Super Smash Bros.
Super Smash Bros. Melee

Tournament:Revival of Brabant

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Revival of Brabant
Revival of Brabant.jpg
Dates January 19th, 2020
Address/City Jacob van Wassenaerstraat 69, 5685 DB
Best, Netherlands Netherlands
Attendance 61
Entry fees Venue: 7€ (early bird) / 10€ (normal)
Melee Singles: 5€
Melee Doubles: 5€
64 Singles: 2€
Pot size(s) ?
Super Smash Bros. winners Canada Lawliver 1v1
Super Smash Bros. Melee winners Netherlands $tijn 1v1
Netherlands FoutNL & Netherlands $tijn 2v2
Organizer(s) VLERK, StoneyMaloney

Revival of Brabant was a regional Super Smash Bros. and Super Smash Bros. Melee tournament held in Best, in the Brabant region of Netherlands.


Super Smash Bros. singles[edit]

(14 entrants)

Place Name Character(s) Earnings
1st Canada Lawliver
2nd Belgium PositiveX
3rd Netherlands Bart
4th Belgium Jules♥
5th Netherlands VeCystim
5th Netherlands StoneyMaloney

Super Smash Bros. Melee singles[edit]

(53 entrants)

Place Name Character(s) Earnings
1st Netherlands $tijn Fox (SSBM)
2nd Netherlands FoutNL Peach (SSBM)
3rd Netherlands Aaron Sheik (SSBM)
4th Netherlands Jim Morrison Fox (SSBM)
5th Netherlands Skullbro Fox (SSBM)
5th Netherlands Nebbii Yoshi (SSBM)
7th Netherlands Nukidin Falco (SSBM)
7th Netherlands KasparV Marth (SSBM)

External links[edit]