Dispute Handling 70%    
Smash Skill 79%    
Smash Knowledge 98%    
Spelling/Grammar 74%    
Typing Speed 75%    
Wikipresence 75%    
Wikiskill 35%    
Basic Attributes
Firefence This user takes 50% less damage from Flame attacks.
Icy Veins This user's Flame attacks deal minimal damage.
Mr. Vulcan This user's Logic attacks deal 33% more damage.
Notoriety This user is a significant contributor.
Photographer This user can upload screenshots.
Respectability This user cannot use Troll attacks.
Troll Roll This user's Troll attacks deal 50% more damage.
Vigilant Noctivigant This user is often around while the rest of the wiki is asleep.
Other Attributes