Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Toon Link (SSBU)/Hitboxes

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Move Name Hitbox
Neutral attack 1 Slash ToonLinkJab1SSBU.gif
Neutral attack 2 Counter Slash ToonLinkJab2SSBU.gif
Neutral attack 3 Stab ToonLinkJab3SSBU.gif
Forward tilt Bamboo Splitter ToonLinkFTiltSSBU.gif
Up tilt Half-Moon Slash ToonLinkUTiltSSBU.gif
Down tilt Grass Cutter ToonLinkDTiltSSBU.gif
Dash attack Running Hack ToonLinkDashAttackSSBU.gif
Forward smash Smash Upper ToonLinkFSmashSSBU.gif
Up smash Sky Slash ToonLinkUSmashSSBU.gif
Down smash Front and Back Sword Slice ToonLinkDSmashSSBU.gif
Neutral aerial Two Part Slash ToonLinkNAirSSBU.gif
Forward aerial Slash Up ToonLinkFAirSSBU.gif
Back aerial Backwards Slash Up ToonLinkBAirSSBU.gif
Up aerial Jump Thrust ToonLinkUAirSSBU.gif
Down aerial Sword Plant ToonLinkDAirSSBU.gif
Down aerial landing Sword Plant ToonLinkDAirLandingSSBU.gif
Grab aerial Midair Hookshot ToonLinkZAirSSBU.gif
Neutral special Hero's Bow ToonLinkNSpecialSSBU.png
Side special Boomerang ToonLinkSSpecialSSBU.png
Up special grounded Spin Attack ToonLinkUSpecialGroundedSSBU.gif
Up special aerial Spin Attack ToonLinkUSpecialAerialSSBU.gif
Down special Bomb ToonLinkDSpecialSSBU.png
Down special explosion Bomb ToonLinkDSpecialExplosionSSBU.png
Standing grab Hookshot ToonLinkGrabSSBU.gif
Dash grab Hookshot ToonLinkDashGrabSSBU.gif
Pivot grab Hookshot ToonLinkPivotGrabSSBU.gif
Pummel Grab Hilt Strike ToonLinkPummelSSBU.gif
Forward throw Tackle ToonLinkFThrowSSBU.gif
Back throw Circle Throw ToonLinkBThrowSSBU.gif
Up throw Throw Away Slash ToonLinkUThrowSSBU.gif
Down throw Elbow Strike ToonLinkDThrowSSBU.gif
Getup attack front ToonLinkGetupAttackFrontSSBU.gif
Getup attack back ToonLinkGetupAttackBackSSBU.gif
Getup attack trip ToonLinkTripAttackSSBU.gif
Ledge attack ToonLinkLedgeAttackSSBU.gif