Metal Gear RAY (disambiguation)

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Metal Gear RAY is an amphibious Metal Gear model that made his debut in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and considered an upgrade of his predeccessor, Metal Gear REX. Metal Gear RAY was designed by the U.S. Marines as an anti-Metal Gear unit to combat other Metal Gears. In the game MGS2, Revolver Ocelot steals a working prototype model and pilots he back to the Patriots. Later, multiple Metal Gear RAYs prototypes piloted by computer AIs are fought in a submersible fortress known as Arsenal Gear, which houses the RAYs.

In Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty

As Raiden, you must fight up to 25 RAY units, each with their own model number. In the story mode, you must defeat 3 in a row in numerical order. (ex: RAY ROM1, RAY ROM2, RAY ROM3 or RAY ROM3, RAY MOD1, RAY MOD2) You must use the Stinger missile launcher to shoot the legs, then shoot the mouth while he's open. He will try to hurt you using homing rockets, machine guns, and a high pressure water cannon.

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Metal Gear RAY appears in the background of the Shadow Moses Island stage in Brawl, bursting through the roof of the tank hangar and roaring at the combatants on stage.

Trophy Description

"An amphibious Metal Gear developed by the U.S. Marines. Revisions to the prototype enabled mass production and made him a viable battle weapon with massive firepower and remote operation. Wings and a tail make him look monsterlike, but scarier still is the high-pressure water cannon in his mouth that fires a stream of water that can slice through rock. "

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