Washington Power Rankings/Eastern Washington Power Rankings

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Worst of the worst PSA Announcement

Matthew Scott Staudenraus is the ringleader in charge of the hate group known as "Eastern Washington Smash Brothers". He managed to trick each and every single person on the eastern washington smash brothers facebook group page into spreading their vile hate and prejudice. They attack underage children. They attack mexicans. They attack jewish people. They make fun of people who have went through sexual abuse and child abuse. They also plan targeted killings and drive-by scare tactics on people who pick up the gauntlets and can throw them against the wall like the pieces of shit that they are. They have received alot of negative reviews and many reports to different agency's. Is it okay for these losers and deadbeats to just stand by and watch as people have their lives ruined? Or is it a better idea to give these pieces of shit that are from Encyclopedia Dramatica, Kiwifarms, and 4chan a real fight they won't ever forget? Have a good time reading all of this Matthew Scott Staudenraus. You and your friends over in Eastern Washington deserve life sentences in prison. You tried to ruin many lives and failed. So Its' time that karma bites your deranged barking ass. Have a fun time with all your future employers looking at your google search results too. You are a danger to the world. You are not welcome at any college or university in the country. You even made fun of Bruce Lee on your stupid fake facebook profile. Another reason you are one of the biggest pieces of shit. Thanks for all the material. Goodbye. Good riddance.

Matthew Scott Staudenraus (Fake aliases: Matt Wagner, Kiba, Matthew Wagner, Excalibark) Info on this cyberstalker below.

There are things that Benjamin Marks does not want the public to know about. He does not want you to know he gave alcohol to a minor by the name of Michael Sierra who later puked on his coach at his house. He also doesn't want you to know he goes online drunk while he insults people. He also doesn't want you to know he removes evidence and people who oppose him out of his group. He also doesn't want you to know of the things he has done and uses insults and a "judge, jury, and executioner" kind of way of doing business online. He also doesn't want you to know he has no problem with people linking tabloid smear articles full of libel and slander with no concern to the person being targeted. He also doesn't want you to know he doesn't know how to use the words "Ad hominem" or "Strawman" correctly when he is forming a logical argument. He also doesn't want you to know that he views each member as "money". If he gets 10 dollars off of you that is all you are worth to him. He also doesn't want you to know he is friends with people who conspire with each other to ruin the reputations and lives of others. He also doesn't want you to know the age of kids he hangs around that are usually between 14 and 17 years old which are minors. He also doesn't want you to know that he doesn't obey the law and violates it in secret. He also doesn't want you to know that he looks to have blackmail on people. Those are the things you will need to know about BEFORE you even investigate hate groups like this and the kinds of leaders that lie within them.

The Eastern Washington Power Rankings are a clever cover up for how dangerous this group of losers and racists from Encyclopedia Dramatica truly are. It might be said that there is no such thing as a power ranking list and that these people are just putting up an Artifice for the whole world. Horrendous people that belong in prison and should never see the light of day. Clearly they have never gotten themselves a mental health evaluation. They need help. Please help them. They might just be the next columbine. They need serious counseling because they are probably going to get somebody killed just fun.

Eastern Washington is a Hate Group that plays judge, jury, and executioner on the internet. In a REAL court of law we are all innocent until proven guilty. This group endorses content from Encyclopedia Dramatica that promotes hate crimes, violence, defamation of character, real life stalking and harassment, mob mentality, and all domestic, interstate, and international crimes across the board qualifying as torts, felonies, misdemeanors, infractions, infringements, and violatins of each states jurisdiction. The groups leader is Benjamin Michael Marks. Their activities primarily occur at Black Wolf Gaming and at the Immanuel Church in Spokane, Washington. The players are within the region of eastern washington. Some of them are from Idaho as well.

Conclusions made about Matthew Scott Staudenraus and the rest of his associates are listed below:

The following applies to these people below. Public Enemy Number 1 Spot goes to Matthew Scott Staudenraus who works at Leisure Care Brendan Lee Duffey Benjamin Harmon Howard Benjamin Michael Marks Jess G. Howell Aryan Xerxes Garakani Jacob Whitlock Taylor Albert Wilbert Shane Walter Johns Stephen Powers Casey Lee Mark Ortiz Thomas Matthew Crouse Josh Traeger Anthony Hunter Jantz Garza Nick Harsin Bleu Sidell Zach Brown Tony Dennis Zach Realing Blake Anthony Mcnabb Ashtten Biondolillo Adam Kaczinski Christopher Marino Hardin Dylen Cunningham Maximillian Garcia Noel Franz Kyle Ray Porter Kyle Williams Jonathan Thomas Calum Larkin Colin Morin Carissa Peden Chris Houser Kacey Traver Carter Liam Powers Beggs Chris Lefors Dylan Lockwood David Ortiz Francisco Infante Michael Sierra Chevy Vall Marc Parker Topaz Little Nick Wright Izak Kam Jared Bradley Dane Buckley Kelly Kole Zachary Pyatt Kline Charles Wright Jake Fiechtner Mark Casteel

1. There is an inordinate amount of vituperation contained within the hit pieces listed on Encyclopedia Dramatica and Kiwifarms suggesting the authors and website owners are highly emotional people. 2. There is a tendency to encourage harassment and stalking according to the wording contained with the hit piece and the comments left behind in the threads targeting multiple people on Kiwifarms. 3. Nobody in that group is concerned with due process rights according to the way people seem to agree with the OP. 4. The hit piece suggests that people with red hair are essentially inferior. This archaic and fallacious belief comes from eugenics. Eugenics is an elitist teaching that suggests that certain physical attributes are either superior or inferior according to the opinion leader. Red Hair occurs through a recessive gene that is uncommon. The hit piece suggests that Red Hair makes somebody a "cancer" to society and offers a "final solution" by encouraging people to attack the person nonstop until they commit suicide. 5. A criminal environment like this requires identifying who is "loyal" to the group by identifying "snitches". The group is known to be connected with illegal material and does not remove it. 6. These people appear to have a real interest in causing victimization and pushing people to commit suicide. 7. These people do not know what "friendship" is. The fighting game community is an anti-woman male supremacist antisocial movement. 8. Laws, ethics, integrity, respect, fiduciary, and valor do not matter to these people. 9. Obscenities, pornography, and playground behavior are the norm in this environment. 10. These people are incapable of changing the world around them and only burn bridges once their activities have been put on notice. 11. Actually view themselves as unquestionable authority and anyone who disagrees with them is to be blackmailed or retaliated against. 12. Grandiose sense of self-worth. 13. No interest in victim's rights. 14. Cause problems. Lacks problem-solving adequate to bring social impact. 15. Immediate red-flag across the board. 16. Incapable of pity, remorse or shame. 17. They exist solely to spread hate speech and to cause grief. No real goals. 18. A haven for childish insults, obscenities, and photoshopped images. 19. Incapable of having serious professional dialogue. 20. Say one thing in person and do something else on the internet. 21. They have their own problems with self-esteem, love, belonging, and project a sense of inferiority onto others. 22. Physically and chemically addicted to different controlled substances like Marijuana that can kill brain cells and cause hypertension. Incapable of seeing the negative impacts that drugs have on their bodies. 23. Unoriginal, unfunny, and have no creativity. Known to steal images and rip off in the most belittling ways. 24. Incapable of producing positive outcomes for society. 25. Incapable of having serious professional help. 26. Uses encyclopedia dramatica as a way to retaliate, defame, extort, blackmail, endanger, and as a form of relational abuse towards others. 27. Have more in common with the youtube yahweh clan, neo-nazi skinhead groups, racial separatist movements, and hate groups on the SPLC hate map. 28. Pretend to be concerned people that use words like "mentally ill" as insults, put-downs with the sole purpose of harassment and to encourage a suicide by proxy. 29. Lives in an alternate reality world where insults, childish name calling, and discrimination are acceptable. 30. Sole purpose is to use and abuse people. 31. Severe moral, social, legal, and personal impairment as manifested in judging people and themselves based on fictional video game characters. 32. One-dimensional view of the world and other people around them. 33. Very unoriginal. 34. Leaves people for dead in passive aggressive ways. 35. Hit piece manifesto was designed for cyberstalking, pre-meditated murder, revenge pornography, blackmail, extortion, and endangerment 36. Inability to maintain meaningful relationships with people that aren't based around duplicity and severe manipulation. 37. Unreliable to the point where they would prefer to gossip and spread malicious rumors on social networking. 38. Takes mental shortcuts and prefers to instigate trouble. 39. Absolutely nothing good to contribute to the world. 40. Doesn't take ownership of problems they themselves are the cause of. 41. Can't build a cause-effect relationship between incrimination and responsibility 42. Idea of responsibility is to blame, insult, victimize, and endanger. 43. Plays mind games to make victims feel like they are guilty for confronting them on their manipulative behavior 44. Uses their forum to intimidate, bully, harass, endanger, threaten, and interact with people under false pretenses. 45. Impressions come off as troubled teenagers who got bullied and use social networking websites to inflict hate and harassment on others. 46. Not concerned if North Korea fired off a missle striking the state of Washington. They would most likely target and blame people in the states rather than verifying the source using words like "Autism" in such an unintelligible manner. 47. Parents did a terrible job of raising them. 48. Vocabulary consists of: Jew, Autistic, Lolfag, Furfag, Nigger, Kek, and Lol. Language skills are nonexistent. 49. Does not understand any of the topics they talk about. Have never worked with disabled people or people who have real troubles in their life. Only purpose seems to cause severe emotional distress and defamation. 50. Breaks both domestic and international laws. Behavior violates all freedoms, liberties, and rights across the board. Have more in common with the North Korean regime that believes that making gun posts brandishing a weapon at somebody through a hidden message is remotely acceptable.

External Links

Smoking Gun Archives (Source)