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Super Smash Bros. 4

Little Mac (SSB4)

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This article is about Little Mac's appearance in Super Smash Bros. 4. For the character in other contexts, see Little Mac.
Little Mac
in Super Smash Bros. 4
Little Mac
Universe Punch-Out!!
Availability Starter
Final Smash Giga Mac
Little Mac (SSB4)
Little Mac Punches In!
—Introduction Tagline

Little Mac is a newcomer in Super Smash Bros. 4. He was revealed on February 13th, 2014 during a Nintendo Direct, commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Punch Out!! franchise, which had debuted in Japan that month in 1984.[1] He has a special mechanic known as the Power Meter, which reaches different levels of charge. When it has fully charged, Little Mac can unleash an extremely powerful uppercut, claimed by Masahiro Sakurai to have the power to OHKO opponents. While he has extremely proficient fighting abilities on the ground, he has poor aerial abilities, being told in the trailer by Doc Louis that he "ain't no air fighter", and Sakurai later stating such on Miiverse. Little Mac additionally has short jumps and a poor recovery. Little Mac has alternate costumes in the form of "Wireframe Mac" based on the protagonist from the original arcade version of Punch-Out!!, whom the player saw from a first person perspective; this makes Little Mac the only character with more than 8 palette swaps in Super Smash Bros. 4, with 16.


  • Most of his moveset involves punches, most commonly jabs and uppercuts. Many of these punches are very fast.
  • His forward smash will animate and function differently depending on how it is angled; non-angled is a straight punch, up angled is an uppercut, and down angled is a body hook. Sakurai's Miiverse post about it implies the body hook deals the most damage, but also deals the least knockback. No information about the functionality of the other variations are known at this time.
  • Little Mac can wall-jump [1], in stark contrast to his notoriously bad aerial-game.


Ground attacks


  • Neutral attack - Two jabs, followed by a series of rapid punches ending with an uppercut. Has very good knockback for a jab. First hit: 2%, second hit: 3%, rapid punches: 1% each, uppercut: 3%.
  • Dash attack - Swinging overhead punch. 10%.
  • Forward tilt - Two jabs, the second of which has moderate knockback. 12% total.
  • Up tilt - Swipes his fist above his head. 9%.
  • Down tilt - Punches along the ground. 8%.

Smash attacks

  • Forward smash - Can be angled for different attacks:
    • Standard: A straight punch. 19% uncharged, 26% fully charged.
    • Upward: An uppercut. 19% uncharged, 26% fully charged at close range.
    • Downward: A body hook. 22% uncharged, 30% fully charged.
  • Up smash - Punches above himself. 20% uncharged, 28% fully charged.
  • Down smash - Punches in front of and behind himself along the ground. 12% uncharged, 16% fully charged.

Aerial attacks

Grabs and throws

  • Pummel - A body shot. 2%.
  • Forward throw - Punches the opponent forwards. 8%.
  • Back throw - Turns around with the opponent and uppercuts them. 9%.
  • Up throw - Quickly uppercuts the opponent. 7%.
  • Down throw - Smashes opponent with both fists. 9%.


  • Up taunt: Turns his back to the screen, bends down, then raises his fist triumphantly.
  • Side taunt: Crosses his fists. Doc Louis occasionally says "Let 'em have it, Mac!".
  • Down taunt: Performs a series of punches while facing the screen. Doc Louis occasionally says "Show 'em what you've got, fighter."

Special Moves

In Super Smash Bros. 4, special moves can be swapped out for different variants, but only two of Little Mac's have been seen. These are Mac's special moves:

  • Neutral special move: Straight Lunge, a strong, chargeable punch attack. The move gives Little Mac launch resistance, and when released, Mac will charge forwards with a blazing punch.
  • Side special move: Jolt Haymaker; Little Mac lunges forward and a bit into the air, both avoiding attacks and closing in on the opponent.
  • Down special move: Slip Counter; a counterattack. When used, a red wave quickly appears, representing a heartbeat, and Little Mac punches his opponent.
  • Up special move: Rising Uppercut; "though it doesn't have a lot of jump power, it makes up for it with attack power". It has Little Mac spin repeatedly, similarly to Wario in the Corkscrew, which concludes with a skyward punch. This propels him upwards, but the move appears to give quite poor horizontal distance in comparison to other recovery moves. Gains more vertical distance if used on the ground.
Special Move Basic Custom 1 Custom 2
Neutral Special Straight Lunge Fire Spin Lunge Shock Lunge
Side Special Jolt Haymaker Bury Blow Guard Break
Up Special Rising Uppercut Tornado Uppercut Rising Smash
Down Special Slip Counter Compact Counter Dash Counter
Final Smash Giga Mac
  • Floor attack: Swings both fists to the side after standing up. 7%.
  • Ledge attack: Pulls onto the stage while performing a low punch. 7%.

Final Smash

  • Giga Mac, a transformation-type move akin to Giga Bowser. While he uses this move, Mac suffers from poor mobility compared to his normal form, though he is even stronger than normal as well. Although this is an increase in size for Little Mac, Giga Mac is only slightly taller than most other fighters.


Little Mac
This little boxer from the Punch-Out!! series makes up in heart what he lacks in height. he wasn't afraid to take on the boxing champs, and he's not afraid of the Nintendo stars. In Smash Bros., he packs a serious punch. When his KO Meter fills up, wade in and trigger a devastating uppercut.

Little Mac (Alt.)
No matter what his opponent, Little Mac always puts his best fist forward. He enters a charge state before unleashing his Straight Lunge special and can unleash it while charging by pressing the button again. He won't flinch while charging. At max charge, the launching power of this move is scary!

Power Meter

As stated in the introduction, Little Mac has a Power Meter, that when fully charged, replaces his neutral special with a new, one-shot attack. It is unknown if the meter affects other moves and what, if any, effects the meter has outside fully charged.

  • Neutral Special: KO Uppercut; an extremely powerful uppercut with claimed OHKO power.
  • The meter charges both by hitting enemies with Mac's attacks and getting hit by their attacks.

In competitive play

Notable players

See also: Category:Little Mac professionals (SSB4)

Gameplay Trailer


Palette swaps

Little Mac Palette (SSB4).png
Little Mac (Wireframe) Palette (SSB4).png



  • Little Mac's promotional poster image is a reference to both the arcade Punch-Out!!, and Punch-Out!! Wii, where Donkey Kong appeared as a hidden fighter. Coincidentally, he was revealed on the same day that Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze was released in Japan.
  • Samus's appearance in Little Mac's introduction trailer is a reference to an image of her and Little Mac on his Assist Trophy Character profile, with her questioning his ability to fight due to his small size (in the trailer, she pats his head and examines him from an angle, seeming to pose a similar question).
    • This was even further referenced in a picture that Sakurai posted on Miiverse.
  • Little Mac is the only character in Super Smash Bros. 4 to have 16 different palette swaps (8 for normal-colored variants, and 8 for wireframe-textured variants).
