Japanese.png This page is part of SW:1226. The original page is located here.
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Updated October 30, 2001

Sheik, one of the descendants of the Sheikah tribe.
I've kept this a secret until now, but "Sheik can transform into Zelda"!

To put it another way, "Zelda" exists as a fighter you can choose.
Rather, Zelda is the character, and she can transform into Sheik as one of her special moves.
The input is Down + B. So with her down special, you can transform between Zelda/Sheik.

When you Transform, everything from her traits, to her attacks, and specials, change.
That's great.
And Sheik’s elegant, flowing moves are so fun.
You can have 3 bowls of rice alone.

The reason her specials are written in kanji is because I wanted to reinforce her image as a "warrior from another world".
Her moves are ninja-like as well, and a lot of them require a lot of flexibility.

When I was trying to communicate her movements, “twist her body more!” might have been a catchphrase of mine…
It was also difficult for the motion team to understand her character, so it was pretty difficult overall.

Zelda will be covered in the next reveal.

Sheik SSBM.jpg

SW:1226 Note
Descriptions from images in this gallery are written here instead of on individual pages.
SSBMWebsiteSheik1.jpg SSBMWebsiteSheik2.jpg SSBMWebsiteSheik3.jpg
Sheik appears! Vanish. A teleport move that leaves behind an explosion. The 2 shot.
ChainMelee.jpg Needle Storm SSBM.jpg STransMelee.jpg
Chain. Control it and elegantly keep your enemies away! Needle Storm. Even seeing them is pretty difficult. And the transformation into Zelda! We’ll cover Zelda next time.

(Screenshots under development)

Table of Sheik's special moves
Normal special move Needle Storm
Side special move Chain
Up special move Vanish
Down special move Transform
