Uploads by Espyo

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
11:43, October 7, 2013 SSBB bike duplication example.jpg (file) 91 KB The bike duplication glitch in action. Category:Screenshots (SSBB) Category:Glitches (SSBB)
11:21, October 7, 2013 SSBB bike duplication glitch.gif (file) 801 KB Part of the analysis of the Bike duplication glitch, frame-by-frame. This animation demonstrates Wario being knocked off on the exact frame he'd fall off on his own, thus triggering the glitch. Category:Animated images [[Category:Glitches (SSB...
11:20, October 7, 2013 SSBB bike duplication normal.gif (file) 795 KB Part of the analysis of the Bike duplication glitch, frame-by-frame. This animation demonstrates the frame in which Wario falls off on his own. Category:Animated images Category:Glitches (SSBB)
11:27, July 30, 2013 SSBB Spectator Mode Jackpot 2.png (file) 358 KB A player winning a bet with Bonus Chance, on ''Super Smash Bros. Brawl'''s Spectator Mode, part 2. Category:Screenshots (SSBB)
11:26, July 30, 2013 SSBB Spectator Mode Jackpot 1.png (file) 370 KB A player winning a bet with Bonus Chance, on ''Super Smash Bros. Brawl'''s Spectator Mode, part 1. Category:Screenshots (SSBB)
11:23, July 30, 2013 SSBB Spectator Mode Bonus Chance.png (file) 327 KB A Bonus Chance warning on ''Super Smash Bros. Brawl'''s Spectator Mode. Category:Screenshots (SSBB)
11:17, July 30, 2013 SSBB Spectator Mode PAL.png (file) 562 KB The spectator mode on the PAL version of ''Super Smash Bros. Brawl''. It has a few differences compared to the NTSC version. Category:Screenshots (SSBB)
16:33, April 15, 2013 75 m Egg Roll glitch.png (file) 36 KB A screenshot of a glitch with Egg Roll on 75 m: if Yoshi uses the move on the top, large girder, and goes right, the special effects on the egg will be offset. Category:Screenshots (SSBB) Category:Glitches (SSBB)
17:08, March 26, 2013 Blast through diagram.png (file) 5 KB A diagram explaining the details about the blast through glitch. On the top scenario, the character being knocked back is moving too slow, and as such, the difference between each position in each frame is rather short. It's not enough to cross th...
16:57, March 26, 2013 Blast through Corneria.jpg (file) 93 KB The Blast through glitch in ''Super Smash Bros. Brawl''. Donkey Kong can be seen using his forward smash on Sonic, who is at over 300% damage, and making the latter fly through the Great Fox' fin....
15:52, October 7, 2010 Poke Stadium 2 cat graphic.jpg (file) 54 KB Taken using Brawl's snapshot function, as well as using Unrestricted Camera.