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For fighter info, see Lucario (SSBB).
Official artwork of Lucario.
Universe Pokémon
Debut Pokémon Diamond and Pearl (2007)
Smash Bros. appearances Brawl
Console/platform of origin Nintendo DS

Lucario (ルカリオ, Rukario) is a humanoid Pokémon and is based on a member of the canine family like a Jackal. Like a certain few Pokemon he can only be obtained once in Diamond and Pearl, with the exception of breeding.

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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Lucario is confirmed as a secret character. He was actually leaked before the game was released.

On January 21 2007, a promotional video for Super Smash Bros. Brawl on the official Wii website was posted that showed a Groudon sticker being highlighted and the faces of Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer, Lucario, and Jigglypuff to show that the sticker can be used to power-up these four characters in the Subspace Emissary. This is essentially confirmation that Lucario will be a playable character in the game. This video can be viewed here. A link to the official websites page containing information about Lucario's moves in SSBB is here

Lucario is unique in that the more damage he takes, the more damage, range, and knockback his own attacks have. This trait makes him not particularly useful at the beginning of a life, but if he survives at a high damage level, he becomes ridiculously deadly.

his neutral B attack is a charagble ranged blast comparable to samus's charged blast. his side B is a short range blast, or at point blank, a throw. his up B is a non-damaging recovery move, he will move in any direction pressed. his down B is a counter attack, that is, it will harm a character who tries to attack him within a brief time period. This is one of his only attacks that is not affected by the amount of damage he has taken, it always does 15%

He is not particularly fast moving. But he can escape many tight situations. He is slightly faster than average.

Lucario (and Jigglypuff's) Confirmation.

Template:Pokémon Brawl