From SmashWiki, the Super Smash Bros. wiki
This user has made 1,085 edits.
I mainly just scourge the pages that need working on and fix those up. I now have Switch Online, but still no battles for you punk. Not like that you cared or anything. #UnbanHero
Current Objectives
Feel free to annoy me about these as much as you want.
Objectives I helped complete
Amiibos I Own
The first amiibo I ever owned. I made his amiibo name Dead Mom.
Got this amiibo for 2018 Christmas. Lost it for a while, but eventually found it in a very dusty place.
Part of a cheap Animal Crossing amiibo 3-pack I got. Plus, he's pretty chill man.
Part of a cheap Animal Crossing amiibo 3-pack I got. Better than Reese because I like blue.
Part of a cheap Animal Crossing amiibo 3-pack I got. Worst than Cyrus because I like blue.
Bought this amiibo with a gift card I got for 2019 Christmas. I'll probably name him Furry #69.
I haven't been keeping track of these for a while, so I've forgotten most of their origins beyond this point. At least you won't need to deal with my poor humor anymore.
I believe I got him at a flea market? I'm sure whoever was selling him was glad somebody took him off their hands.
Got her at a nerdcore store. Figured it had been a while since I got a new amiibo anyways.
Some of the Greatest Images on this Wiki
Lucas robs Mr. Resetti in order to obtain enough money to live for a few months
Currently trying to save this image from a grim death
Donkey Kong holds a barrel in the darkness.