List of spirits (Others)

Revision as of 13:53, December 18, 2018 by TheAmazingRaspberry (talk | contribs) (Added Orville's game)

The following is the list of the Spirits that are left unsorted by game series in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Primary Spirits

Spirit Stats Augmented Fighter Stats
Image Name Type Class Slot Base Stats Ability Origin Game Enemy Fighter Stage Rules Conditions
Aeron Grab ★★ Pandora's Tower
Aisya Shield 2   495
No Effect ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat Lucina Bridge of Eldin •Assist Trophy Enemies
•Bob-omb Festival
Akira Attack ★★★★ 3 Fist Attack ↑ Virtua Fighter
Alexandra Roivas Grab 2   453
No Effect Eternal Darkness Zero Suit Samus •Hazard: Screen Flip
Allen Neutral ★★ 3   768
No Effect Culdcept Revolt
Andy Grab ★★ 3   696
No Effect Advance Wars Dr. Mario and Snake (x8) Halberd •Health Recovery
•Item: Exploding Types
•The enemy is healed when the enemy's at high damage
•Defeat an army of fighters
Barbara the Bat Grab Jam with the Band
Bomberman Grab ★★★ 2   2218
No Effect Bomberman (NES)
(Artwork: Super Bomberman R)
Calista Grab ★★ 3 The Last Story
Captain Rainbow Neutral ★★★★ 3 Captain Rainbow Enhanced form of the Nick spirit
Chibi-Robo Grab ★★ 2   854
Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Chibi-Robo!
(Artwork: Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash)
Tiny Mii Gunner Living Room
Dark Emperor Shield ★★★★ Find Mii
(Artwork: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.)
Dion, Max, and Jack Neutral 3 Marvelous: Mouhitotsu no Takarajima
Dillon Dillon's Rolling Western
Donbe & Hikari Neutral ★★ 3   751
Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Shin Onigashima
Donbe & Hikari (Shin Onigashima Kouhen) Neutral ★★★ 3   1523
Stamina ↑ Shin Onigashima Enhanced form of the Donbe & Hikari spirit
Dr. Kawashima Neutral ★★ Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!
Dr. Kawashima (Concentration Training) Neutral ★★★★ Brain Age: Concentration Training Enhanced form of the Dr. Kawashima spirit
Drake Redcrest Neutral 2   518
Weight ↓ Chibi-Robo! Captain Falcon & Tiny R.O.B. Living Room
Eagle Attack 1   584
No Effect Advance Wars Captain Falcon Corneria •Defense ↑
•Attack Power ↑
•Item: Shooting Types
•The enemy has increased attack power after a little while
•The enemy has increased defense after a little while
•The enemy starts the battle with a Staff
Felix Neutral ★★ 2   747
No Effect Golden Sun Marth Coliseum •Item Tidal Wave
•Periodic earthquakes will shake the stage
•Certain items will appear in large numbers after a little while
Fish Grab ★★ Balloon Fight King Dedede Balloon Fight •The enemy's neutral special has increased power
•Timed Battle
•The enemy favors neutral specials
Flare Neutral Custom Robo
(Artwork: Custom Robo V2)
Samus Pokémon Stadium Stamina battle
•The enemy starts the battle with a Ray Gun
•The enemy starts the battle with a Rocket Belt
Frey & Freya Attack ★★ 2   793
Sword Attack ↑ Zangeki no Reginleiv
Frog & Snake Shield ★★ Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru
Goku & Chao Shield 2   401
No Effect Yūyūki
Gold Bone Attack ★★ 2   595
No Effect
Heracles Attack ★★ 1   897
No Effect Glory of Heracles Simon Temple
Isaac Grab ★★★ 3 Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Golden Sun Mii Swordfighter
Isaac (Dark Dawn) Grab ★★★★ 3   2,544
Energy Shot Attack/Resistance ↑ Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Enhanced form of the Isaac spirit
Kageshira Kurabe Neutral 3   525
No Effect Nintendoji Robin The Great Cave Offensive
Karate Joe Attack ★★★ 2 Rhythm Tengoku
(Artwork: Rhythm Heaven Megamix)
King Knight Shield 1   396
Weight ↑ Shovel Knight King K. Rool Mushroom Kingdom U
Kurikin Shield 1   391
Water Attack ↑
Kyle Hyde Shield ★★ 2   639
No Effect Hotel Dusk: Room 215 Snake Fourside •Item: Timer
•Hazard: Fog
•The stage is covered in fog
Mach Rider Shield 1   556
Speed ↑ Mach Rider Captain Falcon Port Town Aero Drive N/A •The enemy has increased move speed
•The enemy starts the battle with a Super Scope
Mallo Grab ★★★ 1   1,365
Weight ↑ Pushmo Jigglypuff Paper Mario Sudden Final Smash •The enemy will suddenly have a Final Smash when the enemy's at high damage
•The enemy favors grabs and throws
Mappo Grab 1   405
Throw Power ↑ Giftpia
Mia Shield 2   326
Water Attack ↑ Golden Sun
Milly Neutral 2   470
No Effect Baten Kaitos Origins Lucina
Min Min Attack ★★★ 2   1561
No Effect ARMS Corrin New Pork City N/A •The enemy favors special moves
•The enemy has increased attack power when badly damaged
•The enemy has increased move speed
Moe Shield 1   270
No Effect Densetsu no Stafy
(Artwork: The Legendary Starfy )
Munchy Monk Shield 1 Rhythm Heaven
(Artwork: Rhythm Heaven Megamix)
Musashi Grab Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido Young Link Onett
Nibbles Attack 1   831
Fossil Fighters: Frontier Yoshi, Charizard, Ridley, & Bowser Arena Ferox
Nick Neutral 2   496
Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Captain Rainbow Captain Falcon Fountain of Dreams •Assist Trophy Enemies
•Item: Super Star
•Hostile assist trophies will appear
•The enemy is easily distracted by items
Orville Grab ★★ Takt of Magic
Prince of Sablé Shield ★★★★ Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru Enhanced form of the Frog & Snake spirit
Ray MK II Grab ★★ Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Custom Robo
Ray MK III Grab ★★★ Custom Robo Arena Enhanced form of the Ray MK II spirit
Rayman Neutral ★★★ 3 Jump ↑ Rayman
(Artwork: Rayman Legends)
Sonic The Great Cave Offensive (Battlefield form) •Assist Trophy Enemies •The enemy's physical attacks have increased power
•Hostile Assist Trophies will appear
•Stamina Battle
Raymond Bryce Shield 3   292
No Effect Disaster: Day of Crisis
Sagi Neutral 3   433
No Effect Baten Kaitos Origins
Saki Amamiya Attack Sin and Punishment Mii Gunner Moray Towers (Battlefield form)
Sakura Samurai Shield ★★ 1   1,135
Weight ↓ Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword
Satoru Grab 3   463
No Effect Kousoku Card Battle: Card Hero
Shantae Grab ★★★ 3 Shantae
(Artwork: Shantae: Half-Genie Hero)
Zero Suit Samus Pirate Ship •Item: Transforming Types •The enemy's battering items have increased power
•The enemy starts the battle with a Killing Edge
Shinobu Grab 1   588
Ninja Launcher Sheik & Mii Swordfighter Golden Plains Item: Bullet Bill •The enemy is easily distracted by items
Shovel Knight Attack ★★★ 2 Shovel Knight
Specter Knight Attack ★★ 2   1,104
Shovel Knight Richter Bridge of Eldin •The enemy starts the battle with a Death's Scythe
•The enemy has increased move speed
Spring Man Neutral ★★★ 3   3524
Fist Attack ↑ ARMS Mii Brawler Boxing Ring
ST Falcon Attack 1   369
Battle Clash Samus Port Town Aero Drive Item: Nintendo Scope •The enemy starts the battle with a Nintendo Scope
Starfy Neutral ★★★ 3 Densetsu no Stafy
(Artwork: The Legendary Starfy )
Starly Neutral ★★ 3   798
Weight ↓ Densetsu no Stafy 3
(Artwork: The Legendary Starfy )
Sukapon Grab ★★★★ 2 Joy Mecha Fight Mii Gunner
Sumo Brothers Grab 2   438
Weight ↑ Rhythm Heaven Megamix Donkey Kong (x2)
Super Chibi-Robo Grab ★★★ 2 Thrown Items ↑ Chibi-Robo!
(Artwork: Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash)
Enhanced form of the Chibi-Robo spirit
Takamaru Attack Ace 2   1541
Sword Attack ↑ The Mysterious Murasame Castle Mii Swordfighter Suzaku Castle (Battlefield form)
Tamagon Grab 1   415
Devil World Tiny Ridley & Richter Mario Bros. Item: Throwing Types •Defeat the main fighter to win
•The enemy favors neutral specials
•The enemy is invisible
Tempo Neutral 2   431
No Effect HarmoKnight Fox Pac-Land •Reflect-Damage Buffed •The enemy starts the battle with a Home-Run Bat
•All fighters' reflected projectiles have increased power
Tethu Attack ★★ 1   940
Ever Oasis Young Link Gerudo Valley
The Chorus Kids Grab ★★★ 3   1184
Jump ↓ Rhythm Heaven
(Artwork: Rhythm Heaven Megamix)
Jigglypuff (x3) Wii Fit Studio •The enemy favors up specials
•The enemy is giant
•The enemy has increased attack power
The Wandering Samurai Attack ★★ 2 Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Rhythm Tengoku
(Artwork: Rhythm Heaven Megamix)
Wandering Samurai (Rhythm Heaven Fever) Attack ★★★ 2 Rhythm Heaven Fever Only obtainable after leveling up the The Wandering Samurai spirit
Warrior Mech Gauss Attack 1   570
No Effect
Welt Neutral ★★ 3 Soma Bringer
Wonder Blue Attack 1   684
No Effect The Wonderful 101 Chrom & Villager (x3) New Donk City Hall
Wonder Red Grab ★★ The Wonderful 101
Wrestler & Reporter Rhythm Heaven Fever
(Artwork: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U)
Pikachu Boxing Ring (Battlefield form)
Zael Attack ★★ 1   961
No Effect The Last Story Simon & Lucina

Support Spirits

Spirit Stats Augmented Fighter Stats
Image Name Type Class Cost Ability Origin Game Enemy Fighter Stage Rules Conditions
Akari Hayami Shield 1 Impact Run 1080° Snowboarding Wii Fit Trainer Summit •Slippery Stage
•Item: Freezie
•The stage's platforms are very slippery
Alessandro Inzaghi Shield Napoleon (video game)
Ando Kensaku 1 Electric Resist ↑ And-Kensaku R.O.B.
Arcade Bunny Neutral ★★ 1 Strong Throw Badge Arcade
Ashley Robins Attack ★★ Fog Immunity Trace Memory Isabelle & Male Villager Luigi's Mansion •The enemy is invisible
Ayumi Tachibana 1 Improved Escape Famicom Tantei Club Part II: Ushiro ni Tatsu Shōjo
Balloon Fighter Shield ★★ Jump ↑ Balloon Fight
Baxter & Forthington Rhythm Heaven Fever
(Artwork: Rhythm Heaven Megamix)
Bayonette Attack Custom Robo V2 Dark Samus Mushroomy Kingdom
Boss Galaga Shield ★★ Galaga
Bubbles Attack 2 Screw Attack Equipped Clu Clu Land Pac-Man 75m (Battlefield form) Item: Unira •The fighter is easily distracted by items
Chef Shaberu! DS Oryōri Navi King Dedede PictoChat 2 •Item: Food •The enemy becomes more powerful after eating
•The enemy is easily distracted by items
Coraline Grab 1 Boomerang Equipped Ultimate Angler Isabelle & Mii Gunner Wuhu Island N/A •The enemy favors side specials
Crispin Shield Feed Mii
Culdra Culdcept
Cupid Shield 1 Staff Equipped Sennen Kazoku 4 Pits Skyworld N/A •The enemy favors neutral specials
Devil Shield ★★ 2 Screen-Flip Immunity Devil World
(Artwork: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
Ridley & 2 Kirbys 75m (Battlefield form) Assist Trophy Enemies •Hostile assist trophies will appear
Dr. Lobe Neutral ★★ Big Brain Academy
Elite Beat Agents Shield ★★ 1 Critical-Health Stats Elite Beat Agents Mii Swordfighter (x3) Saffron City •Attack Power ↑ •The enemy has increased attack power after a little while
Esna Shield ★★★ Lava-Floor Immunity Ever Oasis Mewtwo Mushroom Kingdom II •Flowery •You constantly take minor damage
•The enemy's FS Meter charges quickly
Excitebike Attack ★★ 1 Move Speed ↑ Excitebike Wario (x4) Mario Circuit •The enemy favors side specials
F-Type Shield Stunt Race FX
French Bulldog Shield ★★ Nintendogs
Girl from Hajimari no Mori Shield 1 Super Leaf Equipped Hajimari no Mori Female Villager & Ness Duck Hunt (Battlefield form) Hazard: Fog •The stage is covered in fog
•The enemy favors down specials
Goligan Culdcept
Hanenbow ★★ 1 Jump ↑ Electroplankton
Henry Fleming Fire & Explosion Attack ↑ Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. Captain Falcon •Item: Shooting Types
Inuji Darumeshi Grab Darumeshi Sport's Shop
Jenna Shield ★★ 1 Shooting Items ↑ Golden Sun Zelda Temple(Battlefield form) Assist Trophy Enemies •Hostile assist trophies will appear
•The enemy favors side specials
Lip Grab ★★★ Lip's Stick Equipped Panel de Pon Mii Swordfighter & Jigglypuff Garden of Hope •Flowery
•Item: Lip's Stick
•Defeat the main fighter to win
•You constantly take minor damage
•The enemy starts the battle with a Lip's Stick
Maruo Maruhige Shield ★★ Trade & Battle: Card Hero
Hsien Grab Sujin Taisen: Number Battles
Mio & Mayu Amakura Shield ★★ Poison Damage Reduced Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly
(Artwork: Fatal Frame II: Deep Crimson Butterfly)
Daisy & Peach Luigi's Mansion •Assist Trophy Enemies •Timed battle
•Hostile assist trophies will appear when the enemy's at high damage
•The enemy tends to avoid conflict
Muddy Mole Mole Mania
Monita ★★ Screen-Flip Immunity Nintendo Land
Nico Fire Attack 1 Impact Run Slot Car Rivals Ness, Sonic, & Fox Big Blue •Uncontrollable Speed •All fighters move faster and can't stop quickly
Nikki Grab ★★★ Shield Durability ↑ Swapnote
(Artwork: Nintendo News section)
Noise Shield Kiki Trick
Old Man Lobber ★★ Densetsu no Stafy
(Artwork: The Legendary Starfy)
Ouendan Critical-Health Stats ↑ Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan
Party Phil Shield ★★★ Easier Perfect Shield Wii Party Mii Brawler, Mii Swordfighter, & Mii Gunner WarioWare, Inc. Bob-omb Festival •Bob-ombs will rain from the sky
•Explosion attacks aren’t as effective against the enemy
Pig Neutral 1 Improved Escape Cubivore
Plague Knight Grab 1 Fire & Explosion Attack ↑ Shovel Knight Dr. Mario Unova Pokémon League Item: Bob-omb •The enemy's explosion and fire attacks have increased power
•Items will be pulled toward the enemy
•The enemy is easily distracted by items
Plane ★★ 1 Strong-Wind Resist Pilotwings Resort
Pocket Football Player Shield ★★ 1 Shooting Items ↑ Nintendo Pocket Football Club 11 Tiny Villagers Pokémon Stadium Item: Soccer Ball •The enemy's kicks and knee strikes have increased power
•The enemy is easily distracted by items
•Defeat an army of fighters
Prince Saruno 1 Aura Resist ↑ Tsukutte Utau: Saru Band
Rathalos ★★ Monster Hunter
(Artwork: Monster Hunter 4)
Risky Boots Shantae
(Artwork: Shantae: Half-Genie Hero)
Russ Grab Rocket Belt Equipped Dillon's Rolling Western
Rusty Slugger Rusty's Real Deal Baseball
Sebastian Tute Grab ★★★ 2 Franklin Badge Equipped Wii Music Mii Swordfighter, Mii Gunner, and Mii Brawler Tomodachi Life (Battlefield form) N/A •Defeat the main fighter to win
•Only certain Pokémon will emerge from Poké Balls
•Reinforcements will appear during the battle
Sheriff ★★★★ Sheriff
Sick Beats Doctor 1 Critical Health Defense ↑ Rhythm Tengoku
Snip and Clip Undamaged Attack ↑ Snipperclips
Tomatrio Attack Tomato Adventure Kirby (x3)
Tractor Trailer 1 Braking Ability ↑ Wild Trax
Twintelle Grab ★★ 1 Air Defense ↑ ARMS Bayonetta New Donk City Hall N/A •The enemy's smash attacks have increased power
•The enemy favors smash attacks
•The enemy starts the battle with a Drill
Urban Champion Fighter Attack 1 Fist Attack ↑ Urban Champion Little Mac New Donk City Hall (Ω form) Rule: Assist Trophy Enemies •Timed battle
•Hostile assist trophies will appear after a little while
•The enemy doesn't like to jump
Yakuman Player 1 Critical-Health Attack ↑ Yakuman
Yama Attack 1 Aura Attack ↑ The Tower SP Luigi & 2 Villagers Tomodachi Life •Item: Ore Club
•Hazard: Heavy Wind
•Dangerously high winds are in effect after a little while
•The enemy is easily distracted by items
Yuri Kozukata Attack ★★★ Slumber Immunity Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water Zelda Luigi's Mansion •Assist Trophy Enemies •Hostile assist trophies will appear
Zip Attack FlingSmash Pac-Man Golden Plains

Unclassified Spirits

Spirit Stats Augmented Fighter Stats
Image Name Type Class Origin Game Enemy Fighter Stage Rules Conditions
DeMille Tomato Adventure
Diskun Famicom Disk System
Elena Pandora's Tower
Elite Beat Divas Elite Beat Agents
Harry Teleroboxer
Iris Archwell Monster Manor
Isa Jo Sin & Punishment: Star Successor
Matthew Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Ninjara ARMS
Olaf Advance Wars
(Artwork: Game Boy Wars Advance 2)
Ribbon Girl ARMS Mii Brawler
Shield Knight Shovel Knight
Shop Assistant Style Savvy
Volleyball Player Volleyball


  • Olaf's artwork is based off of the Japanese version of Advance Wars instead of the international version; in the first Advance Wars, he has a Santa Claus hat, but in the second game the hat was changed to the international version, so the artwork originates from Game Boy Wars Advance 2, which is the Japanese version of Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising. Despite the artwork being based off of the Japanese version, he does not use his Japanese name, Whip.
  • Strangely, Yama's game of origin is referred to as SimTower SP, despite the official English title of the game being the same as its Japanese title, The Tower SP. Furthermore, the SimTower title has not been used in an installment ever since the first game of The Tower series, SimTower: The Vertical Empire.