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Except the example is untrue. Try it sometime - the jab clanks with the forward smash (at least in Melee). In Melee, "priority" should properly refer to these ideas:

  • controller slot priority, as outlined on Smasher:Mew2King's website. If player 1 and player 2 initiate a grab on the exact same frame, player 1's grab wins. There are a few other such examples.
  • a vague understanding of which attacks tend to go through others as an effect of hitbox duration, range, speed, and invincibility frames. Priority in this sense is no specific stat but a general effect. All that actually matters with colliding attacks is whether the attacking hitbox hits the defending one.

Anybody who tells you high-priority attacks go through others due to their "power" or any specific "priority" stat is mistaken. I don't know if this element has changed in Brawl or was present in the original, but at least in regards to Melee we need to address this issue exactly. MaskedMarth (t c) 06:49, 20 November 2008 (UTC)

Can't counter moves, dodges and sheilds be said to have VERY high priority, even though they (mostly) do no damage? Ike's Best BuddyGreat Aether! 12:39, 24 November 2008 (UTC)

Is it just me?

Or do most of G & W's attacks cancel others, no matter how weak or strong they are? For example, I was watching him negate a Falcon Punch with his forward tilt, and C. Falcon's forward smash with down tilt. Should this be noted, or is it just me? Blue NinjakoopaTalk 22:03, 15 January 2009 (UTC)

It's noted on the G&W article that he has very high priority, if that suffices. --Shadowcrest 22:07, 15 January 2009 (UTC)

"Priority only affects grounded characters"

I don't think this is true at all, I have seen some Down Aerials break through attacks and others not. - Gargomon251 (talk) 20:22, 10 April 2009 (UTC)

O . O

From what I read in this well written (IMO, Feature-worthy) article, priority is based on how one attack can out damage the other. Captain Falcon's FSmash in Brawl is not that low priority, if anything very high. As well as his other moves! Ness's UTilt has bad priority, not the supposedly high priority! The Priority concept seems to be confused at high levels of play. It seems a very large majority of the moveset articles and various special move pages will need (another...) MASSIVE rewriting and rethinking, as well as giving certain Brawl characters proper accreditation. I was thinking of starting with Captain Falcon (SSBB), but I can't do this alone. Say, this should be a project... anyone, help? --HavocReaper'48 21:10, May 18, 2010 (UTC)

Talking about priority as if it's something other than damage (such as "does 9% damage and has high priority") is, according to this article, wrong. So priority should not be mentioned when talking about moves unless it's stating that there is a transcendent hitbox. Toomai Glittershine Toomai.png The Table Designer 22:11, May 18, 2010 (UTC)
So, ignore the whole priority thing completely and only mention it on trans. hitboxes? --HavocReaper'48 22:38, May 18, 2010 (UTC)
For Brawl, at least. I don't know whether the mechanics are the same for Melee and SSB64. Toomai Glittershine Toomai.png The Table Designer 22:49, May 18, 2010 (UTC)
The way priority works in Melee appears to be very similar to that of Brawl, Omega Tyrant is in the process of testing this. I will be testing priority in the original Smash Bros. Anyone else is welcome to do the same and discuss their findings. In the meantime, I guess it would make sense to omit misconceptions about priority in Brawl character articles, so people are welcome to do that too. Mako Shark (talk) 10:35, May 19, 2010 (UTC)


There's some shiz about aerials that needs to be rewritten for accuracy. Turns out they can collide, but not in the same way as ground attacks. For now, don't accept anything in the aerials section as true. Mako Shark (talk) 08:34, May 22, 2010 (UTC)

Okay turns out:

  • ZSS' n-air can collide with Falco's b-air (as in, produce a collision bubble) and both moves continue through with their animations, but become harmless. This is unusual; there's a small chance that ZSS' n-air may actually behave like a projectile.
  • Kirby's b-air cannot collide with Falco's b-air, they go straight through each other and damage both parties. I'm under the impression that most aerials behave like this until proven otherwise.
  • ZSS' u-smash can collide with Falco's d-air, but neither move gets cancelled, and the remaining hits of the u-smash get the better of Falco after the collision. Dunno what that's about, will investigate further.

Mako Shark (talk) 08:41, May 22, 2010 (UTC)

Considering how ZSS's nair is immune to stale-move negation, it could just be a strangeness of that specific case. Of course, it depends on the characteristics of the lightwhip, which I'm not sure of. Toomai Glittershine Toomai.png eXemplary Logic 13:24, May 22, 2010 (UTC)

Controller slot priority

Needs to be covered. I'm of the opinion that the details of controller slot priority are distinct and lengthy enough to warrant their own article, perhaps with a mention in this one, so I might create one soon. However, this article's name might need changing to "Attack priority". Mako Shark (talk) 09:56, May 22, 2010 (UTC)

We wouldn't need to change this article's name, just have a note at the top that leads to [Priority (disambiguation)]. Toomai Glittershine Toomai.png The Table Designer 13:24, May 22, 2010 (UTC)

so uh yeah projectiles

This article is mostly incredibly well-done, but... uh... is projectile priority gonna get covered anywhere? (e.g. Remote Missile cancels out like anything else projectile-ly speaking) Miles (talk) 22:14, May 29, 2010 (UTC)

Projectiles still follow the 8% rule just like any other attack. As for Snake's remote missle, it does not follow normal priority. It behaves like an item such as the capsule, the remote missle has an damagable hitbox. As such, that is why it changes trajectories when hit by another hitbox and projectiles aren't canceled out by it, they simply hit it. Also remember, priority only takes place when the white collision bubble appears. Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 18:56, June 6, 2010 (UTC)
Well the reason I was asking was that it seemed from that type of explanation that projectiles follow the 8% rule... even in the air. Which I thought might be worth noting if it were accurate. Miles (talk) 21:40, June 6, 2010 (UTC)


Two things directed at Omega Tyrant's general... location. When you mentioned the sweetspot of Pikachu's f-smash, were you referring to the bit on the end, or the bit in his cheeks? The bit in his cheeks is the sweetspot, but the bit on the end has more range, obviously. If you already know this, or it's a widely known fact, I may just be making myself look like an idiot, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. Might be worth clarifying on the page if it's not widely known.

Also, something's up with ZSS' up smash. I swear you can cancel at least one of its hits, clash bubble and everything, with a standard aerial, and it doesn't get cancelled itself. If you cancel one of its hitboxes halfway through the attack, it hits you afterwards if you were on your way down. I tried it with Falco's dair. Would you (or someone else) mind looking into this maybe? I'd do it, but I have flat batteries johns right now. Mako Shark (talk) 17:33, June 7, 2010 (UTC)

Well you discovered another attack that follows this exception. I just tested it and seen Marth's fair collide with a hitbox in Zamus's u-smash. I also noticed that this hitbox of Zamus's u-smash behaves like an aerial, the hit box is cancelled out but her u-smash is not. As for Pikachu, his f-smash has three hitboxes, the hitbox right next to his cheeks which is the sweetspot, the hitbox farther away near the tip, and a hitbox that occurs later in the attack's duration. The hitbox near his cheeks is the strongest hitbox and therefore it is considered the sweetspot. So yes, this is the hitbox with transcendent priority.
It is also nice to see you again. Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 17:51, June 7, 2010 (UTC)

Falcon Punch vs. Egg Roll

There has been videoed proof that Egg Roll can cancel the Falcon Punch. You might want to change that example and maybe make a note about it.

~ Bronnco (talk) 07:17, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

Read the article, if the hitboxes collide, the Falcon Punch will easily out-prioritise Egg Roll. NO hitbox that isn't transcendent doesn't follow the 8% rule. If you actually test this and actually get the Egg Roll hitbox to collide with the Falcon Punch hitbox, you'll see that the "video proof" is a bunch of bull shit. Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 08:37, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

Not 8% in all games

Google translation of a page of the SSB64 website

It'll be a bit of a pain to rewrite this to cover all three games... Toomai Glittershine ??? The Different 16:26, 12 February 2011 (EST)

No rewriting is necessary, just make a note that the priority range was 10% in the original Smash Bros. How does that require a painful rewriting? Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 18:30, 12 February 2011 (EST)
Because there are various spots that spell out 8% as the Smash Bros. priority range and I'm not sure how to re-write it to be all-inclusive. Toomai Glittershine ??? The Metroid 19:05, 12 February 2011 (EST)
Just make a note of it being 10% in the original Smash Bros., you don't need to rewrite the article :/ 8% is the range in Melee and Brawl, which is 2 games to 1, with both games each being played much more often than the original. Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 08:07, 13 February 2011 (EST)
I'll also like to add that the information presented on the website may not be entirely accurate anyway. I recall the Dojo claiming that Lucario's range also increases when he sustains more damage (which is false, as Aura Sphere is his only attack where the hitbox size is affected by his damage modifier). As such, I would find someone actually testing this and reporting their results to be more credible than the information in the linked to website, and what's the point of a difficult, unnecessary rewrite to later find out the information presented in the website is false? Anyway, I think the note I made about it should be enough. Mentioning 10% with every 8% would make the article flow less smoothly anyway. Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 08:25, 13 February 2011 (EST)

Overuse and Misuse of the Term "Priority"

I am tired of seeing this word on every single page, always being used improperly. When this article was rewritten (it clearly didn't have any of this info before anyone bothered to get off their couch and do some testing about how priority actually works), why wasn't every other page concerning priority rewritten? Like say... ALL of the fighter pages? I'm tired having to take out every irrelevant mention of the word, rewriting entire sections because half of them were dedicated to how "high" or "low" priority the moves had (when the move was either high in damage, was multi-hitting, or had instantaneous start up (or any combination of the three), none of which except for damage, have anything to do with priority), and having to think of something else to put in place of it.

And the worst part of it is that no one else has stepped up to the plate and done this. I know at some point we'll all have to do it, but this is on a much larger scale and I clearly don't have the time to look for the darn word on every page it's being misused on. --Smashgold347238 (talk) 07:40, 27 December 2011 (EST)

The sentiment is shared by me. However, it takes time to fix all the misuses of the term priority in every article. I've been fixing misuses whenever I came across them, and when you see the misuses, fix them, instead of posting here complaining about them. Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 18:53, 27 December 2011 (EST)

Ike's priority

It seems that Ike has low priority on most of his attacks. Very often (For Glory) it occurs that I use a dair against the foe, when I'm falling, but the foe uses his utilt or usmash at the same time and only the foe's attack hits, deals damage and knockback. Or I want to attack the foe who jumped offstage after me with an airial to prevent me from being meteor smashed, but only the foe's meteor smash hits. Mariofan13 (talk) 07:13, 15 March 2015 (EDT)

Aerial attacks don't usually collide with attacks used on the ground or other aerial attacks. Therefore, the usual rules of priority don't apply in those cases. LimitCrown (talk) 07:35, 15 March 2015 (EDT)