Forums: Index → Watercooler → Adding in-game sounds to specific articles
The Effect page with it's various sub-pages could use some sound clips of the noises made when attacks of those type connect. Now, this isn't unnecessary or filler in my opinion. This has pretty practical applications. I will attempt to demonstrate with some pretty dumb but hopefully insightful examples:
- *reading Slash* "Oh, Judge #4 is a slash attack? It's a freaking hammer, not a sword. I don't think so..." *listens to hitsound and subconsciously remembers since sounds are directly linked to most effects* "Oh, it is a slash attack, my b."
- "Ok, so Paralyze and Electric are different attacks? They seem really similar, how are they different?" *listens to the obvious difference in sound of the two effects* "They are different, I guess"
- "I forgot what it sounds like when I am hit with this attack... hrmmm..." *simply listens to conveniently placed hitsound of an attack with this effect* "Yeah, that's right!"
In all honesty, it's not like the effect articles are getting visited more than like twice a week by anyone other than contributors. It really doesn't concern anyone much I'm sure. But uploading files needs consensus and solid reasoning so. RobSir zx 23:29, 26 March 2016 (EDT)