Super Smash Bros.

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Super Smash Bros. is the first game in the Super Smash Bros. Series. It was released for the Nintendo 64 in 1998. Super Smash Bros. has many multiplayer modes along with one singleplayer mode.

Playable Characters

There are twelve playable characters in Super Smash Bros.

Default Characters

These characters are available as soon as the game is purchased. Everyone will automatically have them when they start playing.

  • Mario from the Mario series.
  • Link from the Legend of Zelda series.
  • Kirby from the Kirby series.
  • Pikachu from the Pokémon series.
  • Yoshi from the Mario and Yoshi series.
  • Samus Aran from the Metroid series.
  • Donkey Kong from the Donkey Kong and Mario series.
  • Fox McCloud from the Star Fox series.

Hidden Characters

These characters must be unlocked and defeated in battle before they can be used.



There are nine stages in Super Smash Bros.

Default stages

These stages come with the game. Everyone is allowed to use them.

Hidden stage

This stage must be unlocked.


Super Smash Bros. is best known for its multiplayer mode, in which players will choose Nintendo characters to duke it out on their chosen stage, with agreed settings. Team battles are allowed. Players must damage each other with attacks, then finish them off by knocking them off the stage. Unlike traditional fighting games, Super Smash Bros. has a damage counter instead of stamina points. It is easier to knock an opponent off the stage if they have a higher damage percentage.

See also: One player mode (N64).