Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Lucario (SSBB)

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This article is about Lucario's appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. For this Pokémon in other contexts, see Lucario.
in Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Universe Pokémon
Availability Unlockable
Final Smash Aura Storm
Tier C (10)
Lucario (SSBB)

Lucario (Japanese: ルカリオ, Rukario) is an unlockable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, who, like Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Squirtle, Charizard, and Ivysaur, originates from the Pokémon universe. Confirmation of Lucario's inclusion in Brawl was leaked before the game's release, through a promotional video on the Japanese Wii website about sticker power ups. An evolution of Riolu, Lucario is a dual Fighting/Steel type Pokémon, and is the first Pokémon to possess either of these types in a Smash series game. It is also the first Pokémon in a Smash game that is able to speak English.

As a fighter, Lucario is unique in that the damage and knockback of its aura attacks are affected by its own damage percentage, as well as its stock count in relation to its opponents'. They are weaker when Lucario is at a lower percentage or ahead in stocks, and stronger when it is at a high percentage or behind in stocks. Lucario's damage doesn't start affecting attack power until 20% and reaches its maximum potential to increase attack power when it reaches 170%.

A common belief is that Lucario "replaced" Super Smash Bros. Melee's Mewtwo, primarily as they share some properties. They both have bipedal bodies with small arms and a tail, and the ability to speak human language in a deep voice through the use of telepathy. Lucario's Aura is similar in appearance to Mewtwo's shadow energy. Both characters also possess floaty air movement, non-damaging third jumps, fast and long distanced rolls, and similar neutral special moves - Lucario's Aura Sphere grows in size as it is charged and damages opponents who contact it during its charging phase, in the same way as Mewtwo's Shadow Ball. However, there is no evidence that Lucario was intended to "replace" or exist as a clone of Mewtwo in Brawl; on the contrary, leftover data on Brawl's disc suggests the possibility that the two were supposed to appear alongside each other.

Lucario is ranked 10th on the current tier list due to its great air game (equipped with an amazing aerial set), and great edgeguarding game, along with many favourable matchups. Some attacks, such as its dair, and its overall great defense game (one of the best) allows Lucario to also have great approach and defense options. However, its floatiness causes it to be an easy target for juggling. Lucario also has a non-damaging third jump; while its recovery has many options, it's still relatively easy to edgeguard. Lucario's Aura property also acts as a double-edged sword; while its KOing power goes up while getting damaged, this also means for Lucario to be at its strongest, it must raise its own damage percentage, making it considerably easier to KO. At the beginning of stocks especially, Lucario has reduced options, due to starting with no damage. Regardless, Lucario in general has above-average matchups against most characters.

How to unlock

Complete one of the following:

  • Play 100 matches in Brawl, then defeat Lucario.
  • Complete the Target Test on all difficulty levels with one character (this can be done on 1 or 2 player mode), then defeat Lucario.
  • Get Lucario to join the player's party in The Subspace Emissary (The Glacial Peak).


Lucario in general is well balanced in both power and speed. However, due to its "high risk, high return" property, it is very difficult to pull off a good KO. Lucario is too reliant on directional influence and kills near the blast lines. This is because most of Lucario's Aura based attacks will do low knockback and damage when Lucario has taken low percent damage, and the higher its percentage is, the more powerful its Aura based attacks will be. Also, it has no attack with the ability to meteor smash opponents (except the beginning of its Final Smash which is a spike with set but high knockback). However, all of its aerials are quick and have decent damage, knockback, favorable hitboxes, and reach. Lucario is very useful when it comes to stringing together attacks in order to rack up damage. In fact, most of Lucario's offensive power involves juggling and follow-up attacks. In terms of defensive power, Lucario is a floaty middleweight. This makes it easier to KO vertically but difficult to chain throw. Lucario has the 11th best maximum horizontal endurance and the 16th best maximum vertical endurance which still makes it difficult to KO. Since the majority of Lucario's attacks use Aura, it fights with disjointed hitboxes that have long durations. This means Lucario is good at spacing and fighting defensively. Lucario's attacks that use Aura grow in power in proportion to the amount of damage he has taken and at stock advantage/disadvantage.

One of the most popular string of attacks is the use of his neutral attack combo or dash attack and then following up with an up tilt, which has good juggling capacities and can be spammed easily. Lucario's counter-attack, Double Team is the strongest counter-attack in the game. It can also protect Lucario from all attacks, including grabs and Final Smashes due to it having true invincibility frames instead of just counter frames unlike other counters. Two of its aerials, the forward aerial and up aerial, can combine with other attacks and juggle themselves respectively (in addition, the forward aerial can used as a pseudo-Wall of Pain technique). Its trademark ability, the Aura Sphere, is a very powerful projectile with strong knockback and damage when fully charged, but is harder to KO with unless Lucario is at higher percentages; it can also damage opponents while it is charging, but the opponents have to be very close to Lucario to do this. It also has a small Wavebounce when used in the air. Lucario's side special, Force Palm has a good Wavebounce and can serve as an excellent chain grab against heavy/fast fallers at low percentages. However, if the Wavebounce is used, it can be utilize as a distance type attack. It is also one of the few projectiles that can go through walls. Lucario has the highest wall jump in the game, its wall jump is so high that Lucario can wall jump between two pillars in the Shadow Moses Island stage once without ever having to touch the ground nor having to use ExtremeSpeed to wall cling (and it is the only character capable of doing so). It also has the longest wall cling (Lucario Squirtle and Sheik can hang on for five seconds) and a very low crawl. He also has one of the longest and fastest rolls in the game. Its up special, ExtremeSpeed, serves as a powerful recovery move and can "bend" and even cling into walls, although it deals no damage, unlike Pikachu's Quick Attack (which is ironic, considering that in the Pokémon games, ExtremeSpeed is a priority attack and deals twice as much damage as Quick Attack), which leaves it somewhat vulnerable to edge-hogging, but the recovery is long enough to often return to the stage(even without double jump). Almost all of Lucario's attacks can combo into one another making Lucario one of the few characters who actually have "true combos" and one of the best damage rackers in the game. Lucario also has amazing edgeguarding abilities with his aerials to force opponents off the stage and immense range with smashes, projectiles, and the risky Extremespeed. Lucario is also one of the best characters when it comes to fighting multiple opponents because of its disjointed hitboxes and their reach combined with large hitboxes. This also serves as a good defense. Since Lucario has the fastest backwards dodge in the game, his ground speed can be significantly increased by combining dodges and won't prat fall, whereas his dash speed is moderately slow (22nd fastest tied with Falco).

Lucario's down aerial can serve as a good killing move, catching jugglers by surprise, with its almost instantaneously start-up lag. Another killing move, its down smash, uses aura and can serve as a good horizontal killer when Lucario has taken medium to high damage, as it covers both sides simultaneously. Lucario's up smash has great vertical reach with a hitbox that has long duration, and Lucario's Forward smash has great horizontal reach along with a hitbox with long duration.

Lucario is a character that, rather simply, relies on building and maintaining momentum throughout the match until it can safely KO the opponent. It has all the right tools and tricks for the job, but falling behind can prove problematic for a Lucario player. This can also be helpful with the added power to his Aura-based moves to turn the tide of the match against its opponents.


Ground Attacks


  • Neutral attack - Lucario waves its hand forward, does a palm thrust, and then kicks high. Each hit has blue aura accompanying it and moves Lucario a fair bit forward. The first hit can combine with other attacks well, especially grabs. By using the first strike, Lucario can initiate a Force Palm grab, standard grab or tilt to start a combo. Initial damage: First hit does 2%, second hit is 1% and the third hit is 4%. Total damage is 7%. At it's maximum potential the total combo does 14% with moderate to high knockback. Has a start-up of 6 frames.
  • Dash attack - Lucario slides one leg forward on the ground, hitting low. Aura is not involved in this attack. Does 10% damage at outset, with useful pop-up behind him should the move land towards its end. Like most dash attacks, very vulnerable to shieldgrabs. Sourspotted does 7%. Hitbox out on frame 7-18.
  • Down tilt - Sweeps one leg out along the ground. Paws flare with aura when it does this. Hits in front and in back. Has a small amount of IASA frames. Does 5% standard, and 9% maximum. Hits on frame 9-15.
  • Forward tilt - Puts its paws together in front of itself with two small blasts of blue aura. Quicker and shorter ranged than its Forward smash. Can be aimed up or down a bit. Small amount of IASA frames allow it to cancel into itself effectively. Does 9% if both blasts hit, with 18% maximum damage. Has a start-up of 12 frames and it ends on frame 19.
  • Up tilt - Swings its leg in an arc over its head. Quick and can juggle. Hitting with only the Aura-powered foot gives the move a sweetspot for higher damage/knockback. Similar to Donkey Kong's up tilt. Does 4% damage normally, and doubles in damage at its maximum potential. Hitbox out on frame 5-15. It should be noted that this attack is a partial lock.

Smash attacks

  • Forward smash - Lucario places its paws together in front of itself and shoots a blast of blue aura energy, with great range and a good amount of active frames. Attack is strongest when only Aura blast connects. When sourspotted, damage is equal to a down smash. The move has IASA frames very quickly after active frames finish, making it unusually difficult to punish for such a strong move, though the start-up is still very punishable (frame 21-30). When Lucario is at high percentages it is one of the strongest side smashes in the game, otherwise below average knockback. Does 10% with little knockback, or 12% with a good amount of knockback when sweetspotted. Charged does 14% if sourspotted, 16% if sweetspotted. Does 24% at maximum if sweetspotted and uncharged and does 31% at maximum if sweetspotted and charged. Slow start-up time is significantly decreased if charge attack at beginning (minus 2 frames). This move has the fourth largest knockback of side smashes when at 182% only losing to Snake, Ike and King Dedede.
  • Down smash - Lucario brings its paws down to either side of it in a downwards slapping motion. It has rather slow start-up (frame 17-23) and noticeable ending lag for a down smash, but it is the strongest down smash in the game when at full power, and has the fastest start-up among its smash attacks. Does 10% at outset and 14% if charged. Does 20% uncharged and 27% charged at max power.
  • Up smash - Lucario holds its paw above its head, with a large burst of blue aura from it, and spins in place. Damages enemies in front and behind of Lucario, with the attack having an exceptional amount of active frames (lasting until nearly the end of the move). Its a great anti-air attack. Hitbox to the sides is greater when opponent is behind Lucario than in front of him. Does 8% at outset and 12% charged. Inflicts 18% uncharged and 25% fully charged when damage has capped.


  • Ledge attack - Lucario quickly gets back on the stage, attacking with a burst of Aura. Excellent range and a disjointed hitbox make this a very good ledge attack. 5% outset, and at 99% it does 8%.
  • Over 100% ledge attack - Lucario slowly brings its feet over its head (a semi-flip) and kicks, releasing aura. Rather slow and not recommended unless as surprise attack. Stronger than most 100% ledge attacks. 11% outset, 14% max.
  • Floor attack - Spins around while getting up, kicking on one side, and punching on the other. Very good floor attack, insanely fast, and unexpected with decent knockback. 6%.
  • Trip attack - Lucario kicks forwards, then backwards. Slow start, does 5% each kick.

Aerial attacks

  • Neutral aerial - Lucario extends both of its hands with blue energy, and spins. It has long ending lag in the air, but minimal landing lag along with almost no start-up (6 frames). Deals 8% damage at its weakest and does 15% with strong horizontal knockback at its strongest. Great for setting up another attack after landing on the ground due to the minimal lag, but can only be done at low percentages.
  • Forward aerial - Lucario kicks forward with a slight upwards tilt. The end has a small burst of blue aura energy, like most of Lucario's moves. It can also hit twice in one short hop and can always hit another time if an enemy is hit with the first one. This can combine with other attacks well. Initial damage is 4% with max Aura boost does 7% but becomes harder to combo with. Hitbox extends everywhere except above Lucario. Has a start-up of 7 frames. Lucario's fastest aerial.
  • Up aerial - Lucario kicks similarly to its forward aerial, but higher, hitting in front of its head. The hitbox covers its entire body, but the sweetspot is the Aura burst near the foot. This aerial has the good defensive capabilities due to the hitbox covering its body. Does 7% at minimum power and it does 14% maxium. Hitbox out on frame 10-22.
  • Down aerial - Lucario pauses in the air, thrusts its feet together downwards, and lets out a fairly large burst of aura energy. Fairly long duration, and has unique properties that make it an incredibly useful attack. When it starts the move, all of its momentum is immediately canceled. It can be used to perform a "pseudo-SHFFL": if used immediately after jumping, Lucario will cease to jump and immediately use the attack, making it one of the lowest possible attacking aerial moves. There is also no landing lag when doing this, as the entirety of the move is performed stationary in midair. Initial damage of first hit is 5%, 2nd hit is 6%. All together does 11% damage. Excellent knockback on 2nd hit. Often considered his best attack due having almost no start-up lag and is a great combo finisher. Does 22% with both hits at maximum strength. First hit on frame 4-7, second hit on frame 11-14.This move also makes it that Lucario can make the smallest jumps in the game
  • Back aerial - Lucario slams one paw backwards, similar in appearance to Ganondorf's back aerial. Accompanied by standard little burst of blue aura. Significant start-up time (15 frames but the move only ends at frame 29) and landing lag, making it a poor choice near the ground, but a lasting hitbox makes it powerful for edge-guarding. It has great horizontal knockback along with a large hitbox with good horizontal reach. This move also is a good defense and approach option. A good strategy for defense is to get the hitbox inside the character model for Lucario to serve as a multi-opponent surprise attack option. This is performed by jumping backwards or moving backwards in the air. The range then makes it only good for close range combat only. Does 8% at minimum power and 16% at maximum power.

Grabs and throws

  • Pummel: Sends an instant pulse of Aura into its opponent with little lag (if any). Very fast. Very low damage at low damages makes up for speed, being the only pummel in the game capable of doing no damage on a hit. 1% alternately, but gaining power as Aura increases, to a maximum of 3% each pummel. Only the first hit counts towards Stale-Move Negation.
  • Forward throw: Uses Aura to blast opponent forward. Good horizontal knockback at higher damages. Lucario's fastest throw. Does 14 at 170% where it caps. Can be an effective KO move at high percentages on the edge. Excellent to put room between Lucario and opponent to provide breathing space. When at max power, this is the strongest and most damaging forward throw in the game. Initial damage is 7% and does 14% maximum damage.
  • Down throw: Slams opponent straight into the ground in front of Lucario. Aura is not used in this attack. Can set up an aerial combo at low to mid percentages quite effectively. It starts becoming less useful for set ups at higher percentages (around 80% and up), where the up throw starts becoming more effective. This move heavily depends on the opponent's DI, but leaves them in a vulnerable position regardless of where they are sent flying. This move can also set up an early kill by dragging the opponent offstage with a barrage forward aerials and then a down aerial near the edge for a KO. Does 10%.
  • Back throw: Turns and slams the opponent behind itself. Aura is not used in this attack. Has strong horizontal knockback for a throw along with relatively fast speed, can KO on the edge at high percentages. Does 10%.
  • Up throw: Uses aura to hit the opponent upwards with its paw. Initial damage is 4%. Extremely low knockback and damage increase (even with Aura) allows this to set up additional attacks at practically any realistic combat percent. Does 8% with increased knockback when capped. Can chain throw heavyweights and fast fallers at very low percentages. This throw is generally better than Lucario's down throw at later percentages.

Special moves


  • Up: Rises into the air, yells, and blue aura is emitted from its body.
  • Side: Moves its paws and puts one forward, and blue aura is emitted from that paw.
  • Down: Takes a martial arts stance similar to Link's taunt from the original.

Use In Training Mode

Since charging Aura Sphere causes enemies that touch the charging sphere to be hit, it is possible to create a stage that bounces a large character, in Training Mode, back to the sphere, creating the ability to get extortionate combos which unlock the required trophies.

In competitive play

Role in The Subspace Emissary

Meta Knight is making his way up a snowy mountain with the Ice Climbers in pursuit. Meta Knight is trying to catch the Halberd which has flown overhead. At the top, he encounters Lucario in a meditative stance on the peak of the mountain. Lucario challenges Meta Knight and the two fight, as the Ice Climbers nervously watch on. After the battle, the victor revives the other from his trophy state. The pair deem each other worthy and shake hands, making an alliance. Suddenly the Halberd slams the Great Fox into the mountain, and Lucario and Meta Knight board it whilst the Ice Climbers are knocked off the mountain into the valley below. After managing to get onto the Halberd, the two pass by Snake, who is hidden in his box. Lucario, being the only one who notices something suspicious about the box, uses its aura to peer into it. Seeing Snake huddled inside, Lucario removes it, and Snake realizes that his cover is blown. Meta Knight draws his sword, but just as he and Snake prepare to fight, Lucario steps in, having sensed a mass of Primids approaching, and the three team up to fight through.

Lucario in the SSE

Not long after, the trio meets up with Zelda and Peach as their trophies are cloned by the Shadow Bugs. Once the clones are taken care of, Snake, Lucario and Meta Knight discover that the Halberd bridge is being piloted by a group of Mr. Game & Watches. They knock all of the Mr. Game & Watches out of the window, and they all land near Peach, Sheik, and Fox who have gathered on the deck of the ship. The Mr. Game & Watches then revert into Shadow Bugs, which fuse into Duon. Lucario and Snake leap from the bridge to the aid of the trio already there, and they are joined by Falco, skydiving from his Arwing. They battle and defeat the monster, who collapses into wrecked metal, Shadow Bugs and Mr. Game & Watch's trophy. Peach revives him so he can join your party. Meta Knight, with the Halberd once again in his control, steers his vessel into brighter skies.

Lucario is later selectable in the Entrance to Subspace level and is present when Tabuu turns all characters back into trophies. The player must find its trophy in one of the Subspace levels, then they may choose it as part of their team for the Great Maze and for the fight against Tabuu himself.

Exclusive Stickers

The following stickers can either only be used by Lucario, or can only be used by a select few, including Lucario:

  • Charizard: [Arm, Leg] Attack +10
  • Deoxys: [Slash] Attack +10
  • Entei: [Flame] Attack +20
  • Goldeen: [Leg] Attack + 4
  • Gulpin:[Electric] Attack +16
  • Jigglypuff: [Body, Spin] Attack +31
  • Jirachi: [Arm, Leg] Attack + 7
  • Meowth: [Slash] Attack + 5
  • Metagross: Launch Resistance +23
  • Mew: [Body, Spin] Attack + 4
  • Moltres: [Flame] Attack +20
  • Pokémon Trainer: [Arm, Leg] Attack +13
  • Staryu: [Specials: Direct] Attack + 3
  • Togepi: [Body, Spin] Attack +11
  • Torchic: [Flame] Attack + 8
  • Box Boxer: [Aura] Attack +26
  • Chikorita: [Aura] Attack +13
  • Chozo Statue: [Aura] Attack +25
  • Dry Bones: [Aura] Attack +17
  • Lakitu: [Aura] Attack + 6
  • Lucario: [Aura] Attack +41
  • Munchlax : [Aura] Attack +13
  • Rachel: [Aura] Attack +11
  • Rayquaza: [Aura] Attack +24
  • Starman: [Aura] Attack + 6

Palette swaps

Lucario's Pallet Swaps


  • Lucario is one of only three characters in Brawl able to perform three aerials (in Lucario's case, rising forward aerial, two down aerials) in one short hop, the others being Meta Knight (three up aerials) and Luigi (rising forward aerial, forward aerial, then neutral aerial or up aerial).
  • Lucario and the Pokémon Trainer are the only characters in Brawl that have a different dubber in every language.
  • Lucario and Sonic are the only characters to wear their default costumes in team battles when they are on the blue team.
  • When dashing, the first few frames of Lucarios animation seem to look like it is levitating.

External links