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Super Smash Bros. 4

Dark Pit (SSB4)

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This article is about Dark Pit's appearance in Super Smash Bros. 4. For the character in other contexts, see Dark Pit.
Dark Pit
in Super Smash Bros. 4
Dark Pit
Universe Kid Icarus
Availability Unlockable
Final Smash Dark Pit Staff
Dark Pit (SSB4)

Dark Pit is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. 4, being an unlockable newcomer. Dark Pit was teased before release, being shown in Palutena's reveal trailer. He was officially confirmed on October 9, 2014, but was leaked beforehand on September 11th by a leaker's Twitch stream. His profile art matches that of a previous leak. He is a clone of Pit, and shares many moves with him, including Upperdash Arm (using the Electroshock Arm instead for his version), Guardian Orbitars and Power of Flight.

How To Unlock

Dark Pit must then be defeated in Reset Bomb Forest.


Dark Pit is a clone of Pit, and thus shares many attributes with him. Dark Pit does, however, have some gameplay differences, mostly in his special attacks. His Silver Bow arrows, once shot, cannot be aimed as well as Pit. He also uses the Electroshock Arm rather than the Upperdash Arm that Pit uses.

Differences from Pit

  • Buff Dark Pit is slightly faster.
  • Buff Power of Flight covers more distance.
  • Buff Down smash and forward throw is slightly stronger in terms of knockback.
  • Buff Dark Pit's Silver Bow arrows deal 1% more damage than Pit's.
    • Nerf Dark Pit's arrows have less range and cannot be curved as dynamically as Pit's.
  • Buff Electroshock Arm deals strong horizontal knockback which KO's sooner than Pit's if hitting foes off the side blast zones of the stage.
    • Nerf However, it's weaker in terms of vertical KO power.
  • Change Dark Pit's taunts, victory poses, and Final Smash are different.


Ground Attacks

Normal Attacks

  • Neutral attack - Slashes three times, twice horizontally, and once vertically in quick succession. If the A button is pressed repeatedly, Dark Pit will do the first two hits, but slash multiple times and finish with a vertical swipe instead.
  • Dash attack - Slashes bow towards the ground.
  • Forward tilt - Closes both blades in on his opponent for a scissor slash, before backing off.
  • Up tilt - Backflips and kicks in the air, before correcting himself and kicking again.
  • Down tilt - Crouches and swipes the bow around the ground.

Smash Attacks

  • Forward smash - A weak slash followed immediately by a very strong slash.
  • Up smash - Three quick slashes above his head The final strike is the slowest and has all the knockback.
  • Down smash - Slashes toward the ground in front of and behind him. Similar to Link's down smash.

Other Attacks

Aerial attacks

  • Neutral aerial - Spins bow in front of him, hitting multiple times.
  • Forward aerial - Spins his bow in front of him, causing multiple hits.
  • Back aerial - Thrusts both blades behind him.
  • Up aerial - Spins his bow together above his head, again hitting multiple times.
  • Down aerial - Slashes anyone underneath him.

Grabs and Throws

  • Note: When pummeling an opponent, Dark Pit's bow temporarily leaves his hand, most likely a glitch.
  • Pummel - Knees the opponent in their midsection. A very fast pummel.
  • Forward throw - Holds his opponent in front of him before slashing them away.
  • Back throw - Twirls around with the enemy in tow, slamming them on the ground and launches the opponent backward.
  • Up throw - Does a handstand and kicks the opponent with both feet.
  • Down throw - Slams opponent on the ground and slashes their back.

Special Moves

  • Neutral special has Dark Pit fire a dark arrow from his Silver Bow at his opponent. The arrow can be angled.
  • Side special has Dark Pit use the Electroshock Arm, dashing towards his opponent and launching them upwards.
  • Up special has Dark Pit use the Power of Flight. It functions like Pit's version of the move.
  • Down special has Dark Pit use the Guardian Orbitars, which are used to reflect attacks.
  • Dark Pit's Final Smash has him fire a high powered laser from his Dark Pit Staff, which in most cases can One-hit KO. Similar to Zelda/Sheik's Light Arrow.
Special Move Basic Custom 1 Custom 2
Neutral Special Silver Bow Piercing Bow Guiding Bow
Side Special Electroshock Arm Electrocut Arm Quickshock Arm
Up Special Power of Flight Striking Flight Breezy Flight
Down Special Guardian Orbitars Impact Orbitars Amplifying Orbitars
Final Smash unnamed


  • Taunts his opponent by signaling them to come closer with his blade and saying "Who wants some?!".
  • Spins his blades towards the screen, before ending with a pose saying "Watch out!".
  • Stands and points his blade towards his opponent saying "Game on!".

Win quotes

  • "Can't help but feel sorry for ya!"
  • "Looks like I'm the last man standing!"
  • "Nice try!"
  • "Where's your Goddess now?" (When defeating Pit)

Crowd cheer

"Pittoo, Pittoo, Pittoo!"

Palette swaps

Dark Pit Palette (SSB4).png
Dark Pit (SSB4) Dark Pit (SSB4) Dark Pit (SSB4) Dark Pit (SSB4) Dark Pit (SSB4) Dark Pit (SSB4) Dark Pit (SSB4) Dark Pit (SSB4)



  • Despite official artwork of Dark Pit showing him wielding the Dark Pit Staff, he actually uses the Silver Bow for all of his attacks, only using the staff for his Final Smash.
  • Dark Pit is the only newcomer to be shown in another fighter's reveal trailer, but not to be revealed as a fighter. This caused many to believe that Dark Pit was the boss character for Palutena's Temple or an alternate costume for Pit (which Sakurai even stating that all clone characters were originally costumes).
  • Dark Pit and Rosalina & Luma are the only characters with a different victory theme that isn't a remix of their universe's original victory theme.
  • Dark Pit is the only full clone to have a completely different Final Smash compared to the character that was cloned.
  • Dark Pit is one of few fighters to have a crowd chant not containing the fighter's name. Pittoo is a nickname given to him by Palutena in Kid Icarus: Uprising, used often by herself, Pit, and other characters in the game, generally to Dark Pit's dismay.
  • Dark Pit is the first Evil Clone of a protagonist to be a seperate playable character.

External links