Super Smash Bros. 4

Pit (SSB4)/Back throw

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< Pit (SSB4)
Revision as of 03:25, November 11, 2018 by EyeDonutz (talk | contribs) (added an overview for the move.)
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Hitbox visualization for Pit's back throw.


Pit spins then slams the opponent down. It has weak knockback, incapable of killing until very high percents, and thus is only used to get opponents offstage when needed. At 0%, it can combo into a dash attack on certain characters, albeit with very strict timing, and as such it is more better to go for a combo from down throw instead, as the angle and knockback is better for them. Otherwise, one of Pit's least used throws.


Hitbox type Damage Angle Base knockback Knockback scaling Fixed knockback value Weight dependent
Throw 8% 45 65 60 0 Yes