Snake (SSBB)

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This article is about Snake's appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. For other uses, see Solid Snake.

Solid Snake
Universe Metal Gear
Appears in SSBB
Availability Unlockable

Unveiled at E3 2006, Snake (スネーク, Sunēku) is a character appearing in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Instead of using a gun, he uses explosive-type weapons from his own games. He is the first third-party character to appear in any Super Smash Bros. game. His sneaking suit is based on the one appearing in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.

A popular rumor states that Hideo Kojima, the creator of Metal Gear, wished Sakurai (or "practically begged" according to Sakurai, himself) to include Snake in Super Smash Bros. Melee, but the game was in an advanced development stage and in an early launch in Japan.

Snake is the only character whose official art on Smash Bros. DOJO!! portrays him in a different pose than his original art from his old profile.

Another note is that his victory theme is the theme to the original Metal Gear Solid game, which many fans also interpret as the "Game Over" theme.

How to Unlock

  • Play 15 matches in VS Mode on Shadow Moses Island
  • Play 130 matches in VS Mode
  • Have Snake join your party in the Subspace Emissary

Role in the Subspace Emissary

Snake has stowed away somewhere on the Halberd, hiding inside a cardboard box. When his time comes, Snake emerges from his box and begins to investigate, but when he sees Lucario and Meta Knight, he hides again inside his box. Lucario sees through the box by looking at his aura, and pulls off Snake's disguise. Snake is surprised to see that he has been discovered( an exclamation point appears above his head along with the Metal Gear "you have been found" sound) and quickly assumes a fighting stance. Meta Knight is glad to oblige, when Lucario senses security Primid coming from the corridor behind him, so they end up forming a partnership with Snake. After battling through the onslaught of Primid, Snake and the others meet up with Zelda and Peach. Shadowbugs make clones of Peach and Zelda, and the trio fights. Later, Snake, Lucario and Meta Knight find the bridge of the ship and are surprised to see a group of Mr. Game & Watches is maintaining the bridge. Snake and Co. throw all of the Mr. Game & Watches out of the window, and they all land on the front deck. The Mr. Game & Watches revert into Shadowbugs and combine into a giant metal monster called Duon. Lucario, Snake, Meta Knight, and Falco join Fox, Sheik, and Peach to battle and defeat the monster.

Pros and Cons


  • Neutral A Combo, Down Air, Neutral Air, and Forward Tilt are all fast, multi-hit attacks that have high knockback
  • Down Smash can place partially invisible mines on the level
  • Up Smash has potentially huge vertical range
  • Forward Smash is incredibly powerful
  • Has the most projectiles of any character: Up Smash, grenades, and his Remote Missile
  • Forward air is a powerful spike with interesting properties
  • Back and up air have long range and duration and high knockback
  • Fairly heavy
  • Large Up-B recovery that is hard to knock out of
  • Can Crawl
  • Can Snakedash
  • Can regain Up-B recovery if Snake detonates a C4 on himself in the air (some sort of Bomb Recovery)
  • Down B can not only be used to recover or plant C4 on the floor but also to plant on someone's head and blast them at will
  • Highly damaging with all moves
  • Attacks can combo into each other well (C4 into Up Smash into C4 Detonation into Forward/Back Air)


  • Smashes and B moves are very slow
  • Down Smash mine and C4 can hurt Snake as well
  • Fairly large target
  • The C4 might switch with someone else if the character it was on passes someone else, including Snake.
  • Jumps slowly
  • Floaty
  • Easily Comboed due to floatiness

Standard Moves

Ground Attacks

  • Neutral A - Punch, Punch, Spinkick. The kick has high knockback, and works as a moderate percent kill move
  • Dash Attack - Snake does a somersault forward, and ends up half-crouching at the end. Easily transitions to crouching. The somersault and subsequent easy transition to crouching are nearly identical to the same move used in Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes.
  • Down Tilt - Snake is fully prone while crouching, and he sweeps his legs around
  • Up Tilt - Snake does a handstand, kicking above him with both legs
  • Forward Tilt - Does a knee-thrust forward. If you press A again, he will follow-up with an overhead swing of both arms, which has high knockback
  • Up Smash - Snake takes out a mortar and places it in front of him. This has a weak hitbox. Then, he charges, and fires a rocket up in the air. The distance traveled vertically depends on the time spent charging; charging time does not affect damage. The rocket can hit any opponent in the arc upwards and subsequent fall back to earth, and explodes on contact with an enemy or the ground. Can not damage Snake.
  • Down Smash - (basicly a motion sensor mine but an attack) Snake crouches and starts digging in the ground as he charges, and sets a mine. Visibility of this mine decreases the longer it was charged. This is a very slow smash, and does not actually deal any damage right away. A short while after planting the mine, it becomes "active", and will detonate if anyone (including Snake) steps on it. Damage and knockback are based on how long it was charged.
  • Forward Smash - Snake takes out a shoulder mounted rocket launcher and aims it at the ground directly in front of him, causing an explosion when released. High knockback, but low range and hits the ground, similar to something like Samus's Downtilt.

Aerial Attacks

  • Neutral Aerial - Several quick kicks, similar to Fox's forward Aerial.
  • Down Aerial - Stomps multiple times beneath him, the last hit having fairly high knockback
  • Back Aerial - Snake kicks his legs out behind him, falling completely horizontal. High range and knockback, long duration.
  • Forward Aerial - Snake lifts a leg to head height and axe-drops it down. Similar to DK's Forward aerial, it is slow, yet powerful, and can spike at the end. It appears to actually spike an enemy that is in front of Snake down and behind him, and can "drag" an enemy in front of him, even on the stage off to their doom if Snake is using it while recovering.
  • Up Aerial - Thrusts his legs straight upwards, similar to his back aerial except upwards.

Grabs and Throws

  • Grab - Holds his opponent in a restraining chokehold.
  • Pummel - Tightens his chokehold.
  • Back Throw - Slams opponent behind him.
  • Up Throw - Back suplex, similar to Jigglypuff's back throw.
  • Down Throw - Lays opponent on the floor, causing an unconscious status.
  • Forward Throw - Flips them over and drops them (scoop slam).

Special Moves


Special Movements


All: Puts a box over himself, which is removable. When he removes it, the enemy recieves some damage (if they are in close range).
Secret: Kneels down and contacts his support team via codec. Snake then receives info on one of his opponents. You can do this, only on Snake's level Shadow Moses Island, by quickly flicking the the down taunt button. Then a conversation between Snake and his support team will occur. You can only do this once each round and if you are hit during the conversation it will stop and you will have to make a new round over again. It can be done with Snake and another character, but if you have more than one character and Snake, the taunt will randomly choose one character to talk about. Note that this is useless and impractical at tournament-level play, it is only a nod back to the fans.

On-Screen Appearance:Crashes onto the ground, and his optical camouflage malfunctions. Rises from a kneeling position saying "Kept you waiting, huh?"

External Links

Solid Snake's page at Smash Bros. Dojo!!

Template:Metal Gear Brawl