User:NibRocTheDJHero/Character & Stage Concepts
These are Super Smash Bros. character concepts and stages that I have conjured up over the span of a year, starting back in March of 2021. Being that Super Smash Bros. as a whole has been a big part of my life as of late, I've been really into making movesets for potential contenders for Super Smash Bros. inclusions in the future, as well as home stages for each (if not, a majority) of my fighters. This page and it's style are mainly inspired by DrakRoar's and Aidanzapunk's very own respective concept pages.
Unlike many concept makers, my challenge is not just to create moveset for characters who would have a chance to be a part of a Super Smash Bros. installmenet because of their statuses and overall presences in gaming as a whole, but to also include as many difficult and/or obscure characters I can to make it worthwile and challenging. The majoirty of my cast will be consisted of characters who originally started as game characters, while others will include characters from animation and comics. All movesets that I've created will follow Ultimate's base damage concept, as well as being listed without a 1v1 multiplier.
Down the road, as I get better with visual art and animation, 2D drawings of characters, rather than 3D renders, will be used for the concept; it will be much easier to make alternate colors and costumes for each character that way in my opinion for the time being, so if you do not see any images of the characters I conceptualize, that's why.
Previous iterations of my concepts have been made here, where I made my initial start creating my own Super Smash Bros. movesets. This will give you a glimpse of what to look for in the near future and beyond. Props to AdamGregory07 for allowing me to be a part of the community.