SmashWiki:Cross-Wiki Week

Revision as of 20:30, September 22, 2016 by SuperHamster (talk | contribs) (Event is live!)

The Cross-Wiki Weekend is an event that will take place from September 23 through 25 in which the wikis of NIWA will be encouraging their members to edit wikis that they have rarely or have never edited before, in an attempt to get some fresh ideas.

Go here for rules and other information.

Nintendo Independent Wiki Alliance
ARMS ARMS Institute
Pokémon Bulbapedia
Chibi-Robo! Chibi-Robo Wiki
Dragalia Lost Dragalia Lost Wiki
Fire Emblem Fire Emblem Wiki
F-Zero F-Zero Wiki
Golden Sun Golden Sun Universe
Tetris Hard Drop Tetris Wiki
Kid Icarus Icaruspedia
Splatoon Inkipedia
Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts Wiki
Magical Vacation Kovopedia
Star Fox Lylat Wiki
Metroid Metroid Wiki
Mii MiiWiki
Nintendo NintendoWiki
Animal Crossing Nookipedia
Pikmin Pikipedia
Pikmin Pikmin Fanon
Rhythm Heaven Rhythm Heaven Wiki
The Legendary Starfy Starfy Wiki
Strategy guides StrategyWiki
Super Mario Wiki Super Mario Wiki
Ukikipedia Ukikipedia
Drawn to Life Wapopedia
Nintendo Wars Wars Wiki
EarthBound WikiBound
Kirby WiKirby
Xeno Xeno Series Wiki
The Legend of Zelda Zelda Wiki