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<center><span style="color:#00bf00;font-size:50pt">14</span> to <span style="color:#ff0000;font-size:50pt">18</span> to <span style="color:#7f007f;font-size:50pt">1</span><br>Town vs. Mafia vs. Third-Party<br>Current Leader: <span style="color:#ff0000">Mafia</span><br><span style="font-size:75%"><span style="color:#00bf00">0</span> to <span style="color:#ff0000">2</span> to <span style="color:#7f007f">0</span> for bastard games</span></center>
<center><span style="color:#00bf00;font-size:50pt">15</span> to <span style="color:#ff0000;font-size:50pt">20</span> to <span style="color:#7f007f;font-size:50pt">1</span><br>Town vs. Mafia vs. Third-Party<br>Current Leader: <span style="color:#ff0000">Mafia</span><br><span style="font-size:75%"><span style="color:#00bf00">0</span> to <span style="color:#ff0000">2</span> to <span style="color:#7f007f">0</span> for bastard games</span></center>

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==Impromptu 2==
==Impromptu 2==
==Round 11==

Revision as of 22:05, April 13, 2013

Stolen from Air Conditioner because he wanted to delete it. :P

15 to 20 to 1
Town vs. Mafia vs. Third-Party
Current Leader: Mafia
0 to 2 to 0 for bastard games

The cast

The hosts

The rabble

  • Air Conditioner: AirCon
  • ReiDemon: ArrDee, MrCrow
  • Chika, an IRC regular: ino_shika_cho, Chikamatsu, Chikatank, Chunin_Chika
  • theweirdomaxim: theweirdomaxim
  • Stelios78910: Stelios
  • Another friend of Toast (and AirCon), commonly called Icemario or Ice: Icemario, MariaFresco
  • ToastUltimatum: ToastUltimatum, GreatShipToast, ArghToast, CorkscrewToast, PranksterToast
  • JamesHeart123: JamesHeart, ZombieHeart
  • DarkFox01: darkfox
  • Vincent Tran: VT, VT_hardboiled, VT_Pearsona, VT_Bearsona VT_toastpowahs, DetectiveGumshoe, VT_Masque_DeMasque
  • Yet another one of Toast and AirCon"s friends: Captain_Murasa, Remilia_Scarlet
  • Mr. Anon: Mr_Anon
  • JetpackToad: JetpackToad, SherlockJPT
  • Terrible: Terrible
  • F.T.B.: FakeTestBot, FTB
  • Drakon64: Drakon
  • PSIWolf: Agent_47, koshka, Adam_Jensen, Zoogdier, Spaghetti_Man
  • AgentFire000: RoboticAgent, DoubleAgentFire, SheriffFire, Agent
  • HavocReaper48: Havoc48, TheHavocThatReapsBack
  • RoyboyX: RoyboyX, HelenCrowleysGhost
  • Omega Tyrant: OmegaTyrant
  • Megibeelzebub
  • sugarfrosted

Round 0

Game 1

From Action/Speech
AirCon So I vote for ArrDee
AirCon Together we can bring down the demon!
ArrDee listens to the crickets chirp.

Game 1 postgame

From Action/Speech
ino_shika_cho sorry AirCon
ino_shika_cho sorry
AirCon >:(
AirCon fatally stabs ino_shika_cho.
AirCon IS
AirCon FOR
AirCon TO

Round 1

Game 1 pregame

From Action/Speech
theweirdomaxim Mafia will die!!!
AirCon theweirdomaxim: What if you turn out to be a Mafioso?
theweirdomaxim ...I will die!!! :P
From Action/Speech
theweirdomaxim is making popcorn in midnight :p
AirCon steals theweirdomaxim's popcorn
AirCon NOM
AirCon NOM
AirCon NOM
theweirdomaxim :(
Stelios Meh, you can have it. It's salted.
AirCon ...If you turn out to be a Mafioso, I'm probably going to die for it, am I?
theweirdomaxim ...nah
theweirdomaxim I will kill you even if I am not mafia :3
From Action/Speech
Icemario has made some toast.

Game 1

From Action/Speech
ToastUltimatum Anyways, I'm lynching Chikamatsu
Chikamatsu THE HELL
ToastUltimatum He's got that funny look in his eyes
Chikamatsu ????
AirCon says yes too
AirCon A Nicki Minaj fan is bad news
AirCon votes to lynch Chikamatsu too.
Chikamatsu Omdzz
JamesHeart Chikamatsu.
Chikamatsu omggg -_-
Chikamatsu NO FAIR
Chikamatsu ganging up on meeee
AirCon Chikamatsu: Your fault for liking Nicki Minaj.
Chikamatsu Unfair
Chikamatsu everyone is different guys
Chikamatsu -_-
MrCrow I put a vote in on Chikamatsu, for the same reason as AC.
From Action/Speech
Icemario I'm lynching JamesHeart.
Icemario He's been silent.
Icemario TOO silent.
JamesHeart says something.
From Action/Speech
ToastUltimatum Hold your god damn horses
AirCon holds his goddamn horses
Icemario holds his horses tight.
AirCon watches as the horses drag him across the road, causing multiple injuries
Icemario gets carried away by the horses.
AirCon Ow
AirCon Ow
AirCon Ouch
From Action/Speech
Chikamatsu darkfox i dont think your vote would count anyways
AirCon Chikamatsu: Every vote counts
AirCon That's what's great about the American democracy
AirCon Oh, wait...
From Action/Speech
Toomai *Discussion over. (Re-)Post your final votes.*
AirCon votes for Chikamatsu
Icemario votes for JamesHeart.
darkfox votes Icemario.
theweirdomaxim votes toast
JamesHeart votes icemario
ToastUltimatum votes for Chikamatsu
Icemario How cold-hearted of you people.
JamesHeart Icy what you did there.
AirCon Don't give him the cold shoulder.
Icemario Ice pun, that was pretty cool.
Icemario We need an ice-breaker.
theweirdomaxim Freeze!
From ##sw-game ##sw-game-badguys
Toomai Your move.
darkfox thinks
AirCon Will whoever the hell is the Mafioso please hurry up?
darkfox Alex!
AirCon probably should not have infuriated a Mafioso
Toomai *Day 4. Famous last words.*
=-= MODE ##sw-game -v AirCon by Toomai

Game 2

From Action/Speech
Toomai *You have successfully lunched a Mafioso. Night 1.*
AirCon We lunched a Mafioso?
AirCon Yay!
AirCon eats VT's bacon
Toomai Yes that was not a typo.
From Action/Speech
JamesHeart Not as impressive as the Ninth Doctor, but I successfully protected AirCon.
darkfox Alex: Thank James.
AirCon shakes JamesHeart
darkfox NOW
AirCon Whoops
AirCon I meant to say
AirCon shakes JamesHeart's hand

Round 2

Game 1 pregame

From Action/Speech
Toomai *Also, there is a new role in this game.*
theweirdomaxim what is that?
AirCon I mean,
AirCon Maybe
VT mmm
AirCon Who the hell knows

Game 1

From Action/Speech
AirCon There he is :|
AirCon Our "spectator"
AirCon Toomai: Does he replace RingtailedFox then?
Toomai *Too late for mib to join unfortunately.*
Toomai *You may continue with lynching a hapless mutt.*
From Action/Speech
ToastUltimatum Anyways, I'm going to be nice
ToastUltimatum *No lynch*
Toomai *Please leave the bold text to me.*

Game 2

From Action/Speech
CaptainMurasa Basically, assuming I am innocent, AirCon, Havoc and VT are two of the bad guys
AirCon >Me, Havoc, and VT
AirCon >Two guys
AirCon slowly claps
CaptainMurasa inb4 insane cop

Round 3

Game 1

From Action/Speech
Mr_Anon Let me do the math for a sec.
Mr_Anon I change my suspicions to neutral for the meantime.
Mr_Anon 1/16 chance that you are normal cop and correctly investigate the Mafia. 3/16 chance of above and turning up with an innocent person.
Mr_Anon 1/4 chance of being naive and getting innocent.
Mr_Anon 1/4 chance of paranoid and getting guilty
Mr_Anon 1/8 chance of being random and getting guilty
Mr_Anon 1/8 chance of being random and getting innocent
Mr_Anon So you have a 7/16 chance of getting a guilty finding. Now if you get guilty, you have a 1/7 chance of being normal cop and correctly getting it.
Mr_Anon You have a 4/7 chance of being paranoid, in which case you have an additional 1/7 chance of correctly being paranoid.
Chikatank strangles Mr_Anon
From Action/Speech
Toomai *Alright day 2. A Cop is dead. Big surprise there.*
=-= MODE ##sw-game -v Chikatank
=-= Toomai has changed the topic to: "Day 2. Dead Cop! Shocker!"

Round 4

Game 1 postgame

From Action/Speech
Toomai *Mafia was JetpackToad and Terrible.*
GreatShipToast Except the Mafia weren't terrible
GreatShipToast OHOHOHOHO
GreatShipToast PUN TIMES
JetpackToad That was so PUNNY

Game 2

From ##sw-game ##sw-game-badguys
Toomai *You have lynched Aquoshi, the Nose (Cop).*
GreatShipToast Boshi sad :(
Terrible Damn it!
Icemario We're screwed.
Terrible I mean, "Yoshi!"
Icemario Again.
JetpackToad Its Ice
GreatShipToast Terrible bat me in a race
JetpackToad Its his fault
GreatShipToast I want to fire Terrible
Terrible Ba dum, crash!
Icemario O.o
GreatShipToast Then Boshi will be the fastest
JetpackToad him saving Toast
GreatShipToast Boshi eat cookies out of sorrow
GreatShipToast Cookies make Boshi go zoom
Icemario Fine, let's get Terrible.
Terrible Zoom meaning shit his pants
JetpackToad Wow what is it with us killing the Cop on Day 1

Round 5

Game 2 pregame

From Action/Speech
Toomai *The setup is: 1 Cop, 1 Gunsmith, 1 Mafia Goon, and 1 Mafia ???*
FakeTestBot What's with the ???
darkfox Secret?
darkfox Mafia?
darkfox Sub-role?
darkfox [1]
From Action/Speech
ArghToast I like how Toomai has a substantial amount of followers on Miiverse when he has no plans to make posts

Game 2

From Action/Speech
Drakon leaves the bar
Agent_47 Ooh
=-= MODE ##sw-game -v Drakon by MafiaBot
=-= MafiaBot has changed the topic to "Day 2"
Toomai *Shoulda stayed in the bar.*

Game 3

From Action/Speech
=-= MafiaBot has changed the topic to "Day 1"
Agent_47 Ok?
Drakon preforms a stylish waltz on the block
JamesHeart !nolynch
Drakon !nolynch
RoyboyX !nolynch
JetpackToad that was quick
darkfox !nolynch
ArghToast !nolynch
ArghToast Speed
Agent_47 !nolynch
darkfox !votecount
MafiaBot No lynch: 6 (Agent_47, ArghToast, Drakon, JamesHeart, RoyboyX, darkfox)
JetpackToad !nolymch
Toomai **
From ##sw-game ##sw-game-badguys
ArghToast Agent_47 will get bulldozed by a snowplough-equipped truck.
... ...
Agent_47 What
darkfox NO LUNA!
=-= MODE ##sw-game -v Agent_47 by MafiaBot
Mr_Anon grabs Agent_47
=-= MafiaBot has changed the topic to "Day 2"
Mr_Anon was too late.
JetpackToad holy s*** AGENT!
JamesHeart Random death messages for the win.
JetpackToad well soebody is dead
From Action/Speech
Toomai *As an innocent civilian narrowly avoids a falling piano from an onlooker's warning, the piano-dropper is pushed out the window.*
=-= MODE ##sw-game kill JetpackToad
Toomai *The town wins.*
darkfox salutes!

Round 6

Game 1

From Action/Speech
JamesHeart !vote Agent_47
VT well*
Agent_47 wtf
VT mmmm
Agent_47 !vote JamesHeart
VT I feel like it'll be up to me T~T
Agent_47 clearly mafia now.
Agent_47 It is.
Toomai That's called an "OMGUS" vote.
VT what does that even stand for
Toomai "omg you suck"
VT takes out an orange wooden pencil
JamesHeart I really hope VT isn't mafia.
Agent_47 ^
VT I'm not
VT I promise on my life
VT and stuff
Agent_47 "and stuff"
VT that would be such a troll though
VT I say that a lot
VT so yeah
Agent_47 what stuff
VT ummmmmm
VT how to even hcoose
VT choose*
VT don't want to die
VT so must choose carefully
Agent_47 We'll just be waiting here
Agent_47 I guess
VT marks a wooden pencil with half the sides as J and half the sides as A
Agent_47 dances with James
VT rolls the wooden pencil
Agent_47 that is a shitty method
Agent_47 but it works i guess
VT wut is this hax in real life
VT I don't even know
VT pencil fell of table
Agent_47 XD
JamesHeart ./suspense
Agent_47 just use a dice site or w/e
VT then bounced and fell perfectly so that it would basically be against a wall

Game 2

From Action/Speech
Toomai *You have slayed a hapless Banana.*
VT :<
VT dammit Mega
Icemario I like bananas.
OmegaTyrant bananas are overrated anyway
VT playing dat terraria
MrCrow Bananas suOh fuck you OT.
MrCrow Always sniping me.
VT lol
MrCrow Also, FE6 characters in FEA are okay...
MrCrow But no Fir or Rutger!
MrCrow D:
VT [emoticon missing]
MrCrow Oh well, you have Rei/Ray/Lleu/whatever it is now.
Havoc48 terraria is awesome
OmegaTyrant will it have kyza?
JamesHeart is finding all this Final Fantasy and Fire Emblem talk hard to follow.
Havoc48 and RIP, banana
From Action/Speech
Toomai *VT is dead. He was the Tomato (Town Miller).*
=-= Mode ##sw-game -v VT by MafiaBot
=-= MafiaBot has changed the topic to “Day 2”
MrCrow Bye VT.
Havoc48 -_-
MrCrow Now I have to discuss FE with OT.
MrCrow : (
MrCrow And he is very mean.
OmegaTyrant though haar was even better than her in RD
Havoc48 how about we all try to not die?
Icemario We're out of Ketchup, then.
MrCrow I killed Haar in my playthrough because I used Marcia instead of Jill.
Icemario And we lost our tenacity.
Havoc48 yes, mario, our french fries shall suffer
MrCrow Which was a shame, because he seemed funny.
Icemario I liked the guy.
OmegaTyrant if you're talking about por, i heard he isn't that good there, so it doesn't matter
Havoc48 we must hunt the potato menace for its lack of flavor without ketchup
OmegaTyrant he's a god though in rd
JamesHeart Wait. Tomato (the thing nobody knows is a fruit or veggie) was the Miller. Genius.
OmegaTyrant i say they're veggies
MrCrow Hm...what shall we do now?
OmegaTyrant don't taste sweet enough
From Action/Speech
Toomai *Havoc was Strawberry.*
MrCrow That certainly clears things up.
Icemario that good?
Icemario Or bad?
JamesHeart Fruit are town.
OmegaTyrant whoops
Icemario Gee, THANKS OT.
MrCrow I guess they aren't targetting vegetables after all.
OmegaTyrant town doesn't need havoc to win!
OmegaTyrant he was a poor player anyway, outing himself like that
Icemario ...I have my eyes on you.
JamesHeart I'm becoming suspicious myself.
OmegaTyrant you best direct your eyes elsewhere
Icemario We just lost some of our milkshakes.
MrCrow Becoming quite the narcissist, OT.
MrCrow You know who else was a narcissist?
MrCrow Ted Bundy.
OmegaTyrant we can have watermelon milkshakes
JamesHeart That would be interesting.
Icemario But DK needs them. They're his HP.
OmegaTyrant you guys already killed the banana for
Icemario Didn't you play DK64?
OmegaTyrant the ship has long since sailed for dk's beloved banana cream pies
Icemario Well, now he's easy prey. He lost all 12 of his hits.
Icemario Or was it 16?
OmegaTyrant as long as we don't lose the super happy tree, we can get the fruit back
Icemario Well, you have a point there.
Icemario At least we're all still happy...sorta.

Game 3

From Action/Speech
Toomai *And no lynch was reached on that day, and there was much disappoint.*
From Action/Speech
CorkscrewToast Smell my armpits
CorkscrewToast They smell of vanilla
From Action/Speech
JetpackToad Ok Havoc your defending OT like theres no tommorow
JetpackToad are your two in cohoots?
JetpackToad you*
MrCrow i mean what

Game 4

From ##sw-game ##sw-game-badguys
VT kills DetectiveJelly, okay.
DetectiveJelly HURRY UP MAFIA.
VT_hardboiled k
=-= Mode ##sw-game-badguys +m by Toomai
VT_hardboiled lol
Chunin_Chika has someone been lynched yet
=-= Mode ##sw-game -v VT by MafiaBot
=-= MafiaBot has changed the topic to “Day 2”
Remilia_Scarlet dun dun\
Chunin_Chika ok
VT_hardboiled :o
Toomai *That'll learn ya.*

Round 7

Game 3 postgame

From Action/Speech
VT_Pearsona wut
VT_Pearsona I was mafia?
VT_Pearsona oh wait a sec, I carried out the kill, XD

Game 4 pregame

From Action/Speech
RoboticAgent farts
JamesHeart back in three
koshka *murders Agent*
koshka *throws his corpse in the Theems*
RoboticAgent For darting?
RoboticAgent *farting?
VT_Bearsona >darting
VT_Bearsona wut

Game 5

From Action/Speech
koshka Don't forget that Toomai created the bot.
SherlockJPT Oh yeah
koshka Therefore, the bot is a gift from God.
SherlockJPT All hail Toomai Our God who has let the mafia take the lead in the winnigs instead of protecting us
AgentFire XD
SherlockJPT wait why is Toomai our god again?
koshka I should write a bible on Toomai
Toomai /demolecuralize SherlockJPT
JamesHeart I'm betting this ends up on the best of mafia page.
SherlockJPT oh thats why
koshka "In the beginning, Toomai created ##sw-game."
VT_toastpowas the world*
Toomai *Right get to arguing who's the scum.*
SherlockJPT then he said let tthere be mafia
koshka That too.
SherlockJPT woah i just recieved a message from god
koshka JPT FOR SC
koshka *SCUM

Round 8

Game 1 pregame

From Action/Speech
Detective_Gumshoe watch me die
Detective_Gumshoe like
Detective_Gumshoe right now :<
Adam_Jensen watches VT die, like, right now.
Adam_Jensen That was fun.

Game 4

From ##sw-game ##sw-game-dead
MariaFresco So, how's it going, Mafia?
MariaFresco Kill any Vanilla Domers recently
MariaFresco *?
... ...
=-= MODE -v MariaFresco by Toomai
MariaFresco JOIN ##sw-game-dead
MariaFresco ...
... ...
Toomai Wait, I goofed. Wait, I goofed.
=-= KICK ##sw-game-dead MariaFresco by Toomai
=-= MODE +v MariaFresco by Toomai
MariaFresco :D
=-= MODE -v HelenCrowleysGhost by Toomai
From Action/Speech
ZombieHeart I guess there are no specials.
MariaFresco Unless someone's hiding something.
ZombieHeart That could be likely.
ZombieHeart Well, someone is hiding something.
MariaFresco OK, I'll fess up.
MariaFresco I'm not a Vanilla Domer.
ZombieHeart Three vanillas should be a town win.
MariaFresco I'm a Vanilla Town.
MariaFresco There. I started the secret sharing.
MariaFresco So, you know.
MariaFresco Sharing is caring.
ZombieHeart I'm not really a zombie.
MariaFresco GASP.
Zoogdier jost goddamn vote someone and get this over with
Zoogdier jesus

Game 6 pregame

From Action/Speech
DoubleAgentFire lets rip a big one
MegiBeelzebub The mafia dosn't fart.....
DoubleAgentFire Everyone farts
MariaFresco It took me 11 years to realize girls farted.
darkfox Ya nevah know who'll let rip a big'an.
Havoc48 o . o
DoubleAgentFire Maria: You never farted for 11 years?
VT too much information
MegiBeelzebub Grooooooooooss
MariaFresco, I didn't know I was a girl.
MegiBeelzebub EVEN WORSE
Havoc48 O_O
DoubleAgentFire Oops
MegiBeelzebub :p
Havoc48 ...thats going on best of mafia
DoubleAgentFire I forgot you were a boy
VT asdfhjklasdfhjklasdfhjklasdfjkhlasdfhjkl....

Game 6

From Action/Speech
DoubleAgentFire !vc
MafiaBot Havoc48: 2 (DoubleAgentFire, MegiBeelzebub)
MariaFresco !vote AgentFire
MafiaBot MariaFresco: "AgentFire" is not a player in this game. You must capitalize correctly.
Havoc48 you're making a mistake by voting me, dudes
MariaFresco Argh, he's too undercover!
darkfox !vote DoubleAgent
MafiaBot darkfox: "DoubleAgent" is not a player in this game. You must capitalize correctly.
darkfox Whoops.
MegiBeelzebub Vote him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MariaFresco !vote DoubleFire
MafiaBot MariaFresco: "DoubleFire" is not a player in this game. You must capitalize correctly.
darkfox Again, way too undercover.
MariaFresco ^
From Action/Speech
MariaFresco !VC
DoubleAgentFire !vc
MafiaBot Havoc48: 2 (DoubleAgentFire, MegiBeelzebub)
MegiBeelzebub But none of you applied it directly to the forehead.
MariaFresco Mafia Bot is sexist.
MariaFresco It completely ignored me.
Toomai No it's capitalist.
MegiBeelzebub HO!
MariaFresco XD
DoubleAgentFire XD

Note: Unimportant comments in the following sequence have been removed for brevity.

From ##sw-game ##sw-game-badguys
VT lolwut
MariaFresco So, what's the plan?
darkfox MariaFresco, you should kill VT.
VT pulls gloves on
MariaFresco But that would arouse suspicion...
VT wriggles fingers
VT time to get
VT *pause*
darkfox Then who should YOU kill?
MariaFresco Hm...
darkfox MEGI!
darkfox How 'bout it?
MariaFresco Nah, let's get VT.
darkfox Megi.
darkfox He wasn't voted for at all.
MariaFresco But I'm wanting him gone now.
darkfox I know what to do.
MariaFresco VT!
darkfox Toomai: MariaFresco kills VT.
MariaFresco ...
MariaFresco >.>
darkfox Final choice.
MariaFresco Yeah, let's go with it.
Toomai Okay.
Toomai You can keep discussing until night is over.
VT wriggle fingers
VT wriggles fingers
VT wriggles fingers
VT wriggles fingers
MariaFresco Wait, can you say VT got killed in a fire as the death message?
VT decides not to prepare the lubricant
MariaFresco Something like:
VT :>
darkfox VT got SPARKING by his own fire.
MariaFresco Someone turned VT's cooker on at night. His goose was cooked.

Round 9

Postgame MafiaBot testing

From Action/Speech
SheriffUltra MafiaBot, you bored?
MafiaBot :|
SheriffUltra XD

Impromptu 1

Game 1

From Action/Speech
SheriffFire !vote HelenCrowleysGhost
MafiaBot HelenCrowleysGhost is at L-1
VT_Masque_DeMasque Toomai: so could I change my name now, for example?
TheHavocThatReapsBack anything to say, helen?
Toomai No name changes during game.
Toomai ATTENTION. HelenCrowleysGhost is mod-confirmed Town.
TheHavocThatReapsBack :O
VT_Masque_DeMasque lololol
TheHavocThatReapsBack no!
TheHavocThatReapsBack wait a sec
TheHavocThatReapsBack WAIT
HelenCrowleysGhost All I have to say is
SheriffFire April Fools
TheHavocThatReapsBack APRIL FOOLS DAY
VT_Masque_DeMasque ^
HelenCrowleysGhost "YOU CAN'T KILL A GHOST!"
SheriffFire And all
HelenCrowleysGhost Toomai tells the truth, young padawans
HelenCrowleysGhost !vc
MafiaBot HelenCrowleysGhost: 2 (PranksterToast, SheriffFire) [L-1]
MafiaBot PranksterToast: 1 (HelenCrowleysGhost) [L-2]
MafiaBot Votes required to lynch: 3
TheHavocThatReapsBack !vote HelenKCrowleysGhost
MafiaBot I am 97% sure that TheHavocThatReapsBack intended to vote for HelenCrowleysGhost, so I will count it.
MafiaBot *HAMMER*
=-= Mode ##sw-game -v HelenCrowleysGhost by MafiaBot
VT_Masque_DeMasque suXD
VT_Masque_DeMasque XD
VT_Masque_DeMasque XD
VT_Masque_DeMasque XD
VT_Masque_DeMasque XD
VT_Masque_DeMasque XD
VT_Masque_DeMasque XD
VT_Masque_DeMasque XD
VT_Masque_DeMasque XD
=-= MafiaBot has changed the topic to: "Night 1"
VT_Masque_DeMasque XD
PranksterToast Alright alright
TheHavocThatReapsBack toom thought he could trick us
VT_Masque_DeMasque his role?
Toomai I did warn you.
TheHavocThatReapsBack that sly dog...
Toomai Also he was Bulletproof.
VT_Masque_DeMasque GOD WHY

Game 2

From Action/Speech
Agent Now we wait while the mafia chooses to kill someone
sugarfrosted if there is one :3
Agent Hmm
|<-- Starman has quit (Read error: Connection timed out)
Agent erm
Toomai Whatever Mafia were gonna kill him anyway.

Round 10

Game 1

From Action/Speech
=-= MafiaBot has changed the topic to “Day 1”
Spaghetti_Man so.
FTB Silence
Spaghetti_Man GTFO SUN
JellySniper MafiaBot, the vote count please.
MafiaBot You know how many Mersenne Twisters I gonna spin up just to give you a snarky response? Can it or I'll flip a bit.
FTB So much for silence

Impromptu 2

Round 11