The Flipper is an item in SSBM that can be thrown, originating from the Balloon Fight game. After it travels a certain distance, it stops in mid-air. When hit, it spins either slowly or violently (depending on either the force of contact or the strength of the attack), causing damage from contact with it. These can be placed next to each other to cause an opponent to get stuck between them, or they can be placed at integral parts of the stage, such as ledges or in between walls. This will block your opponent from recovering, or it will not allow them to pass through certain points. The downfalls to this item are that it is easily avoidable and only lasts a few seconds. The best stage to use it in is Big Blue because when you throw it, it flies to the left and knocks everyone in its way off of the stage.
- Smash throwing it gives 11% damage
- Walking into it gives 1% damage