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List of Pokémon: Difference between revisions

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(Adding a major amount of the stuff that was left out from the previous update to this page. I tried to be specific with the SSB4 things (i.e. it's labeled as being in 3DS if it's only there.) If anything needs to be reworded, please feel free to do so.)
m (→‎Fifth Generation: Correcting a small mistake on my part. My bad.)
Line 638: Line 638:
| '''[[Zoroark]]'''
| '''[[Zoroark]]'''
| 571
| 571
| A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy ''SSB4''.
| A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in ''SSB4''.
| {{pkmn|Emolga}}
| {{pkmn|Emolga}}

Revision as of 00:56, October 13, 2014

An icon for denoting incomplete things.
Many Pokémon cameo in the introduction to Super Smash Bros. Melee.

At the core of the Pokémon franchise are hundreds upon hundreds of the eponymous creatures. These are collectively called Pokémon and have many roles in the Pokémon RPGs, mainly as game pieces in Pokémon battling where the object is to defeat the opponent's enemy Pokémon with their own. Pokémon are introduced en masse once every several years as part of a new "Generation" of the franchise, along with the newest handheld RPG versions. Thus far there have been a total of six generations, with the grand total of species clocking in at 719 different species of Pokémon, and each Smash Bros. game features a selected assortment of Pokémon from all current generations existent at its time to serve a variety of roles, such as playable character, character that is summoned from an item called the Poké Ball, collectible trophy or sticker, background characters in stages, and others.

All listed Pokémon that are bolded have the major roles of being playable characters or appearing from a Poké Ball item. Others have more minor roles.

  • Sakurai confirmed in a Miiverse post that all Pokémon seen in Greninja's reveal trailer will have a role in the game outside of the trailer.

First Generation

The Pokémon franchise began stateside in 1998 with 151 Pokémon species featured in the very first versions of the Pokémon RPGs, Pokémon Red and Blue for the original Game Boy. This was the only generation in effect when Super Smash Bros. was developed and released.

Pokémon No. Appearances
Bulbasaur 001 A trophy in Melee and Brawl.
Ivysaur 002 A playable character as part of Pokémon Trainer with trophies and a sticker in Brawl, and a trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
Venusaur 003 A stage Pokémon in Saffron City in SSB, a Poké Ball Pokémon, stage Pokémon in Poké Floats, and trophy in Melee, and a trophy of its Mega Evolution in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
Charmander 004 A stage Pokémon in Saffron City in SSB, and a trophy in Brawl.
Charizard 006 A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB, a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in Melee, a playable character as part of Pokémon Trainer with trophies and a sticker in Brawl, and a solo playable character with trophies in SSB4.
Squirtle 007 A stage Pokémon in Poké Floats and trophy in Melee, a playable character as part of Pokémon Trainer with trophies and a sticker in Brawl, and a trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
Blastoise 009 A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB, a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in Melee, and a trophy of its Mega Evolution in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
Butterfree 012 A stage Pokémon flying far in the background in Saffron City in SSB.
Beedrill 015 A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB.
Pidgey 016 A stage Pokémon flying far in the background in Saffron City in SSB.
Fearow 022 A stage Pokémon flying far in the background in Saffron City in SSB.
Pikachu 025 A playable character in SSB and a playable character with trophies in Melee, a playable character with trophies and a sticker in Brawl, and a playable character with trophies in SSB4.
Clefairy 035 A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB, and a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in Melee.
Jigglypuff 039 A playable character in SSB, a playable character with trophies in Melee, a playable character with trophies and a sticker in Brawl, and a playable character with trophies in SSB4.
Oddish 043 Glimpsed in the opening FMV to Melee.
Dugtrio 051 A stage Pokémon in Pokémon Stadium 2 in Brawl.
Meowth 052 A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB, a trophy in Melee, a Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl, and a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Psyduck 054 A stage Pokémon in Poké Floats in Melee.
Poliwhirl 061 A trophy in Melee.
Abra 063 Glimpsed in the opening FMV to Melee.
Machop 066 Glimpsed in the opening FMV to Melee.
Weepinbell 070 Glimpsed in the opening FMV to Melee.
Geodude 074 A stage Pokémon in Poké Floats in Melee.
Slowpoke 079 A stage Pokémon in Poké Floats in Melee.
Slowbro 080 Glimpsed in the opening FMV to Melee.
Magnemite 081 A trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
Seel 086 A stage Pokémon in Poké Floats in Melee.
Grimer 088 No actual appearances. However, it's infamous as an avatar in the Back Room of the Smash World Forums
Gastly 092 A Smash Run enemy and trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
Onix 095 A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB, and a stage Pokémon in Poké Floats in Melee.
Drowzee 096 Glimpsed in the opening FMV to Melee.
Krabby 098 Glimpsed in the opening FMV to Melee.
Electrode 101 A stage Pokémon in Saffron City in SSB, a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in Melee, a Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl, and a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Cubone 104 A stage Pokémon and trophy in Pokémon Stadium 2 in Brawl.
Hitmonlee 106 A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB, and a trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
Lickitung 108 A stage Pokémon in Poké Floats in Melee.
Koffing 109 A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB, and a Smash Run enemy and trophy in SSB4.
Weezing 110 A Poké Ball Pokémon, stage Pokémon in Poké Floats, and trophy in Melee.
Rhydon 112 Glimpsed in the opening FMV to Melee.
Chansey 113 A Poké Ball Pokémon and stage Pokémon in Saffron City in SSB, and a Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and stage Pokémon in Poké Floats in Melee.
Goldeen 118 A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB, a Poké Ball Pokémon, stage Pokémon in Poké Floats, and trophy in Melee, a Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl, and a Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB4.
Staryu 120 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in Melee, a Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl, and a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Starmie 121 A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB.
Electabuzz 125 Glimpsed in the opening FMV to Melee.
Magmar 126 Glimpsed in the opening FMV to Melee.
Pinsir 127 Glimpsed in the opening FMV to Melee.
Gyarados 130 A trophy in Brawl.
Ditto 132 A dummied-out Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in Melee; it is also used for "random character" in the tournament mode of Melee.
Eevee 133 A trophy in Melee and a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Porygon 137 A stage Pokémon in Saffron City in SSB, and a stage Pokémon in Poké Floats in Melee.
Snorlax 143 A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB, and a Poké Ball Pokémon, stage Pokémon in Poké Floats, and trophy in Melee, a Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl, and a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Articuno 144 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in Melee, and a trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
Zapdos 145 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in Melee, and a stage Pokémon on Prism Tower and trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
Moltres 146 A background Pokémon in SSB, a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in Melee, a Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl, and a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Dragonite 149 A stage Pokémon in Kalos Pokémon League in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
Mewtwo 150 A playable character with trophies in Melee, and a trophy in Brawl and Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
Mew 151 A Poké Ball Pokémon in SSB, a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in Melee, a Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl, and a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.

Second Generation

The Pokémon franchise entered its second generation in 2000 with 100 new Pokémon species added to the original 151 to form a total of 251 Pokémon, and all were featured in the RPGs Pokémon Gold and Silver for Game Boy Color. These two generations were in effect when Super Smash Bros. Melee was developed and released.

Pokémon No. Appearances
Chikorita 152 A Poké Ball Pokémon, Stage Pokémon in Poké Floats and trophy in Melee, and a Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl.
Cyndaquil 155 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in Melee, and a trophy in Brawl.
Totodile 158 A trophy in Melee and Brawl.
Sentret 161 Glimpsed in the opening FMV to Melee.
Crobat 169 A trophy in Melee.
Pichu 172 A playable character with trophies in Melee, and a trophy in Brawl and Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
Cleffa 173 A trophy in Melee.
Igglybuff 174 A trophy in Melee.
Togepi 175 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in Melee, a Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl, and a Poké Ball Pokemon and trophy in SSB4.
Natu 177 Glimpsed in the opening FMV to Melee.
Bellossom 182 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in Melee, a Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl, and a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Marill 183 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in Melee.
Sudowoodo 185 A stage Pokémon in Poké Floats and trophy in Melee.
Hoppip 187 A stage Pokémon in Pokémon Stadium 2 and trophy in Brawl.
Wooper 194 A stage Pokémon in Poké Floats in Melee.
Unown 201 A Poké Ball Pokémon, stage Pokémon in Poké Floats, and trophy in Melee.
Wobbuffet 202 A Poké Ball Pokémon, stage Pokémon in Poké Floats, and trophy in Melee, and a Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl.
Pineco 204 Glimpsed in the opening FMV to Melee.
Gligar 207 Glimpsed in the opening FMV to Melee.
Steelix 208 A trophy in Melee.
Snubbull 209 Glimpsed in the opening FMV to Melee.
Scizor 212 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in Melee.
Heracross 214 A trophy in Melee.
Ursaring 217 Glimpsed in the opening FMV to Melee.
Skarmory 227 A stage Pokémon in Pokémon Stadium 2 and trophy in Brawl.
Phanpy 231 Glimpsed in the opening FMV to Melee.
Porygon2 233 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in Melee.
Elekid 239 Glimpsed in the opening FMV to Melee.
Raikou 243 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in Melee.
Entei 244 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in Melee, a Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl, and a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Suicune 245 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in Melee, a Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl, and a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Lugia 249 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in Melee, a Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl, and a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Ho-Oh 250 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in Melee, and a Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl.
Celebi 251 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in Melee, a Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl, and a trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.

Third Generation

The Pokémon franchise entered its third generation in 2003 with 135 new Pokémon species added to the previous 251 to form a total of 386 Pokémon, and all were first featured in the RPGs Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire for Game Boy Advance. Ironically, this generation's first appearance in a Smash Bros. game, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, is also the first appearance of the fourth generation that was put in effect an entire four years later.

Pokémon No. Appearances
Treecko 252 A trophy in Brawl.
Torchic 255 A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl.
Blaziken 257 A trophy in Brawl, and a stage Pokémon in Kalos Pokémon League in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
Mudkip 258 A trophy in Brawl.
Gardevoir 282 A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl, and a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Plusle 311 Part of a trophy in Brawl.
Minun 312 Part of a trophy in Brawl.
Gulpin 316 A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl.
Milotic 350 A stage Pokémon on N's Castle and trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
Snorunt 361 A stage Pokémon in Pokémon Stadium 2 and a trophy in Brawl.
Metagross 376 A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl, and a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Latias 380 Part of a Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl, and part of a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Latios 381 Part of a Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl, and part of a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Kyogre 382 A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl, and a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Groudon 383 A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl.
Rayquaza 384 A boss opponent in the Subspace Emissary, trophy, and sticker in Brawl.
Jirachi 385 A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl.
Deoxys 386 A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl, and a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.

Fourth Generation

The Pokémon franchise entered its fourth generation in 2007 with 107 more new Pokémon species added to the previous 386 to form a total of 493 Pokémon species, and all are featured in the Pokémon RPGs, Pokémon Diamond and Pearl for Nintendo DS. Both this and the previous generation make their Super Smash Bros. debut in Brawl.

Pokémon No. Appearances
Turtwig 387 A trophy in Brawl.
Chimchar 390 A trophy in Brawl.
Infernape 392 A stage Pokémon on Kalos Pokémon League in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
Piplup 393 A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl.
Starly 396 A trophy in Brawl.
Drifloon 425 A stage Pokémon in Pokémon Stadium 2 and trophy in Brawl.
Buneary 427 A trophy in Brawl.
Bonsly 438 A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl.
Garchomp 445 A stage Pokémon in Kalos Pokémon League in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
Munchlax 446 A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl.
Riolu 447 A trophy in Brawl.
Lucario 448 A playable character with trophies and a sticker in Brawl, and a playable character with trophies in SSB4.
Snover 459 A stage Pokémon on Pokémon Stadium 2 and a trophy in Brawl.
Abomasnow 460 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Weavile 461 A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl.
Magnezone 462 A stage Pokémon and trophy in Brawl.
Electivire 466 A stage Pokémon on Pokémon Stadium 2 and trophy in Brawl.
Leafeon 470 Part of a trophy in Brawl.
Glaceon 471 Part of a trophy in Brawl.
Porygon-Z 474 A trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
Uxie 480 A Stage Pokémon on Spear Pillar and trophy in Brawl.
Mesprit 481 A Stage Pokémon on Spear Pillar and trophy in Brawl.
Azelf 482 A Stage Pokémon on Spear Pillar and trophy in Brawl.
Dialga 483 A stage Pokémon on Spear Pillar and trhophy in Brawl.
Palkia 484 A stage Pokémon on Spear Pillar and trophy in Brawl, and a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Giratina 487 A Poké Ball Pokémon with trophies in SSB4.
Cresselia 488 A stage Pokémon on Spear Pillar and a trophy in Brawl.
Manaphy 490 A Poké Ball Pokémon, trophy, and sticker in Brawl.
Darkrai 491 A trophy in Brawl, and a Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Shaymin 492 A stage Pokémon on Unova Pokémon League and trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
Arceus 493 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.

Fifth Generation

The Pokémon franchise entered its fifth generation in 2010 with Pokémon Black and White for Nintendo DS. Pokémon from this generation first appear in Super Smash Bros. 4. So far, this is the generation to introduce the most species of Pokémon.

Pokémon No. Appearances
Victini 494 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Snivy 495 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Oshawott 501 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Audino 531 A trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
Whimsicott 547 A stage Pokémon on N's Castle and trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
Petilil 548 A Smash Run enemy and trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
Zoroark 571 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Emolga 587 A trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
Chandelure 609 A Smash Run enemy and trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
Axew 610 A stage Pokémon in Kalos Pokémon League in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
Cryogonal 615 A Smash Run enemy and trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
Hydreigon 635 A stage Pokémon on Kalos Pokémon League in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
Reshiram 643 A stage Pokémon on N's Castle and trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
Zekrom 644 A stage Pokémon on N's Castle and trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
Kyurem 646 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Keldeo 647 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Meloetta 648 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Genesect 649 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.

Sixth Generation

Pokémon X and Y, representing the sixth generation of the series, were released in 2013. Pokémon from this generation first appear in Super Smash Bros. 4.

Pokémon No. Appearances
Chespin 650 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Fennekin 653 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Greninja 658 A playable character with trophies in SSB4.
Fletchling 661 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Spewpa 665 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Pyroar 668 A stage Pokémon on Kalos Pokémon League in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
Gogoat 673 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Swirlix 684 A Poke Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Inkay 686 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Helioptile 694 A stage Pokémon on Prism Tower and trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
Sylveon 700 A trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
Dedenne 702 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Xerneas 716 A Poké Ball Pokémon and trophy in SSB4.
Yveltal 717 A stage Pokémon on Prism Tower and trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.