Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Team:Team Calyptus

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Team Calyptus
Team Calyptus.png
Location Essen, Germany Germany
Owners David Tarakanoff (TaDavidID)
Player manager Carlos Leone (Yikarur)
Other games Pokken Tournament DX

Team Calyptus (TC) was an eSports organization located in Essen, Germany. They were most known for hosting tournaments in Germany such as the Calyptus Cup series and DoKomi 2019; the latter is currently the largest German Smash tournament to date. Aside from Smash, Team Calpytus also ran tournaments for Pokken Tournament DX and the current Pokémon games.

On July 13th, 2020, Team Calyptus's esports division disbanded, although the team itself would still be involved in other tournaments such as Smash Contest: DoKomi 2020[1].

Former smashers[edit]

Professional smashers[edit]

!ID Name Game Main(s) Join Date Leave date
Germany Purple~H Fabian Fisler Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Cloud (SSB4)
Wolf (SSBU)
2017-01-23 2020-07-13
Germany Poww Gino D'Ercole Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pokémon Trainer (SSBU) 2019-12-04 2020-07-13

Poww was formerly the Tournament Organizer Assistant before signing as a pro smasher.

Other smashers[edit]

External links[edit]
