Ness (SSBB)

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This article is about Ness's appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. For other uses, see Ness.
Universe EarthBound
Appears in SSB
Availability Unlockable

Ness (ネス, Nesu) is an unlockable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

How to unlock

Complete one of the following:

  • Play 5 matches in Brawl, then defeat Ness
  • Reflect 10 projectiles, then defeat Ness
  • Get Ness to join your party in The Subspace Emissary

Pros and Cons


  • Three projectiles of varying usefulness
  • Can absorb many projectiles with down B, restoring health, and can reflect any projectile with forward smash
  • Forward Smash has long range, high knockback, decent damage, and a sweet-spot at the tip of the bat
  • Up Smash can set up for aerial combos
  • Large second jump
  • PK Thunder (Up B recovery) has long range and high knockback
  • Forward Aerial is a quick, disjointed, multi-hit attack with decent knockback on the end
  • Down Aerial is a spike
  • Back Aerial has a powerful sweet-spot
  • Small target
  • Dash A can set up for aerial combos
  • Powerful grabs
  • Up and Down smashes damage while charging
  • Side B has a great wavebounce


  • Light
  • Projectiles are all fairly situational
  • Smashes are on the slow side
  • Up and Down Smashes are weak (but somewhat stronger when compared to their Melee counterparts)
  • PK Thunder can be intercepted, gimping his recovery, and requires specific conditions to work properly
  • Extremely short grab range
  • PK Thunder has some ending lag

Changes from Melee to Brawl

  • PK Flash activates faster and charges and travels further, but is less controllable in horizontal direction. Also, it goes further down than where it starts (it doesnt activate automatically once it hits the ground)
  • Back Air is slightly weaker and has smaller sweet-spot compared to Melee version
  • No double jump cancel
  • PK Thunder travels tighter, making it easier to hit self
  • Running Grab Animation no longer has Ness leaning forward hopping if missed.
  • Forward Smash produces a "CRAAAACK!!" sound, similar to a baseball bat hitting a baseball, when connecting with the opponent instead of the echoing "PIIIING!!" sound from Melee
  • Up and Down Smashes are stronger, have greater knockback and are able to kill in very high percentages (though they are still the weaker smashes in Ness's arsenal)
  • So far, cannot yo-yo glitch
  • Foward throw sends foes at a higher angle
  • Victory Theme changed from an orchestrated version of the second half of the "Soundstone Melodies" (from EarthBound/Mother 2) to a sped-up section of the "Sixteen Melodies" (from Mother 3. Also note that the particular section used came from the title screen of Mother 1.). Both Ness and Lucas share the same Victory Theme.

Standard Moves

Ground Attacks

  • Single Neutral Attack: Ness jabs once in front of him.
  • Double Neutral Attack: Ness jabs once and then jabs again quickly in front of him.
  • Neutral Combo: Ness jabs twice and then kicks in front of him.
  • (Note: If holding A, Ness will constantly jab in front of him.)
  • Dash Attack: Sends three sparks out in front of him with the third spark knocking the opponent up into the air.
  • Up Tilt: Raises his hands, which grow large, up into the air.
  • Down Tilt: Ness crouches and very quickly kicks out in front of him.
  • Forward Tilt: Kicks out in front of him. Can be directed upward or downward.
  • Up Smash: Ness sends his yo-yo forward and performs "around-the-world" over himself, with the yo-yo ending behind him before he pulls it back. If connected properly, the opponent hit by the forward yo-yo will then be sent up to be hit by the swinging yo-yo and then sent up into the air.
  • Down Smash: Ness sends his yo-yo backwards and "walks-the-dog" with it before pulling the yo-yo back.
  • Forward Smash: Ness swings his bat. The bat has a sweet-spot at the tip of it. Similar to Lucas's Forward Smash, but with a slower start-up time and a longer range. One of Ness's killing moves.

Aerial Attacks

  • Neutral Air: Spins diagonally in the air with arms outstretched.
  • Up Air: Sends a headbutt up into the air.
  • Forward Air: Ness sticks out his palms in front sending a stream of PK sparks in front of him.
  • Back Air: Kicks out backwards with both feet. Has a sweet-spot that could, if landed correctly, send the opponent a fair amount of horizontal distance while electrified. One of Ness's killing moves.
  • Down Air: Ness pulls his legs to his body before stomping down into the air. This attack can spike.

Grabs and Throws

  • Grab Attack: If holding the opponent, Ness could pummel the opponent with headbutts.
  • Up Throw: Psycho-Kinetically spins the opponent above his head before sending them up.
  • Back Throw: Psycho-Kinetically swings the opponent over his head before sending them off backwards, in a diagonally upwards motion. The more damage the opponent has, the farther this throw will send.
  • Down Throw: Throws his opponent down and psycho-kinetically shoots out fire onto his opponent.
  • Forward Throw: Ness psycho-kinetically swings his opponent in a small circle in front of himself before sending them off forward. This has set knock-back.

Special Moves


Role in the Subspace Emissary

Ness shows up saving Lucas from the giant King P. statue, which is soon revealed to be his nemesis, Pokey Minch. Both Lucas and Ness team up and defeat Pokey and his machine. Afterwards, Wario attacks him with his Dark Cannon, but Ness successfully dodges each shot. Wario, however, then aims at Lucas, forcing Ness to push Lucas out of harm's way and take the trophy-izing arrow from the Dark Cannon. As Lucas is too scared to face Wario, he leaves Ness behind as Wario cackles in the rain.

As Wario is driving his cargo with Ness and a princess's trophies on board, he finds Luigi's trophy and prepares to take it until he's ambushed by an army of Waddle Dees, who throw Luigi's trophy into the cargo, which is stolen by King Dedede. At his hideout, Dedede puts a badge on Luigi, Ness, and the princess's trophies before the roof collapses on them and Bowser takes the princess's trophy.

Later on, he and Luigi are revived, thanks to the Dedede Badges. Upon inspecting Luigi's badge, he notices that it looks like Dedede, and, assuming that Dedede made them, proceeds to revive him. Upon being revived, King Dedede gives both of them a hug before they team up and rescue Lucas and the others in order to defeat Tabuu. [1]

Special Movements


Up: Turns to the screen, nods and says "Okay." (Same as in Melee)

Side: Poses with his bat, Babe Ruth style.

Down: Waves PK shots from his fingers in the air.

On-Screen Appearance:Teleports using PK Teleport and shakes off some soot after crashing into the stage.

Victory Poses

  • He jumps up and down twice, swinging his arms, before quickly nodding twice towards the screen with arms akimbo.
  • He swings his bat many times before holding the bat with his right hand, outstretched and pointing diagonally upwards.
  • He looks to his sides quickly before facing the screen, putting his hand on the back of his head.

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