Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Four Horsemen

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Revision as of 18:07, January 28, 2024 by Plague von Karma (talk | contribs) (Added etymology, reference list, and changed the images to be a player card gallery instead. Much tidier.)
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acola, ranked #1 on LumiRank 2023 and one of the Four Horsemen.

The Four Horsemen is a term used in the competitive Super Smash Bros. Ultimate community referring to acola, Sparg0, Sonix and Miya, due to their overall dominance throughout competitive Ultimate in 2023, being the 4 best players in the world by a large margin. This is following the decline in results from players like MkLeo and Tweek, and has been compared to Super Smash Bros. Melee's Five Gods era.


The Four Horsemen won a combined 30/35 (85%) of all attended majors throughout 2023 [1], and 18/19 (94.75%) out of all majors throughout the second half of 2023[2]. In addition, in the event one didn't win an event, at least one would make Top 4 or Top 8, with all 4 of them making Top 4 at Watch The Throne[3]. Akin to the Five Gods, they rarely see upsets from non-Horsemen, and acola, Sparg0 and Miya have some of the most major wins out of all Ultimate players behind MkLeo.

Player Cards


The "Four Horsemen" originally refers to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse from the New Testament's Book of Revelation. They are commonly interpreted to be the personifications of Death, Famine, War, and either Conquest or Glory depending on interpretation. In modern day, the term has become a common internet meme, often referring to undesirable but inevitable quartet of events or individuals.
