User:The Jacketed Terrapin/List of mentioned characters: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{uv|Fire Emblem}} trophy descriptions: It's the player character, also known as Mark)
(→‎Super Smash Bros. 4: Just getting this out of the way first.)
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==''[[Super Smash Bros. 4]]''==
==''[[Super Smash Bros. 4]]''==
===[[Palutena's Guidance]]===
{{s|icaruspedia|Hades}} is mentioned in [[Dark Pit]]'s guidance. While Hades does have a trophy in ''for Nintendo 3DS'', he makes no physical appearance in ''for Wii U''.
{{s|lylatwiki|General Pepper}} is mentioned in [[Fox]]'s guidance. While Pepper does have a trophy in ''for Nintendo 3DS'', he makes no physical appearance in ''for Wii U''.
{{s|icaruspedia|Medusa}} is mentioned in [[Peach]]'s guidance. While Medusa does have a trophy in ''for Nintendo 3DS'', she makes no physical appearance in ''for Wii U''.
[[Pichu]] and [[Raichu]] are mentioned in [[Pikachu]]'s guidance. While the former does have a trophy in ''for Nintendo 3DS'', it makes no physical appearance in ''for Wii U''.
===Trophy descriptions===
===Trophy descriptions===
===={{uv|Pokémon}} trophy descriptions====
===={{uv|Pokémon}} trophy descriptions====

Revision as of 10:30, June 7, 2020

This page is a draft.
Feel free to contribute to this page as you would a mainspace page.

This is a list of characters, group of characters, or fictional species who do not make any physical appearances whatsoever in the Super Smash Bros. series, but have been mentioned atleast once in the series. These can include gameplay-related quotes (taunts, victory quotes, quotes during attacks or Final Smashes, etc.), character profiles, trophy descriptions, stage conversations (Codec Conversations and Palutena's Guidance, or dialogue in character trailers.


-Alter egos of certain characters are not accepted. However, alternate forms that could be considered different characters (such as Mr. L from Super Paper Mario) are an exception. Subspecies of certain species are also fair game.
-For a species or group to qualify for the list, no members of said species/group must make a physical appearance.
-Groups must have a specific title to qualify. The Happy Happyist cult is allowed, but stuff such as the general concept of Pokémon Trainers or Animal Crossing villagers are not.
-In regards to player characters, only those who have a physical appearance in their games will be listed.
-Unless they are referred to by name, characters who are only ever mentioned in their series will not be listed here.
-Characters whose only mention is through a "title" (such as game or song titles) are not qualified for the list.
-Only fictionalized versions of real people are qualified. Stuff such as Will Wright's indirect mention in Dr. Wright's trophy description in Melee is not eligible.

Super Smash Bros.

Princess Peach is mentioned in Mario's profile.

Diddy Kong is mentioned in Donkey Kong's profile. Additionally, Pauline is indirectly referenced as one of the "beautiful maidens" that Donkey Kong formerly kidnapped.

Ganon is mentioned in Link's profile.

The Metroid species is mentioned in Samus's profile. The Chozo race is also mentioned, although they are only referred to as "bird people".

James McCloud, as well as Fox's teammates, are mentioned in Fox's profile, although none of them are referred to by name.

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Mario trophy descriptions

Bowser's trophy mentions the Koopalings, who are only referred to as his "seven children".

Pink Bob-ombs are mentioned in the Bob-omb's trophy description.

Bullet Bills are mentioned in the Banzai Bill's trophy description.

Spinies are mentioned in Lakitu's trophy description.

Wart is mentioned in Pidgit's trophy description.

Tatanga is mentioned in Daisy's trophy description.

Thwimps are mentioned in Thwomp's trophy description.

Big Boos are mentioned in Boo's trophy description, although referred to as "giant Boos".

Mechakoopas (formatted as "Mecha Koopas") are mentioned in the Koopa Clown Car's trophy description.

Wanda is mentioned in the trophy description of the Bucket from Mario & Wario.

Professor E. Gadd (referred to by his full name "Elvin Gadd") is mentioned in Vacuum Luigi's trophy description.

Yoshi trophy descriptions

The description of the Fly Guys (referred to as "Shy Guys") trophy indirectly mentions the various variants of the Shy Guy species. These include the normal variants, Stilt Guys, Petal Guys, Green Gloves, Mace Guys, Sluggers, Pirate Guys, Bamboo dancers, and Submarine Guys.

The Stork, as well as Mario's parents, are mentioned in Baby Mario's trophy description.

Donkey Kong trophy descriptions

Diddy Kong is mentioned in Dixie Kong's trophy description.

The Legend of Zelda trophy descriptions

Skull Kid is mentioned in the trophy descriptions for both the Four Giants and Majora's Mask.

Wallmasters are mentioned in the Like Like's trophy description.

Star Fox trophy descriptions

James McCloud is mentioned in the trophy descriptions for Fox and Peppy, although he is not referred to by name in the former's description.

ROB 64 (referred to as simply "ROB") is mentioned in the Great Fox's trophy description.

Pigma Dengar is mentioned in Peppy's trophy description.

Metroid trophy descriptions

The Chozo race is mentioned in the trophy descriptions for Samus, the Chozo Statue, and Samus Unmasked.

Mochtroids are mentioned in the Metroid's trophy description.

Kirby trophy descriptions

Nightmare is mentioned in the Star Rod's trophy description.

Burning Leo is mentioned in Fire Kirby's trophy description.

Parasol Waddle Dees are indirectly mentioned in Waddle Dee's trophy description.

Coo and Kine are mentioned in Rick's trophy description.

EarthBound trophy descriptions

The Happy Happyist cult is mentioned in Paula's trophy description.

Dr. Andonauts is mentioned in Jeff's trophy description.

Giygas is mentioned in the Starman's trophy description.

The Starman's trophy description mentions the race's various subspecies. These include Starman Jr., Starman Deluxe, and Starman Super.

Fire Emblem trophy descriptions

Anri, Medeus, and Hardin are mentioned in Marth's trophy description.

Eliwood and Guinivere are mentioned in Roy's trophy description. However, the former is not referred to by name.

Pokémon trophy descriptions

Raichu is mentioned in Pikachu's trophy description.

Wigglytuff is mentioned in the trophy descriptions for Jigglypuff and Igglybuff.

Ivysaur is mentioned in the trophy descriptions for Venusaur and Bulbasaur.

Charmander is mentioned in the trophy descriptions for Charizard and Bulbasaur.

Wartortle is mentioned in the trophy descriptions for Squirtle and Blastoise.

Voltorb is mentioned in Electrode's trophy description.

Koffing is mentioned in Weezing's trophy description.

Starmie is mentioned in the trophy descriptions for Staryu and Misty.

Professor Elm is mentioned in Togepi's trophy description.

Gloom is mentioned in Bellossom's trophy description.

Azumarill is mentioned in Marill's trophy description.

Scyther is mentioned in Scizor's trophy description.

Poliwrath and Politoed are mentioned in Poliwhirl's trophy description.

Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, and Umbreon are all mentioned in Eevee's trophy description.

Croconaw is mentioned in Totodile's trophy description.

Golbat is mentioned in Crobat's trophy description.

Todd Snap is mentioned in the ZERO-ONE's trophy description.

Miscellaneous series trophy descriptions

Lip from Panel de Pon is mentioned in Lip's Stick's trophy description.

Tsurugi and Yaiba, as well as their Robos Spear and Lance, from Custom Robo V2 are mentioned in the Bayonette's trophy description.

Nanase, as well as the illegal Robo Majel, from Custom Robo V2 are mentioned in Annie's trophy description.

The player character from Animal Crossing is mentioned in Tom Nook's trophy description.

Kururin, as well as his siblings (albeit all unnamed), from Kuru Kuru Kururin are mention in the Helirin's (romanized as "Heririn") trophy description.

The Devil from Devil World is mentioned in Tamagon's trophy description, although he is only referred to as a "large, winged demon".

The dog from Duck Hunt is mentioned in the Ducks' trophy description.

Uniras from Clu Clu Land are mentioned in Bubbles's trophy description, although they are referred to as "Sea Urchins".

The Quadrunners from Mach Rider are mentioned in Mach Rider's trophy description.

Palutena and Medusa from Kid Icarus are mentioned in Pit's trophy description.

Ringo the dog, Matsunosuke the monkey, and Ohana the pheasant from Shin Onigashima are all mentioned in Donbe & Hikari's trophy description.

Yoko Kojima from Famicom Tantei Club Part II is referenced in Ayumi Tachibana's trophy description, only being referred to as one of Ayumi's "friends".

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Codec Conversations

Hardin is referenced in the Marth's Codec conversation, only being referred to as Marth's "most trusted friends".

Psycho Mantis is mentioned in Ness's Codec conversation.

The Chozo race is mentioned in the Codec conversation for Samus and Zero Suit Samus.

Trophy description

Mario trophy descriptions

Tatanga is mentioned in Striker Daisy's trophy description.

Mr. L (formatted as "Mister L"), Luigi's brainwashed alter-ego, is mentioned in Paper Luigi's trophy description.

Natasha is mentioned in Wedding Peach's trophy description.

The Mega Goomba is mentioned in the Giant Goomba's trophy description.

Frackles are mentioned in Fracktail's trophy description.

Professor E. Gadd (once again being referred to by his full name "Elvin Gadd") is mentioned in the trophy descriptions for F.L.U.D.D. and the Poltergust 3000.

Donkey Kong trophy descriptions

Winky is mentioned in Kass's PAL English trophy description.

Krunchas and Krumples are mentioned in Kludge's North American trophy description.

The Legend of Zelda trophy descriptions

The Sheikah tribe is mentioned in Sheik's trophy description.

Bo is mentioned in Ilia's trophy description.

Talo is mentioned in Malo's trophy description.

Golden Bugs are mentioned in Agitha's trophy description.

Yeto is mentioned in Yeta's trophy description. Blizzeta, a form Yeta unknowingly takes, is also mentioned.

The Goron Elders are mentioned in Darbus's trophy description, although none of them are named. However, Gor Coron is mentioned by name in the Goron's trophy description.

Fyrus, a form Darbus unknowingly takes, is mentioned in his trophy description.

Queen Rutela is mentioned in Ralis's trophy description.

The Twilight Princess version of King Zora is mentioned in the Zora's trophy description.

Komali is mentioned in Medli's trophy description.

The Helmasaur King is referenced in the Helmaroc King's trophy description, although the trophy description claims that they are the being, referencing the fact that both bosses share the same name in Japanese.

The Gohma boss from The Wind Waker is mentioned in Valoo's trophy description.

Niko is mentioned in the Pirate Ship's trophy description. He is also indirectly mentioned in Tetra's trophy description, being referred to as among her "followers".

Metroid trophy descriptions

The Chozo race is mentioned in the trophy descriptions for Samus, Zero Suit Samus, and Samus (Power Suit).

The X Parasites are mentioned in the trophy description for Samus (Fusion Suit) and the Gunship.

The Amorbis is mentioned in the trophy description for Samus (Dark Suit).

The baby Metroid is mentioned in Ridley's trophy description. Samus's parents, Rodney Aran and Virginia Aran, are also mentioned, but are not referred to by name.

The Alimbic race is mentioned in the trophy descriptions for Kanden and Spire.

Baby Sheegoths are mentioned in the Sheegoth's trophy description.

Kirby trophy descriptions

Nightmare (referred to as "Nightmare Wizard") is mentioned in the Star Rod's trophy description.

Noddy is mentioned in Sleep Kirby's trophy description.

Parasol Waddle Dees are indirectly mentioned in Waddle Dee's trophy description.

King Golem is mentioned in the Golem's trophy description.

The Heavy Lobster is mentioned in the Halberd's trophy description.

Star Fox trophy descriptions

James McCloud is mentioned in Wolf's trophy description. He is also referenced, but not named, in General Pepper's trophy description.

The Aparoids are mentioned in the trophy description for Fox (Assault), Tricky, and Great Fox (Assualt).

The Anglar race is mentioned in the trophy description for Falco (Command).

General Scales is mentioned in Tricky's trophy description.

Pokémon trophy descriptions

Raichu is mentioned in Pikachu's trophy description.

Wartortle is mentioned in Squirtle's trophy description.

Venusaur is mentioned in Ivysaur's trophy description.

Wigglytuff is mentioned in Jigglypuff's trophy description.

Professor Rowan and Prinplup are mentioned in Piplup's trophy description.

Sudowoodo is mentioned in Bonsly's trophy description.

Ditto and Phione are mentioned in Manaphy's trophy description.

Combusken is mentioned in Torchic's trophy description.

Swalot is mentioned in Gulpin's trophy description.

Beldum and Metang are mentioned in Metagross's trophy description.

Persian is mentioned in Meowth's trophy description.

Seaking is mentioned in Goldeen's trophy description.

Starmie is mentioned in Staryu's trophy description.

Bayleef is mentioned in Chikorita's trophy description.

Togetic is mentioned in Togepi's trophy description.

Monferno is mentioned in Chimchar's trophy description.

Charmeleon is mentioned in Charmander's trophy description.

Quilava is mentioned in Cyndaquil's trophy description.

Croconaw is mentioned in Totodile's trophy description.

Grovyle is mentioned in Treecko's trophy description.

Marshtomp is mentioned in Mudkip's trophy description.

Staravia is mentioned in Starly's trophy description.

Lopunny is mentioned in Buneary's trophy description.

Eevee is mentioned in Glaceon and Leafeon's trophy description. Eevee's other evolutions are also indirectly mentioned, being referred to as among "seven different Pokémon" it can evolve into.

Marowak is mentioned in Cubone's trophy description.

Skiploom is mentioned in Hoppip's trophy description.

Drifblim is mentioned in Drifloon's trophy description.

Glalie and Froslass are mentioned in Snorunt's trophy description.

Abomasnow is mentioned in Snover's trophy description.

Magneton is mentioned in Magnezone's trophy description.

Electabuzz is mentioned in Electivire's trophy description.

EarthBound trophy descriptions

Buzz Buzz is referenced in Ness's trophy description, although he is not referred to by name.

Giygas is referenced in the trophy descriptions for Ness and Porky.

Dr. Andonuts is mentioned in Jeff's trophy description.

Fire Emblem trophy descriptions

Medeus and Hardin are mentioned in Marth's trophy description.

Lyn's trophy description mentions her meeting of a lost traveler, the player character.

Yune and Ashera are referenced in Ashnard's trophy description, although neither is referred to by name.

Kid Icarus trophy descriptions

Medusa is mentioned in the trophy descriptions for Pit, Palutena, and Palutena's Bow.

Pikmin trophy descriptions

Anode Dweevils are mentioned in the Yellow Pikmin's trophy description.

Bulbord Larvae are mentioned in the Empress Bulblax's trophy description.

Animal Crossing trophy descriptions

Don Resetti is mentioned in Mr. Resetti's trophy description.

Miscellaneous series trophy descriptions

Professor Hector from the R.O.B. series is mentioned in R.O.B.'s trophy description.

Bubbles from Clu Clu Land is mentioned in the Unira's trophy description.

The Medaman enemies from Devil World are referenced in Devil's trophy description, only being referred to as his "cyclopean minions".

Mr. Left from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening is referenced in his look-alike Dr. Wright's trophy description, although he is not referred to by name.

Old Man Lobber from The Legendary Starfy series (referred to as "Lobjii-san" due to the series having yet to be localized) is mentioned in Starfy's trophy description.

Doc Louis from Punch-Out!! is mentioned in Little Mac's trophy description.

Tingtin the Bat from Jam with the Band is mentioned in Barbara's trophy description.

The protagonist of Custom Robo Arena is mentioned in Ray Mk III's trophy description. The protagonist's sister and father, Tamara and Edvin Geary respectively, are also referenced, by neither is referred to by name.

Achi and Airan, as well as the Ruffians, from Sin & Punishment are mentioned in Saki Amamiya's trophy description.

The Skulkers from Drill Dozer are mentioned in Jill's trophy description. Doug, Jill's father and leader of the Red Dozers, is also referenced, but he is not referred to by name.

Professor Rabbit from the Kururin series is mentioned in the Action Helirins' trophy description.

Augiust from Chōsōjū Mecha MG is mentioned in the Warrior Mech Gauss's trophy description.

Professor Doran, also from Chōsōjū Mecha MG, is mentioned in the HM Mech Rosa's trophy description.

Kofoo, another character from Chōsōjū Mecha MG, is mentioned in the Musketeer Daltania's trophy description.

Brian Bradley and Rachel from Hotel Dusk: Room 215 are mentioned in Kyle Hyde's trophy description.

Ashley Robbin's parents, Richard Robbins and Sayoko Robbins, from Trace Memory are referenced in her trophy description, but neither is referred to by name.

Metal Gear trophy descriptions

Solidus Snake is referenced in Naked Snake's trophy description.

Nikolai Sokolov is referenced in the Shagohod's trophy description.

Super Smash Bros. 4

Palutena's Guidance

Hades is mentioned in Dark Pit's guidance. While Hades does have a trophy in for Nintendo 3DS, he makes no physical appearance in for Wii U.

General Pepper is mentioned in Fox's guidance. While Pepper does have a trophy in for Nintendo 3DS, he makes no physical appearance in for Wii U.

Medusa is mentioned in Peach's guidance. While Medusa does have a trophy in for Nintendo 3DS, she makes no physical appearance in for Wii U.

Pichu and Raichu are mentioned in Pikachu's guidance. While the former does have a trophy in for Nintendo 3DS, it makes no physical appearance in for Wii U.

Trophy descriptions

Pokémon trophy descriptions

Froakie is mentioned in Greninja’s trophy description.

Murkrow is mentioned in Meowth’s trophy description.

Starmie and Cleffa are mentioned in Staryu’s trophy description.

Articuno and Zapdos are mentioned in Moltres’s PAL trophy description. (Wii U only)

Dr Fuji is mentioned in Mew’s trophy description.

Gloom is mentioned in Bellossom’s trophy description.

Ekans and Onix are mentioned in Snivy’s trophy description. Onix is also mentioned in Steelix’s trophy description.

Quilladin is mentioned in Chespin’s original trophy description.

Slurpuff is mentioned in Swirlix’s original trophy description.

Bulbasaur is mentioned in Ivysaur’s trophy description.

Professor Oak is mentioned in Squirtle’s trophy description.

Misty, Brock, Cynthia, Iris, and Ash are mentioned in Pokemon Trainer’s trophy description.

Professor Elm is mentioned in Pichu’s trophy description.

Porygon and Porygon 2 are mentioned in Porygon Z’s trophy description.

Mega Garchomp is mentioned in Garchomp’s trophy description.

Klink, Klang, Gible, Gabite, Abra, and Kadabra are all mentioned in Klinklang’s trophy description.

Litleo is mentioned in Pyroar’s trophy description.

Normal Kangaskhan is mentioned in Mega Kangaskhan’s trophy description.