Super Smash Bros.
Stage Builder

Stage Builder as it appears in Smash.
The symbol used for custom stages in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, traced from a screenshot.
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Appears in Brawl
SSB4 (Wii U)
Availability Starter (Brawl and for Wii U)
Downloadable (Free) (Ultimate)
Crate type Varies
Maximum players 4 (Brawl, Wii U)
4-8 (Ultimate)
Bolded tracks must be unlocked
Brawl See Music (SSBB)
for Wii U See Music (SSB4-Wii U)
Ultimate See Music (SSBU)

The Stage Builder (ステージ作り, Stage Maker) is a feature in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate that allows players to create their own custom stages by using the given stage parts, and in for Wii U and Ultimate's case, drawing on the GamePad and the Nintendo Switch, respectively. Players can also choose from a variety of backgrounds and pick any song on the games' soundtracks.

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl

An example of a stage created with the Stage Builder in Brawl.

Builders must choose to create a small, medium, or large stage, which will affect the number of places parts can be placed in and the location of blast lines. Next, the builder selects a theme: a mountain, a building in ruins, or a futuristic chamber. Each theme has its own set of special stage elements which allow for slight variations in stage design depending on what theme is used. The final step before building is picking music, which can be any track that has been unlocked. Only one track may be chosen per stage, though the player may change it to a different track after the stage has been built. Users must place a minimum of four horizontal areas (for spawning points) for the game to allow their stage to be saved.

There are different structures and building materials the player can use depending on the background chosen earlier. There are three different sizes for most of the structures, with the one exception being the ladder. Parts cannot be freely placed and are restricted to being placed on a grid, with the size of the grid changing with the stage size; 10x8 on small stages, 14x11 for medium, and 18x16 for large (each grid cell is 20x20 units). The player can use parts until they reach the stage's capacity of 8,000 (regardless of stage size). Each piece used will use up a certain amount of capacity for the map, and some pieces take up more capacity than others. Once ready, the player can test the stage through the editor; however, the player is limited to using Mario with the default controls for the controller being used. One can also switch back to the editing screen to make more changes. Custom stages are compatible with SD cards. The limit to the number of custom stages a player can have depends on how much room one has in their internal Wii memory or SD card. The player can also send stages to their friends.

Types of parts the player can use in this mode come in three categories:

Custom stages could be uploaded to a Brawl server, with players also receiving a random stage uploaded by a different player via the Smash Service.

The game comes with three sample stages to demonstrate how the Stage Builder works.

Stage Parts

There are three categories of parts: floors, structures, and features. The following table gives the name (unofficial), size in grid spaces, capacity usage, and description of each part.

Type Piece Name Sizes Capacity Description
      Platform 1x1; 2x1; 3x1 100; 134; 168 A drop-through platform.
      Diagonal Platform 1x2; 2x2; 3x2 134; 202; 270 A slanted drop-through platform.
      Short Platform 1x1; 2x1; 3x1 100; 134; 168 A half-sized drop-through platform. When placed in a line, small gaps are set in between each of these.
      Block 1x1; 2x2; 3x3 100; 202; 372 A normal block that has a ledge.
      Stair Block 1x2; 2x2; 3x2 134; 202; 270 A simple stair block.
      Ramp Block 1x2; 2x3; 3x4 134; 270; 474 A right-angle triangle-shaped block.
      Long Ramp Block 2x2; 3x2; 4x2 202; 270; 338 A larger version of the ramp block.


  Stone Table 4x2; 5x2; 6x3 338; 406; 678 A short stone platform.
  Stump 3x2; 4x3; 5x4 270; 474; 746 A short, narrow tree stump.
  Hollow Tree 4x3; 5x4; 6x5 474; 746; 1086 A hollow tree stump with a ceiling.
  Dead Tree 4x3; 5x4; 6x5 474; 746; 1086 A dead tree with 2 walkable, drop-through branches.
  Mushrooms 4x3; 5x4; 6x5 474; 746; 1086 A patch of 3 drop-through mushrooms of different heights. The stems act as walls.
  Stones 4x2; 5x3; 6x4 338; 576; 882 A structure of 2 stones, one larger than the other.
  Withered Cave 4x3; 5x4; 6x5 474; 746; 1086 A cave with a ceiling.
  Baboon Statue 3x3; 4x4; 5x5 372; 610; 916 A tall statue of what appears to be a baboon.


  Pillar 3x3; 4x4; 5x5 372; 610; 916 A tall, intact pillar.
  Rubble Heap 4x2; 5x2; 6x3 338; 406; 678 A big heap of rocks.
  Broken Lift 4x3; 5x4; 6x5 474; 746; 1086 An old lift with a ceiling.
  Ancient Ramp 4x2; 5x2; 6x3 338; 406; 678 An old elevated ramp.
  Ramp-Pillar 4x2; 5x2; 6x3 338; 406; 678 A ramp hitting the ground right at the base of a pillar.
  Stacked Pillars 4x3; 5x4; 6x5 474; 746; 1086 A set of 3 pillars, one resting on top of the flat surface that the other 2 make.
  Ancient Crate 4x3; 5x4; 6x5 474; 746; 1086 An old crate resting on the side of a floor.
  Old Room 4x3; 5x4; 6x5 474; 746; 1086 A piece of an old room, complete with structure supports and a drop-through ceiling.


  Machine 4x2; 5x2; 6x3 338; 406; 678 A machine with a slight slant on one side.
  Tunnel 4x3; 5x4; 6x5 474; 746; 1086 A tunnel with a ceiling.
  Watch Platform 4x2; 5x2; 6x3 338; 406; 678 An elevated platform with a ramp leading to it.
  Round Platform 3x2; 4x3; 5x4 270; 474; 746 A thick platform in the shape of a circle.
  Machine Crate 4x2; 5x2; 6x3 338; 406; 678 A platform with 2 elevated walls on either side.
  I-Frame 4x3; 5x4; 6x5 474; 746; 1086 A tall frame in the shape of an I. The top is drop-through.
  Server Tower 3x3; 4x4; 4x5 372; 610; 746 A tall, thin machine tower.
  Machine Roof 4x2; 5x3; 6x3 338; 576; 678 A roof-like machine piece.
  Vertical Moving Platform 1x5; 2x6; 3x7 236; 474; 780 Drop-through platform that moves slowly up and down.
  Horizontal Moving Platform 3x1; 4x1; 5x1 168; 202; 236 Drop-through platform that moves slowly left and right.
  Ice Block 1x1; 2x1; 3x1 100; 134; 168 Slippery block with no ledges.
  Drop Block 1x3; 2x4; 3x5 168; 338; 576 Block with no ledges that moves downwards when stood on for a certain period of time.
  Spikes 1x2; 2x2; 3x2 134; 202; 270 Causes 15% damage with set knockback when a character lands on it.
  Ladder 1x1 100 A climbable ladder with only one size.
    Spring 1x2; 2x2; 3x2 134; 202; 270 A spring that bounces characters upwards. Rotating turns the spring green, but the difference is only aesthetic. Wider springs grant more height; springs give characters an upwards velocity in units/frame of 25g+1.625 (small), 25g+2.225 (medium), or 25g+2.825 (large), where g is that character's gravity.
  Conveyor belt 2x2; 3x2; 4x2 270; 338; 372 Moving conveyor belt that moves all things in one direction.
  Rotating Platform 4x5; 5x6; 6x7 746; 1086; 1494 Spins four platforms in a Ferris Wheel motion.


Unlockable Parts

There are also certain parts and features that can be unlocked to use in the Stage Builder.

  • Edit Parts A: Play 10 times or more on created stages.
    • Unlocks a new piece for every setting, as well as the spring.
  • Edit Parts B: Create 5 or more stages in Stage Builder (not including the 3 sample stages).
    • Unlocks a new piece for every setting, as well as the conveyor belt.
  • Edit Parts C: Create 15 or more stages in Stage Builder (not including the 3 sample stages).
    • Unlocks a new piece for every setting, as well as the rotating platform.

Use in modding

Because of how Stage Builder loads custom data, a common method to hacking the Wii console involves exploiting this loading mechanism. Referred to as the Smash Stack, forcing Stage Builder to load a file that is too large can allow for a user to load custom data; this method of hacking is common in order to add the Homebrew Channel to the Wii, and it is also one of the main methods of loading gameplay mods.

In Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

In Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, the Stage Builder was changed immensely. Players now have much more freedom when creating stages, with the ability to draw platforms of any shape using the Wii U GamePad. The GamePad is the only way to create or modify the stage, with other controllers only being allowed to highlight buttons and perform the actions of said buttons, such as undo or save. An option is given to either make the platform grabbable by players or not. However, there are much fewer stage parts than Brawl, being limited to cannons, springs, moving platforms and magma. Jump-through platforms can be made by making a line and tapping it. All objects' and platforms' locations snap to an invisible fine grid that has a resolution of 1x1 unit. A visible grid with 5x5 unit cells can be displayed by pressing the X button for easier alignment when placing or drawing. The grid also shows where in-game boundaries will be, with a green border showing where the camera boundaries are, and a red border for the blast lines. Walk-off stages can be created because of their placement.

Custom Stages are not available in 8-Player Smash. All Custom Stages have Star KOs and Screen KOs, regardless of layout.

When testing a stage, pausing and pressing ZL or ZR on the GamePad will allow players to select their character, an opponent character (including a second player), and customized controls and names. Mii Fighters can not be selected.

The ability to download and share stages online became available with update 1.0.6, but can no longer be used after the shutdown of Miiverse.

Five backgrounds share two textures that can be given to drawn platforms, and each background has three unique textures of their own.

Image Details Crate type Textures
A cloudy sky, similar to the backgrounds of Battlefield and Temple. Floating pillars appear in the background. Normal      
A rocky mountain area. A volcano is in the background and its lava flows all over the rock. Normal      
A view of an ocean. Rocky structures appear in the water. Normal      
An area in outer space. A giant space craft appears in the background. Futuristic      
A modern city-like structure made of rounded shapes. The Super Smash Bros. logo acts as the sun. Presents      
Shared textures

There are four types of special features that can be inserted, each with two variations.

Image Name Information
Spring (small) Works just like the small spring in Brawl, giving characters an upward speed of 25g+1.625 units/frame with g being the character's gravity. Depending on the character's gravity, they'll reach a height between ~80-105 units (roughly 3-4 times height of Pokémon Stadium 2's platforms) from the spring's top. 11 units wide, 11 units tall.
Spring (large) A larger spring that bounces characters higher, working like the large spring in Brawl and giving characters an upward speed of 25g+2.825 units/frame with g being the character's gravity. Depending on the character's gravity, they'll reach a height between ~140-160 units (roughly the height needed to do a reverse Hyrule Jump and then to reach the slanted platform on the right of Temple) from the spring's top. 25 units wide, 16 units tall.
Cannon (weak) Similar to Barrel Cannons. Launched characters deal 4% upon contact. Characters are launched at a speed of 4.4 units/frame (actual value is 5 but characters aren't launched for a few frames). For the next 60 frames (1 second), characters are unable to perform most actions, have their upward speed decreased by 0.1 (straight up) to 0.025 (sideways) per frame, and downward speed decreased by 0.05 per frame; after the 60 frames both the upward and downward speed decrease is set to 0.075; horizontal speed is decreased by 0.075 per frame. Characters can reach a height of around 100 units (more than the height of the top platform on the far right of Temple) from the cannon's center when fired completely vertically. 19 units tall, 19 units wide, but may freely overlap platforms. A guide ring ~38.7 units in diameter aids in placement and aiming.
Cannon (strong) A larger cannon that shoots characters further. Launched characters deal 8% upon contact. Characters are launched at a speed of 5.9 units/frame (actual value 6.5 but characters aren't launched for a few frames). Physics are the same as the weak cannon and characters can reach a height of around 180 units (roughly from Temple's lowest platform to the middle platform on its far right) from the cannon's center when fired completely vertically. 24 units tall, 24 units wide, but may freely overlap platforms. A guide ring ~38.7 units in diameter aids in placement and aiming.
Moving Platform (small) Slowly moves from one point to the other, with an unlimited path. 30 units wide. Moves 0.2 units/frame. May overlap any object or platform, but endpoint must be at least 2 units away from start.
Moving Platform (large) Over three times longer than the small one. 100 units wide. Moves 0.15 units/frame. May overlap any object or platform, but endpoint must be at least 10 units away from start.
Magma (thin) Painted over platforms, and deals 10% damage to characters. It adds more weight depending on how much was drawn, even if the line overlaps with itself or other lava despite being redundant. Unlike Danger Zones, it does not instantly KO a fighter if they have over 100% damage. 6 units thick.
Magma (thick) Works just like the thin one, but 10 units thick.

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

While Stage Builder was absent during the initial release of Ultimate, on April 9th, 2019 an advertisement released by Nintendo discreetly revealed the Stage Builder icon on the menu, confirming that a Stage Builder mode was in development at the time of the advertisement's release.[1] A promotional video on April 16th confirmed the inclusion of Stage Builder in the version 3.0.0 update scheduled to release the following day.

The Stage Builder was greatly revamped since the Super Smash Bros. for Wii U iteration. Besides the player-accessible layer, terrain can be placed in up to three additional decorative layers, with one in front of and two behind the playable layer. Various materials are accessible to be used. For the first time, it is possible to have platforms extend beyond the blast lines, which can be accomplished by the use of rails, allowing for walk off stages. Platforms can be drawn freehandedly, or using Square or Circle tools. Their material can be changed at the player's leisure with the Fill tool. Instead of sets of moving platforms, rails can be freely placed by the player in order to make any platform follow it. Rotation effects can also be added to platforms, and both the rotation and traveling of platforms across rails can be toggled on or off mid-battle by placing switches. Many objects can be changed with a properties menu, allowing tweaks such as adjusting rail speed or enabling terrain gravity. However, unlike in for Wii U, custom stages cannot be used in Training Mode or Custom Smash, both of which notably enable the player to modify the gameplay speed.

Unlike previous games, custom stages can support up to eight players by default, although that limit can drop back to four if the stage contains too many surfaces or objects, as shown by a weight gauge at the top of the screen. Going through a 4-Player stage with five or more players in Local Wireless will instead choose one of the game's normal stages.

Stages created using the editor are able to be shared or downloaded on the online Shared Content page.

When testing stages, the default characters for player and CPU are two Marios. However, as in for Wii U, the player may change the default fighters via the pause menu when testing and are retained for all future uses of Stage Builder until the Stage Builder menu is exited.

When creating a stage, the stage size (small, medium, and large) can be chosen, as well as the background, and the music track. Neither the size nor the background can be changed later, but the music track can be changed at any time. The track can also be chosen among any of the musical tracks in the game, including ones that are normally unable to be played on any of the normal stages, such as Lifelight and Step: Subspace. The only song that can't be used is the song used for Home-Run Contest.


Unlike the Stage Builder from Super Smash Bros. Brawl and for Wii U, the backgrounds available to choose from are from stages in the game itself, being:

Unlike the originals however, these backgrounds are static 2-dimensional backdrops, meaning that they do not have depth and things that normally move in their original stages do not move (clouds, water, etc), and in the Final Destination background's case, it is fixed to the "light" background. However, lightning can occasionally be seen on stages with the Find Mii background.

Hazards and tools

Image Name Description Adjustable
Terrain Acts as ground, ceiling, and walls. Shape, material, dimensions, rotation, gravity, respawn, grabbable edges
Gear Rotates the attached terrain around the Gear as an axis. Rotates at a rate of s/60 degrees per frame, where s is speed. Direction, range, speed, smooth reverse
Rail Causes terrain to travel on a selected path. Objects move along the path at a rate of 0.1s/24 units per frame, where s is speed. Path, speed, starting location, smooth movement, hinged terrain, return after collision, return at edge, show rail
Switch When attacked, toggles gears and rails on the attached terrain. None
Cannon Characters will be launched out of the cannon in the direction it faces, akin to Barrel Cannons used in Kongo Jungle and Kongo Falls. Direction
Spring Characters will bounce upwards with a speed of 25g units per frame, where g is that character's gravity. If up is held on the control stick or jump button is held, characters will be sent higher with a speed of 25g+1.75. Unable to be rotated. Has no effect on physics terrain, unless it is attached, in which it will only forbid rotation. None
Warp Zone Characters will teleport to the paired Warp Zone. Has no effect on terrain, but items and projectiles that come into contact with it will also be teleported. Warp Zones will become inactive on a cooldown when a character enters them for a few seconds; this cooldown does not apply when items and projectiles are teleported. None
Bumper Characters will be launched from the bumper, similarly to to the item of the same name. Has no effect on terrain. Rotation
Ladder Characters can climb ladder. Unable to be rotated, even if attached to physics terrain, causing it to stay upright. Length
Bomb Block When attacked, it will explode, hitting nearby Bomb and Explosive Blocks. Rotation, respawn, grabbable edges
Explosive Block Will explode when nearby Bomb or Explosive Blocks explode. Rotation, respawn, grabbable edges
Wind Area Produces wind to push characters in a certain direction. Has no effect on terrain. Pushes with a speed of 0.02s units per frame, where s is speed. Its effects can be reduced or negated by certain spirits. Speed, direction, dimensions

Terrain material

Unlike the Stage Builders in previous installments, the textures - now called terrain materials - are universal regardless of the background. Additionally, the ice block and magma are now treated as terrain material, rather than unique elements.

Each material has various physics attributes affecting how it interacts with other objects with gravity enabled. The attributes only affect the terrain's interaction with objects, not fighters. In the following table, the physics attributes are defined as:

Acceleration downwards. Value is multiplied by 0.065. When multiple materials are part of the same object, the gravity of that object is based on the proportion that each material makes of that object, factoring in density and size.
For example, an object made of paper with 16 grid tiles and steel with 4 grid tiles will have a combined density of 560 ((16×10)+(4×100)=160+400). Paper (with a gravity of 0.3) contributes 0.0857142 (0.3×(160/560)=0.3×0.285714) and steel (with a gravity of 1.0) contributes 0.714285 (1.0×(400/560)=1.0×0.714285), resulting in a gravity of 0.8. This can be simplified and generalized to the following (a_1×d_1×g_1 + a_2×d_2×g_2 +...+ a_n×d_n×g_n)/(a_1×d_1 + a_2×d_2 +...+ a_n×d_n), where a is the area of the material occupies, d is the material's density, and g is the material's gravity.
Mass per unit volume.
Friction coefficient
Resistance to being moved across other terrain. Gravity also affects this, however.
Momentum conserved in rebounding objects; bounciness. A restitution of 1.0 will transfer 100% of the momentum back into the object, a value of 0.5 will transfer 50%, and so on. When an object collides with a surface, the highest restitution value is used. For example, sand (0.1), marble (0.3), and steel (0.5) will all rebound the same when colliding with a steel (0.5) or bouncy rubber (1.0) surface as those have equal or higher restitution values; colliding with a sand surface will result in the steel retaining more momentum than marble which retains more than sand.
Image Name Gravity Density Friction Restitution Notes
Grass 0.7 10 0.2 0.2
Dirt 0.9 30 0.5 0.2
Sand 0.8 40 0.9 0.1
Wood 1.0 100 0.7 0.4
Steel 1.0 100 0.6 0.5
Marble 1.0 100 0.6 0.3
Rubber 1.0 40 1.0 0.1
Denim 0.8 10 0.8 0.3
Carpet 0.9 10 0.8 0.2
Paper 0.3 10 0.4 0.1 The slowest-falling material.
Yarn 0.4 10 0.4 0.1
Sponge 0.6 10 0.8 0.3
Bouncy Rubber 1.0 30 0.8 1.0 The bounciest material.
Ice 1.0 30 0.0001 0.4 The most slippery material. It also reduces traction, causing fighters to slide.
Lava 0.8 50 1.0 0.1 Deals 14% damage to fighters on contact and launches them away, meteor smashing them if they hit it from below.

Most hazards also have some parameters associated with them, such as restitution and friction. Notably, while most share the same friction as either steel or wood, explosive blocks and bomb blocks appear to have 0 friction.

Each type of terrain also determines what kind of materials Steve will get when mining them.

Quirks and glitches

Ultimate's Stage Builder has a fairly large number of quirks, glitches and other issues, especially when compared to the Stage Builders in earlier games. These include:

  • While testing stages, fighters idle poses will not occur until the fighter moves from their spawn position or uses an attack.
  • While building stages, the game will sometimes prevent the player from extending or moving terrain and hazards in a way which causes no scenarios which would normally be disallowed by the game. The issue can be overcome by moving the terrain to a different position, and then moving or extending it into the desired position.
  • All flat surfaces have very small 45˚ slopes at the edges, regardless of what angle the edge is at.
  • Sometimes, Robin's Tomes and Levin Sword durabilities will not be correctly displayed on the U.I next to the fighter icon while testing custom stages. Instead, the Levin Sword durability will always show as 0 and the Tomes will always appear to have maximum durability, however the durabilities function the same way they do in Versus Mode.
  • Mii Fighters cannot be selected while testing stages.
  • Single Joy-Con controllers cannot be used when testing stages.
  • Sometimes, one or more of the fighters' damage meters will not be displayed when first loading a stage to test, although their artwork, name and series symbol will still appear as usual.
  • Ordinarily, if the "change fighters" feature is used, and a second controller is used, the second fighter can be controlled by a second player, and will be displayed as P2, with a blue battle UI as usual, while testing the stage. However, if "return to edit" is selected, and then test is selected again, the second controller will still control the second fighter as before, but they will now be displayed as a CPU, and will have a gray battle UI. The same can be done with P1 being controlled by the CPU while having a red "P1" tag.
  • Although objects bouncing straight up off bouncy rubber return to the same height on average, their actual bounce height tends to fluctuate, with some terrains deviating slightly upwards every other bounce, and others deviating slightly downwards, returning to their original height on the next bounce. Oddly, when dropped from specific heights however, some materials actually end up gaining height over time, eventually despawning off the top of the stage. This is likely due to rounding errors not being corrected for.

Names in other languages

Language Name
  Japanese ステージ作り
  English Stage Builder
  French (PAL) Créateur de stage
  French (NTSC) Créateur de niveaux
  German Stage-Studio
  Spanish Editor de escenarios
  Italian Editor scenari
  Chinese (Simplified) 制作 场地
  Chinese (Traditional) 製作 場地
  Korean 스테이지 만들기
  Dutch Level-studio
  Russian Конструктор


  • Springs are able to send low gravity characters higher than higher gravity characters. This is because while high gravity characters have higher speed, they lose it faster while low gravity have low speed but retain it for longer. This applies to all springs, but stronger springs exaggerate it—the strong springs can launch Jigglypuff (the lowest gravity character) noticeably higher than Fox (the highest gravity). This is less-so in Ultimate as the weak bounce's force results in a linear correlation between gravity and height, while the strong bounce is weak compared to prior games and causes characters with less than 0.0925 gravity (over half of the roster) being within 5 units of each other.
  • In Brawl, the game does not load the custom stages at the same time that it loads the stage select screen, and thus the game does not let the player select custom stages from the stage select screen until they are done loading.
  • The futuristic chamber background image of Super Smash Bros. Brawl is similar to the background in the Subspace Emissary's Research Facility II where players fight the two False Samuses or when Samus first encounters Ridley. Similarly, the ruins background image can be seen in the distance behind part of The Ruins.
    • Unusually, the futuristic chamber in Stage Builder uses wooden crates and barrels instead of their futuristic counterparts.
  • In Brawl, if the player tests a stage, self-destructs, return to the Stage Builder menu before Mario respawns and quickly tests it again, Mario will spawn on-stage briefly and then disappear with the camera scrolling to where he self-destructed then reappear on a revival platform.
  • There are two glitches associated with the Drop Block in Brawl: The Flop Block and the Teleport glitch.
  • Prior to version 1.1.3 of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, a regular Final Destination-like stage without any platforms filled with magma below (in a way that the magma seemingly covers the whole stage but doesn't hurt characters walking along the main ground) will cause all CPUs to indefinitely stand on place doing absolutely nothing, even at level 9, without even defending against attacks or recovering. This also works against amiibo.[2]
  • In for Wii U's Stage Builder, if the original Ryu Stage Type A or Ken Stage Type A songs from the Street Fighter series are selected, the music will not change regardless of the match's present situation.
  • In for Wii U's Stage Builder, if start and select are pressed during testing (which will pause the game then go back to the Stage Builder menu if done correctly), nothing but the background music will be heard until the game is paused again.
  • In Ultimate, Wing Blitz allows Ridley to fly through thin walls drawn with the line tool. Additionally, any character can jump through a thin wall as long as they are holding down on the control stick as they hit the side of it, likely due to them retaining soft-platform properties.
  • In Ultimate, fighters with a run speed higher than 2 (Diddy Kong, everyone faster than him, and anyone with Speed Art) can gain distance running against horizontal wind at maximum speed.
    • Most special moves will not gain distance against maximum speed horizontal wind over time, but certain moves like Wario Bike and Spinning Kong completely ignores wind.
  • In Ultimate, terrain with gravity enabled will ignore players in its path. They will be unable to push or redirect terrain without the assistance of switches to toggle rails or gears.
  • Due to the way meteor smashes function in Ultimate, it is possible to K.O. fighters with a meteor smash despite terrain beneath them as long as the terrain is off-screen, as powerful meteor smashes K.O. as soon as the fighter crosses the bottom of the screen rather than across the blast line.
  • In Ultimate, regardless of the music used, Joker will always use the Persona 5 victory fanfare on custom stages.
  • In Ultimate, custom stages using the music tracks MEGALOVANIA and Floral Fury cannot be downloaded from Shared Content if the DLC entailing those tracks have not been purchased. Stages using music tracks from the Fighters' Passes will change the song to Battlefield.

See also

External links
