Short Hop Fast Fall Lag-Cancel, commonly abbreviated as "SHFFL" (pronounced like the word "shuffle"), is a combination of advanced techniques that, for most characters, results in the quickest and least laggy way to jump and perform an aerial from the ground in Super Smash Bros. and Super Smash Bros. Melee. A SHFFL, per its name, comprises a short hop, a fast-fall and an L-cancel, and an aerial attack that occurs while the user is in mid-air.

When teaching advanced techniques to new players, Smashers often emphasize the importance of SHFFLing because the technique reflects a mastery of several important advanced techniques. SHFFLing is highly useful in battle because its speed allows players to use aerial attacks in tandem with ground moves.
Chronological button input:
- X/Y/Up slightly
- A/A+direction/C
- Down
- L, R or Z
The last one can be skipped for certain aerials if the aerial is performed very early. Go to training mode with Marth and set the speed to 1/2 or 1/4. Do a short hop and, as fast as possible, a Nair (or Fair). Fast fall it and L-cancel it. Repeat it without the L-cancel. You will notice that both variations will take the same time. This is because the attack animation ends when Marth is still in mid-air and will fall down just as you hadn't performed an attack. Since jumps can't be l-canceled, it makes no speed-wise difference whether you press L/R/Z or not. However, pressing one of these button will probably result in a airdodge or a shield, depending on whether it is pressed before or after the landing. Thus it is possible to do Fair-to-waveland and likely combos, although there are few situations where it can be used effectively. Performing the aerial early enough to skip step 4 is simply described as "early shffl".
Outside of Melee
- SHFFLing is impossible in the original Smash Bros (64). You cannot fast fall during your initial short hop, so this technique has little to no use. Short hop aerials (without fast fall) are generally favoured.
- SHFFLing cannot be used in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, due to an absence of the L-cancel technique. However, it is possible to SHFF (short hop fast fall).