Project M

King Dedede (PM)

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King Dedede
in Project M and Project+
King Dedede SSBB.jpg
Universe Kirby
Base game appearance Brawl
Moveset inspiration King Dedede (SSBB)
King Dedede (SSBB)

King Dedede (known as simply Dedede in-game) is a playable character in the Brawl mod Project M. This heavyweight from the Kirby series has received speed and combo buffs though suffering from a removal of his chain-grabbing abilities.


Changes from Brawl to PM

King Dedede gained both buffs and nerfs from Brawl to PM, but the buffs made him better offensively but worse defensively.

  • Buff Waddle Dee toss can be thrown in 3 different angles, and can be thrown at different strengths.
  • Buff Better air speed (no longer being the slowest), improving recovery and midair approach.
  • Buff Forward air has slightly stronger knockback growth.
  • Buff Neutral attack combo now links properly, with the infinite hitting significantly faster.
  • Buff Forward tilt is significantly stronger, dealing twice the amount of damage than before.
  • Buff Dash attack is a very slightly stronger KO move, and now gives King Dedede super armor during the attack portion.
  • Buff Forward and up smashes have longer range, and the tip of the forward smash meteor smashes characters who are holding onto ledges.
  • Buff Up smash damage and knockback increased dramatically.
  • Buff Forward aerial is now a full hammer sweep from below. It covers a longer range and does more damage then the previous forward aerial.
  • Buff Up aerial is now a single hit, which deals less damage but has increased juggling potential for combos. The former damage-racking function is now taken by his down aerial, which also links better.
  • Buff Forward throw has greater kill potential and does 2% more damage now doing 14%.
  • Buff Back throw does 1% less damage and has stronger kill potential.
  • Buff Super Dedede Jump now has a hitbox during the rising portion, and canceling the move completely negates Dedede's momentum, giving the move more versatility for recovering and leaving him less vulnerable against edge-guarders.
  • Buff Jet Hammer applies a momentum boost on swinging based on the level of charge. Dedede also gains light armor while charging, and the hammer comes out slightly more quickly.
  • Buff Down smash now sends opponents behind himself, allowing him to KO opponents easier and can follow-up better.
  • Buff Can now perform the "Waddle Dash" thanks to some of Project M's mechanics. By repeatedly throwing and picking up a Waddle Dee or Waddle Doo, Dedede can move quickly around the stage. It can be used both as a recovery and approaching technique and significantly improves his mobility.
  • Nerf Gordos deal slightly less damage.
  • Nerf Down aerial damage decreased.
  • Nerf Has three midair jumps rather than four, worsening his recovery, making it more difficult to land safely, and enforcing more use of Super Dedede Jump.
  • Nerf Dedede's falling speed is much slower relative to the rest of the cast, now falling much slower than the space animals and falling slower than some other characters. This significantly nerfs his vertical endurance, and nerfed his ability to mix-up landings.
  • Nerf Forward smash has slightly slower startup, and is a slightly weaker kill move. Although it has a hitbox that is stronger than brawl, it is difficult to land.
  • Nerf Down throw sends opponents at a more downward angle towards the floor, removing chain throws, making it act like how it does on lightweight characters in Brawl. However, it does not give a sufficient setup for tech chases to make up for the loss of the chain throw.
  • Nerf Super Dedede Jump no longer has super armor, only having medium armor throughout the rising portion.
  • Nerf Back aerial does less knockback growth.
  • Nerf Down tilt has less knockback growth.
  • Nerf With his nerfed vertical endurance, drastically nerfed recovery that is very easily edge-guarded, and being slightly more vulnerable to combos and chain throws relative to the cast (since his gravity is no longer much slower than his falling speed), Dedede's overall survivability is much worse.



  • Buff Dedede can grab the edge towards the end of his Up-B cancel flip.
  • Change Dedede's spotdodge animation was smoothed out.


  • Buff Dedede's Dash Attack hitboxes adjusted for better coverage.
  • Buff Dedede's Up-Tilt belly hitboxes adjusted for better coverage.
  • Buff Dedede's Forward-Smash has an added large ground bounce hitbox that only affects grounded opponents and is non-clankable.
  • Buff Dedede's Neutral-Air weak hitbox match the size of the strong hitboxes for better coverage.
  • Buff Dedede's Neutral-Air IASA fixed to occur slightly before the animation ends.
  • Buff Dedede's Forward-Air IASA fixed to occur slightly before the animation ends.
  • Buff Dedede's Side-B can toss waddles at more noticeable angles.
  • Buff Dedede's Side-B default throw speed decreased, and strong throw speed increased.
  • Buff Dedede's Up-B hitboxes adjusted for better coverage.
  • Buff Dedede's Up-B damage across all of its hitboxes increased significantly, and shield damage on landing hit greatly increased.
  • Buff Dedede's Up-B landing stars have more base knockback.
  • Buff Dedede's Down-B self-damage cap is 100% (down from 150%).


  • Buff Dash Attack has medium armor which lasts through the strong hit.
  • Buff Up-Tilt's endlag is slightly faster.
  • Buff Down-Aerial has smaller gaps between each hit.
  • Buff Forward-Throw's damage has been increased slightly, knockback decreased slightly to compensate.
  • Buff Down-Throw can be interrupted earlier.
  • Buff Neutral-B has more mobility in the air than previously.
  • Buff Up-B has a hitbox at the beginning of Dedede's ascent.
  • Buff Up-B has medium armor during the same timeframe as the hitbox.
  • Nerf Turn-Grab range reduced slightly, and has a bit more startup to match other Turn Grabs.
  • Change Neutral-Aerial's 1st hit angle is slightly higher.


  • Buff Forward-Smash’s meteor hitbox now only hits grounded targets (Aerial-only Spike hitbox on hammer head now has proper priority).
  • Nerf Aerial Up-B no longer has medium armor. Grounded Up-B medium armor starts and ends much sooner.
  • Change Forward-Air’s hitboxes were cleaned up and polished to match the animation better.


Up to date as of version 2.6b.

Name Damage Description
Neutral attack First hit 6%, Second hit 5%, Following hits 2% each Hits his opponent with two quick swipes of his hammer, then sticks it out in front of him and spins it.
Forward tilt 12% Extends his hammer forward and spins it quickly.
Up tilt 12% Sets his hammer down and quickly jumps upwards while headbutting.
Down tilt 10% Does a sweeping kick low to the ground.
Dash attack 16% Trips and falls over forwards.
Forward smash 21% (sweetspot); 16% (sourspot); 12% (ledge) Raises his hammer over his head and swings it in front of him. Creates a larger hitbox on impact with the ground than in Brawl. If the hammer comes into contact with a ledge that a character is grabbing, that character will be meteor smashed.
Up smash 22% Pulls his hammer back then swings it vertically over his head. Does significantly more damage than in Brawl.
Down smash 15% Swings his hammer near the ground on both sides of him.
Neutral aerial 12% first hit, 7% second hit Extends his arms and legs and attacks with his stomach. His limbs produce a second, weaker hitbox soon after.
Forward aerial 15% Pulls his hammer back slightly then swings it in front of him upwards. Has a larger hitbox than in Brawl.
Back aerial 13% initial hitbox, 9% subsequent hitbox Extends a foot backward. Is a sex kick.
Up aerial 12% Spins his hammer above his head.
Down aerial 2% each for the first six hits, 5% for the final hit, 17% if all hits connect Extends his hammer below him and spins it.
Grab Grabs the opponent.
Pummel 3% per pummel Lays his hammer down and headbutts the opponent.
Forward throw 14% Hits the opponent with his hammer. Does 2% more damage than in Brawl.
Back throw 15% Pushes the opponent behind him, then hits them with his hammer. Does 1% less than in Brawl.
Up throw 9% Thrusts both his hands upwards, hitting the opponent.
Down throw 8% Slams the opponent into the ground and sits on them. Unlike Brawl, the opponent always falls over, and therefore can not be instantly grabbed again.
Floor attack (front) 6%
Floor attack (back) 6%
Floor attack (trip) 5%
Edge attack (fast) 8% Pulls himself up slightly, then heaves himself onto the stage while kicking in front of him.
Edge attack (slow) 10% Pulls himself slowly onto the stage, then quickly swings his hammer over his head in front of him.
Neutral special Inhale 10% upon spitting the opponent out, 9-18% to anybody that is hit by that opponent Inhales the opponent, and does damage upon spitting them out. Does collateral damage to anybody hit by the character being spit out, depending on that character's weight.
Side special Waddle Dee Toss 5% Waddle Dee, 7% Waddle Doo, 22% Gordo Pulls one of his minions out of his sleeve and throws them forward. Unlike in Brawl, the minion can be thrown in three different trajectories, much like Snake's hand grenades. The Gordos also deal 1% less damage.
Up special Super Dedede Jump 6% while he is traveling upwards, 15% when he is traveling downwards Jumps extremely high and comes crashing down. Unlike Brawl, if the move is cancelled and he falls to the ground, he will get up instantly instead of fumbling around, making it safer to cancel the move.
Down special Jet Hammer 11-30% Raises his hammer above his head, and it opens up to create a jet of white flame. The longer the move is held, the more damage, knockback, and directional boost to Dedede occurs.
Final Smash Waddle Dee Army varies Whistles, and then dances for ten seconds while Waddle Dees, Waddle Doos, and Gordoes move about the stage. During these ten seconds, he is invincible.

In competitive play

Notable players

Palette swaps

Dedede's palette swaps remain unchanged from Brawl.

King Dedede's palette swaps in PM

External links