Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Tournament:EvoChacra 2023

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EvoChacra 2023
Evo Chacra.jpg
Dates January 14th, 2023
Venue Chacra Jardín de Eventos
Address/City Camino Conde 4761
Montevideo, Uruguay Uruguay
Attendance 52
Entry fees Smash Ultimate singles: $500 UYU
Spectators: $150 UYU
Smash Ultimate singles + Trasport: $700 UYU
Spectators + Transport: $350 UYU
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate winners Uruguay KazuyaFan22
Organizer(s) Pos3idón, Walachia, San Martín y Burgués

EvoChacra 2023 was a tournament held by Pos3idón, Walachia, and the Crew San Martín y Burgués in Montevideo featuring singles for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Like its predecessor NSU EvoChacra 2020, the tournament featured different talents from all over the continent.


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate singles[edit]

(52 entrants)

Place Name Character(s) Earnings
1st Uruguay KazuyaFan22 Steve (SSBU) $6000 UYU
2nd Peru MeetLeo Wii Fit Trainer (SSBU) $3000 UYU
3rd Uruguay Mitsu Sephiroth (SSBU)Roy (SSBU) $2000 UYU
4th Uruguay Casipeta Lucas (SSBU)Dr. Mario (SSBU) $1600 UYU
5th Argentina Conia Palutena (SSBU) $1200 UYU
5th Ecuador Josué Min Min (SSBU)Terry (SSBU) $1200 UYU
7th Uruguay RIGONARDO Pokémon Trainer (SSBU)Ganondorf (SSBU) $1000 UYU
7th Argentina Baki Ken (SSBU)Kazuya (SSBU) $1000 UYU
9th Uruguay Psycho Joker (SSBU)
9th Paraguay Konkreto Ness (SSBU)
9th Uruguay Zoro Fox (SSBU)Mewtwo (SSBU)
9th Uruguay ENEMA Diddy Kong (SSBU)
13th Australia Embo Young Link (SSBU)
13th Uruguay Pulga King Dedede (SSBU)
13th Uruguay Alberti Pac-Man (SSBU)
13th Uruguay ZAPO Yoshi (SSBU)

Side events[edit]

Uruguay vs The World Crew Battle[edit]

Chile Player Character Stocks Taken World Player Character Stocks Taken
Uruguay KazuyaFan22 Steve (SSBU) 5 Argentina Conia Palutena (SSBU) 1
Uruguay Alberti Pac-Man (SSBU) 3 Paraguay Konkreto Ness (SSBU) 3
Uruguay Psycho Joker (SSBU) 2 Argentina Capu Link (SSBU) 3
Uruguay ZAPO Yoshi (SSBU) 6 Australia Embo Young Link (SSBU) 2
Uruguay RIGONARDO Pokémon Trainer (SSBU) 1 Ecuador Josué Min Min (SSBU) 2
Uruguay Casipeta Lucas (SSBU) 4 Argentina Baki Ken (SSBU) 4
Uruguay Mitsu Sephiroth (SSBU) Peru MeetLeo Wii Fit Trainer (SSBU) 2
Total 21 Total 17

SirSunny vs. SONIKID $100 UYU Money Match[edit]

Winner Character(s) Loser Character(s) Score Amount
Uruguay SurSunny Steve (SSBU) Uruguay SONIKID Sonic (SSBU) 3-2 $100 UYU

External links[edit]