This article is about Wario's appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. For other uses, see Wario.

Universe Wario
Appears in SSBB
Availability Starter
Tier High (8)

Unveiled at E3 2006, Wario (ワリオ, Wario) is a character appearing in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Wearing his WarioWare outfit, Wario has an attack where he builds up flatulence over time and later releases a deadly fart called the Wario Waft, which was highly exaggerated in the trailer by making it a bigger explosion of fart than it is in the actual game, similar to the exaggeration of Dimensional Cape. What was apparent in the most recent trailer is that he walks on his tiptoes. In the small amount of footage revealed at E3 2007, Wario was shown to walk with a Mr. Game & Watch-like stop-motion gait (similar to his movement in WarioWare cutscenes). Wario currently ranks 8th on the tier list. He is one of the best characters in the game due to his superior aerial game, various ways of recovering and different forms of approach, making a him the best character.

Pros and Cons


  • Most moves have small start up lag, partially disguising his attacks until a hitbox occur.
  • Good aerial game
  • Very high horizontal aerial movement speed and easy to maneuver. (3rd fastest air speed and no speed is lost when turning around in midair)
  • Fast moves overall.
  • Small target for his weight class.
  • Bike-jumping can be used to help recover, or as an edgeguard technique.
  • Bike can be destroyed if it is on the platform to yield fast projectiles.
  • Wario Waft when fully charged deals incredible damage and knockback, and can help Wario's recovery. Waft kills even better when 3/4 charged or even 1/2 charged.
  • Can Crawl.
  • Can Wariocide.
  • Can Item Swallow.
  • Chomp, Foward Throw and Back Throw all have the potential to combo into a Boost Smash.
  • Powerful recovery can help him recover from a missed Wariocide or edgeguard.
  • Strong attacks, both in damage and knockback.
  • Can eat some incoming projectiles or items to block their attack.
  • Wario's Chomp is capable of interrupting certain moves, many of them powerful, commonly used approaches (e.g. Jigglypuff's Rollout, Peach's Side Special, Ness and Lucas when hit with their own PK Thunder, Sonic's Down & Side Specials, etc).
  • Chomp has a grab hitbox, meaning it can interrupt any moves as long as the attack isn't spaced to where Wario gets hit before the opponent gets hit by chomp.
  • Forward smash has super armor frames.
  • Down throws can be chained together, even though it is only on certain characters at certain %'s.
  • Forward Air can Wall of Pain very well because of his fast aerial maneuverability like Jigglypuff.
  • One of the most powerful recoveries in the game when all options are available (Fully charged Wario Waft and Wario Bike). Waft can be used to recover even if it is not fully charged, it just needs to be half charged or more.
  • Has three different recoveries that can be used.
  • Corkscrew makes Wario invincible for a brief moment.
  • If used correctly, Corkscrew can move straight up or follow a diagonal path.
  • Floaty movement is deceptive; he falls slower and floats more than other heavyweights, virtually disguising his weight class, and his air time often fools the opponent into believing he'll be KO'd by an attack that he'll survive.
  • Wario Bike can act as a shield; Wario himself must be hit to knock him off. The Bike absorbs most attacks, stops projectiles, and if angled properly (at almost a half-wheelie) can stop most long-ranged attacks, and Counters.
  • The Wario Bike, if thrown at a recovering opponent, will knock them down slightly and possibly hit them multiple times, stunning them
  • Has a long traveling Boost Smash
  • If Wario eats an explosive like Toon Link's Bombs or Snakes grenades and somebody is close enough, they take damage as well.
  • Is the fastest Item eater.


  • Situational recovery. This is because if the Wario Bike is used on the ground, he can't recover with it until it is destroyed. Wario Waft has to be charged to give Wario good recovery distance.
  • Corkscrew is a poor recovery move in general.
  • Wario Waft takes 108 seconds to charge, and is considerably weaker without a full charge. However, the half charge has more knockback.
  • Besides the down and slow foward tilts, attacks lack range.
  • His own bike (or the Wheels from a broken bike) can be used against him.
  • Up Smash is situational, because it only has good knockback on the final hit and it can't trap opponents in it well.
  • Down Smash only has decent knockback on the first part of the attack and the long duration makes Wario very vulnerable if he misses.
  • Wario Bike is often predictible if used offensively.
  • Aside from the first jab of Wario's neutral A, all of Wario's ground moves are laggier than average one way or the other, including completing the neutral A jab combo.
  • Slow rolling dodge.
  • Abusable release grab (which can lead to infinites by Yoshi and Zero Suit Samus)

Standard Moveset

Ground Attacks


  • Neutral Attack - Left hook, then right hook. Decent knockback, but very short ranged. 12% if both fists hit opponent.
  • Dash Attack - Trips and falls flat on his face, sliding a small bit. 7% in early frames, 5% later.
  • Strong Side - Wario swings his right fist in a circle then thrusts it forward. Fairly slow with surprising range. Tilt control pad/stick to aim up or down. Deals 13%
  • Strong Down - Stabs his index finger at the ground in front of him. Quite quick compared to his other moves, and again one of Wario's few ranged attacks. 8% damage
  • Strong Up - Raises both hands above his head, raising the roof. Decent vertical launcher for combos. 10% damage


  • Forward Smash - Shoulder charge from Wario Land, grants him super armor. Wario runs in place while charging. 19-26%
  • Up Smash - Head grows as Wario spins, hitting multiple times with the head. 15-21%
  • Down Smash - Spins on the ground, bashing foes with his head. First hit has good knockback, subsequent hits had gradually weaker strength and knockback. Similar to Wolf's neutral-air. 13-18%


  • Ledge Attack - Crawls up the ledge and flips onto his back, attacking with his head. 6%
  • 100% Ledge Attack - Crawls up the ledge and slides his hand across the ground. Similar to his down tilt. 10%
  • Floor Attack - Directly spins from his position with his right fist out. 6%
  • Trip Attack - Attacks with both hands in front of him, then attacks with his legs behind him. 5%

Aerial Attacks

  • Neutral Aerial - Accompanied by a gradually lowering sound of falling, Wario extends his hands and fingers, then spins in place. A quick move to use in the air, and has two hitboxes, the first being stronger than the second. 9% initially, then 4% for a total of 13%.
  • Forward Aerial - Sticks his foot a short distance forward. Short ranged and very little damage or knockback, but very high speed and priority. Best used for "wall of pain" style attacking. 7% damage if inflicted within the first few frames, 5% later (cannot hit the same target twice)
  • Back Aerial - Throws his head backwards, hitting with it, entire body horizontal. If he lands while performing this, he will fall onto his back. 10%
  • Up Aerial - Claps above his head. High knockback, can KO easily and low delay. 17%
  • Down Aerial - Turns upside down and spins, drilling with his head. Has decent knockback, is very hard to use DI out of, and is very effective if used after a short-hop without fast-falling. Deals 2% 6 times, then finishes with a knockback hit dealing 4% for a total of 16%.

Grabs and Throws

  • Pummel - Punches the victim in the crotch area with his left fist. 2%
  • Forward Throw - Wild Swing-Ding from Wario World; spins foe around and throws him/her forward. 12%
  • Back Throw - Hits them backward with his butt. Wario briefly wiggles his behind with an open mouth. 9%
  • Up Throw - Throws them into the air and jumps up, headbutting them. 10%
  • Down Throw - Throws the victim on the ground and sits violently on top of them, who is then knocked behind Wario. Wario is capable of chaingrabbing with this, usually against heavier characters. Deals 4% when landing on the victim, then 3% after they are released. 7% total

Special Moves


Role in The Subspace Emissary

File:Wario and Ness.jpg
Wario holding Ness's trophy

After Kirby does battle with Petey Piranha, one of the cages in which Petey holds either Princess Zelda or Princess Peach will break, depending on which cage the player damaged more while :battling Petey. The Princess who the player saves will escape with the player; Wario traps the other in the form of a trophy and takes off with the trophy on his shoulder. He is revealed to be a member of the Subspace Army. Wario then hunts down Lucas in an abandoned town, dispatching Porky to corner him and weaken him. Porky is defeated by Lucas with the help of Ness, but Wario appears and captures Ness. Wario then loses his trophies to King Dedede after he is ambushed by Waddle Dees. Wario tracks Lucas and his partner, the Pokemon Trainer, down and fights them. Wario is defeated and left behind. When Galleom's Subspace Bomb detonates, the area of Subspace expands and absorbs Wario's trophy. Wario appears at the end and aids the heroes in their battle against Tabuu.

Although he works for the Subspace Army, he had no specific alligence to Master Hand, only following his orders because he enjoyed doing so.

Event Matches

Event 4: Cleaning House in Skyworld- The player controls Pit, and you have to destroy the platforms in Skyworld while Wario both attacks you and inadvertantly helps destroy the platforms. [1]

Event 19: Wario Bros.- The player controls Wario and has two lives, the players mission is to kill Mario and Luigi, who are both on a team and both have two lives as well. After beating this event you unlock the Mario Bros. stage.

Special Movements


Side: Accompanied by a "wiggly" sound similar to the one heard while using corkscrew, Wario wiggles his butt at the screen with his hands extended in each direction and he teasingly snickers. Wario seems to float as the bottoms of his shoes are touching each other.

Down: Wario faces the screen, holds up three fingers with his left hand that seem to form a "W" for Wario, then does the same with his right hand after putting away his left hand, and then holds them both out at the same time. Wario utters "Wah!" three times for each time he holds up a hand, the third "Wah!" having the most enthusiasm.

Up: Belly-laughs so hard (as heard by the Wii-mote when selecting Wario), his jaw unhinges, so he has to manually put it back with his hands.

While riding Wario Bike (any direction): Wario faces his right and does his signature "W" sign at the screen with both hands, then picks his nose with his left hand. Another trick considered a taunt is when Wario does a wheelie by gently holding up on the control sick, where he stands on the back of his seat and flaps his right hand based on how fast he is going up and down.

On-Screen Appearance

Crashes in sideways on his bike, jumps off, and his bike explodes while he dusts himself off.

Idle Pose

  • Crosses his arms, fists clenched
  • Scratches his bottom

Victory Pose

Victory Theme: Wario Series Theme

  • He does a donut on his bike, makes a "W" sign with his hand, saying "Yes!", then pulls on his mustache and makes the "W" sign again, process repeats.
  • He laughs gloatingly and then falls over, rolling on his back.
  • Pats his belly, releasing a fart that after smelling, results in an "Oooh..." from Wario.

Wii Remote Choice

Wario does his signature belly laugh, also heard when initiating his upward directional taunt.

Credits Music

  • WarioWare, Inc. Medley

Clapping Pose

Claps with a grin, occasionally yelling cheers.


File:Overalls Wario.jpg
Wario in his overalls.

In addition to his normal WarioWare costume, Wario has a "special outfit": his "classic" look from the Wario Land games. Wario is the only character who has 2 different outfits, and with 6 color schemes each, Wario has 12 possible costumes. This also causes him to be the only character who can change his look in a Team Brawl.


  • Wario can safely travel under Final Destination, even without using his Down B.
  • Due to his dodgy walking animation, if he is walking backwards on conveyor belts in custom stages, he cannot walk onto another conveyor belt.
  • Wario is the only character to have a Victory Theme based off of an upcoming game.
  • Wario can preform a Reverse-Hyrule Jump.
  • Wario is the only character with 12 alternate costumes. 6 for his Wario Ware costume, 6 for his Overalls costume, making him the only character with the most alternate costumes.

External Links

Template:Wario Brawl