Super Smash Bros. 4

List of SSB4 trophies (Sonic the Hedgehog series)

Revision as of 22:28, April 14, 2018 by Nightstorm675 (talk | contribs)
This article is about Sonic trophies in Super Smash Bros. 4. For Sonic trophies in Brawl, see here. For links to all trophies, see List of trophies.

Both Versions

Name Picture   Picture   Description Trophy Box
Sonic the Hedgehog  

  The main star of the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He's an easygoing hedgehog who blows past the competition with his speed. Seriously, on the ground he's faster than anyone else in Smash Bros. Use this to your advantage, avoiding blows while landing lightning-fast attacks.

  A certain hedgehog from a certain series you just might have heard of. Unlike most hedgehogs, he's incredibly fast. Like most hedgehogs, however, he can't swim[1]. He's by far the fastest runner of all the fighters, so take advantage of that by making sure no one gets the chance to hit him. (Just try not to end up in the water.)

Sonic the Hedgehog (06/1991)
 : Sonic Lost World (10/2013)

83. Sonic & Friends
Sonic (Alt.) Fighter    

  Sonic's up special Spring Jump lets him reach great heights by jumping on a spring, becoming invincible for a moment. He can't use any other specials during the jump, but he can attack or dodge. This move's great for returning from a long launch. Other fighters can use the spring, though!

  Sonic's Spring Jump up special lets you bounce to great heights and briefly makes you invincible at the start. You can't use other specials while in the air, but you can use normal attacks, dodge and so on. It's great for getting both back to the stage and out of tough spots, but just remember that everyone else can use the spring too!

Sonic the Hedgehog (06/1991)
 : Sonic Lost World (10/2013)

84. Dr. Eggman's Ambitions
Shadow the Hedgehog  
Assist Trophy    

  Engineered to be the ultimate life-form by the brilliant Professor Gerald Robotnik, this black hedgehog appears very much like Sonic. He has a dark side, however. In Smash Bros., he uses Chaos Control to warp space-time, slowing every fighter down except the player who summoned him.

  A black hedgehog created by Professor Gerald Robotnik to be the Ultimate Lifeform. Though he looks a lot like Sonic, he's ruthless and will do anything to achieve his goals. In this game, he uses Chaos Control to warp time and space, slowing down everything around whoever summoned him.

 : Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (02/2002)
 : Shadow the Hedgehog (11/2005)

Dr. Eggman Series Related    

  Dr. Eggman knows a great deal about robots, which is neat. He also knows how to turn animals INTO robots, which isn't so neat. You'd think a man with an IQ of 300 would stop going up against Sonic, but he keeps on trying, all to build a world around his Eggman Empire.

  Here is a man who immortalizes animals in mechanical form because he just loves them so much! Wait. That's not quite right... Instead of using his talents for peaceful ventures, Dr. Eggman, a scientist with an IQ of 300, nurtures plans for Eggmanland to reach all four corners of the world. First poaching animals, now this? Terrible.

Sonic the Hedgehog (06/1991)
 : Sonic Lost World (10/2013)

84. Dr. Eggman's Ambitions
Miles "Tails" Prower  
Series Related  

This gentle-hearted little fox used to get bullied because of his two tails. Then one day he saw Sonic on West Side Island and decided to join him on his adventures. Now he's an expert mechanic and a partner Sonic can really rely on—he's come a long way since his timid, quiet beginnings!

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (11/1992)
 : Sonic Heroes (01/2004)

83. Sonic & Friends
Amy Rose  
Series Related    

  Amy has two favorite things in this world: Sonic...and soft-serve ice cream. She might not seem tough—what with her love of ice cream and addiction to fortune-telling— but don't be taken in! The business end of her Piko Piko Hammer will give anyone who underestimates her a massive headache.

  Amy has two favourite things in this world: Sonic...and soft ice cream. She might not seem tough, what with her love of ice cream - not to mention her addiction to fortune-telling - but don't be taken in! The business end of her Piko Piko Hammer will make sure that underestimating her is a massive headache!

Sonic CD (11/1993)
 : Sonic Heroes (01/2004)

83. Sonic & Friends
Knuckles the Echidna  
Series Related  

Knuckles the Echidna is the dedicated guardian of the Master Emerald, rarely leaving his post on the floating Angel Island. His serious, one-track-minded approach puts him at odds with his rival, Sonic, but the two somehow manage to be friends all the same.

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (02/1994)
Sonic & Knuckles (10/1994)

83. Sonic & Friends
Cream & Cheese  
Cream the Rabbit  
Series Related    

  Sidekick to Amy Rose, Cream the Rabbit is a cute, hardworking friend. She has a Chao named Cheese, and they make a great team. She probably wants to cream the next person who makes a joke about their names, but I can't help but want a cream- cheese bagel when I talk about them...

  You don't often see Cream without Cheese. (Excuse us, we're suddenly really hungry.) Actually, Cream is a lovely, hardworking little rabbit, and Cheese is her beloved pet Chao. They're the perfect, adorable little team, and not in the slightest bit edible.

 : Sonic Advance 2 (03/2003)
 : Sonic Heroes (01/2004)

83. Sonic & Friends
Chao Series Related    

  How can you resist the cute charm of these little guys? Don't you just want to hold them tight and protect them from the dangers of the world? Well, they'd like that too. Since ancient times, if they can't find a safe place to live, they find someone to look after them.

  Aren't these little guys the cutest? You just want to hold them tight and make sure nothing happens to them. Well, that's how they've survived since...forever - if they can't find somewhere predator-free, they'll find somebody to look after them. Just like Cheese did with his owner, Cream!

 : Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (02/2002)
 : Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut (06/2003)[2]

84. Dr. Eggman's Ambitions
Blaze the Cat  
Series Related    

  A princess charged with guarding the Sol Emeralds, Blaze comes from another dimension. She used to be a bit of a withdrawn loner— it wasn't until she met Sonic and co. that she really opened up. She can brandish fire at will, and she can use the Sol Emeralds to change into Burning Blaze.

  A princess from another dimension charged with guarding the Sol Emeralds. She used to be a bit of a withdrawn loner, and it wasn't until she met Sonic and Co. that she really opened up. She can wield the power of fire at will, and can even transform into Burning Blaze by using all seven of the Sol Emeralds.

 : Sonic Rush (11/2005)
Sonic the Hedgehog (11/2006)

83. Sonic & Friends
Jet the Hawk  
Series Related    

  Jet the Hawk, a.k.a. the Legendary Wind Master, has a lot of cool stuff going for him besides his name. He's amazing on his Extreme Gear, a flying skateboard. Unfortunately, he's no hero—he leads thieves called the Babylon Rogues, and he can't stand losing to Sonic in anything.

  Being known as the Legendary Wing Master is pretty cool on its own, but to earn that title by being the greatest at riding flying skateboards called Extreme Gear? That's awesome! He's the cocky leader of the Babylon Rogues, a group of thieves, and he can't stand losing to Sonic.

 : Sonic Riders (02/2006)
 : Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity (01/2008)

Silver the Hedgehog  
Series Related  

  Silver the Hedgehog comes from the future— from a world that seems to have been laid to waste. He manipulated space-time to travel to the present where he meets Sonic and friends, and now he's putting his telekinetic talents to use in an effort to save the future world he calls home.

  Silver the Hedgehog comes from the future - from a world that seems to have been laid to waste. He manipulated space-time to come back to the present where he meets Sonic and friends, and now he's putting his telekinetic talents to use in an effort to save the future world he calls home.

Sonic the Hedgehog (11/2006)
 : Sonic Generations (11/2011)

83. Sonic & Friends

3DS Version

Name Picture Description
Egg Robo  
Enemy File:EggRoboTrophy3DS.png

  These robots are one of Dr. Eggman's creations from the Sonic the Hedgehog series, where they tend to hover in the air and shoot at Sonic with their laser guns. In this game, they'll deliberately keep their distance while firing both short and long beams at the fighters. Get below them to avoid their fire, and then strike!

  These robots are one of Dr. Eggman's creations from the Sonic the Hedgehog series, where they tend to hover in the air and shoot at Sonic with their laser guns. In this game, they'll deliberately keep their distance while firing both short and long beams at the fighters. Get below them to avoid their fire, then strike!

Metal Sonic Series Related  

  This robotic doppelgänger was created by Dr. Eggman as a means to stop Sonic from interfering with his plans, but Metal Sonic's advanced AI chip gave him a mind of his own. At one point he even stole Dr. Eggman's identity and took over his fleet! Naturally, it fell to Sonic to put things right again.

  This robotic doppelgänger was created by Dr. Eggman as a means to stop Sonic from interfering with his plans, but Metal Sonic's advanced AI chip gave him a mind of his own. At one point he even stole Dr. Eggman's identity and took over his fleet! Naturally, it was up to Sonic to put a stop to this.

Vector the Crocodile  
Series Related  

  The croc detective, Vector the Crocodile! He leads the Chaotix Detective Agency. Despite his scaly exterior, he has a kind heart, so he is open to doing jobs for free if it means helping out someone who is truly in need. His life would probably make for a really good noir film!

  Presenting Vector the Crocodile, ace detective! Loud-mouthed and bossy on the outside, but a real softy on the inside. Despite having a business to run, he'll lend his keen eye and brilliant mind free of charge to anyone in need. ...Someone should really make a film about his life!

Charmy Bee  
Series Related  

  Charmy brings a positive attitude to the Chaotix Detective Agency. To him, work is a blast! He's still a kid, though, and he has a lot to learn. His energetic nature can also annoy Vector. He's been keeping himself busy as a bee ever since he first showed up in Knuckles' Chaotix.

  All work and no play makes Actually, he doesn't really see a difference between those two things. His hyperactivity can get on Vector's nerves sometimes, but Charmy just can't sit still! He's been keeping himself busy as a bee ever since he first showed up in Knuckles' Chaotix.

Espio the Chameleon  
Series Related  

  Espio is a vital member of the Chaotix Detective Agency. He is stoic and disciplined, acting as the voice of reason to Vector and Charmy. Being a chameleon, he can easily conceal himself from long as he doesn't sneeze. That may ruin the illusion.

  Vector might be the boss at Chaotix Detective Agency, but Espio's definitely the voice of reason. As a chameleon, the ninja of the animal kingdom, he can turn invisible to slip past enemies unnoticed. He just has to be careful not to sneeze when he's invisible. A blunder like that'll blow his cover instantly!

Big the Cat  
Series Related  

  Big the Cat spends most of his days in peace with his best friend, Froggy. But he's no ordinary cat! He enjoys napping, eating, more He also likes fishing, which tests his strength. And if Froggy is ever in danger, Big won't even think twice before helping!

  Big the Cat likes living the quiet life with his best friend Froggy. He might be the biggest fan of catnaps ever, but there's more to him than that! He loves to do a bit of fishing, which takes a lot more strength than you'd think, and woe betide you if you ever mess with Froggy...

Rouge the Bat  
Series Related  

  A treasure hunter with an eye for gems. Though bats are usually very mysterious, Rouge has no problem expressing her strong drive to get what she wants. She's foxy and clever, and even the infamous Dr. Eggman has been fooled by her on occasion.

  A treasure hunter with an eye for precious gems. She wants to get every jewel and treasure in the world, and she'll never give up once she's got a target in her sights. She's smart and tactical, and can even manipulate Dr. Eggman. Definitely someone you want batting on your side!

Omega E-123  
Series Related  

  E-123 Omega is, as his name implies, the 23rd robot in Dr. Eggman's E-100 series. Designed to be Eggman's secret weapon and contain Shadow the Hedgehog, Omega instead turns rebel and teams up with Shadow to undermine the villain and create chaos.

  E-123 Omega (or E-123 Ω, if you want to be fancy) is the latest and final incarnation of Dr. Eggman's E-100 series of robots. Omega was created to keep Shadow the Hedgehog imprisoned, but rebelled against his creator for not putting him to good use, and now seeks revenge alongside Shadow.

Wii U Version

Name Picture Description Trophy Box
Super Sonic Final Smash  

The Chaos Emeralds are said to hold enough power to control the whole world. It's that power that turns Sonic into Super Sonic. He turns a glorious golden color and can fly at nearly the speed of light. In his Final Smash, this high-speed flight damages anyone who gets in its way and can even launch them!

84. Dr. Eggman's Ambitions
Fauna of Windy Hill Zone  
Animals of Windy Hill Zone  

Windy Hill, a plain on the floating Lost Hex continent, is the first area in Sonic Lost World. It has giant windmills and mysterious caves and is home to a wide variety of animals...that Dr. Eggman has gone and used as a power source for his robot collection. Typical... Just destroy the robots and set those animals free.[3]

 : Sonic Lost World (10/2013)[4]

84. Dr. Eggman's Ambitions
The Deadly Six Series Related  

  The tough and intelligent red leader Zavok! A feisty color to match her feisty personality, Zeena! A fan of the noms, Zomom! Sharp horns and a sharper tongue, Zazz! Braindishing both age and wisdom, Master Zik! And finally, the brooding spy, Zor! Give it up for the Deadly Six!

  Zavok, the leader, has a sharp mind and tough fighting skills. Zeena is a cruel siren with a fierce temper. Zomom has a habit of eating everything in sight, and Zazz is crazy about brawling. The elderly Master Zik taught Zavok how to fight, and brooding Zor is the group's spy. Together they are the Zeadly Zix! Sorry, no - the Deadly Six.

 : Sonic Lost World (10/2013)

84. Dr. Eggman's Ambitions


  1. ^ When creating Sonic, Yuji Naka mistakenly thought hedgehogs can't swim; in reality, hedgehogs are great swimmers.
  2. ^ The game order is reversed in the Japanese version.
  3. ^ The "Fauna of Windy Hill Zone" trophy states that the Lost Hex is the home to a wide variety of animals. However it is not stated that animals are also seen inhabiting other territories in early Sonic the Hedgehog games, such as South Island, West Side Island and Angel Island. Also the title "Fauna of Windy Hill Zone" is never used or heard in any Sonic game.
  4. ^ The first appearance of the small animal friends is not listed, which is Sonic the Hedgehog, released in 1991 for Sega Genesis.


  • With the exception of the Sonic (Alt.) trophy, all trophies present in both versions of the game previously appeared in Brawl.
  • With the exception of trophies pertaining to fighters, assist trophies, items and stage elements, all trophies are listed in the order of which the figure appeared. However, the Chao trophy is erroneously placed after the trophy of Cream the Rabbit. Chao debuted in 1998's Sonic Adventure, while Cream didn't first appear until Sonic Advance 2 in 2002 and in Omega's trophy description erroneously states him as the 23rd E-100 series robot where he is actually the 24th.