Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Mega Tourney!

Revision as of 23:17, August 29, 2024 by TheUnGhost (talk | contribs) (Dummied out trivia that is just too specific.)

Mega Tourney! (みんなでっかい! 巨大化トーナメント, Everyone Is Huge! Giant Tournament), known as Gigantourney. It ran from 6 a.m. on December 20, 2019 to 6 a.m. on December 23, 2019 (UTC), and was repeated on the following dates:

  • 6 a.m. on December 24, 2021 to 6 a.m. on December 27, 2021 (UTC)
  • 6 a.m. on December 23, 2022 to 6 a.m. on December 26, 2022 (UTC)
  • 6 a.m. on December 22, 2023 to 6 a.m. on December 25, 2023 (UTC)

During the event, the size was set to Mega for giant battles.


North America

This time-limited tourney features Mega Smash battles where everyone is huge! Try it on for size!
The further you advance, the better the spirit you'll win![1][2][3]

PAL regions

This time-limited tourney features Mega Smash battles where everyone is huge! It's a whole new level of dynamic!
The further you advance, the better the spirit you'll win![4][5][6]


  • Format: Smash
  • Rules: Time
  • Time Limit: 2:30
  • FS Meter: Off
  • Items: Medium
  • Size: Mega

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
  Japanese みんなでっかい! 巨大化トーナメント Everybody's Big! Gigantic Tournament
  English (NTSC) Mega Tourney!
  English (PAL) Gigantourney
  French Le Smash des titans Smash of the Titans
  German Treffen der Titanen Meeting of the Titans
  Spanish Gigatorneo Gigantourney
  Italian Gigantorneo Gigantourney
  Chinese (Simplified) 个个都巨大无比!巨大化淘汰赛 Everybody's Big! Gigantic Tournament
  Chinese (Traditional) 個個是龐然大物!巨大化淘汰賽 Everybody's Big! Gigantic Tournament
  Korean 모두가 큼직큼직! 거대화 토너먼트 Everybody's Big! Gigantic Tournament
  Dutch Titanenstrijd Titanic battle
  Russian Гигaнтурнир Gigantourney


  • The French name for this event is a reference to the 1981 film Clash of the Titans.
  • Getting a transformation item that increases a character's size (i.e. Super Mushroom or a Lightning Bolt that backfires and causes a Giant transformation effect) will stack with the permanent Mega effect on players and make them grow even larger than their already supersized opponents.
