Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Tournament:Bushido Impact

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Bushido Impact
Founded 2006
Region France
Format Single Elimination, Double Elimination
Super Smash Bros. Melee winners France Dou! (9)
France Ashura (Nibaï Impact II Saturday)
France Leon (Nibaï Impact II Sunday)
Super Smash Bros. Brawl winners France Killone (5)
France Leon (6-7)
France Kaos (8, 10, Nibaï Impact II Saturday)
France Glutonny (9, Brawl Impact I-II, Nibaï Impact, Nibaï Impact II)
Most successful player(s) Glutonny (5 wins)
Organizer(s) Achoral

Bushido Impact was a French association hosting video games tournaments around Paris, active from 2006 to 2011. Their events were named the same way, and were called Nibaï when lasting 2 days.

They were known in the French Smash community for being the most attended Brawl tournament events in France. After the Nibaï Impact 2 event, Achoral hosted the Brawl events.

They announced a Melee tournament as well during the 7th event, but due to the lack of players who were attending, it was cancelled. However, they restarted Melee after the Nibaï 2 event, helped by Slhoka.

In 2011, Bushido ceased activity without giving any notice.

Notable association members[edit]

  • Bushido, president
  • Darkslatter, vice-president
  • L22, treasurer, secretary
  • Orochi, technician
  • Leon
  • Renegad, webmaster, now professional Street Fighter player
  • Dry, video recorder/maker, now professional Street Fighter player
  • Abou, now professional tournament host
  • Overgames

While Achoral hosted most of the Brawl and BlazBlue events, he never officialy joined Bushido Impact.


Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. Melee winners Super Smash Bros. Melee[edit]

Bushido Impact[edit]

Date Event Entrants Player Tag Character(s) Runner-up Character(s)
November 15th, 2009 Bushido Impact 9 38 Benoit France Dou! Jigglypuff (SSBM) France Cyr Samus (SSBM)

Bushido Nibaï Impact[edit]

Date Event Entrants Player Tag Character(s) Runner-up Character(s)
August 29th, 2009 Bushido Nibaï Impact II 14 unknown France Ashura Ice Climbers (SSBM) France Leon Roy (SSBM)
August 30th, 2009 13 Nassim Laib France Leon Roy (SSBM) France Slhoka Sheik (SSBM)

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Brawl winners Super Smash Bros. Brawl[edit]

Bushido Impact[edit]

Date Event Entrants Player Tag Character(s) Runner-up Character(s)
May 8th, 2008 Bushido Impact 5 40 unknown France Killone Meta Knight (SSBB) France Blad01 Meta Knight (SSBB)
August 23rd, 2008 Bushido Impact 6 >3 Nassim Laib France Leon Marth (SSBB) France KING Meta Knight (SSBB)
November 11th, 2008 Bushido Impact 7 82 Nassim Laib France Leon Peach (SSBB) France Shugoo Meta Knight (SSBB)Donkey Kong (SSBB)Ness (SSBB)
February 1st, 2009 Bushido Impact 8 105 Anthony G. France Kaos Mr. Game & Watch (SSBB)King Dedede (SSBB)Meta Knight (SSBB) France Glutonny Wario (SSBB)
November 15th, 2009 Bushido Impact 9 117 William Belaid France Glutonny Wario (SSBB) France Kaos Meta Knight (SSBB)
December 20th, 2009 Bushido Impact 10 85 Anthony G. France Kaos Meta Knight (SSBB) France Leon Peach (SSBB)Marth (SSBB)
July 23rd-25th, 2010 Bushido Brawl Impact 140 William Belaid France Glutonny Wario (SSBB) Canada Ally Snake (SSBB)
August 25th-26th, 2012 Bushido Brawl Impact 2 64 William Belaid France Glutonny Wario (SSBB) Germany cyve Diddy Kong (SSBB)

Bushido Nibaï Impact[edit]

Date Event Entrants Player Tag Character(s) Runner-up Character(s)
April 10th-11th, 2009 Bushido Nibaï Impact 83 William Belaid France Glutonny Wario (SSBB) France Kaos Meta Knight (SSBB)
August 29th, 2009 Bushido Nibaï Impact II 81 Anthony G. France Kaos Meta Knight (SSBB) France Leon Peach (SSBB)Marth (SSBB)
August 30th, 2009 33 William Belaid France Glutonny Wario (SSBB) France Kaos Mr. Game & Watch (SSBB)Meta Knight (SSBB)
January 30th-31st, 2010 Nibaï Impact III
February 27th-28th, 2010 Nibaï Impact IV

External links[edit]