SSBU Icon.png

Temple of Light

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Temple of Light is a sub-world found in the Light Realm within Adventure Mode in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. It is located on the northwest corner of the map, and can be entered once eacho of the three of the colored buttons are pressed. Clearing this area will remove the light breach, allowing access to the east half of the Light Realm.


Spirits are ordered by when they are encountered in the sub-world.

Spirit Battle parameters
No. Image Name Enemy Fighter(s) Type Power Stage Rules Conditions Music
Nayru Spirit.png
Nayru Zelda ZeldaHeadBlueSSBU.png (×2) Shield 3,500 Bridge of Eldin •Temporary Invincibility •The enemy will occasionally be invincible after a little while
•The enemy favors neutral specials
Ballad of the Goddess (Original)
1,269 Culdra Palutena PalutenaHeadPinkSSBU.png Neutral 9,200 Temple •Magic and PSI Unleashed •All fighters' magic and PSI attacks have increased power Culdcept
Lon'qu Chrom ChromHeadBlackSSBU.png Attack 3,700 Arena Ferox •Item: Swords •The enemy's slash and stab attacks have increased power
•The enemy starts the battle with a Killing Edge
Conquest (Ablaze)
1,021 Affinity Pit Team PitHeadRedSSBU.png (×4) Neutral 2,000 Umbra Clock Tower (Battlefield form) N/A Stamina battle
•The enemy has increased move speed
One Of A Kind
Wind Man Mega Man MegaManHeadOrangeSSBU.png Shield 2,200 Skyworld •Hazard: Heavy Wind •Dangerously high winds are in effect after a little while
Stamina battle
•The enemy loves to jump
Air Man Stage
525 Cobalion, Terrakion, & Virizion Lucario LucarioHeadGreenSSBU.png
Duck Hunt DuckHuntHeadYellowSSBU.png
Yoshi YoshiHeadBlueSSBU.png
Neutral 9,000 Unova Pokémon League N/A •The enemy's melee weapons have increased power
•The enemy can unleash powerful critical hits at random
•The enemy starts the battle with a Beam Sword
N's Castle
1,234 Heracles Simon SimonHeadOrangeSSBU.png Attack 3,600 Temple •Item: Food •The enemy starts the battle with an Ore Club Revolt -Striving for Hope-
Moblin King Dedede Team KingDededeHeadGreySSBU.png (×4) Neutral 1,900 Skyloft (Battlefield form) •Move Speed ↓ •The enemy favors down specials
•The enemy has reduced move speed
Overworld Theme - The Legend of Zelda
Tharja Lucina LucinaHeadNavySSBU.png Grab 4,100 Kalos Pokémon League (Battlefield form) •Hazard: Poison Cloud •The stage is covered in a poisonous cloud
•The enemy's special moves have increased power
Conquest (Ablaze)
Mimicutie Zero Suit Samus ZeroSuitSamusHeadShortsBlueSSBU.png Shield 1,700 Skyworld •Item Tidal Wave •The enemy's kicks and knee strikes have increased power
•The enemy favors side smash attacks
•Certain items will appear in large numbers after a little while
In the Space-Pirate Ship

Captured Fighters

No. Image Name Type Power Stage Music
Simon SSBU.png
Simon Grab 7,500 Dracula's Castle (Ω form) Vampire Killer
Pit SSBU.png
Pit Shield 3,300 Skyworld (Ω form) Underworld