Template:SSB4 to SSBU changelist/Jigglypuff

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  • Change Due to the aesthetic used in Ultimate, Jigglypuff's model features a more subdued color scheme. Its its irises are more detailed, and its eyes and ears are slightly smaller. It more closely resembles its appearance in recent mainline Pokémon titles as a result.
    • Change Jigglypuff's eyes are now a modeled part of its body rather than a texture.
  • Change The animation where Jigglypuff looks back is an idle pose rather than being a part of its main animation, although it reuses its idle animation from past games when holding a small item.
  • Change Jigglypuff is slightly more expressive, using a wider variety of expressions rather than simply smiling. For instance, it appears angry when throwing an opponent or charging its side smash, and it has a pained look when shielding.
  • Change Jigglypuff's ears fold slightly inward when using Rollout or Rest.
  • Change Jigglypuff has new walking animations. Its slow walking animation is a tiptoe similar to its running animation, while its standard walking animation faces more toward the screen.
  • Change Air dodge animation has changed, where Jigglypuff poses more gracefully during the ending lag.
  • Change Jigglypuff has two new victory poses:
    • Change It jumps twice, spins around, and assumes a pose similar to its render from SSB4.
    • Change It runs into the scene, does a backflip, and assumes a pose similar to its official art from Pokémon Yellow Version.


  • Buff Like all characters, Jigglypuff's jumpsquat animation takes 3 frames to complete (down from 6).
  • Buff Jigglypuff runs faster (1.155 → 1.271).
    • Buff Jigglypuff's initial dash is faster (1.4 → 1.65).
  • Buff Jigglypuff walks slightly faster (0.7 → 0.735).
  • Buff Jigglypuff's air speed is faster (1.269 → 1.332).
  • Change Jigglypuff's traction is higher (0.0718 → 0.087), but is much lower relative to the roster, going from the second-highest traction in SSB4 to being tied for the 65th–66th highest traction in Ultimate.
  • Nerf Forward roll grants less intangibility (frames 4-17 → 4-15).
  • Nerf Back roll has slower startup with less intangibility (frames 4-17 → 5-16), and more ending lag (FAF 31 → 36).
  • Buff Spot dodge has less startup (frame 4 → 3) and ending lag (FAF 29 → 27).
  • Nerf Spot dodge grants less intangibility (frames 4-19 → 3-17).
  • Buff Air dodge grants more intangibility (frames 4-29 → 4-32).
  • Nerf Air dodge has significantly more ending lag (FAF 35 → 64), becoming the slowest in the game. This makes it much more punishable, and removes its former ability to bait approaches in combination with Jigglypuff's floatiness and fast aerial movement.
  • Buff The changes to air dodges significantly improve the effectiveness of Jigglypuff's aerial attacks, making them much harder to avoid. Thanks to this, Jigglypuff regains a large part of its edgeguarding capabilities.
    • Buff Additionally, the reintroduction of directional air dodges further improve Jigglypuff's recovery, granting it additional distance after having used up all jumps.
  • Change The homogenization of fall speeds during vertical knockback significantly improves Jigglypuff's survivability, but makes it considerably more susceptible to combos.
  • Buff Jigglypuff arguably benefits most from the weakening of the rage mechanic, increasing its endurance.
  • Nerf Explosive items used by Jigglypuff, such as the Bomber, have a 0.95x damage multiplier applied to them. This also applies to fighter-generated items like Remote Bombs and Rear Eggs.

Ground attacks

  • Neutral attack:
    • Buff The first hit transitions into the second hit faster (frame 9 → 7).
    • Buff The second hit launches at a lower angle that is consistent throughout (55°/65° → 361°), and has more base knockback (22 → 50), increasing its efficiency in keeping opponents away.
    • Nerf Both hits have a higher hitlag multiplier (1× → 1.3× (hit 1), 1.7× (hit 2)), giving opponents more time to SDI the first hit and DI the second hit.
    • Change The first hit has altered angles (60°/78° → 361°/180°) and knockback (12 base/50 scaling → 18/20 base/25/20 scaling) to keep opponents close to Jigglypuff, akin to other neutral attacks. This allows it to connect better into the second hit, and restores its jab lock ability from previous games, but hinders its jab cancel setups.
  • Forward tilt:
    • Buff Forward tilt has less ending lag (FAF 28 → 25). Combined with the increased shieldstun for tilt attacks, this makes it safer on shield.
  • Up tilt:
    • Nerf Up tilt has one frame more ending lag (FAF 24 → 25).
  • Down tilt:
    • Buff Down tilt has increased knockback scaling (55 → 68), allowing it to KO under 200% from the center of Final Destination.
  • Dash attack:
    • Buff Dash attack's clean hit has increased base knockback (16 → 57), with its knockback scaling compensated (100 → 83). This improves its safety on hit at low percents, while keeping its KO ability at high percents.
    • Buff It has larger hitboxes (5u (clean)/4u (late) → 5.5u/4.5u) and better hitbox placement, giving it more range.
    • Nerf It launches at a different angle (361° → 43°), removing its ability to lock opponents.
    • Nerf The clean hit has a shorter duration (frames 5-9 → 5-7), with the late hit lasting longer instead (frames 10-20 → 8-20).
    • Nerf The late hit has less knockback scaling (100 → 83).
    • Change It has a new animation where Jigglypuff's face is angled toward the screen with its limbs more elegantly spread.
  • Forward smash:
    • Buff Forward smash deals more damage (15% → 16% (clean), 12% → 14% (late)), with knockback scaling mostly compensated only on the clean hit (115 → 110), improving its KO potential.
    • Change The animations of both the charge and execution of the move have changed. Jigglypuff charges it by holding its foot behind itself, then swiftly swings its foot around to execute a roundhouse kick, similar to Kirby.
  • Up smash:
    • Buff Up smash deals more damage with no sourspot (14%/12% → 15%), and knockback scaling mostly compensated (105 → 100), making its KO ability more consistent.
    • Change While the hitbox placement is better, the size of the hitbox has been reduced (7.2u → 6u).
  • Down smash:
    • Buff Down smash has a longer hitbox duration (frames 14-15 → 14-16).
    • Change The changes to the 0° launch angle cause the attack's angle to increase at higher percents.
      • Buff However, it has much greater knockback scaling (69 → 99), significantly improving its KO potential despite these changes.

Aerial attacks

  • Buff All aerials have less landing lag (15 frames → 9 (neutral, forward, up), 18 → 11 (back), 30 → 12 (down)).
  • Neutral aerial:
    • Buff Neutral aerial's clean hit uses an extended hitbox with better placement and horizontal reach (Z offset: 8u → 9u-10u).
  • Forward aerial:
    • Buff Forward aerial has better hitbox placement and horizontal reach (Z offset: 9u → 10u).
  • Back aerial:
    • Buff Back aerial has less startup lag (frame 12 → 10), with its total duration reduced as well (FAF 40 → 38).
    • Buff It auto-cancels earlier (frame 28 → 26).
    • Nerf Back air turns Jigglypuff around after its use, akin to Marth's back aerial. This is an overall nerf to the move, as Jigglypuff can no longer repeatedly use back air in the same direction. This makes it harder to land compared to other aerials.
  • Up aerial:
    • Buff Up aerial has less ending lag (FAF 45 → 40).
  • Down aerial:
    • Buff It auto-cancels earlier (frame 45 → 42), allowing it to auto-cancel in a short hop if buffered immediately.
    • Nerf Jigglypuff can no longer jump out of a full hopped down aerial onstage due to the changes to full hops, making it harder to follow up.

Throws and other attacks

  • Grabs:
    • Nerf All grabs have more ending lag (FAF 27 → 33 (standing), 33 → 40 (dash), 32 → 35 (pivot)).
    • Nerf Dash and pivot grabs have more startup (frame 8 → 9 (dash), 9 → 10 (pivot)).
  • Pummel:
    • Change Jigglypuff has a new pummel: it kicks opponents with one foot instead of slapping them. It also has an angry face.
    • Buff Pummel deals more hitlag (5 frames → 14), but has significantly less startup (frame 10 → 1) and ending lag (FAF 21 → 7), shortening its duration.
    • Nerf It deals much less damage (3% → 1.3%).
  • Forward throw:
    • Buff Forward throw launches at a much more desirable angle for edgeguarding (55° → 35°), and has slightly more base knockback (100 → 103).
  • Change The speed of back throw and up throw is no longer weight-dependent.
  • Up throw:
    • Buff Up throw has less ending lag (FAF 42 → 38).
    • Nerf It deals less damage (10% → 8%), although with its base knockback somewhat compensated (110 → 130).
  • Down throw:
    • Buff Down throw's first hit deals more damage (4% → 6%; 10% → 12% total).
    • Change It has more base knockback (100 → 105), and a lower launch angle (80° → 75°).
  • Edge attack:
    • Buff Edge attack deals more damage (6% → 8%).

Special moves

  • Rollout:
    • Buff Rollout deals more damage (6%-14% → 10%-20%), with its knockback not fully compensated (30 base/92/102 scaling → 60 base/60 scaling), increasing its KO potential.
    • Buff It reaches its full charge faster (frame 60 → 51).
    • Buff Jigglypuff's has a significantly increased fall speed (0.98 → 2.00) and gravity while falling during the ending of Rollout. As a result, it has much less ending lag on hit (FAF 73 → 53).
      • Buff Due to this, Jigglypuff is able to move after hitting an opponent with Rollout in the air, like in Brawl, preventing it from self-destructing if the move is landed offstage.
    • Buff Additionally, Jigglypuff can grab ledges during this state.
    • Buff When using an uncharged Rollout, Jigglypuff will only roll once, significantly speeding up the animation.
    • Nerf Grass terrain no longer allows for faster turning while using Rollout, but ice terrain still prevents turning.
    • Nerf Rollout can no longer be held indefinitely, instead being unleashed automatically one second after it becomes fully charged.
    • Nerf Jigglypuff cannot roll through opponents while turning, removing the ability to cross up counters.
    • Nerf Jigglypuff can no longer retain Rollout's full power when releasing it in the air and reversing it immediately.
    • Nerf After reversing twice, Rollout deals less damage than normal.
    • Change The aerial version launches at the same angle as the grounded version (90° → 30°).
    • Change Jigglypuff's rolling animation speed scales with size, so that it better matches the speed Jigglypuff moves along the ground, which is unaffected by size.
    • Bug fix An unknown bug may cause the rebound to send Jigglypuff much higher, cause it to fall slower, and prevent sideways movement.
  • Pound:
    • Buff Pound has less ending lag (FAF 46 → 40) and has gained a hitstun modifier of 2, allowing it to true combo into other moves (including Rest), and slightly boost Jigglypuff's vertical recovery without use of a ledge.
    • Buff It has gained a shieldstun multiplier of 1.5×, improving its shield pressuring ability.
    • Buff It has more range when used in the air.
    • Nerf Jigglypuff can no longer accelerate in the air during the startup of Pound when acting out of a previous Pound before the animation ends, making consecutive Pounds to recover much less effective.
  • Sing:
    • Buff All of Sing's hits have less startup lag (hit 1: frame 29 → 27, hit 2: 73 → 61, hit 3: 122 → 100).
    • Buff It has significantly less ending lag (FAF 180 → 150).
    • Buff It has slightly more range.
    • Buff It has more knockback scaling (30/10 → 40/30), putting opponents to sleep for longer as a result. Combined with its lower ending lag, opponents can no longer wake up before Jigglypuff can act.
    • Buff Jigglypuff can move slightly while using Sing in the air.
  • Rest:
    • Buff Rest has significantly less ending lag, especially if it hits (FAF 230 → 210 (miss), 187 (hit)), reducing the risk of respawning opponents punishing Jigglypuff after getting KOed by the move.
      • Buff This makes it possible to recover back to the ledge after landing Rest offstage, albeit with significant risk of being edgeguarded.
    • Buff Its hitbox size has been increased (3.4u → 3.8u).
    • Nerf Due to the altered jostle mechanics preventing characters from running through each other, Rest can no longer hit most characters out of a walk or run.
    • Change Rest triggers Special Zoom upon connecting.
  • Puff Up:
    • Change Puff Up is much faster than the previous games. When it ends, Jigglypuff aesthetically "pops", and then deflates to normal size, mimicking a balloon. Jigglypuff additionally shrinks considerably faster at the end. It also has an angry expression while inflating, resembling the face the Jigglypuff from the anime makes when someone falls asleep after it sings.
    • Buff The damage of Puff Up, previously 17% in a single hit, has been split into two hits that deal 10% and 25% damage, respectively.
    • Change Puff Up being faster means it can catch opponent's off guard easier and not give them time to prepare to try to survive it. On the other hand, the slower version could keep opponents off of the stage for longer and hinder their recovery by not being able to land or grab ledge, Puff Up being faster means recoveries don't need to stall as long to wait to get back on stage.