Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

List of spirits (Final Fantasy series)

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The following is the list of the spirits from the Final Fantasy series in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. At launch, the series only had 2 spirits in the form of Cloud's fighter spirits. As part of Challenger Pack 8 for the Fighters Pass Vol. 2, numerous spirits were added, with Sephiroth's fighter spirit added in Version 10.0.0 and the rest added in Version 10.1.0.

Primary Spirits

No. Image Name Type Class Slot Base Power Max Power Base Attack Max Attack Base Defense Max Defense Ability Origin Game Acquisition
SSBU spirit Tifa.png
★★★ ⬡⬡ 3,065 9,224 1,769 5,322 1,179 3,548 Fist Attack ↑ Final Fantasy VII •Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G (since v10.1.0)
SSBU spirit Barret.png
★★ 1,902 7,639 763 3,063 1,032 4,144 Weight ↑ Final Fantasy VII •Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G (since v10.1.0)
SSBU spirit Red XIII.png
★★ ⬡⬡ 1,728 6,918 931 3,725 731 2,927 Speed ↑ Final Fantasy VII •Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G (since v10.1.0)
SSBU spirit Cid.png
⬡⬡ 885 4,429 438 2,194 397 1,985 Jump ↑ Final Fantasy II (Concept)
Final Fantasy VII (Incarnation; Artwork)
•Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G (since v10.1.0)
SSBU spirit Vincent.png
★★ ⬡⬡⬡ 1,627 6,584 867 3,506 640 2,591 Shooting Items Power ↑ Final Fantasy VII •Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G (since v10.1.0)
SSBU spirit Chocobo & Moogle.png
Chocobo & Moogle
⬡⬡ 915 4,576 418 2,090 462 2,310 Speed ↑ Final Fantasy II (Chocobo)
Final Fantasy III (Moogle)
(Artwork: Final Fantasy VII Remake)
•Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G (since v10.1.0)
SSBU spirit Ifrit.png
★★★ 3,438 10,366 1,954 5,890 1,172 3,534 Fire Attack ↑ Final Fantasy III
(Artwork: Final Fantasy VII Remake)
•Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G (since v10.1.0)

Support Spirits

No. Image Name Class Cost Ability Origin Game Acquisition
SSBU spirit Aerith.png
Aerith ★★★ ⬢⬢ Autoheal Final Fantasy VII •Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G (since v10.1.0)
SSBU spirit Cait Sith.png
Cait Sith Transformation Duration ↑ Final Fantasy VII •Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G (since v10.1.0)
SSBU spirit Yuffie.png
Yuffie ★★ Item Gravitation Final Fantasy VII •Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G (since v10.1.0)
SSBU spirit The Turks & Rufus Shinra.png
The Turks & Rufus Shinra ★★★ Trade-Off Ability ↑ Final Fantasy VII •Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G (since v10.1.0)
SSBU spirit Bahamut ZERO.png
Bahamut ZERO ★★★★ ⬢⬢ Final Smash ↑ Final Fantasy VII
(Artwork: Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U)
•Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 15,000G (since v10.1.0)
SSBU spirit Shiva.png
Shiva ★★★ ⬢⬢ Ice-Floor Immunity Final Fantasy III
(Artwork: Final Fantasy VII Remake)
•Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G (since v10.1.0)

Fighter Spirits

No. Image Alternate Artwork Name Origin Game Acquisition
SSBU spirit Cloud.png
Cloud SSBU.png
Cloud Final Fantasy VII •Complete Classic Mode with Cloud
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 300G (after unlocking Cloud)
SSBU spirit Cloud (Advent Children).png
Cloud (Advent Children) Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (movie)
(Artwork: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
•Complete Challenge (Smash): As Cloud, hit an opponent with his side special, Cross Slash, while the Limit Gauge is charged.
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 300G (after unlocking Cloud)
SSBU spirit Sephiroth.png
Sephiroth SSBU.png
Sephiroth Final Fantasy VII •Complete Classic Mode with Sephiroth
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 300G (after downloading or unlocking Sephiroth)

Spirit Battles

Conditions listed in italics are not displayed on the Spirit Battle preview screen.

Spirit Battle parameters Inspiration
No. Image Name Enemy Fighter(s) Type Power Stage Rules Conditions Music
SSBU spirit Tifa.png
Tifa Mii Brawler Mii Brawler (SSBU) (Moveset 2112, Black Protective Gear, High Voice Type 2)
7,400 Reset Bomb Forest (Ω form) •Move Speed ↑
•Attack Power ↑
•The enemy has increased attack power after a little while
•The enemy has increased move speed after a little while
Let the Battles Begin! Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The Mii Brawler's design and voice type represents Tifa Lockhart, a female brawler who specializes in hand-to-hand combat.
  • The Mii Brawler's black Protective Gear and white pants, without DLC, is an inverted color scheme of Tifa's white shirt and black shorts.
  • The stage represents Nibelheim, the hometown of Tifa which was burned down and destroyed by Sephiroth in Final Fantasy VII.
  • The Attack Power ↑ and Move Speed ↑ rules reference how Tifa has the secnd-highest strength stat and highest speed stat in the same game in Final Fantasy VII Remake.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Attack type and Fist Attack ↑ ability further reference Tifa's hand-to-hand combat moveset and her high strength stat in Final Fantasy VII.
Mii Brawler Mii Brawler (SSBU) (Moveset 2132, Tifa's Outfit, High Voice Type 2)[SB 1]
SSBU spirit Barret.png
Barret Mii Gunner Mii Gunner (SSBU) (130 HP) (Moveset 3312, Green Wild West Wear)
Mii Brawler Mii Brawler (SSBU)×3 (80 HP) (Moveset 3212, Black Protective Gear)
3,500 Midgar (hazards off) •Item: Exploding Types Stamina battle
•Reinforcements will appear after an enemy is KO'd
The enemy starts the battle with a Bob-omb
Opening - Bombing Mission Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The larger-than-usual Mii Gunner's represents Barret Wallace, a large, dark-skinned character whose right arm is outfitted with a firearm weapon.
  • The Mii Gunner's green Wild West Wear, without DLC, represents the green sleeveless vest jacket worn by Barret.
  • The Mii Brawler minions represent Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie, members of the eco-terrorist insurgent group AVALANCHE led by Barret at the beginning of Final Fantasy VII, with the Mii Brawler representing Jessie starting off with a Bob-omb referencing Jessie's specialty with explosives.
  • The stage, music track, and Exploding Type items reference the beginning of Final Fantasy VII where AVALANCHE infiltrates the city of Midgar to destroy a Mako reactor by detonating a powerful bomb.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Shield type references Barret's goal in Final Fantasy VII to save the Planet by destroying the Mako reactors which drains the Planet's lifestream.
  • This spirit's Weight ↑ ability references how Barret is a large, heavyweight character.
Mii Gunner Mii Gunner (SSBU) (130 HP) (Moveset 3312, Barret's Outfit)[SB 1]
Mii Brawler Mii Brawler (SSBU)×3 (80 HP) (Moveset 3212, Black Protective Gear)
SSBU spirit Aerith.png
Aerith Zelda Zelda (SSBU)
Cloud Cloud (SSBU)
7,500 Fountain of Dreams •Health Recovery •Defeat the main fighter to win
•The enemy is healed after a little while
Aerith's Theme Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The purple Zelda/Mii Swordfighter's costume represents Aerith Gainsborough, a brown-haired female character who uses spells and a stave in battle.
  • The Cloud minion references how Cloud temporarily served as Aerith's bodyguard early in Final Fantasy VII, who later became the leader of the party Aerith belonged to.
  • The stage and music track reference the Water Altar in the Forgotten City, the location of Aerith's death scene in Final Fantasy VII where Aerith is killed by Sephiroth and is later laid to rest underneath the waters of the Forgotten City by Cloud.
  • Zelda's frequent Din's Fire, without DLC, and the Mii Swordfighter's moveset, with DLC, and the Health Recovery rule reference Aerith's ability to use magic in battle in Final Fantasy VII, which includes her health-restoring Limit Breaks.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type and Autoheal ability reference Aerith's utility and supportive Limit Breaks in Final Fantasy VII, which includes her healing spells.
  • This spirit's Shield type references Aerith's role in Final Fantasy VII by praying to Holy, the ultimate White Magic to prevent the Planet from being destroyed by Meteor, the destructive Black Magic.
Mii Swordfighter Mii Swordfighter (SSBU) (Moveset 1312, Aerith's outfit, Normal Voice Type 6)[SB 1]
Cloud Cloud (SSBU)
SSBU spirit Red XIII.png
Red XIII Duck Hunt Duck Hunt (SSBU)
3,400 Gerudo Valley •Uncontrollable Speed •The enemy is very fast and can't stop quickly when the enemy's at high damage
•The enemy can deal damage by dashing into you
•The enemy has increased move speed and reduced weight
The enemy starts the battle with a Screw Attack
Cosmo Canyon Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The Dog of the Duck Hunt starting off with a Screw Attack represents Red XIII, a canine-like character who can perform spinning pouncing attacks.
  • The stage and music track represent Cosmo Canyon, a valley-like area which serves as the home of Red XIII and his tribe.
  • The Uncontrollable Speed rule references how Red XIII has the highest speed stat in Final Fantasy VII and uses his Limit Breaks to increase the speed stats of his party members.
  • The Impact Run battle condition references Sled Fang and Blood Fang, two of Red XIII's default Limit Break where he charges at an enemy surrounded by a spiraling forcefield.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Attack type and Speed ↑ ability further references Red XIII's high speed stats and his charging Sled Fang Limit Break in Final Fantasy VII.
SSBU spirit Cid.png
Cid Link Link (SSBU)
1,800 Halberd •Assist Trophy Enemies (Jeff) •Hostile assist trophies will appear after a little while
•The enemy has increased jump power
Opening - Bombing Mission Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The indigo Link represents Cid Highwind, a blonde character wearing an indigo vest who wields a handled blade weapon in battle.
  • The stage represents the Highwind, the airship that Cid operates and pilots in Final Fantasy VII.
  • The stage, music track, and Jeff Assist Trophy enemy reference Cid's final Limit Break, Highwind, which bombards all enemies with missiles from the Highwind.
  • The "increased jump power" battle condition references Cid's Limit Breaks where he performs a high jump before attacking.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Jump ↑ ability further references Cid's Limit Breaks, where he performs a high jump before attacking.
SSBU spirit Cait Sith.png
Cait Sith Roy Bowser Jr. (SSBU)
Mr. Game & Watch Mr. Game & Watch (SSBU)×3
1,700 New Pork City (Ω form) N/A •Defeat the main fighter to win PictoChat Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • Roy Koopa represents Cait Sith, a smaller character who pilots a large, white vessel with a simple face in battle.
  • The Mr. Game & Watch minions' frequent Judge represent the Toy Soldiers summoned by Cait Sith's Limit Break, Slots, which features different effects depending on a random number.
  • The stage represents the Gold Saucer, an amusement park with neon lights where the party first encounters Cait Sith in Final Fantasy VII.
  • The music track features a jazz style and a slow tempo, similar to Cait Sith's musical theme.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type references Cait Sith's supportive Limit Breaks in Final Fantasy VII.
  • This spirit's Support and Neutral types reference how Cait Sith is controlled remotely by Reeve, a member of the villainous Shinra Inc. who secretly helps Cloud's party.
  • This spirit's Transformation Duration ↑ ability references the Transform Materia initially equipped by Cait Sith when he joins Cloud's party.
SSBU spirit Yuffie.png
Yuffie Sheik Sheik (SSBU)
3,400 Gaur Plain (Battlefield form) N/A •Items will be pulled toward the enemy
•The enemy is easily distracted by items
Cosmo Canyon Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The green Sheik represents Yuffie, a female ninja with a green color scheme.
  • The stage represents the Da-chao Statue, a monolithic mountain sculpture overlooking Yuffie's homeland, Wutai in Final Fantasy VII.
  • The spherical-shaped items and the Item Gravitation battle condition reference Yuffie's occupation as a Materia thief, as the Materia takes the shape of multicolored orbs.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type references how Yuffie can join the party as an optional member in Final Fantasy VII.
  • This spirit's Grab type and Item Gravitation ability further reference Yuffie's occupation as a Materia thief.
SSBU spirit Vincent.png
Vincent Wolf Wolf (SSBU)
3,500 Luigi's Mansion •Defense ↑
•The enemy is giant when the enemy's at high damage
•The enemy has increased defense when the enemy's at high damage
•The enemy favors neutral specials
Nothing to Lose Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The black Wolf's favored Blaster represents Vincent Valentine, a "lone wolf" character with a black-and-red color scheme who uses handguns in battle.
  • The stage represents the Shinra Mansion, an abandoned mansion in Nibelheim where Vincent can be recruited in Final Fantasy VII.
  • The music track is used during the boss battle against Dracula, a vampire who often sleeps in a coffin, referencing how Vincent is first found sleeping in a coffin inside the Shinra Mansion's basement.
  • The Giant and Defense ↑ rules reference the Galian Beast, Vincent's first Limit Break where he transforms into a giant horned werewolf, which increases his defense stats by 20%.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Neutral type references how Vincent was originally a member of the Turks until he later joins Cloud's party.
  • This spirit's Shooting Items Power ↑ ability further references Vincent's usage of handguns in battle.
SSBU spirit The Turks & Rufus Shinra.png
The Turks & Rufus Shinra Robin Robin (SSBU)
Mii Gunner Mii Gunner (SSBU)×2 (Moveset 2223, Business Suit - White)
Mii Brawler Mii Brawler (SSBU) (Moveset 2123, Business Suit - White)
Mii Swordfighter Mii Swordfighter (SSBU) (Moveset 2123, Business Suit - White)
7,700 Fourside (Battlefield form) •Item: Exploding Types •Reinforcements will appear after an enemy is KO'd
•Reinforcements will appear during the battle
•The enemy starts the battle with a Steel Diver
Those Who Fight (AC Version) Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The white Robin starting off with a Steel Driver represents Rufus Shinra, the CEO of Shinra Inc. who wears a white suit and a similar hairstyle who uses a double-barrel shotgun in battle.
  • The Mii Fighter minions' white Business Suits represent the Turks, a task force owned by Shinra Inc., with the Mii Swordfighter and the Mii Brawler's designs each representing sword-wielding Reno and the physical combatant Rude, and the two Mii Gunners' black-haired and blonde-haired designs representing Tseng and Elena respectively.
  • The stage and music track represent the top of the Shinra Building in Midgar, which features the boss battle against Rufus in Final Fantasy VII.
  • The Exploding Type items reference Rufus' abilities, Think Fast and Up in Smoke during his boss battle in Final Fantasy VII Remake, which features explosive and smoky effects.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type references Rufus and the Turks' eventual role in Final Fantasy VII to aid Cloud's party by defeating Sephiroth.
  • This spirit's Grab type references how Shinra Inc., Rufus' owned company, specializes in extracting the Planet's lifestream through the Mako generators to create power and Materia.
  • This spirit's Trade-Off Ability ↑ references how Shinra was caught in the explosion of the Shinra company building, but was later revealed to be alive in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.
SSBU spirit Bahamut ZERO.png
Bahamut ZERO •Giant Ridley Ridley (SSBU)
13,500 Midgar (hazards off) •Sudden Final Smash •The enemy will suddenly have a Final Smash when the enemy's at high damage
•The enemy is giant
Those Who Fight Further (AC Version) Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The grey Giant Meta Ridley represents Bahamut ZERO, a giant pale dragon-like creature infused with cybernetics.
  • The stage and music track reference the battle against Bahamut SIN in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, another form of Bahamut which rampaged in a city outside of Midgar.
  • Meta Ridley's Plasma Scream Final Smash features a sequence of Meta Ridley firing a plasma beam in outer space, referencing Bahamut ZERO's summoning sequence in Final Fantasy VII where it performs its signature move, Tera Flare, a destructive beam fired from outer space.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type references Bahamut ZERO's role as a summon in Final Fantasy VII.
  • This spirit's Attack type and Final Smash ↑ ability further references Bahamut ZERO's powerful signature move, Tera Flare, which behaves similarly to Ridley's Plasma Scream Final Smash.
SSBU spirit Chocobo & Moogle.png
Chocobo & Moogle Mii Brawler Mii Brawler (SSBU) (Moveset 3122, Isaac Wig, Yellow Tracksuit)
Kirby Kirby (SSBU)
1,600 Garden of Hope •Item: Cucco •Take your strongest team into this no-frills battle
The enemy starts the battle with a Bob-omb
Flower Field Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The Mii Brawler's Isaac Wig/Chocobo Hat, yellow Tracksuit, kick-based moveset, and the Cucco item represents the Cucco, a yellow avian farm animal with styled yellow features on its head, who can perform kicking attacks in battle.
  • The white Kirby minion represents the Moogle, a round, white creature who is often seen floating in midair.
  • The stage references the references the Chocobo Farm, a green, farming location in Final Fantasy VII where Chocobos are bred and raised for racing.
  • The music track references the upbeat style of the Chocobo's theme in the Final Fantasy series.
  • Kirby starting off with a Bob-omb references Chocobo & Moogle's Moogle Blast ability in Final Fantasy VII Remake where Moogle throws a bomb at an enemy.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Speed ↑ ability references how the Chocobos are known for their top speed.
Mii Brawler Mii Brawler (SSBU) (Moveset 3122, Chocobo Hat, Yellow Tracksuit)[SB 1]
Kirby Kirby (SSBU)
SSBU spirit Shiva.png
Shiva Zero Suit Samus Zero Suit Samus (SSBU)
7,300 Summit (Battlefield form) •Assist Trophy Enemies (Krystal)
•Item: Freezie
•Hostile assist trophies will appear after a little while
•The enemy is easily distracted by items
JENOVA Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The larger-than-normal Zero Suit Samus represents Shiva, a large, curvaceous female character with a blue color scheme.
  • The stage, Freezie item, and Krystal Assist Trophy reference Shiva's blue color scheme, status as a summon, and ability to control ice and use ice-based attacks.
  • The music track represents JENOVA, a female humanoid character similar to Shiva who both appear in Final Fantasy VII.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type further references Shiva's role as a summon in Final Fantasy VII.
  • This spirit's Shield type and Ice-Floor Immunity ability further reference Shiva's blue color scheme and ability to control ice.
SSBU spirit Ifrit.png
Ifrit •Giant Bowser Bowser (SSBU)
7,500 Norfair (Ω form) •Move Speed ↑
•Attack Power ↑
•Hazard: Lava Floor
•The floor is lava
•The enemy has increased attack power after a little while
•The enemy has increased move speed after a little while
Fight On! Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The red Giant Bowser represents Ifrit, a giant red horned character who uses fire-based attacks.
  • The stage and music track reference the Ifrit boss battle in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII where Zack Fair battles Ifrit in a similar fiery setting.
  • The Lava Floor hazard references Ifrit's signature ability, Hellfire, which engulfs the summoner's enemies with fire and inflicts fire damage.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Attack and Fire Attack ↑ ability further reference Ifrit's red color scheme and usage of fire-based attacks.
  1. ^ a b c d This alternative occurs when the corresponding DLC has been purchased and downloaded.

Series Order

Number Name Series
1,004 Cloud FINAL FANTASY Series
1,005 Cloud (Advent Children)
1,439 Sephiroth
1,440 Tifa
1,441 Barret
1,442 Aerith
1,443 Red XIII
1,444 Cid
1,445 Cait Sith
1,446 Yuffie
1,447 Vincent
1,448 The Turks & Rufus Shinra
1,449 Bahamut ZERO
1,450 Chocobo & Moogle
1,451 Shiva
1,452 Ifrit


  • Prior to the version 10.0.0 update, both of Cloud's spirits were listed as from FINAL FANTASY VII. This was changed to list them as part of the FINAL FANTASY Series.
  • Version 10.1.0 added a new fighter spirit for Cloud's default costume, using his artwork from Final Fantasy VII; previously, only his Ultimate artwork was available. This makes him the first fighter to have his fighter spirit artwork updated.
  • Final Fantasy is the only series represented by a fighter not to have any spirits besides fighter spirits in the base game.
    • Despite several Final Fantasy summon characters appearing on Midgar, their nature as special 2D sprites, and their other role as profile pictures in the previous game, they do not have spirits in the base game. Two of the Midgar summons, Ifrit and Bahamut ZERO, would later receive Spirits in version 10.1.0, but Ramuh, Leviathan, and Odin still do not have them. Oddly, Shiva, though a recurring summon in Final Fantasy, has her own Spirit, despite not appearing on Midgar.
  • Final Fantasy and ARMS are the only playable universes with spirits in the base game to have more DLC spirits than base game spirits.
  • The Tifa, Barret, and Aerith spirit battles use their respective Mii Fighter designs that were previously seen in promotional material, making them the first Mii Fighter spirit battles that do not use the default designs. For Tifa and Barret, this holds true even if their respective Mii costumes are not downloaded, as they use alternate outfits; for Aerith, she is replaced with Zelda.
    • Unique Mii designs are also used to represent Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie in Barret's spirit battle, as well as the Turks in their shared spirit battle with Rufus.
  • Final Fantasy, ARMS, and Minecraft are the only universes introduced as DLC to not have all their spirit battles use songs from the universe (not counting Fatal Fury, whose songs from non-Fatal Fury series are still grouped under Fatal Fury in the Sound Test).
  • Curiously, none of the spirit battles added in version 10.1.0 feature Sephiroth as puppet fighters, making the series one of the three playable universes to not feature all playable characters from the series in their spirit battles with the others being Mario and Fatal Fury.
  • None of the spirit battles added in version 10.1.0 feature Northern Cave as a stage, making it the only Challenger Pack to not feature its new stage with its corresponding spirits.

External links