Meta Knight (SSBB)

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This article is about Meta Knight's appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. For other uses, see Meta Knight.
Meta Knight
Meta Knight
Universe Kirby
Appears in SSBB
Availability Starter

Unveiled at E3 2006, Meta Knight (メタナイト, Meta Naito) is a character appearing in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Within the first Brawl trailer Meta Knight is seen reflecting one of Pit's arrows with his cape, which when on him, renders him camouflaged with his surroundings by bending the light around him. It appears to be his Dimensional Cape, but is exaggerated for the trailer, like the Wario Waft.

Meta Knight's black Alternate Costume is based off of Dark Meta Knight from Kirby and the Amazing Mirror.

Pros and Cons


  • Five mid-air jumps
  • Can Glide
  • All four of his B moves can be used as his final jump
  • One of, if not, the best recoveries in the game
  • Very high-priority attacks
  • Powerful Wall of Pain
  • F-Smash and D-Smash are quick finishers
  • Small Target
  • Fast running speed (but slower than Shiek, Zero Suit Samus, Fox, Captain Falcon, and Sonic)
  • Has the fastest attacking speed in the game with barely any lag
  • Can attack/jump out of his glide allowing for a second glide with his Up-B in the other direction (if needed)
  • His Shuttle Loop attack has devastating knockback which is farther than any of his moves
  • Has surprising knockback compared to what other characters' knockback would be with attacks of the same damage
  • Neutral B can be used for great vertical recovery and goes all the way across Final Destination horizontaly
  • Fantastic combos and good grabs for combo starters
  • Is an excellent edge-guarder
  • Hard to edge-guard him because he can do things like glide under the stage and then swoop up to the other side


  • Short range on most attacks
  • Light and easily KO'd
  • Has a hard time dealing with characters with similar recovery abilities such as Pit
  • All B moves (minus Shuttle Loop) put him into helpless, and Mach Tornado does not auto-grab the ledge, rather it bounces off it

Standard Moves

Ground Attacks

  • Dash A: Flaps his wings on both sides while performing a very quick kick.
  • Neutral A (hold): Does a rapid sequence of slices around himself.
  • Forward Tilt - Slashes twice in front of him, then slices upwards.
  • Up Tilt - Raises his sword up vertically.
  • Down Tilt - Stabs low to the ground. Similar to Marth's Down Tilt.
  • Forward Smash - Pulls back his sword for a split second, then quickly slices widely in front of him.
  • Up Smash - Slices three times above him very quickly. Similar in appearance to Link's Up Smash.
  • Down Smash - Slices horizontally in front of him then behind him. Similar in appearance to Marth's getting-up attack.

Aerial Attacks

  • Neutral Air - Spins around with his sword. Similar to Pikachu's Neutral Air.
  • Forward Air - Slices quickly three times in front of him.
  • Back Air - Slices three times behind him.
  • Up Air - Slices once quickly in an arc above him. Almost no lag afterwards; can be chained vertically in a column.
  • Down Air - Slices in an arc under him.
  • Glide Air - Slices once. Has zero landing lag.

Grabs and Throws

  • Pummel - Hits you with his wings
  • Back Throw - Throws his opponents behind himself and slashes them
  • Forward Throw - Backflip kick
  • Up Throw - Extends his wings, soars into the air with his opponent, and crashes down in a firey burst (similar to Kirby's Up Throw in Melee)
  • Down Throw - Throws his opponent on the ground and begins stomping quickly on them (similar to Kirby's down throw in Melee, Victory Dance)

Special Moves


Role in the Subspace Emissary

When Meta Knight is first featured in the Subspace Emissary, he attacks a lone Marth outside of a large castle. Quickly, he learns that Marth is not his enemy as they are both surrounded by Primids. After a successful battle, both warriors chase the Ancient Minister who is carrying a Subspace bomb. Both are unsucessful in their attempts in destroying the bomb, except for Ike who uses his Aether move to catch the Minister offguard. With the bomb now destroyed, all three head back to the castle to clear out any remaining Primids.

Later, they are all seen traveling the wastelands together and battling a giant Subspace Golem boss. Meta Knight then saves Lucas and the Pokemon Trainer from a giant freefall after they defeat the same boss. Meta Knight then begins to ascend a large cliff face with assistance from the Ice Climbers to order to reach the Battleship Halberd. At the summit, Lucario challenges Meta Knight to a sparring contest. After the contest, both board the Halberd which has just captured the defeated Great Fox.

The pair run into Solid Snake while on board and join forces with him to take back the Halberd. They reach the control deck to discover that the ship is being piloted by a gang of Shadow Bug Mr. Game & Watch's who fuse together to form a gigantic metallic monster called Duom. Duom is defeated and Mr. Game & Watch returns to his usual self (no longer under the control of Shadow Bugs) and joins the trio along with Peach, Fox, Falco, and Sheik.

Meta Knight takes back control of the Halberd and heads towards the Subspace Battleship with all of the Super Smash Bros heroes on board. After using the Subspace Battleship's main cannon to create another Subspace portal, Ganondorf spots the Halberd on the horizon and orders the battleship to open fire. The Halberd is decimated within seconds but the smashers are able to escape on board Samus' and Captain Falcon's starships and Olimar's rocket ship (Fox and Falco use their Arwings). Kirby destroys the Subspace Battleship by impaling it with the Dragoon airship and the heroes enter Subspace to pursue Ganondorf and Bowser.

Meta Knight is turned into a trophy by Tabuu along with the rest of the Super Smash Bros heroes upon their entrance into Subspace. He is later revived by King Dedede, Luigi, and Ness. He rejoins the others in the fight against Tabuu.

Event Matches

Pink Ball Repulsion - The player plays as Meta Knight and has to defeat Kirby on the Battleship Halberd before the flying platform lands.[1]

Special Movements


Up: Disapears into his cape, and it shrinks vertically, then spins. Has invincible properties when he has shrunk into the cape.

Side: Says "Fight me!" and slashes his sword twice.

Down: Opens his wings and and says "Come!"

On-Screen Appearance: Uses his cape to teleport.

External Links

Template:Kirby Brawl