss animation from Donkey Kong Country.
Back throw 12% Diddy Kong tosses his opponent backwards. Diddy Kong's strongest and most damaging throw, KOing middleweights around 130%.
Up throw 1% (hit), 4% (throw) Diddy Kong throws his opponent up and handstand kicks them.
Down throw 7% Diddy Kong throws the opponent onto the ground and hops over them. Can lead into aerial attacks from low to mid percent ranges
Forward roll
Back roll
Spot dodge
Air dodge
Floor attack (front)
Floor getups (front)
  7% Diddy Kong gets up and kicks on both sides.
Floor attack (back)
Floor getups (back)
  7% Diddy Kong gets up and kicks on both sides.
Floor attack (trip)
Floor getups (trip)
  5% Diddy Kong gets up and kicks on both sides.
Edge attack
Edge getups
  9% A spinning tail slap.
Neutral special Peanut Popgun 2~14.9% (peanuts), 23% (explosion) Diddy Kong shoots a peanut from his Popgun. A safe projectile attack that is rather useful in neutral. It can also be canceled in the air if the shield button is held before inputting the special button, which is useful for B-reversing to make Diddy Kong's movement harder to predict. The peanuts have the property of items, and can be caught and thrown. The peanuts also bounce off of opponents and solid surfaces, but they lose their hitbox afterwards.

The longer Diddy Kong charges the attack, the farther and quicker the peanut will fly. If Diddy Kong overcharges the attack, however, it will cause a very powerful explosion that leaves him vulnerable but possesses massive knockback.

Side special Monkey Flip 14% (clean midair kick), 12% (mid midair kick), 10% (late midair kick), 1% (grab loop), 3% (grab attack, hit 1), 7% (grab attack, hit 2), 3% (jump attack, hit 1), 8% (jump attack, hit 2) Diddy Kong performs a back-flipping forward leap that has him cling onto an opponent. Inputting the move as a smash attack increases the distance of the jump. Once he has clung onto the opponent, he will continuously scratch them. During this time, he can perform an action depending on what button is pressed: pressing the attack or special move button will cause Diddy Kong to attack them with a double-handed chop them and then leap away, while pressing the jump button will cause him to perform a pseudo footstool jump, which can meteor smash at high percentages. If the attack or special button is pressed during the jump, Diddy Kong will attack with a flying kick instead of latching on to his opponent. However, if Diddy Kong chooses to use the flying kick he will not be able to use his rocketbarrel pack unless he touches the ground first, making it a risky option offstage.
Up special Rocketbarrel Boost 10% (launch explosion), 8% (early collision), 6% (late collision), 18% (collision explosion; detached Rocketbarrel Pack) 4.33% (flying Rocketbarrel Pack); 5% (crash recoil) Diddy Kong charges his rocketbarrel pack from Donkey Kong 64 in a powerful attack. Can potentially fly very far and very fast when charged, however hitting a surface, or being hit, will make Diddy Kong lose his rocketbarrels before falling a huge distance while being unable to perform any action, often falling too far to survive. Diddy Kong will also take recoil damage for hitting a surface.
Down special Banana Peel N/A Diddy Kong tosses a Banana Peel over his shoulder and into the air to have it fall onto the ground. Grounded opponents who touch the peel while on the ground or are hit by the peel when thrown will slip and trip on the floor. An integral part of Diddy Kong’s kit, as it allows him to take control of the stage, extend and create combos, set up kills, easily punish missed attacks from his opponents even if they are spaced properly, and otherwise dominate the neutral game. A held banana also serves as one of the best out of shield options in the game when thrown. Only one banana peel can exist at one time, and it disappears when hit by an opponent or when thrown twice.
Final Smash Hyper Rocketbarrel 0.5% (startup loop), 2.5% (per collision), 20% (final hit), 15% (collateral final hit), 10% (explosion) Diddy Kong activates his Rocketbarrel Pack and flies up. He then dashes across the screen in multiple directions, dealing damage to whoever he touches. After a while, he will lock on to whatever opponent has taken the most damage, and unleash one final dash attack that launches the targeted opponent, as well as any other nearby opponents. After this last attack, Diddy Kong descends back to his original position. His Rocketbarrel Pack explodes before he lands, which damages nearby opponents.

On-screen appearance

Bursts out of a DK Barrel and claps his hands above his head.


  • Up taunt: Tosses his cap in the air and has it land on his head. This is a reference to his victory pose in Donkey Kong Country, after he defeats a boss or wins in a Bonus Area.
  • Side taunt: Does a playful fighter's stance, trying to assert his dominance.
  • Down taunt: Claps his hands above his head four times, switching feet in the process..

Idle poses

  • Scratches his rump, gets down on all fours, and shakes his fur.
  • Jumps in place twice.

Victory poses

  • Shoots the air with his Peanut Popguns, roll towards the camera and shoots near it.
  • Spins with his Rocket Barrels then faces the screen, dancing with hands on his head and chin.
  • Does a small dance, then holds still in a breakdance-like pose, clapping his feet together.
A cover of the short track that plays in Donkey Kong Country and subsequent games whenever a playable Kong defeated a boss or completed a bonus game.

Classic Mode: Hey, Little Buddy!

In Diddy Kong's path, he serves as the "little buddy" to the hero of various Nintendo franchises and fights the respective villains or final bosses. In the penultimate stage he finally teams up with his true partner, Donkey Kong, to defeat their nemesis King K. Rool. Donkey Kong is also Diddy Kong's partner for the final fight against Master Hand and Crazy Hand. The title originated from the manual of Donkey Kong Country and was popularized by the Donkey Kong Country TV series; Diddy Kong is also referred to as Donkey Kong's "little buddy" in games such as Brawl and Donkey Kong Country Returns.

Round Opponent Stage Music Notes
1 Bowser and Bowser Jr. Princess Peach's Castle King Bowser - Super Mario Bros. 3 Mario is a CPU ally.
2 Meta Ridley and Dark Samus Norfair Nemesis Ridley Zero Suit Samus is a CPU ally.
3 Ganondorf Unova Pokémon League Death Mountain Zelda is a CPU ally.
4 Mewtwo Spear Pillar Battle! (Dialga/Palkia) / Spear Pillar Pokémon Trainer is a CPU ally.
5 King Dedede and Meta Knight Fountain of Dreams King Dedede's Theme (Brawl) Kirby is a CPU ally.
6 King K. Rool Jungle Japes King K. Rool / Ship Deck 2 Donkey Kong is a CPU ally.
Bonus Stage
Final Master Hand and Crazy Hand Final Destination Master Hand / Crazy Hand Donkey Kong is a CPU ally.

Role in World of Light

Finding Diddy Kong in World of Light

Diddy Kong was among the fighters that were summoned to fight the army of Master Hands.

Diddy Kong was present on the cliffside when Galeem unleashed its beams of light. He attempted to fly away with Rosalina & Luma using his activated Rocketbarrel Pack, but a beam of light hit him and he was vaporized and placed under Galeem's imprisonment along with the other fighters, excluding Kirby.

To find Diddy Kong, the player must access the Kongo Jungle sub-area reminiscent of the first Donkey Kong Country game, where he's found right at the end.

Fighter Battle

No. Image Name Type Power Stage Music
Diddy Kong SSBU.png
Diddy Kong Grab 9,000 Kongo Jungle (Ω form) Stickerbush Symphony



Diddy Kong's Fighter Spirit can be obtained by completing Classic Mode. It is also available periodically for purchase in the shop for 500 coins. Unlocking Diddy Kong in World of Light allows the player to preview the spirit below in the Spirit List under the name "???". As a Fighter Spirit, it cannot be used in Spirit Battles and is purely aesthetic. Each Fighter Spirit has an alternate version that replaces them with their artwork in Ultimate.

In Spirit battles

As the main opponent

Spirit Battle parameters
No. Image Name Enemy Fighter(s) Type Power Stage Rules Conditions Music
Lanky Kong Spirit.png
Lanky Kong Diddy Kong Team Diddy Kong (SSBU) (x6) Grab 3,900 Kongo Falls •Item: Bananas •The enemy is easily distracted by items
•Defeat an army of fighters
DK Rap
Tiny Kong.png
Tiny Kong Diddy Kong Diddy Kong (SSBU) Grab 9,500 Jungle Japes •Tiny
•Hazard: Low Gravity
•Hazard: Heavy Wind
•Dangerously high winds are in effect
•Timed battle
•Gravity is reduced
DK Rap
Squitter the Spider.png
Squitter Diddy Kong Diddy Kong (SSBU) Grab 3,600 Jungle Japes •Move Speed ↓ •You have reduced move speed Ice Cave Chant
Tiki Tak Tribe Diddy Kong Team (x4) (Diddy Kong (SSBU)Diddy Kong (SSBU)Diddy Kong (SSBU)Diddy Kong (SSBU) Neutral 1,700 Kongo Falls N/A •Take your strongest team into this no-frills battle Jungle Hijinxs
Octorok Diddy Kong Team Diddy Kong (SSBU) (×4) Grab 1,800 Great Bay N/A •The enemy's neutral special has increased power
•The enemy favors neutral specials
Termina Field
207 Deku Link Diddy Kong Diddy Kong (SSBU) Grab 3,700 Distant Planet (Battlefield form) •Item Tidal Wave
•Item: Lip's Stick
•The enemy favors neutral specials
•Certain items will appear in large numbers after a little while
•The enemy is easily distracted by items
Saria's Theme
Ukiki Spirit.png
Ukiki Diddy Kong Team Diddy Kong (SSBU) (×4) Grab 2,000 Yoshi's Story •Item: Food •The enemy becomes more powerful after eating Obstacle Course - Yoshi's Island
397 Andrew Oikonny Diddy Kong Diddy Kong (SSBU) Grab 1,700 Corneria •Attack Power ↑ •The enemy has increased attack power when the enemy's at high damage Star Wolf (Brawl)
406 Dash Bowman Diddy Kong Diddy Kong (SSBU)
Fox Fox (SSBU)
Neutral 1,500 Corneria (Battlefield form) N/A •Defeat the main fighter to win
•Reinforcements will appear during the battle
Return to Corneria - Star Fox Zero
Salsa Spirit.png
Salsa Diddy Kong Diddy Kong (SSBU)
Wario Wario (SSBU)
Grab 1,700 Gerudo Valley (Battlefield form) •Item: Banana Peel •The enemy favors special moves Mother 3 Love Theme
Leif (Animal Crossing) Diddy Kong Diddy Kong (SSBU) Attack 3,500 Yoshi's Island •Item: Timer •The enemy is easily distracted by items Title Theme - Animal Crossing
992 Dee Jay Diddy Kong Diddy Kong (SSBU) (x3) Grab 1,600 Wuhu Island (Frisbee Dog Park) •Jump Power ↓ Stamina battle
•The enemy favors side specials
•All fighters have reduced jump power
Dee Jay Stage Type B
1,139 Goku & Chao Diddy Kong Diddy Kong (SSBU)
Villager Villager (SSBU)
Shield 1,600 Town and City •Item: Golden Hammer •Reinforcements will appear during the battle
•The enemy is easily distracted by items
Yūyūki Medley
Prince Saruno Spirit.png
Prince Saruno Diddy Kong Team Diddy Kong (SSBU) (×4) Attack 2,000 New Donk City Hall •Defense ↑
•Item: Banana Peel
•The enemy has increased defense after a little while PERFORMANCE

As a minion

Spirit Battle parameters Inspiration
No. Image Name Enemy Fighter(s) Type Power Stage Rules Conditions Music Character
82 Barrel Train Donkey Kong Donkey Kong (SSBU)
Diddy Kong Diddy Kong (SSBU)
Shield 3,500 Spirit Train •Item: Bullet Bill •The enemy can deal damage by dashing into you
•The enemy has increased attack power
•The enemy has increased move speed
Rainbow Road - Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Diddy Kong
141 Funky Kong Captain Falcon Captain Falcon (SSBU)
Diddy Kong Diddy Kong (SSBU)
Donkey Kong Donkey Kong (SSBU)
Neutral 9,000 Kongo Jungle •Item: Bullet Bill •The enemy is easily distracted by items Funky's Fugue Diddy Kong
145 Dixie Kong Isabelle Isabelle (SSBU)
Diddy Kong Diddy Kong (SSBU)
Grab 9,100 Jungle Japes •Item: Banana Peel •The enemy is easily distracted by items Stickerbush Symphony Diddy Kong
Roll Caskett Spirit.png
Roll Caskett Isabelle Isabelle (SSBU)
Diddy Kong Diddy Kong (SSBU)
Shield 3,700 Pilotwings •Item: Hocotate Bomb •Take your strongest team into this no-frills battle Light Plane (for 3DS / Wii U) Data
1,070 The Creature & Flea Man •Giant Mii Brawler Mii Brawler (SSBU) (Moveset 1333, Hockey Mask, Business Outfit, Low Voice Type 11)
Diddy Kong Diddy Kong (SSBU)
Shield 4,500 Dracula's Castle (Battlefield form) •Hazard: Zap Floor •The floor is electrified
•The enemy is giant
Out of Time Flea Man
1,130 Donbe & Hikari Young Link Young Link (SSBU)
Villager Villager (SSBU)
Falco Falco (SSBU)
Diddy Kong Diddy Kong (SSBU)
Duck Hunt Duck Hunt (SSBU)
Neutral 3,500 Duck Hunt (hazards off) N/A •Defeat an army of fighters Shin Onigashima Medley Matsunosuke

Alternate costumes

Palette swap (SSBU)
Diddy Kong (SSBU) Diddy Kong (SSBU) Diddy Kong (SSBU) Diddy Kong (SSBU) Diddy Kong (SSBU) Diddy Kong (SSBU) Diddy Kong (SSBU) Diddy Kong (SSBU)


Character Showcase Video
