RandomGame57, a.k.a DeluxeGamer705

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Revision as of 02:54, May 3, 2024 by RandomGame57 (talk | contribs)
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This user has made 299 edits.

RandomGame57 "DeluxeGamer705"
Gaming is so fun! :D
Character info
Smash 64 mains Captain Falcon, Mario
Other Smash 64 characters Kirby, Fox
Melee mains Dr. Mario, Ganondorf, Mario, Samus
Other Melee characters Luigi, Marth, Falco, Fox, Captain Falcon, Link
Retired Melee characters Roy, Mr. Game & Watch
Brawl mains Mr. Game & Watch, Falco
Other Brawl character Sonic, Mario, King Dedede, Ness, Ike, Meta Knight, Snake, Marth, Fox
Personal and other info
Real name Bartłomiej/Bartek
Birth date (age 17)
Location Poland Poland
Miscellaneous info
Skill Super Smash Bros. Decent but I don't play it that much
Super Smash Bros. Melee Noob
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Average

Hi, I'm RandomGame57/DeluxeGamer705 and I mostly edit some pages whenever I feel like it, or if I notice something wrong. I'm also a fan of the Smash series, and the game from the series I usually play is Melee, though I also play some Smash 64 and Brawl.

I also play on Slippi, occasionally using any of my mains, which mostly applies to Dr. Mario, Ganon, Mario and Samus, along with a few of my other mains.


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My Signature


RandomGame57NewSignature.pngRandomGame57 I don't really know RandomGame57NewSignature3.png


Before May 2, 2024
RandomGame57Signature.png RandomGame57 I don't really know RandomGame57Signature2.png
(Roy is present, and Dr. Mario, Ganondorf and Samus are absent.)

Before March 16, 2024
RandomGame57 I don't really know
(literally the same but without these two head icons)

My Competency Charts

Smash 64

SSB64 Icon.png Character Competency Chart: Smash 64 SSB64 Icon.png

Falcon Punches, Falcon Kicks, awesome speed and many things are awesome about this dude. Very balanced, great projectile, good recovery and he's one of my favourite characters so I just cannot drop him as one of my mains. His multi hit moves are awesome, his recovery is alright, and he's literally good at everything in this game. His projectiles are awesome and are a good camping tool, his recovery is great and he can reflect projectiles without any problem.


He doesn't fit my playstyle, but he's strong and his recovery is great. I don't think he's as bad as many people say. His Super Jump Punch is amazing, his projectile is fine (though a bit weaker for me than Mario's), but his recovery can be a bit problematic, but at least it does cover some horizontal distance. She may be the lightest character in the game, but her down special is very great and she's really good when it comes to recovering. Also, she can be harder to hit since she's smaller. His down aerial is incredible and he has a fine recovery. Both his recovery and projectiles are a mixed bag. His recovery is predictable but long and it's rather fun to run into the opponents with it, while his projectiles are a bit slow but are good to use.

Not really good...

She can be strong and has a decent recovery, but she feels too slow and her grab range is a bit weird for me. However, it's interesting how she's heavy yet comboing her is quite tricky thanks to her being floaty. Kind of strong, but he's a bit too slow and his recovery gives him almost no vertical height. He's mediocre at zoning, but the biggest thing I hate about him is his atrocious recovery. Plus, he drops like a rock, but I do like his bombs.


SSBM Icon.png Character Competency Chart: Melee SSBM Icon.png
Absolutely fun to play

So much stronger than regular Mario, despite being sometimes slower. Plus, his recovery is atrocious. Slow, but his attacks are strong, can K.O. easily, and landing a Warlock Punch is just awesome. His recovery is terrible, however. Very easy to play, solid projectile, fine recovery, good edgeguarding skills, can reflect projectiles easily, and as I said before, he's one of my favourite characters. She's basically Link but better; her projectiles are just awesome and she has two zoning options instead of just one. She also has the best grab range but it is too laggy if it misses, but it's overall better than in Smash 64. Easy to play, great N-air, and landing his up special just next to the opponent is awesome. Also, his wavedash is AWESOME, but his recovery is mediocre. Can grab from 4 miles away, and his reach is great. Also, he has good edgeguarding skills. A remake of Smash 64's Fox, but his recovery is awful and he falls like a rock. Projectiles that can be used to camp, great recovery, an awesome shine, and outstanding K.O. power. No wonder he's a top tier and one of my mains. But it requires way too much tech skill to be that strong. He's good at almost everything. An awesome forward aerial, great jabs, landing a Falcon Punch is awesome, and of course, "Show me your moves!". He's not that good when it comes to recovering though... A MASSIVE improvement over his crappy Smash 64 version. Good zoning and deadly edgeguarding skills, though his recovery is quite bad IMO.


Frame 1 down special that can K.O. very fast, her recovery is great and she has an aerial game that doesn't even need an introduction. Her combos are great, but her recovery is bad. Strong and not too slow, but his recovery gives him almost no vertical height again. Doesn't fit my playstyle, but her recovery is great and her forward smash is interesting. Also, is it just me, or is her down smash THAT strong?


I find him inferior than Link, but he's still alright. Iinteresting "two-in-one" characters, but they don't fit my playstyle, although they can be strong. Things while playing as them get worse when there's only one of them left. He used to be my true main until I grew up and realized how flawed he is. His recovery is horrible, he drops too fast for a recovery that doesn't cover much distance and he has a hard time edgeguarding. He does have good reach and a few strong moves though. Another main of mine that ended up falling down hard. He does have long-ranged aerials, some strong moves and an awesome 9 from Judgement, but his recovery, while fine, is too predictable, his aerials are laggy and his shield is unusually small. Also, WHO coded three of his aerials as SPECIALS?!


Same with Yoshi, I don't play as him that much. I also don't like his short range. Great down aerial, but I don't play as him that much. Plus, his grab attempt sometimes doesn't even work and his recovery is a rather mixed bag. Good recovery and an awesome neutral aerial, but Mewtwo, to be honest, is kinda... "meh" in this game. Strong, but he's way too easy to combo, he's too slow and his recovery sucks.

No, just no.

I'm a huge fan of his game, but he's really bad to play in Melee. No. Just horrible. Literally one of the worst jokes I have ever seen.


SSBB Icon.png Character Competency Chart: Brawl SSBB Icon.png
Absolutely fun to play

He's honestly much better than in Melee. He feels less slow for me, his aerials aren't that laggy, his shield is bigger, and of course, he has some good stuff from Melee, notably the 9 from Judgement. If you want a character in Brawl with awesome projectiles, then Falco is the best choice. I miss his old down aerial though... Good luck attempting to hit him with slow characters when he's running all over the stage like a car. Also, I actually like how his moveset turned out, and I like a lot of stuff about him, especially his awesome recovery. He could be a bit stronger in terms of damage though. Nerfed or not, Mario will still be fun to play as for beginners, although I consider his Brawl version to be the weakest one, but he's still amazing. He should have been called "King of Chaingrabs" in this game, because he is literally awesome at chaingrabbing, and he's also strong, albeit kind of slow. A HUGE improvement over his Melee version, even if his 10 extra frames crap can put him at a huge disadvantage. Also, back aerial FTW! :D His recovery is even worse than Roy's in Melee, but I honestly find him really fun for a slow character. Obvious so I won't explain. Snake? Snake! SNAAAAKE! His explosives are amazing, his down throw and up tilt are incredible, and he's very good at camping. His recovery is pretty bad though. He's still amazing like in Melee, even if his ability to grab from 4 miles away is now gone. My least favourite version of Fox, but he's still very fun to play as, even with his nerfs.


I find his playstyle slightly inferior compared to Fox and Falco's, and his recovery is atrocious. Despite that, he's actually really great here. He lost some of his positives from Melee, but he's still great. I find Lucas in Brawl slightly inferior than Ness, but he's still fun to play as. Bananas and an amazing final smash. :D I like his projectile and his recovery, though some of his moves are also great. I find him better than in Melee (and much better than Smash 64). He's still strong, but his vertical recovery still barely exists. He may appear weak, but he becomes stronger later. Also, his recovery is nice. He's MUCH better than in Melee. Also, I like his new dash attack more. Poyo! :D An improvement over his Melee version. His throws are amazing, but he's not very good in the air.


I like his aerial game and he feels like a heavier version of Jigglypuff. At first I thought I wouldn't like Falcon in Brawl. Sure, he was nerfed badly, but he still has some good stuff, such as amazing jabs, his Knee Smash, despite requiring a sweetspot that is tricky to hit, still being a strong move, and his recovery is very slightly better. Still, my least favourite Captain Falcon in Smash. A better version of Link, even if he still has his own flaws. I'm not good at their chaingrab, but it's AWESOME. Other than that, they still don't fit my playstyle honestly. His recovery is literally one of the best in the game, and I like his playstyle, but I don't really play as him that much. She's Samus but better and more fun. Same reasons as in Melee. Also, her great down smash from Melee is now gone, sadly. He's alright in this game, but not gonna lie, he feels useless without Pikmin and his recovery is horrendous. Her combos are still great but she not that strong compared to Melee. He's better than in Melee, I'll admit. He's still strong, and his new forward special is even better, and he's slightly faster. However, he's still kind of slow and he's still easy to combo, not to mention that he suffers from chaingrabs, but still, Bowser in Brawl is better than in Melee for me.


Even if she can zone opponents out with her projectiles, they aren't that effective anymore. :( I find his gameplay interesting, but I don't play as him that much because of that stupid stamina thing for his Pokémon. His Brawl version is a downgrade from Melee, but I don't think he's THAT bad. Sure, he's not good, but not very bad either. Just mediocre for me. She's slightly better than in Melee, but still not good.

No, just no.

Oh heck no. He's worse than in Melee (I used to think he was better than in Melee but now I don't). I'd suggest using Mario and Sonic as they are better than him. He's good at zoning but he feels like a remake of his Smash 64 version with the same flaws. But he's at least better than in Smash 64 but still much worse than in Melee. Jigglypuff in Brawl is honestly NOT Jigglypuff. It's a sad excuse for Puff. A weak down special that is now a frame 2 attack and doesn't even K.O. at 25%, her aerial game is worse and overall many of her positive abilities were thrown out of the window.

My Own Tier Lists

My Favourite Stages

SSB64 Icon.png RandomGame57's Favourite Smash 64 Stages SSB64 Icon.png

Sector Z - My favourite stage in Smash 64. While arwings may interrupt the party a bit, I like its music and getting K.O.'d can take a while thanks to its size. Dream Land - If I want to play a stage with barely any hazards, I can just pick Dream Land. Oh, and its music is awesome. Planet Zebes - Its design is awesome, and I absolutely love its music. The acid feels a bit too overpowered for me though...

SSBM Icon.png RandomGame57's Favourite Melee Stages (or stages I play on a lot) SSBM Icon.png

Mute City - Easily my favourite stage in Melee. Outstanding music and great design. Big Blue - I never played F-Zero, but this stage is just way too fun. Kongo Jungle - Awesome music. Enough said. Flat Zone - It may be small, but it makes me feel like I'm fighting inside a handheld console. Battlefield - Very simple stage and awesome music. Final Destination - Best stage for characters with great projectiles and its music is just amazing.

SSBM Icon.png RandomGame57's Other Favourite Melee Stages (or stages I sometimes play on but not too much) SSBM Icon.png

Brinstar - Awesome rock music and it looks like a different version of Battlefield but with some hazards. Venom - I know that walls in this stage can allow infinites, but it's music is amazing and I really like this stage's design. Mushroom Kingdom - Free items with "?" blocks and bricks to break. Also, I usually use Dr. Mario's theme here because I find it just awesome. :D Rainbow Cruise/Rainbow Ride - This stage is just beautiful and it's music is just incredible.

SSBB Icon.png RandomGame57's Favourite Brawl Stages (or stages I play on a lot) SSBB Icon.png

Port Town Aero Dive - My favourite stage in Brawl. It got even more epic music remixes (though its Mute City remix is amazing), and it feels like a great sequel for Melee's Mute City, but I find the cars a bit too overpowered. Mushroomy Kingdom - Feels like fighting in the first Mario game with enhanced graphics, though 1-2 is honestly better than 1-1 mainly due to a lot of brick smashing fun. :D Battlefield - Once again, a simple yet amazing stage. Big Blue - Still very fun. Final Destination - I like its design less but it's still an awesome stage. Flat Zone 2 - It's just as great and fun as Flat Zone in Melee. I especially like the Lion transformation in this stage - it's very fun to run into the guys with chairs and bounce off them like a ball in pinball. XD

SSBB Icon.png RandomGame57's Other Favourite Brawl Stages (or stages I sometimes play on but not too much) SSBB Icon.png

Brinstar - Same reasons as in Melee. Rainbow Cruise/Rainbow Ride - Still amazing and beautiful. Mario Bros. - I don't think it's THAT bad. I like how this stage's design was well recreated, and throwing Shellcreepers is fun. Honestly, an underrated stage. Hanenbow - I know that moving around this stage can be quite tricky, but I absolutely like this stage's design and the noises made on this stage are relaxing and calm. WarioWare, Inc. - The microgames are very fun and give great power-ups.

My Opinions On Every Smash Game I Have Played

Remember - these are my opinions, so you may disagree or agree with some of them.

Smash 64

A good start for the franchise, though it is noticeably different compared to other Smash games. You cannot charge any smash attacks, there are only 2 throws instead of 4, and there are only 3 specials instead of 4. It is also limited compared to other Smash games, with only 12 characters, 9 stages, and not really many modes. However, these are forgivable, as Smash was just getting started.

My rating for it: 8/10


This is my favourite Smash game yet. This does expand the amount of characters and stages (even going as far as to bring three stages from Smash 64). Everything about this game is awesome - it is so fun to play, and overall the game has some improvements, notably the classic mode, and it also included new modes, such as the All-Star mode. Even if the game has various glitches, especially when it was released, these were fixed in later releases. I highly recommend playing Melee if you never did!

My rating for it: 10/10


Brawl had various differences compared to Melee, being also slower in comparison. Some characters were nerfed rather too hard, such as Captain Falcon or Jigglypuff, who were thrown into low tiers (yes, not only Puff, but also Captain Falcon), but Brawl for me is also fun to play as. It also did buff some characters, like Mr. Game and Watch, and it also introduced various fun newcomers, such as Sonic, King Dedede, Ike, Snake and Meta Knight, though it's a shame Roy from Melee failed to return, though I find Ike a good replacement for him. Some of my Melee mains such as Luigi, Ganondorf and Captain Falcon did not became some of my mains in Brawl due to losing some positives (though Captain Falcon and Ganondorf lost the most of their positives from Melee, while Luigi wasn't hit by the nerf hammer too hard for me), and some newcomers became my mains, though I find the tripping very annoying. Overall, despite its slower nature and the awful tripping, Brawl is an awesome game and if you're looking for a slower Smash game (but not to the point it runs way too slow like it was lagging), Brawl can be a good choice, but just be aware that tripping is random and annoying!

My rating for it: 9/10

Smash 4 and Ultimate

Unfortunately, I never played Smash 4 nor Ultimate yet, because I don't have a 3DS, Wii U or a Switch, so I cannot normally play them to have an opinion. :(

I doubt I'll actually play Smash 4 though, but I might actually play Ultimate if I'll manage to own a Switch.

Other Places

If you're curious where else you can find me, then here are some of them:

  • YouTube - My YouTube channel, where I'm known as DeluxeGamer705. :D
  • DeviantArt - My DeviantArt, where I draw random stuff (usually characters from video games) and especially OCs. I go under the name of BartekZioomPro there. =)
    • QUICK NOTE: I joined it in 2019, back when I went under the crappy name of "BartekZioomPro", which comes from my first name (Bartek), while the "Pro" is a silly decoration that I now consider as poor and crappy. I cannot change it without one little feature though. F(


Q: Why do you main low-tiers (such as Mario in Brawl?)
A: Because I either find them fun to play as, or they are my favourite characters and I do like their playstyles, even if they have problems.

Q: Do you plan entering a tournament?
A: Not really. I just want to be a simple player like some others, which explains why I don't sometimes use some techniques such as wavedashing or L-cancelling.

Q: Do you have a YouTube channel?
A: I meantioned it in the previous section. I'm "DeluxeGamer705" on YouTube.

Q: Do you record Smash games?
A: So far only Melee where I complete its classic mode as every character (starting from Roy). I might record Smash 64 and Brawl too, though.

Q: Will you play Ultimate if you'll have a Switch?
A: As I said before, if I'll have a Switch and a copy of Ultimate, then yes. And boy I bet I'll main Mario and Roy and some other characters in it. :D

Q: Which Smash game did you play first?
A: It was Melee, though I also played Smash Remix before it, but since it's a mod for Smash 64, then Melee is basically the first official Smash game I have played.

Q: Why do you hate your name on DeviantArt, BartekZioomPro?
A: I consider "BartekZioomPro" a very crappy and a bit cringeworthy name since it came from my troubled and dark past. This is why I really hope I'll be able to change it one day.

Q: Why did you drop Roy and Mr. Game & Watch in Melee in favour of Samus and Link?
A: I've eventually realized that Roy and Game & Watch are very flawed in Melee, and I honestly consider them as mid-tiers now. When I was playing on Slippi, I ended up using Samus and Link more, and I ended up liking their playstyles more.