List of SSBM trophies (Pokémon series)
The following is a list of the 59 trophies from the Pokémon series which appear in Super Smash Bros. Melee.
Normal order[edit]
# | Name | Image | First Game / Moves | Description | Acquisition |
22 | Pikachu | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
It's safe to say that Pikachu is the most famous and popular of all Pokémon. It has electric pouches in both cheeks; when in danger, it shoots electricity at its enemies. Although Pikachu can evolve into Raichu by exposure to a Thunderstone, many trainers like Pikachu so much that they don't let it evolve. | •Complete Classic Mode as Pikachu •Play 100 vs. matches as Pikachu |
23 | Pikachu SMASH | ![]() |
B: Thunder Jolt Smash B: Skull Bash |
While its electric attacks, such as Thunder and Thunder Jolt, are powerful, Pikachu is at its best speeding around the fray and waiting for its chance to strike. You can control the path of Pikachu's two-directional Quick Attack, allowing you to jump twice. Hold down the B Button to charge up Skull Bash. | •Complete Adventure Mode as Pikachu •Play 200 vs. matches as Pikachu |
24 | Pikachu SMASH | ![]() |
Up & B: Quick Attack Down & B: Thunder |
The angle of the Control Stick controls the direction of Pikachu's Quick Attack. Pikachu will move blindingly fast, and it will also cause damage to any character it runs into. Move the Control Stick during the Quick Attack and Pikachu will move in up to two directions. Be sure to check out the ceilings on the level when you use Thunder. | •Complete All-Star Mode as Pikachu •Play 300 vs. matches as Pikachu |
49 | Jigglypuff | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
(1.0/1.01 NTSC) This balloon Pokémon invites its opponents in close with its big, round eyes and then puts them to sleep with a soothing lullaby. It puffs itself up when angry, and while it may look adorable, it's not to be trifled with: it knows several powerful techniques. Jigglypuff evolves into Wigglytuff after exposure to a Moon Stone.
(1.02 NTSC/PAL) This Balloon Pokémon invites its opponents in close with its big, round eyes and then puts them to sleep with a soothing lullaby. It puffs itself up when angry, and while it may look adorable, it's not to be trifled with: it knows several powerful techniques. Jigglypuff evolves into Wigglytuff after exposure to a Moon Stone. |
•Complete Classic Mode as Jigglypuff •Play 100 vs. matches as Jigglypuff |
50 | Jigglypuff SMASH | ![]() |
B: Rollout Smash B: Pound |
Jigglypuff's normal attacks are weak, and because of its light weight it's easily sent flying. However, with its incredible midair agility, it seems to dance when airborne. Rollout is a powerful speed attack, but be careful not to fly off the edge. Pound does serious damage, and it can also help as a recovery move. | •Complete Adventure Mode as Jigglypuff •Play 200 vs. matches as Jigglypuff |
51 | Jigglypuff SMASH | ![]() |
Up & B: Sing Down & B: Rest |
Jigglypuff can put its enemies to sleep if they are in range of its Sing attack, although the attack does not work on airborne foes. Rest puts Jigglypuff into a deep sleep, but at the instant it drops off, an intense energy force radiates out of the exact center of its body. If this force comes in contact with an enemy, look out! Rest is Jigglypuff's wild card. | •Complete All-Star Mode as Jigglypuff •Play 300 vs. matches as Jigglypuff |
52 | Mewtwo | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
(1.02) A genetically created Pokémon, Mewtwo is the result of many long years of research by a solitary scientist. Although Mewtwo was bio-engineerd from a fossil of the legendary Pokémon Mew, its size and character are far different than its ancestor. Its battle abilities have been radically heightened, making it ruthless.
•Complete Classic Mode as Mewtwo •Play 100 vs. matches as Mewtwo |
53 | Mewtwo SMASH | ![]() |
B: Shadow Ball Smash B: Confusion |
As Mewtwo relies mostly on its powerful brain, there are times when it scarcely uses its arms and legs. Since Mewtwo spends much of its time floating, it flies far when struck. Shadow Ball traces a jagged path once released: the longer Mewtwo holds it, the more powerful it becomes. Mewtwo uses Confusion to spin its foes around. | •Complete Adventure Mode as Mewtwo •Play 200 vs. matches as Mewtwo |
54 | Mewtwo SMASH | ![]() |
Up & B: Teleport Down & B: Disable |
Mewtwo is definitely not a speedy character, but its ESP-powered grab and throw moves are comparatively strong. Teleport has a short range, but doesn't leave it open to attack. It's best used as an escape move during disturbances. Mewtwo can daze a foe if it makes eye contact and uses Disable; the move is useless unless Mewtwo is facing its enemy. | •Complete All-Star Mode as Mewtwo •Play 300 vs. matches as Mewtwo |
73 | Pichu | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
(1.0/1.01 NTSC) A baby Electric-type Pokémon identifiable by its big ears, Pichu evolves into Pikachu. It's not very skilled at storing up electrical energy and will sometimes discharge it if jarred. Although it's small, it has enough electrical power to give even an adult quite a shock. It's often startled by its own power.
(1.02 NTSC/PAL) A Tiny Mouse Pokémon identifiable by its big ears, Pichu evolves into Pikachu. It's not very skilled at storing up electrical energy and will sometimes discharge it if jarred. Although it's small, it has enough electrical power to give even an adult quite a shock. It's often startled by its own power. |
•Complete Classic Mode as Pichu •Play 100 vs. matches as Pichu |
74 | Pichu SMASH | ![]() |
B: Thunder Jolt Smash B: Skull Bash |
Compared with Pikachu, Pichu is a tad more nimble and a little more difficult to hit. Those are the only two advantages, however, and since Pichu damages itself when it uses electrical attacks, it's best suited for handicapped matches. Even though Pichu's tough to catch, it's easy to throw its tiny frame great distances. | •Complete Adventure Mode as Pichu •Play 200 vs. matches as Pichu |
75 | Pichu SMASH | ![]() |
Up & B: Agility Down & B: Thunder |
Pichu is the lightest character in Super Smash Bros. Melee., and it's top of the class in weakness, too! For Pichu, it's all about scampering here and there to pick up items that will help it survive. The first warp in Agility causes 1 point of damage to Pichu, and the second causes 3, so try to limit the number of times you use the move. | •Complete All-Star Mode as Pichu •Play 300 vs. matches as Pichu |
120 | Poké Ball | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
These balls are used to capture and contain wild Pokémon. Most Pokémon must be weakened in some way before they can be captured, but once they're inside a Poké Ball, they enjoy their new home, since Poké Balls contain an environment specially designed for Pokémon comfort. Master Balls are the strongest type. | Random |
121 | Venusaur | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
(1.0/1.01 NTSC) Evolving from Ivysaur, this deceptively toxic Pokémon has a huge flower on its back that emits a cloying fragrance: the scent lulls its enemies into a state of calmness. Venusaur's flower synthesizes sunshine into pure energy for its Solarbeam move. Think of Grass- and Poison-type Pokémon, and Venusaur comes first.
(1.02 NTSC/PAL) Evolving from Ivysaur, this deceptively toxic Pokémon has a huge flower on its back that emits a cloying fragrance: the scent lulls its enemies into a state of calmness. Venusaur's flower synthesizes sunshine into pure energy for its Solarbeam move. Think of Grass-type Pokémon, and Venusaur comes first. |
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122 | Charizard | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
(1.0/1.01 NTSC) It's hard to believe, but this massive flame Pokémon evolves from the tiny Charmander. Not only can it fly at heights of over 4,500 feet, but its flaming breath is hot enough to reduce almost anything to ashes in seconds. The flames at the end of a Charizard's tail are said to be a fairly accurate barometer of its power.
(1.02 NTSC/PAL) It's hard to believe, but this massive Flame Pokémon evolves from the tiny Charmander. Not only can it fly at heights of over 4,500 feet, but its flaming breath is hot enough to reduce almost anything to ashes in seconds. The flames at the end of a Charizard's tail are said to be a fairly accurate barometer of its power. |
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123 | Squirtle | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
Retreating into its shell and spitting water at its foes is Squirtle's trademark response to danger. It's one of the three Pokémon that trainers can receive from Professor Oak in Pokémon Red and Blue. Squirtle evolves into Wartortle and then Blastoise, ramping up its water powers with each evolution. | Random |
124 | Blastoise | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
Blastoise is the next evolutionary step after Wartortle. The thick jets of water they shoot from the cannons on their backs are strong enough to cut through steel plating. When in danger, they hide inside their armored shells. Blastoise is so popular among trainers that it's considered the definitive Water-type. | Random |
125 | Clefairy | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
(1.02) Clefairy are very cute Pokémon, which makes them popular pets. However, as they're only found in a few areas, it takes a lot of work to find one. Strangely enough, legend has it that Clefairy are more active during the full moon. These Pokémon are known to use Metronome, a move that unleashes randomly selected techniques.
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126 | Electrode | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
(1.0/1.01 NTSC) Electrode, an electric ball Pokémon, is the evolved form of Voltorb. It has the tendency to explode with even the slightest provocation, which has earned it the nickname "Wrecking Ball." Electrode is the quickest Pokémon found to date, and its distinctive white-over-red coloring is the opposite of Voltorb's.
(1.02 NTSC/PAL) Electrode, an electric Ball Pokémon, is the evolved form of Voltorb. It has the tendency to explode with even the slightest provocation, which has earned it the nickname "Wrecking Ball." Electrode is the quickest Pokémon found to date, and its distinctive white-over-red coloring is the opposite of Voltorb's. |
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127 | Weezing | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
The evolved form of Koffing, Weezing is basically a pair of Koffing fused together. They tend to float in the air and emit gas or noxious smoke from the outgrowths that cover their bodies. As strange as it may seem, diluting Weezing emissions as much as possible creates one of the most exquisite perfumes known to man. | Random |
128 | Chansey | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
Renowned for its kind temperament, Chansey has been known to offer injured creatures a highly nutritious egg to aid their recovery. Legend has it that this charitable creature brings happiness to anyone who captures it. All Chansey are female, and every now and then one is found in possession of a Lucky Egg. | Random |
129 | Goldeen | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
These Water-types are often referred to as "water dancers," as their elegant fins make them incredibly agile underwater. They can even travel upstream in rapids at a speed of five knots; of course, they're not quite as nimble on dry land. Goldeen's Horn Drill is so strong that it can KO an enemy with one strike if it connects. | Random |
130 | Staryu | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
(1.0/1.01 NTSC) These star-shaped Pokémon that evolve into Starmie are found in large numbers at the seashore. At night, Staryu's red center glows and blinks on and off. It's said that as long as its red center remains, it can regrow its limbs. Whether it's related to Cleffa, another Pokémon with a vaguely star-shaped appearance, is unknown.
(1.02 NTSC/PAL) These Starshape Pokémon that evolve into Starmie are found in large numbers at the seashore. At night, Staryu's red center glows and blinks on and off. It's said that as long as its red center remains, it can regrow its limbs. Whether it's related to Cleffa, another Pokémon with a vaguely star-shaped appearance, is unknown. |
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131 | Snorlax | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
Snorlax love to sleep and love to eat: these portly Pokémon get grumpy if they don't get 880 pounds of food per day. After snacking out, they always nap. They have cast-iron stomachs and can eat moldy and even rotten food with no digestion problems. They are the heaviest Pokémon on record, weighing in at over 1,000 pounds. | Random |
132 | Articuno | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
Clouds gather, the barometer plunges, and fresh snow falls from the frigid air when this legendary Pokémon takes wing. Graceful and elegant, it boasts long tail feathers that flap in the wind and are lovely to behold. As would be expected, its combat moves are based on its cold nature; they include Ice Beam and Blizzard. | Random |
133 | Zapdos | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
Zapdos flaps its wings, and summer storms appear, throwing lightning every which way. It's said that you can hear this legendary Pokémon coming, as its wings make a very distinctive popping sound as it flies. In addition to electrical moves like the dreaded Thunder, it also wields a vicious move called Drill Peck. | Random |
134 | Moltres | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
As tradition has it, the onset of spring heralds the return of this legendary Pokémon from its southern home. Its bright orange color and fiery aspect lends to its overwhelming appearance. Sky Attack, the strongest of flying moves, is a perfect fit for this burning phenom, but it obviously also excels at powerful Fire-type moves. | Random |
135 | Mew | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
Mew is an extremely rare Pokémon that has been seen by only a few people. Information on every Pokémon in the world is contained in Mew's cell structure, so it has the ability to use any and all TMs and HMs. Some Pokémon scholars believe Mew to be the ancestor of all existing Pokémon, but the idea is debatable. | Clear All-Star Mode on Hard or Very Hard |
136 | Chikorita | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
Chikorita was one of the first three Pokémon available in Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal. A Grass-type Pokémon, it emits a delightful fragrance from the leaves on its head and loves to spend its time leisurely sunbathing. When called into battle, it uses its Razor Leaf move to strike at opponents' weak points. | Random |
137 | Cyndaquil | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
Cyndaquil frighten easily, so they're often found curled up in balls. When threatened, they flare the flames on their backs to drive off enemies. Cyndaquil was one of three Pokémon that trainers could choose from at the beginning of Pokémon Silver, Gold, and Crystal. No one knows if their eyes are open. | Random |
138 | Togepi | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
(1.0/1.01 NTSC) These adorable spike-shelled Pokémon hatch from eggs given out by Professor Elm's assistant. Common superstition holds that their shells are chock-full of happiness and that they become good-luck charms when handled with kindness. It's impossible to predict which ability a Togepi will call upon when it uses its Metronome move, so you'd better be ready!
(1.02 NTSC/PAL) These adorable Spike Ball Pokémon hatch from eggs given out by Professor Elm's assistant. Common superstition holds that their shells are chock-full of happiness and that they become good-luck charms when handled with kindness. It's impossible to predict which ability a Togepi will call upon when it uses its Metronome move, so you'd better be ready! |
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139 | Bellossom | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
(1.0/1.01 NTSC) From time to time, these beautiful flower Pokémon will gather in numbers and perform an odd sort of dance to call out the sun. While in the midst of this strange exhibition, their petals brush together to create a peaceful and soothing melody. A Gloom will only evolve into a Bellossom if it's exposed to a Sun Stone.
(1.02 NTSC/PAL) From time to time, these beautiful Flower Pokémon will gather in numbers and perform an odd sort of dance to call out the sun. While in the midst of this strange exhibition, their petals brush together to create a peaceful and soothing melody. A Gloom will only evolve into a Bellossom if it's exposed to a Sun Stone. |
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140 | Marill | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
(1.0/1.01 NTSC) This water-mouse Pokémon evolves into Azumarill. The round ball on the end of its tail acts like a flotation device, so it can float safely in the roughest of water conditions. It resides on Mt. Mortar in seclusion; few of the creatures are ever seen. Marill's cuteness has earned it a large and loyal fan base.
(1.02 NTSC/PAL) This Aqua Mouse Pokémon evolves into Azumarill. The round ball on the end of its tail acts like a flotation device, so it can float safely in the roughest of water conditions. It resides on Mt. Mortar in seclusion; few of the creatures are ever seen. Marill's cuteness has earned it a large and loyal fan base. |
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141 | Sudowoodo | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
(1.0/1.01 NTSC) A copycat Pokémon with an aversion to battle, Sudowoodo always poses as a tree in order to avoid being attacked. Despite their arboreal appearance, these Pokémon are actually Rock-types, and therefore highly vulnerable to water. When it begins to rain, they vanish. Sudowoodo can be found blocking Route 36 in Johto.
(1.02 NTSC/PAL) An Imitation Pokémon with an aversion to battle, Sudowoodo always poses as a tree in order to avoid being attacked. Despite their arboreal appearance, these Pokémon are actually Rock-types, and therefore highly vulnerable to water. When it begins to rain, they vanish. Sudowoodo can be found blocking Route 36 in Johto. |
Play 200 vs. matches |
142 | Unown | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
(1.0/1.01 NTSC) These Psychic-type symbol Pokémon resemble ancient hieroglyphics found on rocks, a resemblance that's said to be more than superficial. Quite a few different shapes of Unown have been confirmed, and it's believed that each type has unique abilities. These enigmatic Pokémon can be found in the Ruins of Alph.
(1.02 NTSC/PAL) These Symbol Pokémon resemble ancient hieroglyphics found on rocks, a resemblance that's said to be more than superficial. Quite a few different shapes of Unown have been confirmed, and it's believed that each type has unique abilities. These enigmatic Pokémon can be found in the Ruins of Alph. |
Get over 16,404 ft./5000 m combined best distance in Home-Run Contest |
143 | Wobbuffet | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
(1.0/1.01 NTSC) A patient Pokémon, Wobbuffet lives in darkness to hide its mismatched black tail. Even for a stoic Pokémon, this creature is a testament to self- control; it will not actively attack an opponent. Its Counter and Mirror Coat moves are solely used for reflecting attacks directly back at its antagonist.
(1.02 NTSC/PAL) A Patient Pokémon, Wobbuffet lives in darkness to hide its mismatched black tail. Even for a stoic Pokémon, this creature is a testament to self-control; it will not actively attack an opponent. Its Counter and Mirror Coat moves are solely used for reflecting attacks directly back at its antagonist. |
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144 | Scizor | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
(1.02) This Scissors Pokémon, the evolved form of Scyther, has arms ending in large, strong pincers with distinctive eye-spot markings. It's unable to fly very far with its undersized wings, but it can affect its body temperature by flapping them at high speeds. Its sleek look has made Scizor quite the popular catch among collectors.
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145 | Porygon2 | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
(1.0/1.01 NTSC) Representing the next step in technological progress, this virtual Pokémon is a higher-powered version of the man-made Pokémon, Porygon. Compared to the sharp edges of its relative, Porygon2's body is extremely smooth and rounded. In battle, it utilizes a special move called Conversion 2 to alter its type.
(1.02 NTSC/PAL) Representing the next step in technological progress, this Virtual Pokémon is a higher-powered version of the man-made Pokémon, Porygon. Compared to the sharp edges of its relative, Porygon2's body is extremely smooth and rounded. In battle, it utilizes a special move called Conversion 2 to alter its type. |
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146 | Raikou | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
(1.0/1.01 NTSC) These violent lightning Pokémon travel near and far, blasting out electrified whirlwinds. They carry storm clouds on their backs, so they can produce lightning regardless of the local weather; it's even said that they descended to the earth via lightning bolts. Their extreme quickness lends itself to flight, so they're very hard to capture.
(1.02 NTSC/PAL) These Thunder Pokémon travel near and far, blasting out electrified whirlwinds. They carry storm clouds on their backs, so they can produce lightning regardless of the local weather; it's even said that they descended to the earth via lightning bolts. Their extreme quickness lends itself to flight, so they're very hard to capture. |
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147 | Entei | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
A volcanic Fire-type, Entei is hotter than liquid magma and as tough as nails. This powerful creature was one of the three Pokémon running around the Burned Tower of Ecruteak City. Entei is extremely difficult to seek out and capture, as it tends to wander all over the landscape, sprouting intense flames from its body. | Clear Event 26: Trophy Tussle 2 |
148 | Suicune | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
(1.0/1.01 NTSC) This mystical aurora Pokémon constantly journeys in search of places with pure flowing water. Suicune wields the power to instantly purify any contaminated water it finds. Some say Suicune is the north wind reborn. Its strange and dramatic story is told over the course of the Crystal version of the Pokémon game.
(1.02 NTSC/PAL) This mystical Aurora Pokémon constantly journeys in search of places with pure flowing water. Suicune wields the power to instantly purify any contaminated water it finds. Some say Suicune is the north wind reborn. Its strange and dramatic story is told over the course of the Crystal version of the Pokémon game. |
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149 | Lugia | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
The waters of the Whirl Islands are home to this legendary Pokémon, whom few have seen. Lugia lives quietly in the deepest ocean trenches for one very good reason: its combined aerial and psychic powers are so strong as to be extremely dangerous. The special moves of this gargantuan creature include the destructive wind assault known as Aeroblast. | Random |
150 | Ho-oh | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
(1.0/1.01 NTSC) As it soars around the skies of the world, this multicolored flying Pokémon leaves a trail of rainbows and myths in its wake. Its signature move is called Sacred Fire, and it is believed to appear only before trainers who are pure of heart. If you see a trainer with Ho-oh, you can assume that catching it took a lot of work.
(1.02 NTSC/PAL) As it soars around the skies of the world, this Rainbow Pokémon leaves a trail of rainbows and myths in its wake. Its signature move is called Sacred Fire, and it is believed to appear only before trainers who are pure of heart. If you see a trainer with Ho-oh, you can assume that catching it took a lot of work. |
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151 | Celebi | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
Celebi has the power to travel through time, and thus wanders from one age to the next. It is considered a deity by the forests: plants and trees are said to grow in unimaginable abundance wherever Celebi visits. Like Mew, Celebi is a Pokémon shrouded in mystery. Its special techniques blend grass and psychic powers. | Get Celebi from a Poké Ball (only available once all fighters and Score Display are unlocked) |
187 | Pokémon Stadium | ![]() |
Pokémon Stadium 3/00 |
Trainers come from far and wide to congregate at Pokémon Stadiums, the ultimate venues to show off their Pokémon teams. There are many different arenas with varying terrain designs, some of which afford advantages to certain Pokémon. This particular stadium is reserved for huge events and boasts a big screen and spectacular fireworks. | Random |
247 | Bulbasaur | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
(1.02) Bulbasaur is a cute Pokémon born with a large seed firmly affixed to its back; the seed grows in size as the Pokémon does. Along with Squirtle and Charmander, Bulbasaur is one of the three Pokémon available at the beginning of Pokémon Red and Blue. It evolves first into Ivysaur and then continues by evolving into Venusaur.
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248 | Poliwhirl | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
(1.0/1.01 NTSC) Poliwhirl is an amphibious Pokémon able to live on either land or in the water. When on dry land, it's constantly sweating to keep its skin nice and slimy. When in danger, it spins the whirlpool marking on its stomach to put enemies into a deep sleep, then it runs away. It evolves into either Poliwrath or Politoed.
(1.02 NTSC/PAL) Poliwhirl is a Tadpole Pokémon able to live on either land or in the water. When on dry land, it's constantly sweating to keep its skin nice and slimy. When in danger, it spins the whirlpool marking on its stomach to put enemies into a deep sleep, then it runs away. It evolves into either Poliwrath or Politoed. |
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249 | Ditto | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
Every Ditto has the ability to copy a Pokémon's entire cell structure in an instant and become its exact replica. They're terrible at remembering techniques, but when they use Transform, they temporarily learn all of their foe's moves. If a Ditto starts to laugh, it weakens and can't hold its transformation. | Random |
250 | Eevee | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
As adaptable a Pokémon as any yet discovered, Eevee's evolutionary progress changes to meet the conditions of its environment. So far, five evolutionary forms have been discovered and then catalogued for this unique Pokémon; Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, and Umbreon. All evolutions have special benefits. | Random |
251 | Totodile | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
Little but feisty is the best description for these Water-type Pokémon. The first thing they do when they see something move is latch onto it with their powerful jaws. Totodile was one of the three Pokémon that Professor Elm offered to trainers in Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal. They evolve into Croconaw. | Random |
252 | Crobat | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
(1.0/1.01 NTSC) A bat Pokémon that evolves from Golbat, Crobat's hind legs have evolved into a second pair of wings, which allows it to fly at great speeds but limits its ability to rest. The affection a Golbat has for its trainer is vital for the evolution process: if a novice trainer has a Crobat, it shows that he or she cares for Pokémon well.
(1.02 NTSC/PAL) A Bat Pokémon that evolves from Golbat, Crobat's hind legs have evolved into a second pair of wings, which allows it to fly at great speeds but limits its ability to rest. The affection a Golbat has for its trainer is vital for the evolution process: if a novice trainer has a Crobat, it shows that he or she cares for Pokémon well. |
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253 | Cleffa | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
With silhouettes that resemble stars, Cleffa are often sighted when the night sky is filled with shooting stars. Cleffa evolves into Clefairy, but only if it has a strong bond of friendship with its trainer. Since Cleffa are so cute and loveable, many trainers choose to keep it in this unevolved form. | Random |
254 | Igglybuff | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
Igglybuff, which evolve into Jigglypuff, are so incredibly elastic that they always seem to be bouncing. They have extremely stubby legs, so for these Pokémon, bounding from place to place is much faster than walking. Unlike its equally adorable relatives, Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff, Igglybuff has red eyes. | Random |
255 | Steelix | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
A combination of Steel- and Ground-types, Steelix are the longest Pokémon yet to be discovered, reaching over 30 feet in length. Since they live so deep under the surface of the earth, the intense pressure has made their bodies stronger than diamonds. Evolved from Onix, Steelix is every bit as intimidating as its relative. | Random |
256 | Heracross | ![]() |
Pokémon Gold & Silver 10/00 |
(1.0/1.01 NTSC) Heracross are powerful creatures that are known to drive their single horns into the bellies of their foes and then toss them over their heads. The immense power of their Megahorn move is said to be the strongest among insectoid Pokémon. They are one of several types of Pokémon that can be found by shaking trees.
(1.02 NTSC/PAL) Heracross are powerful creatures that are known to drive their single horns into the bellies of their foes and then toss them over their heads. The immense power of their Megahorn move is said to be the strongest among Bug Pokémon. They are one of several types of Pokémon that can be found by shaking trees. |
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257 | Meowth | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 | Meowth's dream. Meowth strides all over the globe, scattering invitations to other Pokémon, insisting they come to "Meowth's Party." At this wonderful party, guests are packed in like sardines as Meowth climbs up the stage with its faithful guitar. It strikes a chord, pauses, and then rocks their world! | Collect every playable character's Blue Smash trophy either by playing 300 VS. matches or by completing All-Star with all characters |
258 | Professor Oak | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
The leading expert on the study of Pokémon. It seems there are always new and mysterious species of Pokémon being brought to light, and Professor Oak is at the heart of it all with his insightful research. The Pokédex is one of his inventions: new trainers receive one, and a Pokémon to boot, when they start out. | Random |
259 | Misty | ![]() |
Pokémon Red & Blue 9/98 |
Misty's the gym leader of Cerulean City and a real tomboy. She loves swimming and all things aquatic, so she makes a point of collecting Starmie, Staryu, and other Water-type Pokémon. This is common among gym leaders: typically, the Pokémon kept by trainers tend to reflect that person's personality and preferences. | Random |
260 | ZERO-ONE | ![]() |
Pokémon Snap 7/99 |
Many wild Pokémon live on Pokémon Island, and avid cameraman Todd uses the ZERO-ONE as his means to get close to them. The ZERO-ONE is fully automated: its progress is monitored and controlled by a series of strategically located beacons. The vehicle can instantly change its shape to allow it to travel by land, water, and air. | Random |
Game order[edit]
# | Name |
130 | Bulbasaur |
131 | Venusaur |
132 | Charizard |
133 | Squirtle |
134 | Blastoise |
135 | Pikachu |
136 | Clefairy |
137 | Jigglypuff |
138 | Poliwhirl |
139 | Electrode |
140 | Weezing |
141 | Chansey |
142 | Goldeen |
143 | Staryu |
144 | Ditto |
145 | Eevee |
146 | Snorlax |
147 | Articuno |
148 | Zapdos |
149 | Moltres |
150 | Mewtwo |
151 | Mew |
152 | Chikorita |
153 | Cyndaquil |
154 | Totodile |
155 | Crobat |
156 | Pichu |
157 | Cleffa |
158 | Igglybuff |
159 | Togepi |
160 | Bellossom |
161 | Marill |
162 | Sudowoodo |
163 | Unown |
164 | Wobbuffet |
165 | Steelix |
166 | Scizor |
167 | Heracross |
168 | Porygon2 |
169 | Raikou |
170 | Entei |
171 | Suicune |
172 | Lugia |
173 | Ho-oh |
174 | Celebi |
175 | Meowth |
176 | Professor Oak |
177 | Misty |
178 | Poké Ball |
179 | ZERO-ONE |
180 | Pokémon Stadium |
239 | Pikachu SMASH |
240 | Pikachu SMASH |
241 | Jigglypuff SMASH |
242 | Jigglypuff SMASH |
255 | Mewtwo SMASH |
256 | Mewtwo SMASH |
267 | Pichu SMASH |
268 | Pichu SMASH |
- With the exception of Meowth, the game order of the Pokémon trophies is ordered by each Pokémon's National Pokédex number.
- Coincidentally through the game order, Mewtwo, Mew, and Chikorita share the same numbers as their National Pokédex numbers.
- All of the Classic trophies for the playable Pokémon characters match previously used poses:
- Pikachu's trophy pose resembles its sprite from Pokémon Yellow.
- Jigglypuff's trophy is unique in that it doesn't resemble a previously used pose; however, it does resemble its artwork in Melee.
- Mewtwo's trophy pose resembles its sprite from Pokémon Red and Green (Japanese release).
- Pichu's trophy pose resembles its official artwork from Pokémon Gold and Silver, albeit with its ear angled differently.
- Bellossom's trophy pose resembles its official artwork from Pokémon Gold and Silver.
- The Meowth trophy is based on a song from the Pokémon anime series starring the Team Rocket trio's talking Meowth known as Meowth's Party. Video footage from this song was included in a trailer at E3 2001 showing footage for GameCube games (including Melee), and it would later appear as part of the Pichu Bros. in Party Panic! anime short included as part of Pokémon Channel.
- Misty and Professor Oak's trophies are also based off of their appearances in the anime.
- Oddly, the filename for the Meowth trophy is suffixed with the letter R, which is used internally to designate the trophies for playable fighters.
- Charmander is the only starter at the time to not have a trophy in Melee, although its final evolution, Charizard, does appear.
Trophies by series | |
Melee trophies | Mario · Yoshi · Donkey Kong · The Legend of Zelda · F-Zero · Star Fox · Metroid · Kirby · EarthBound · Fire Emblem · Pokémon · Ice Climber · Game & Watch · Others · Super Smash Bros. · (All trophies) |
Brawl trophies | Super Smash Bros. · The Subspace Emissary · Mario · Donkey Kong · The Legend of Zelda · Metroid · Yoshi · Kirby · Star Fox · Pokémon · F-Zero · EarthBound · Ice Climber · Fire Emblem · Kid Icarus · Wario · Pikmin · Animal Crossing · Game & Watch · Others · Metal Gear · Sonic the Hedgehog · (All trophies) |
SSB4 trophies | Super Smash Bros. · Mario · Donkey Kong · The Legend of Zelda · Metroid · Yoshi · Kirby · Star Fox · Pokémon · F-Zero · EarthBound · Fire Emblem · Game & Watch · Kid Icarus · Wario · Pikmin · R.O.B. · Animal Crossing · Wii Fit · Punch-Out!! · Xenoblade Chronicles · Duck Hunt · Others · Sonic the Hedgehog · Mega Man · Pac-Man · Street Fighter · Final Fantasy · Bayonetta · (All trophies) |