Event 17: Super Waterfall Climb

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Single Event 17
Super Waterfall Climb
Official description I want to climb a waterfall at high speed. Why? Because it's there.
Character(s) used Zelda
Allies None
Opponent(s) Ice Climbers
Stage(s) Rumble Falls
Music {{{music}}}
Availability Unlockable after completing seven default events.

Super Waterfall Climb is the seventeenth single-player event match in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. The player, as Zelda, must climb up to the top of the Rumble Falls stage while the stage scrolls upward incredibly fast without being KOed. The Ice Climbers also appear attempting to keep up as well as KO Zelda. If you lose your life before reaching the top of the stage, you lose.



If you don't want to fight, use your Up+B attack often to keep up with the camera and confuse your opponents.